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Andrew Cheng

A life in codes and games

2007, Oct
Andrew and his brother Matthew
borned in China Guangzhuo.

Andrew started to play Plants vs.

2017, Oct
On Andrew's 10 years old birthday, his
favourite video game was from Plants
vs. Zombies into Minecraft.
Andrew's achievement:
Built a apartment in survival mode in 2018, Oct
On Andrew's 11 years old birthday, his

family migrant from China to Canada.

Built a 1000 blocks long bridge in
survival mode in Minecraft.

2019, Sep
Coded a 2D shot zombies game with Andrew started to code in Scratch and
Matthew in Scratch. coded many small projects like two

player ping pong ball game.
Learned how to code 2D large map
game, 3D game, and multiple-player
game. 2021, May
Andrew started to code a multiple-
player shot game in Scratch, and he
hadn't finish it yet.

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