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Tsuya 03.04.

2021 5
Phoenix 275 / 275
Isawa Shugenja School 225

3 4 6

4 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
3 4 2
2 2 4 4 ● ● ● ● ●

2 4 4 1




Ashigaru Armor

Katana Wakizashi
9k4 9k4 78
5k2 4k2

F 20 Sage 3 Bitter Betrothal 2
168 56 Benten's Blessing 4 Soft-Hearted 3
black brown Kharmic Tie 1 1 Compulsion 2
Isawa Hisaaki (61) Ishiken-do 6 Phobia 2
Doji Satsumi (deceased)
Daitaro (26), Tojiro (23)

betrothal to Yasuki Takashi (Crab)

Scroll Satchel
Traveling Pack
bag of jade
Badger Clan kanzashi
Ashigaru armor
silk rope (50')
rations (2 days worth)
oil lamp and vial of oil
small hand mirror
incense brazier and incense
pillow book
sleeping herbs
5 0 0

experience record:
Aug 6 2018 (Janka) 4 XP
Aug 7 2018 (Felix) 5 XP and Earth Spell rank 1 or 2 (chose Armor of Earth)
Oct 7 2018 (Felix) 5 XP and 1 Honor, possibility to train to be a magistrate
winter 2018 (Julia) part 1 of "Mirror, Mirror" module, 1/2 XP is 2.5 XP
winter 2018 (Julia) part 2 of "Mirror, Mirror" module, 1/2 XP is 2.5 XP and 2 Glory Points
Unknown date (?) 6 XP, 0.5 Honor, possibly the game with Miri's character at Scorpion embassy
Feb 16 2019 (?) 5 XP, 1 Glory points, 0.5 Honor
Last "City of Masks" (date unknown) (Felix), 5 XP
Jun 22 2019 (Felix) 5 XP, magistrate, 1 spell level 1-2 any or 3 void ("Echoes in the Void" L3
Void)."The Great Death," zombies, shipwreck, Kaneko's sister.
Jun 23 2019 Took Phobia 2 for Taint (2 points instead of one since we regularly run into it as PCs)
Jul 13 2019 (Julia) end of the Mirror Mirror module, half of 9 XP is 5 XP, no glory or honor awards
Oct 18 2019 (Julia) assigned XP for Banned Books module, half of 9 XP is 5 XP, no glory or honor
School Isawa Shugenja School Affinity Void Deficiency
There are no greater masters of the shugenja tradition than those among the Isawa. You gain a Free Raise on all Spell Casting Rolls for spells of the
element which you chose as your Affinity.Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 spells of any one element, 2 spells of any other element, 1 spell of a third
element, and 1 spell of a fourth element.

School Affinity Deficiency

School Affinity Deficiency

Name Commune Level 1 Element Universal Duration Concentration Tags
Area Self Range 20' Raises See Spell Description

This spell can be cast in any element save Void. It allows the caller to speak with one of the local elemental kami, asking it a few questions, which it will answer honestly to the best of its ability. Typically
this spell will invoke the most active and energetic spirit of the chosen element in the area of effect; if all of the local spirits are quiescent. The GM may require the caster call 1 or 2 Raises to wake up a
local spirit enough answer questions. A spirit reached with Commune will answer questions. The caster may Raise to get more questions (one per Raise). The caster may also Raise for clarity, get a more
accurate and informative answer the questions. (Kami are notorious for their inability Tully comprehend human behavior, and asking questions without Raises for clarity can often result in confusing,
enigmatic, or incomplete answers.) Spirits snot forget anything. So theoretically a shugenja can ask a spirit about something that happened decades ago; however, they do not experience time in the same
way as mortals. Straying task about something from long agile usually require Raises in order make the caster's wishes clear the spirit. The nature of the information which spirits can impart varies by
element: Air spirits tend to be playful and easily distracted, conveying information as emotions or as riddles and jokes. Since they are more interested in feelings than in facts, and enjoy playing games
with those speak with them, communing with an Air spirit can sometimes be very frustrating. Earth spirits are straightforward and matter-of-fact, often blunt, but are rather uninterested in the behavior
of mortals, have a poor understanding of human emotion, and tend to be overly focused on obscure details such as the color of a piece of clothing or the weight of a horse. Fire spirits are irritable and
temperamental, and are often angry at being summoned unless they are propitiated with an offering of something burn. On the other hand, if a shugenja can please them they tend to offer the clearest
and most accurate information. Water spirits communicate their knowledge through soundless visual images. This can be very helpful ta shugenja trying investigate a past incident, but since the spirits
cannot convey scent, sound, or emotion, the information they provide can often be incomplete or misleading.

Name Sense Level 1 Element Universal Duration Instantaneous Tags

Area 50' radius from the caster Range Personal Raises Range (+10')
This spell can be cast in any of the four standard elements. It allows the caster sense the presence, quantity, and rough location of elemental spirits (not the evil spirits known as kansen) of that element
within the range of the spell. This is most frequently applied when looking for spirits with which commune (see below), but can also be useful as a crude, basic location device. For example, a caster lost in
the wilderness could cast Sense (Water) in hopes of locating a source of drinking water.

Name Summon Level 1 Element Universal Duration Permanent Tags

Area 1 cubic foot of summoned material Range 30' Raises Range (+10'), Quantity (+1 cubic foot), Composition of material (1-4 Raises)
This spell can be cast in any of the four standard elements. It allows the caster to summon a modest quantity (one cubic foot) of the chosen element. The summoned matter appears (usually in a rough hall
shape) in any open space within the spells range. This cannot place the summoned material inside another physical object or living creature. The summoned element will behave in a normal and mundane
matter - Earth falls the ground, water soaks anything it lands on, air blows away, and fire winks out unless there is something present for it burn. In general it is impossible to use this spell effectively in
combat, although clever shugenja may find a few modest combat uses, such as using Summon Fire to ignite a foe soaked in cooking oil. More commonly, the spells value is in simpler functions, such as
summoning Water while in a desert, or summoning Fire to light a campfire without flint and tinder. Raises may be used with this spell summon a more specific type of the appropriate element, such as
wood or iron with Earth, or tea with Water. The GM should choose how many Raises (generally anywhere from 1 to 4) this requires. However, these Raises cannot be used create rare/precious materials
(such as gold) or spiritually powerful substances (such as jade or crystal).

Name Nature's Touch Level 1 Element Air Duration Special Tags

Area One Creature Range 10' Raises Range (+10')
You are able to use the spirits of the wind to speak to an animal and ensure that it understands what you are saying. This spell works only on natural animals, and will not work with Shadowlands
creatures or creatures from other realms. It does not guarantee that the animal will regard you positively or that it will fulfill requests made of it, but the creature will understand anything you tell it
(within its ability (naturally - political relationships will have no meaning ta horse. no matter how many times you explain them). This spell lasts as long as you maintain your full and undivided attention
on the animal and continue speaking to it.

Name Jurojin's Balm Level 1 Element Earth Duration 1 hour Tags

Area One target Range Touch Raises Duration (+1/2 hour), Targets (+1 per 2 Raises, maximum of 5 total targets)
This spell fills the target's body with the purity and vigor of Earth, driving out poisons and impurities. If the target suffers the effects of any poison or toxin within the duration of the spell, or is already
under the effects of a poison when the spell targets him, he may re-roll any failed Stamina roll to resist the poison, with a bonus of +2k the second roll. (However, if the second roll is also failed, the poison
has full effect.) An interesting side-effect of this spell is that it also cures drunkenness and other such effects, and it is impossible for the target to become intoxicated during the spells duration.

Name Burning Kiss Of Steel Level 1 Element Fire Duration 5 minutes Tags battle
Area One melee weapon in caster's hand Range Touch Raises Duration (+2 minutes)

This spell embraces a weapon with fire, causing it to be larger and more effective. When the spell is cast, a tendril of fire extends from your hands to engulf your weapon. (If you drop or lose the weapon,
the spell effect ends.) This weapon gains a + 1k1 bonus to melee attack rolls. The bonus is +2k2 when making attacks against mounted opponents or opponents of larger than human size.
Name Legacy of Kaze-no-Kami Level 1 Element Air Duration Special Tags craft
Area One known individual within range Range School Rank x 10 miles Raises Area (+1 individual), Range (+10 miles)

You are able call upon the spirits of the wind to take form as a bird and carry a message for you. The bird that is created by this spell appears perfectly normal in all regards, but if it takes any damage it
dissipates into wind immediately, ending the spell. Upon creating the bird, you may speak tit, giving it a spoken message of up tone minute in length. The bird will then fly away to deliver the message
the person (or persons) specified when the spell is cast. The bird will fly to their location, deliver the message via a whisper (it can be overheard by others, but not easily), and then disappear. If the bird is
unable to reach the individual, but they are within range (if they are within a building with no windows, for instance will remain outside waiting for up tone week before disappearing). If the person
specified by the spell is not within range, the bird will fly away in a random direction and disappear when it is out of your line of sight.

Name Boundless Sight Level 1 Element Void Duration 4 rounds Tags

Area Self Range 50 miles Raises Duration (+1 round), Range (+5 miles)
The most essential lesson of the ishiken is that all is linked through the Void, and through the Void all can be perceived. By focusing your energy, you can look through the veil and see another location
as if you were standing there. This location must be familiar to you, and you must have been there at least once before. For the duration of the spell, you can see and hear all that transpires in the other
location, but you may not be detected and you may not interact with things or individuals there in any way. During this spell, your body is in a trance-like state that leaves you highly vulnerable to attack
(your Armor TN is reduced to 5).

Name Sense Void Level 1 Element Void Duration Concentration Tags

Area 25' radius around the caster Range Personal Raises Area (+5' radius)
Life is evident in the Void like the stars in the night sky. This spell causes you to enter a trance during which you become aware of the existence and location of all living creatures within the radius of the
spell. Although you are aware of their location, you cannot see them or any details. You would know if there were the three humans waiting outside the castle wall, for instance, but you would not
recognize them other than to know that they were present. This also gives you information regarding non-sentient, natural living creatures. Spirits and Shadowlands creatures are recognizable as a gap in
your awareness, although this spell cannot recognize Tainted humans as anything other than humans.

Name Witness The Untold Level 1 Element Void Duration 3 rounds Tags divination
Area One target individual Range 15' Raises Range (+5')
It is possible to gain fleeting glimpses of things that have not yet happened by peering through the Void. If you are delaying your action, you may interrupt the target of the spell after he has declared his
action but before he has taken his action when his turn comes up. This may be done during each Round for the duration of the spell. (Normally someone delaying their Action cannot interrupt the Action
of another participant.)

Name Moment Of Clarity Level 3 Element Void Duration 2 rounds Tags

Area Self Range Personal Raises Duration (+1 round)
The entirety of human achievement is reflected in the Void. You may select any one Skill. You gain temporary ranks in this Skill equal to your Void Ring. If you already possess ranks in this Skill, the
new level of Skill replaces your old one; the two are not cumulative.

Name Call Upon the Wind Level 2 Element Air Duration 1 minute Tags travel
Area Target individual (may be the caster) Range Personal or 20' Raises Duration (+1 minute), Range (+5')

The winds can lift and buoy, carrying even the heaviest burden into the skies for short periods. The target of this spell gains a limited form of flight, allowing him to move through the air unimpeded.
The target of the spell may make Free Move Actions, but not Simple Move Actions, and may never move more than 10' per round. Heavy winds can interfere with this movement or prevent it altogether.
At the end of the spells duration, the target drifts harmlessly the ground, no matter how high he might be.
Name Tail Of The Fire Dragon Level 2 Element Fire Duration 4 rounds Tags
Area Self Range Personal Raises Duration (+1 round)

This spell invokes several Fire kami to form a whip-like tendril that extends from the caster's hand. The tendril of flame will not burn you, since the kami are grateful for the opportunity to burn others at
your command. You may use this tendril to strike enemies as far as 30' away, extending it out and back with blinding speed. Your attack roll with the tendril is equal to your Agility + (twice your School
Rank), keeping your Agility. The tendril has a DR equal to your Fire Ring.

Name Read The Essence Level 3 Element Void Instantaneous (but see spell description)
Duration Tags divination
Area One target object Range Personal Raises None
Even objects have resonance, and retain some memory of those who hold them, and events that take place involving them. By meditating upon an object, you can gain a vision of the individual who held
it last, or of a major event that might have involved it in some manner. Using this spell on a calligraphy brush, for example, might show the last person who used it to write a letter. Using it on a weapon
might instead show the last death it was used to inflict. The GM has ultimate authority over what vision the spell imparts. Extremely important objects, such as ancestral weapons or standards, may have
powerful visions that grip the caster for longer periods of time, rather than imparting simple instantaneous visions.

Name Path To Inner Peace Level 1 Element Water Duration Instantaneous Tags
Area One target individual Range Touch Raises None
The water kami can influence the flow of water through the body, dramatically hastening the natural healing process. You can use this spell to heal Wounds that another individual has suffered. This
spell restores a number of Wounds to the target equal to the amount by which the Spell Casting Roll exceeded the spells TN to cast.

Name Shining Light Level 3 Element Fire Duration 10 rounds Tags defense
Area One target armor Range 30' Raises Damage (+1k0 per two Raises), Duration (+2 Rounds)
Another example of spells which can imbue Fire kami into items, this spell temporarily binds a Fire kami into a piece of armor (such as a helmet or chest plate). The armor emits a bright light that
becomes blinding whenever the wearer is attacked. Any time the armor's wearer is attacked in melee, immediately afterward the opponent takes 2k2 Wounds and is Blinded until the Reactions Stage of
the same Round. The spell has no effect on ranged attacks.

Name Fill With Emptiness Level 4 Element Void Duration Instantaneous Tags
Area One target individual Range Touch Raises Range (may be increased to 10' with three Raises)
Strengthening an individual's connection to the Void can replenish their reserves of inner energy. The target of this spell regains all lost Void Points, up to their normal maximum number.

Name Balance Of Elements Level 4 Element Void 5 rounds / 5 minutes (see spell description)
Duration Tags
Area One target individual (may be the caster) Range Touch Raises Duration (+1 round / +1 minute, see spell description), Special (+1k1 Wounds per two Raises)

Flaws in the great pattern of the Void can be overcome, no matter how severe. You may negate all Disadvantages of the target for the duration of the spell. Negative effects inflicted from spells (such as
TN penalties, Armor TN reduction, or Trait/Ring reduction) are negated as well, as long as the Mastery Level of the spell causing the penalty is 3 or less. If used during the taxing environment of
combat, the duration of this spell is extremely limited (5 rounds). In non-combat situations, however, the effects of the spell can last significantly longer (5 minutes). This temporary replenishing of the
target's pattern also heals 3k3 Wounds.
Name Essence of Void Level 4 Element Void Duration concentration Tags
Area one target creature Range 50’ Raises Range (+10’ per Raise), Special (+1k0 to Contested Roll per Raise)

Name Divide The Soul Level 5 Element Void Duration 1 minute Tags
Area Self Range Personal Raises Duration (+1 minute)
The true mysteries of the Void are beyond the comprehension of non-ishiken. Using this spell, you may divide your soul across the Void, and exist in who places in the mortal realm simultaneously. The
second "you" appears anywhere you might wish within your sight when you cast the spell. You have full knowledge of all that happens in both locations, and may take any normal actions in either place
(both manifestations may take actions simultaneously as if they were two separate individuals). Only one manifestation may make a Spell Casting Roll per round. Any Wounds suffered by either
manifestation are combined when the spell ends, and if either of your selves dies, both die.

Name Call The Spirit Level 4 Element Air Duration 5 minutes Tags
Area Target spirit Range Special Raises Duration (+1 minute)
Essentially an extremely powerful specific form of the basic spell Summon. Call the Spirit allows a shugenja summon any particular spirit, regardless of its realm, to have a discussion. You may use this
spell to summon any spirit from any of the spirit realms, although realm denizens that are not spirits (such as Fortunes) are immune. If you know something specific about the spirit, either having seen it
before or having intimate knowledge of its actions (for example, "the spirit that killed my father"), you may summon that spirit in particular. The nature of the spell prevents the spirit from attacking you
unless you attack first, but it will not necessarily be friendly. The spirit disappears as soon as the spells duration expires. This spell can potentially summon extremely dangerous creatures, such as oni, and
should be used with caution.

Name Symbol Of Air Level 4 Element Air Duration Permanent Tags wards
Area Special Range Touch Raises None
Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempts to pass them. A Symbol of Air must be inscribed on a solid object, most often a
door, window, gate, or other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass by the area protected by the Symbol is affected by the protective ward. Such persons must
succeed at a Contested Roll using their Earth against the caster's Air. Those who fail are affected by a powerful drowsiness, and must succeed at a Willpower Roll against the total of the Spell Casting
Roll used create the ward or fall into a deep sleep for one hour. Those affected by the spell cannot be woken by normal means, but will awaken instantly if subjected to any attack or form of harm, as the
kami will not be party to such humorless tricks. You may only have one Symbol of Air in existence at any time, and Symbol spells of different elements may never affect the same area. This spell may be
dispelled by another casting of Symbol of Air from any shugenja, or by destroying the surface where the Symbol was etched.

Name Armor Of Earth Level 1 Element Earth Duration 10 rounds Tags battle, defense
Area Self Range Personal Raises Duration (+2 rounds)
Updated on "The Great Clans", page 230.

This spell infuses the caster's body with the strength of Earth, weakening the force of any physical or magical attack which strikes him. For the duration of the spell, you gain Reduction in an amount
equal to your Earth Ring + School Rank. However, this infusion of Earth slows your movements. Your Water is considered 1 Rank lower for purposes of movement while you are under the effects of this

Name Echoes In The Void Level 3 Element Void Duration Concentration Tags
Area One target individual Range 25' Raises Range (+5')

Thoughts are as whispers in the Void, if one knows how to listen. As long as this spell is in effect and you maintain concentration on one target within the area of effect, you can hear what that person is
thinking. How this manifests may vary depending upon the individual. Stalwart warriors may have short, curt statements summarizing their thoughts, while artisans may think in terms of poetry.
Name False Whispers Level 2 Element Void Duration 1 minute Tags
Area One target individual Range 30' Raises None

Mingling the Void of two beings, even for just a moment, can lead to one of the two being manipulated if he is not prepared for it. The target of this spell will repeat the next sentence you say, verbatim,
without any foreknowledge of what he is doing. They speak the words in their own normal voice, regardless of how you speak it. This effect will not allow others to cast spells, even if you have them
recite a portion of a spell. This spell only allows the effect once, the first time you speak a single sentence during the duration of the spell.

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises
Skill Name Rank Trait Roll Emphases

✘ Courtier 5 Awareness 9k4

✘ Spellcraft 5 Intelligence 9k4

✘ Lore (Shadowlands) 4 Intelligence 8k4

✘ Medicine 4 Intelligence 8k4

✘ Calligraphy 3 Intelligence 7k4 Cipher

✘ Meditation 3 Void 7k4

✘ Lore (Theology) 2 Intelligence 6k4

Investigation 6 Perception 8k2

Kenjutsu 5 Agility 9k4

Etiquette 3 Awareness 7k4

Perform (Samisen) 3 Agility 7k4

Sincerity 3 Awareness 7k4

Perform (Dance) 2 Agility 6k4

Horsemanship 1 Agility 5k4

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