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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia

Natalie O’shea a,b, E. Arthur Bettis III c, Yahdi Zaim d, Yan Rizal d, Aswan Aswan d, Gregg F. Gunnell e,
John-Paul Zonneveld f, Russell L. Ciochon g,⇑
Department of Anthropology, Graduate Center at the City University of New York, New York, NY 10016, USA
New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology (NYCEP), New York, NY 10024, USA
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
Department of Geology, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, Java 40132, Indonesia
Division of Fossil Primates, Duke University Lemur Center, Durham, NC 27705, USA
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T2L 2A7, Canada
Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A stratified paleosol sequence exposed in an open pit mine in central Sumatra provides a record of the
Received 30 October 2014 paleoenvironmental conditions in the lower reaches of a large river system in the late Paleogene (latest
Received in revised form 17 June 2015 Eocene or Oligocene). Morphological, geochemical, and stable isotope data suggest that the sequence
Accepted 25 June 2015
represents a mosaic of local environmental conditions changing from estuarine to riverine up section.
Available online xxxx
Weakly expressed soils formed on low-lying estuary surfaces, while more well expressed soils formed
on higher, better drained surfaces. Peatlands (coal) with clayey subsoils were along the estuary margins.
Well-expressed soils with evidence of clay translocation and chemical weathering become more common
Sawahlunto Formation
higher in the section where alluvial deposits associated with a meandering river are dominant. Stable car-
Paleoenvironment bon isotope ratios support a paleolandscape dominated by C3 plants with input by C4 vegetation limited
Geochemistry to a few intervals. Finally, whole-rock geochemistry suggests moderate chemical weathering consistent
Stable carbon isotopes with a tropical locality. This multi-proxy paleoenvironmental reconstruction suggests a highly productive
Pedotypes lowland forest environment at this locality in the late Paleogene and provides the first direct examination
of the terrestrial environment in Sumatra at this time. The limited fossil record in Island Southeast Asia
during this time period is likely a result of poor bone and shell preservation in tropical forest environ-
ments combined with a general lack of systematic prospecting. However, our continuing work in this area
has produced a relatively diverse assemblage of fossil vertebrates, now including fishes, amphibians,
turtles, crocodiles, and mammals, as well as a growing diversity of fossil plants.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction water closure of the Indonesian Throughflow at the beginning of

the Neogene (between 25 Ma and 22 Ma) would have had an effect
The late Paleogene is a critical time period for the distribution of on rainfall, winds, atmospheric pressure, sea level, and tempera-
terrestrial vertebrates across Southeastern Asia as new landmasses tures, both in the Australia–Asia–Pacific region and globally, and
emerged as the Indian and Australian plates collided with Asia may have directly influenced plant and animal distributions
(Hall, 2009). One consequence of this dynamic tectonic setting (Hall, 2009). These concurrent global and regional climate fluctua-
was dramatic changes in topography and relative sea level that sig- tions likely influenced habitat availability and thus affected faunal
nificantly changed the distribution of land and sea across the east- radiations into what is today one of the most biodiverse regions on
ern margin of the Sunda subcontinent (Fig. 1). Furthermore, Earth.
changes in ocean temperature and salinity caused by the deep The geographic changes that this region has undergone over the
past 50 million years have led to the patterning of higher taxa due
to ancient vicariance events (Lohman et al., 2011). In particular, the
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Anthropology, Macbride Hall 114,
environment of Sumatra during this time period may have affected
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1322, USA.
E-mail addresses: (N. O’shea), art-bettis@uiowa.
mammalian diversity throughout the late Paleogene and early
edu (E. Arthur Bettis III), (Y. Zaim), (Y. Rizal), Neogene (Hall, 2009). Central Sumatra was one of a few emergent (A. Aswan), (G.F. Gunnell), zonnevel@ parts of the Sunda Continent from the early Eocene through the (J.-P. Zonneveld), (R.L. Ciochon).
1367-9120/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
2 N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Shallow Sea
Deep Sea

Fig. 1. Paleogeographic map of Island Southeast Asia. Map showing reconstructed submerged and elevated land surfaces in Sunda during the late Oligocene (reproduced with
permission from Hall, 2009). Western Sumatra remained emergent during the late Oligocene (approximate study area marked with a black star).

early Miocene, making it an important location for investigating 60-km long, trends NW–SE and roughly parallels the Sumatran
the distribution, evolution, and paleoecology of terrestrial Fault System. The Sitangkai and Silungkang faults define the north-
vertebrates that existed in Island Southeast Asia during this time ern and southern boundaries of the basin, respectively (Koning,
(Zonneveld et al., 2011). The complex geologic history of this 1985; Situmorang et al., 1991). The Sumatran Fault System
region and its already well-documented evidence for complex pat- resulted from the oblique subduction of the Indo-Australian plate
terns of biodiversity make Sumatra a good test bed for examining under the Eurasian plate (Situmorang et al., 1991). Tensional tec-
how the interplay of land availability and environmental changes tonics that resulted from the strike-slip movement of this collision
may have affected faunal diversity in Island Southeast Asia. produced the graben-like, pull-apart structure of the Ombilin Basin
Paleosols, positioned at the contact of the atmosphere and (Koning, 1985; Fatimah and Ward, 2009). The present study area is
lithosphere, are a direct, but complex, terrestrial record of the pale- located within the Talawi syncline or Talawi Sub-basin in the
oenvironmental and paleoclimatic conditions under which they northwestern section of the Ombilin Basin (Howells, 1997).
formed. This makes paleosol-based proxies a powerful tool for
reconstructing past environments (Sheldon and Tabor, 2009). In 2.2. Stratigraphic setting
this study paleosol morphology, stable carbon isotope composition
of bulk paleosol organic matter (POM), and bulk geochemistry pro- Despite the basin’s small size it contains a relatively large
vide multiple lines of evidence to help reconstruct the environ- amount of Cenozoic fill (4600 m; Koning, 1985). The basin’s
ment of the late Paleogene in western Sumatra. This research is Cenozoic fill overlies pre-Cenozoic basement rocks and includes
the first examination of the Sumatran paleoenvironment from this in ascending order; the Brani Formation, the Sangkarewang
largely unknown time period. These reconstructions provide criti- Formation, the Sawahlunto Formation, the Sawahtambang
cal baseline information about the paleoenvironment for assessing Formation, and the Ombilin Formation (Fatimah and Ward, 2009;
the development of biodiversity in Island Southeast Asia. Koesoemadinata and Matasak, 1981; Whateley and Jordan, 1989).
This study focuses on a small part of the late Paleogene
Sawahlunto Formation. The oldest sediment in the Ombilin Basin,
2. Geological setting the Brani Formation, represents Eocene marginal fan deposition
and consists of a sequence of breccias and polymictic pebble to
2.1. Structural setting cobble conglomerate in a muddy to sandy matrix that interfinger
laterally and basinward with the Sangkarewang Formation
The paleosol sequences described in this paper occur within the (Fatimah and Ward, 2009; Whateley and Jordan, 1989). The
Ombilin Basin, an intermontane sedimentary and structural basin Sangkarewang Formation is composed of dark bluish gray to black
located in the Barisan Mountain Range, West Sumatra (Fig. 2). laminated shale that is commonly intercalated with greenish-gray
The exposed segment of the basin is about 25-km wide and feldspathic turbidite sandstone. These shale successions,

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

100° 45’ E Recent Volcanics

Ombilin Fm.

- Neogene
Sawahtambang Fm.

Sawahlunto Fm.

Sangkarewang Fm.



0° 30’ S Granite

0 kms 10

101° E


Aceh Sawahlunto

0° 45’ S


Fig. 2. Geological map of Ombilin Basin, Sumatra. Present study area is illustrated by the star (reproduced with permission from Zonneveld et al., 2012).

interpreted as freshwater lacustrine, are overlain by latest Eocene fill shifted to more weathered, kaolinite-rich sediments sourced
to early Miocene fluvial sediments of the Sawahlunto and from intrabasinal lacustrine and alluvial deposits.
Sawahtambang formations. The Sawahlunto Formation is
composed of coal, shale, siltstone, and quartz-rich sandstone that 3. Materials and methods
occur primarily as migrating point bar channel fills (Fatimah and
Ward, 2009). The Sawahtambang Formation overlies the This study focuses on two Sawahlunto Formation stratigraphic
Sawahlunto and is interpreted as a braided river deposit primarily sections associated with the Nusa Alam Lestari (NAL) coal mine
consisting of cross-bedded quartz sandstone and conglomerate west of Kandi, in west central Sumatra. The exposures reveal a
(Koesoemadinata and Matasak, 1981). The coarse-grained sand- sequence of 24 paleosols formed in an aggrading alluvial sequence
stone of the Sawahtambang Formation is in turn overlain uncon- in the lower reaches of a large river system during the late
formably by the Ombilin Formation which caps off the basin and Paleogene. We sampled and described the 165 m thick strati-
consists of dark gray marine shale that contains limestone lenses graphic sequence of alluvial deposits in June and July, 2009.
with coral debris, shells, and plant remains (Whateley and Additional samples were taken from a nearby exposure that
Jordan, 1989). The overall basin fill records a progressive upward contained 8 paleosols associated with bird tracks and other trace
decrease in non-kaolinite clay minerals, relative to kaolinite, and fossils discussed in Zonneveld et al. (2011, 2012) and Zaim et al.
an upward decrease in feldspar abundance (Fatimah and Ward, (2011, 2014).
2009). These trends reflect changing sediment sources for the basin Exposures were described, measured, sampled, and pho-
fill; less-weathered, more feldspar rich montane sources dominate tographed. Standard procedures and terminology were employed
the early basin fill. As erosion of the highlands progressed the basin to describe paleosol profiles (Soil Survey Staff, 1993). Paleosol

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
4 N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

samples were described according to soil horizon and thickness to (Fig. 4). The KBT section also contains several facies and eight
provide visual descriptions of the samples before processing. paleosols. The lower 13 m of this section records channel sands
Morphological characteristics recorded include texture, soil struc- sandwiched between finer-grained estuarine sediments with pale-
ture, matrix color, redoximorphic features, slickensides, reaction osols formed in upward-fining sequences. These are overlain by
to dilute HCl, rooting, and burrowing. Based on the above field silty and fine sand estuarine deposits altered by thin and weakly
observations the paleosols were classified according to the system expressed paleosols from about 13 to about 20 m.
of Mack et al. (1993). Bulk samples were collected by soil horizon
for soil stable carbon isotope and major element analysis. 4.2. Paleosol morphology
To ensure complete sample homogenization all bulk samples
were dried and ground to powder. Subsamples were analyzed for Former land surfaces are represented by the paleosols present
carbon and nitrogen concentrations and their respective stable in the Sawahlunto Formation exposed in the NAL and KBT sections.
isotope ratios in the Stable Isotope Lab at Iowa State University The occurrence of roots, peds, and soil horizonization is indicative
using a Finnigan MAT Delta PlusXL mass spectrometer in continu- of the pedogenic alteration of these alluvial and estuarine sedi-
ous flow mode connected to a Costech Elemental Analyzer. ments. Details of the paleosols’ morphologic properties are listed
Reference standards (caffeine [IAEA-600], cellulose [IAEA-CH-3], in the Supplementary Information Tables S1 and S2.
and acetanilide [laboratory standard]) were used for isotopic Determining the amount of compaction a paleosol has under-
corrections, and to assign the data to the appropriate isotopic gone is important for understanding diagenetic transformations
scale. Corrections were applied using a regression method. that may have altered properties post-burial. Burial depths of sed-
The combined uncertainty (analytical uncertainty and average iments in the Ombilin Basin do not exceed 2200 m (Moss and
correction factor) for d13C is 0.06‰ (VPDB) and d15N is 0.06‰ Carter, 1996). This overburden was minimal and ichnofossils asso-
(Air), respectively. The uncertainty for percent carbon and percent ciated with the KBT section show no evidence of compaction
nitrogen is ±1%. (Zonneveld et al., 2011, 2012). Furthermore, applying the decom-
Major element analyses were performed at the University of paction method of Sheldon and Retallack (2001) to these paleosols
Iowa. All samples were prepared for inductively coupled plasma yielded very low compaction estimates (Supplementary
optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) analysis under clean Information Table S3). This method utilizes modern soil taxonomy
room conditions in the Department of Earth and Environmental classifications that require certain assumptions to be made regard-
Sciences Clean Laboratory, equipped with laminar flow hoods ing soil type constants. To account for this ambiguity, the soil com-
and an Analab closed environment evaporation system that paction was calculated for all soil types at this depth using the
ensures filtered, temperature controlled, and excess-pressure air. constants provided in Table 1 of Sheldon and Retallack (2001).
Sample dissolution prior to ICP-OES analysis was performed Most soil types (alfisols, aridisols, entisols, inceptisols, mollisols,
according to the Thompson (2011) flux fusion method. oxisols, ultisols, and vertisols) yielded compaction estimates of
Dissoluted samples were then run using the Varian 720-ES greater than 0.95, indicating that the present paleosols retain more
ICP-OES instrument in the Department of Chemistry to produce than 95% of their original thickness. The only exceptions were spo-
major element concentrations. Individual paleosol samples were dosols (C = 0.91), andosols (C = 0.84), and histosols (C = 0.91).
run as a batch along with reagent samples for procedural integrity. However, there is no evidence to suggest that andosols and spo-
dosols were present in this paleolandscape and the amount of
compaction exhibited by the histosols is consistent with the coal
4. Results seams throughout the Sahwalunto Formation. Overall, the pale-
osols are not thought to have been deeply buried or subjected to
4.1. Stratigraphy and sedimentation temperatures high enough to produce any significant diagenic
effects related to compaction or heating. Furthermore, our burial
The NAL mine section exposes several alluvial facies in strati- depth estimate is conservative as it is based on deposits strati-
graphic succession (Fig. 3). The lowest 40 m of the section consists graphically lower than the Sawahlunto within the Ombilin Basin.
of siltstone, mudstone and coal. Trace fossil associations and phys- Diagenesis can also result from fluid flow in sedimentary basins
ical sedimentary structures (inclined heterolithic stratification, (Crossey et al., 1996). Because silicate minerals like those filing the
reactivation surfaces, bidirectional current ripples, and ripples Omblin basin have low solubility and temperature gradients, very
with clear mud drapes) indicate tidal influences and marginal mar- large pore water fluxes are required to dissolve, transport, and pre-
ine deposition in this part of the study interval. These beds are cipitate significant quantities of these minerals (Bjørlykke, 1994).
commonly penetrated by roots and generally exhibit weak In addition, the relatively thin, porous sandstone units in the
post-depositional pedogenic alteration. Sawalunto Formation are not conducive to transport of large quan-
Channel sandstone units less than 3 m in thickness appear in tities of fluids. The lack of evidence for cementation or kaolinite
the section from 44 to 69 m, and alternate with siltstone, mud- coatings in areas of the succession that could serve to transport
stone and coal, representing a series of rapidly evolving microenvi- significant volumes of fluids (sandstones and fractures) in the
ronments that signal a diminution of marine influences and a exposed succession argues against significant diagenesis induced
prevalence of meandering fluvial channels and associated low by fluid flow (Bjørlykke, 1994).
energy floodplain environments. Between 69 and 135 m relatively
thick channel sandstone beds, some with basal conglomerates, 4.2.1. NAL pedotypes
record the presence of a meandering river channel belt. Siltstone The paleosols are grouped into distinct kinds, or pedotypes, dis-
and mudstone intervals in this part of the section represent rela- tinguished from other pedotypes by an assemblage of key pedo-
tively small channel-proximal flood basins. From 135 m to the logic features (see following descriptions and Supplemental
top of the section, channel sandstone lenses become less frequent Information Table S1). Upper case letters in the pedotype name
and thinner, while mudstones and siltstone units representing indicate the locality from which the pedotype was defined
flood basin and natural levee environments become dominant. (NAL = NAL mine, KBT = Kandi). Table 1 lists the pedotypes present
The Kandi bird track locality (KBT), described in detail else- in the NAL section. The NAL-1 pedotype is classified as a protosol
where (Zaim et al., 2011; Zonneveld et al., 2011, 2012) is likely characterized by weak soil morphology, and formed under
equivalent to the 45–69 m interval in the NAL mine section well-drained conditions. The NAL-2 pedotype is also classified as

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

Carbon isotope
Distance ratio
Carbon isotope from River
Distance Interpreted (δ13C ‰)
ratio Environment Near - Far -28 -24 -20 -16
Paleosol (Pedotype) Interpreted from River (δ13C ‰)
Environment P24
Near - Far -28 -24 -20 -16 Terrace
channel P23 (4)
flood basin
P22 (3)

P21 (3)
70 channel
P12 (1)
P20 (4)
natural levee
wet flood
basin with

P11 (2) 140
flood basin
channel P19 (2) flood basin
C7 wetland
P10 (5)
C6 natural levee
P9 (2)
C5 wetland
P8 (2) natural levee


C3,4 wetland
P7 (2)
flood basin (1)
P6 (1) P18 (3)
P5 (5)
P17 (3)
natural levee

30 P16 (3)
flood basin
C2 wetland P15 (4)

P4 (1)
P3 (2)
flood basin

20 channel

P14 (4)
C1 flood basin
P13 (1)

10 channel
flood basin
P2 (6)

flood basin
P1 (6)


-coal horizon -siltstone to silty sandstone -cross-stratified sandstone

-coaly siltstone -intraclastic sandstone -rooted horizon

-silty shale and siltstone -sandstone, massive to laminated

Fig. 3. Nusa Alam Lestari (NAL) coal mine section stratigraphy showing paleosols and their assigned pedotypes with associated landform interpretations, relative distance
from river, and carbon isotope ratios. This section records the change from estuarine environments in the lower half of the section to riverine environments in the upper part
of the section. Pedotype abbreviations: 1 – NAL-1, 2 – NAL-2, 3 – NAL-3, 4 – NAL-4, 5 – NAL-5. Refer to Table 1 for pedotype orders.

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
6 N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Kandi bird track (KBT) stratigraphic section showing paleosols and their assigned pedotype with associated landform interpretations, relative distance from open
water and carbon isotope ratios. Note relatively heavy d13C values of paleosol SOM in the lower part of the section (paleosols B1 and B2) and the extremely heavy value
associated with the upper part of paleosol B4. Refer to Table 2 for pedotype orders.

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

Table 1 The KBT-2 pedotype is weakly expressed but has a cambic horizon
Diagnostic features and classification of pedotypes from the NAL open pit mine. (Bw) and is also assigned to the protosol order. The presence of a
NAL pedotypes gleyed, B horizon with evidence of clay translocation (Btg) sup-
Pedotype Diagnostic features Order Paleosols ports the assignment of the KBT-3 pedotype to the gleyed argillisol
order. The KBT-4 pedotype is an organic-rich claystone profile with
NAL-6 Organic horizon (O), poorly-drained, Histosol P1, P2, coal
presence of peats
dark red mottles. It is assigned to the order carbonaceous protosol
NAL-5 Presence of slickenslides, Vertisol P18, P10, P5 but could also represent a paleo-mollisol. The KBT-5 pedotype has
redoximorphic features (mottling) well-expressed horizonation and is classified as a vertic, albic argil-
NAL-4 Gleyed horizon (Bwg), poorly- Gleysol P23, P20, lisol due to the presence of slickenslides, a thick E horizon, and a B
drained P15, 14
horizon with evidence of clay translocation (Bt). The KBT section
NAL-3 Gleyed, argillic horizon (Btg), Gleyed P22, P21,
poorly-drained argillisol P17, P16 paleosol assemblage is generally more well developed than the
NAL-2 Cambic horizon (Bw), Protosol P19, P11, P9, paleosols in the stratigraphically equivalent interval in the NAL
redoximorphic features (i.e., P8, P7, P3 mine located about 1 km away. Most likely this represents
landscape-scale variation in soil development with the KBT locality
NAL-1 Cambic horizon (Bw), well-drained Protosol P13, P12, P6,
representing a slightly higher, more well drained part of the
paleolandscape with a slightly lower sedimentation rate.

4.3. POM stable carbon isotope record

a protosol, but redoximorphic features, such as mottling, suggest
that this pedotype formed in areas that were subject to seasonal
The d13C profiles of POM in both the NAL and KBT sections are
saturation. The presence of a gleyed, argillic horizon (Btg) charac-
presented in Figs. 3 and 4, and the results of individual analyses
terizes the NAL-3 pedotype which is classified as a gleyed argillisol.
are listed in the Supplementary Information Table S4. The NAL
The gleyed colors and redoximorphic features indicate that these
d13C values are generally in the 24–20‰ range throughout the
soils were generally poorly-drained during their formation, but
sequence suggesting that the paleolandscape was dominated by
the presence of clay coatings on ped surfaces indicates that the
C3 vegetation. However, some samples from P20 (gleysol), and
water table was occasionally low enough to permit downward flow
P17 (gleyed argillisol) exhibit heavier d13C values ( 14.5‰ and
of gravitational water and translocation of colloidal material. The
18.2‰ respectively) that indicate significant input from C4 vege-
NAL-4 pedotype is classified as a gleysol, and is characterized by
tation. Finally, two samples bracketing the channel-dominated
a gleyed B horizon (Bwg), indicating formation in poorly-drained
interval from about 68 to 102 m exhibit very heavy d13C values;
conditions. The NAL-5 pedotype is a vertisol. This pedotype exhi-
greater than 10‰. These d13C values, associated with P13 (proto-
bits slickenslides and redoximorphic features suggesting an
sol – 8.6‰) and P12 (protosol – 9.5‰) are extremely heavy for a
extended dry season, desiccation-induced soil cracking and a fluc-
terrestrial sequence and may indicate a marine influence.
tuating water table. Finally, the NAL-6 pedotype, classified as a his-
With the exception of B3 (carbonaceous protosol), paleosols in
tosol, is characterized by the presence of an organic horizon (O)
the lower half of the KBT section [B1 (vertic, albic argillisol), B2
and/or peat (coal), indicating formation in ever-wet conditions
(gleyed argillisol), B4 (protosol)] exhibit heavier d13C values than
with high organic matter input. This pedotype also has a rooted
those in the NAL section. The extreme end of this trend occurs in
‘‘underclay’’ which was the saturated subsoil at the time of soil
the A horizon of B4 with a d13C of 11.2‰, perhaps suggesting a
formation. The NAL paleosols exhibit an overall trend toward
higher input from C4 vegetation (Table S4).
greater development up section reflecting either increased land-
scape stability or a more effective weathering environment over
4.4. Major element geochemistry
the time interval represented in the section. Paleosol 24 at the
top of the NAL section has been overprinted by modern weathering
All geochemical results are listed in the Supplementary
and pedogenesis and was not included in the analysis.
Information Table S5 as weight percentages of major element oxi-
des and ppm of select trace elements (Sr and Ba). Raw abundances
were converted to their molar equivalent for calculating weather-
4.2.2. KBT pedotypes
ing ratios and other pedogenic indices (Supplementary Information
The pedotypes present in the KBT section are listed in Table 2
Tables S6 and S7). We use major element ratios to evaluate prove-
with more information provided in Supplementary Information
nance and to obtain estimates of various chemical weathering indi-
Table S2. The KBT-1 pedotype is very weakly expressed, lacks a B
cators following Sheldon and Tabor (2009). Table 3 presents
horizon and is therefore entisol-like and classified as a protosol.
selected weathering ratios (mobile/immobile element ratios) and
pedogenic indices for 7 paleosols representing 5 of the pedotypes
Table 2 described in this study.
Diagnostic features and classification of paleosols from the Kandi birdtrack section. The ratio of Ti/Al, an indicator of provenance and acidification,
KBT pedotypes shows similar values across the pedotypes with slightly larger
values suggesting slightly more acidification, in the protosols
Pedotype Diagnostic features Order Paleosols
(pedotypes NAL-2 and NAL-5). The values for NAL and KBT
KBT-5 Well developed, somewhat poorly Vertic, albic B1
pedotypes are similar to Ti/Al ratios of Eocene and Oligocene
drained, seasonal dry period argillisol
indicated by slickensides mudstone/sandstone parent materials and weakly to moderately
KBT-4 Moderately developed, paleo- Carbonaceous B3 developed paleosols reported by Sheldon et al. (2009). The ratio
mollisol? protosol of aluminum to silica (Al/Si) is an indicator of clay content, with
KBT-3 Gleyed argillic horizon (Btg), drab Gleyed B7, B2 higher values indicating more clay. The protocol pedotypes in
halo mottles, somewhat poorly- argillisol
our study all have lower Al/Si ratios than the other,
KBT-2 Cambic horizon (Bw) Protosol B6, B5, well-expressed pedotypes, suggesting either less clayey parent
B4 material or clay accumulation during formation of the
KBT-1 AC profile, absence of B horizon, Protosol B8 non-protosol pedotypes. Other mobile/immobile elemental ratios
weak soil development
(Ca, Mg, K, Na/Ti) show no systematic trends with regard to soil

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
8 N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Pedogenic indices and weathering ratios following the methods and standards as outlined in Sheldon and Tabor (2009).

Pedogenic indices and weathering ratios

Paleosol Sample Hydrolysis Leaching
Al/Si Ca/Ti Mg/Ti Na/Ti K/Ti
B1 (Vertic, Albic B10 (E) 0.413 5.905 1.538 2.677 2.273
Argillisol) B11 (Bt1) 0.388 6.018 1.638 2.078 2.547
B12 (Bt2) 0.452 6.584 1.863 2.849 2.367
P23 (Gleysol) 42 (A) 0.300 6.061 1.301 1.250 2.277
41 (E) 0.430 5.563 1.483 1.254 3.043
40 (Bt) 0.373 5.205 1.359 2.294 2.388
39 (Btg) 0.422 5.473 1.342 2.015 2.582
P17 (Gleyed Argillisol) 29 (A/B) 0.303 5.831 1.451 1.922 1.267
28 (Btg) 0.311 6.255 1.569 1.050 1.761
P10 (Vertisol) 16 (A) 0.315 5.986 1.561 0.395 1.977
15 (Btgss) 0.361 5.558 1.468 1.733 1.835
P9 (Protosol) 14 (A-Bw) 0.217 7.008 1.502 1.436 2.155
P8 (Protosol) 13 (Bw) 0.298 5.861 1.501 1.853 2.181
P3 (Protosol) 5 (A) 0.287 6.076 1.426 3.230 2.172
4 (Bw) 0.296 5.402 1.406 4.096 2.696

Provenance/ Salinization Chemical index of alteration CIA-K RBases/Al

acidification (CIA)
Ti/Al (K + Na)/Al 100  Al/(Al + Ca + K + Na) 100  Al/(Al + Ca + Na) (Ca + K + Mg + Na)/Al
B1 (Vertic, Albic B10 (E) 0.053 0.260 63.693 68.934 0.651
Argilisol) B11 (Bt1) 0.055 0.254 63.072 69.186 0.676
B12 (Bt2) 0.046 0.240 64.839 69.760 0.628
P23 (Gleysol) 42 (A) 0.066 0.234 61.172 67.386 0.721
41 (E) 0.052 0.225 65.953 73.698 0.594
40 (Bt) 0.065 0.304 60.870 67.223 0.731
39 (Btg) 0.055 0.252 64.407 70.876 0.626
P17 (Gleyed Argillisol) 29 (A/B) 0.072 0.230 60.568 64.119 0.756
28 (Btg) 0.065 0.182 63.015 67.891 0.689
P10 (Vertisol) 16 (A) 0.062 0.146 66.021 71.790 0.611
15 (Btgss) 0.062 0.221 63.930 68.929 0.655
P9 (Protosol) 14 (A-Bw) 0.091 0.327 50.858 56.503 1.103
P8 (Protosol) 13 (Bw) 0.068 0.273 59.931 65.735 0.770
P3 (Protosol) 5 (A) 0.074 0.399 54.119 59.263 0.953
4 (Bw) 0.077 0.520 51.701 57.882 1.042

horizon or pedotype in these Sumatran paleosols (Table 3). The statistically significant dividing line between base-rich Alfisols
absence of trends could reflect local parent material variations (RBases/Al > 0.5) and base-poor Ultisols (RBases/Al < 0.5). The
related to depositional environment, and/or inherited ‘‘mixed’’ pedotypes analyzed here all fall within the base-rich field, with
geochemical signatures derived from previous pedogenic and the protosols being more so than the other pedotypes (Table 3).
erosion histories of these reworked parent materials. Whole rock geochemistry based transfer functions have been
Another approach to evaluating weathering using major developed to estimate paleoclimatic conditions under which pale-
element geochemistry is the use of indices that quantify the total- osols have formed (Sheldon and Tabor, 2009). These empirical rela-
ity of weathering processes (Sheldon and Tabor, 2009). The chem- tionships have been developed by relating mean annual
ical index of alteration (CIA) is a measurement of the weathering of temperature (MAT) or precipitation (MAP) to the geochemical com-
feldspar minerals and their hydration to form clay minerals. This position of modern soils. The relationships are typically not applica-
index reveals that the protosol pedotypes exhibit the least amount ble to soils formed in the wet tropics, and are best applied to soil Bw
of weathering, but there is little difference indicated among the and Bt horizons in applicable settings (Sheldon and Tabor, 2009).
more strongly developed pedotypes (Table 3). This same pattern
is exhibited with the CIA-K index, which removes the effects of
post-burial potassium additions by metasomatism or illitization 5. Discussion
of originally smetitic clays (Maynard, 1992; Fedo et al., 1995). As
mentioned earlier, metasomatism and/or illitization are not sus- Regional and local stratigraphic associations in combination
pected in Sawahlunto Fm. paleosols in the Ombilin Basin because with sedimentary structures and plant fossil associations indicate
neither deep burial nor high burial temperatures are suspected. that the paleosols investigated in this study formed in the distal
Finally, the sum of cations (Ca + K + Mg + Na) divided by aluminum reaches of a large tropical river system. Flood frequency and inten-
has been used for categorizing weathering intensity of paleosols sity strongly controlled paleosol development through changes in
(Retallack, 1999). The protosols in our study all have higher values the aggradation rate of soil parent materials (Kraus, 1999).
for this index than do the other pedotypes. In addition, Sheldon Paleo-landform interpretations, relative distance from river, and
et al. (2002) have suggested that a RBases/Al ratio of 0.5 is a carbon isotope ratios associated with the paleosols in the NAL

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9

and KBT sections are presented in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. greater than 35% in Alfisols, and less in Ultisols (Soil Survey Staff,
Pedotypes in the lower half of this succession are dominantly his- 1993). A molecular weathering ratio of bases/alumina of <0.5 and
tosols, coals and protosols formed under poorly-drained condi- a CIA-K value of <80 are considered proxies for the presence of
tions. The one exception is the NAL-1 pedotype, a well-drained Alfisols rather than Ultisols (Sheldon et al., 2002). Unusually, all
protosol that likely formed on elevated portions of natural levees of the paleosols in our study pass the CIA-K criterion as Alfisols
or crevasse splays. Even those paleosols interpreted to have under- (<80), but are classified as Ultisols according to the bases/alumina
gone extended dry periods (the vertisol NAL-5 pedotype) show ratio (>0.5). The presence of Alfisols at this low latitude and alti-
evidence of periodic rises in the water table in the form of abun- tude in the Indo-Pacific region seems unlikely. However,
dant redoximorphic features. At the KBL section, stratigraphically pollen-based climate reconstructions of this region for the late
equivalent to the 45–69 m interval at NAL, mud-draped ripples Oligocene suggest that the climate in Sumatra was ‘‘equatorial’’;
and abundant carbonaceous detritus in association with ichnofos- more seasonal and less wet than the much wetter ‘‘monsoonal’’ cli-
sil associations indicative of estuarine conditions indicate mates characteristic of the Miocene (Morley, 2000, 2012). This shift
previously undocumented marine influence in the Sawahlunto has been attributed to the collision of the Australian plate with
Fm. (Zonneveld et al., 2012). Compared with the stratigraphically Sunda at the end Oligocene, which closed the Indonesian
equivalent paleosol sequence in the NAL mine, more paleosols in Throughflow and, in turn, fostered the onset of the East Asian mon-
the KBT section show evidence of clay translocation and/or soon (Lohman et al., 2011; Morley, 2012). Thus, the apparent
well-drained conditions. This suggests that the KBT section repre- base-rich status of the paleosols in the NAL and KBT sections
sents a slightly higher part of the paleolandscape less prone to may reflect development under the ‘‘equatorial’’ conditions that
rapid sedimentation during the intervals soils were forming than characterized Sunda in the late Paloeogene prior to onset of the
in the part of the paleolandscape represented by the equivalent East Asian monsoon in the early Miocene.
interval at the NAL mine section about 1 km away. Geochemistry-based paleoclimate proxies for NAL and KBT
The upper half of the section records conditions generally paleosols show apparent inconsistencies with the paleogeographic
nearer the channel (Fig. 3). Evidence of clay translocation and setting of Sunda. MAT calculated from protosol Bw horizon data
periods of lower water table are more common in this part of the ranges from 64.4 to 57.2 °C, somewhat cooler than expected in this
section (the gleyed argillisol NAL-3 pedotype and gleysol NAL-4 low latitude location (Table 4). Similarly, MAP estimates from the
pedotype), but these paleosols too exhibit redoximorphic features paleosol geochemical data range on the very dry side of what
indicative of waterlogged conditions characteristic of seasonally was expected based on pollen-based climatic reconstructions of
wet flood basins. Morley (2000, 2012). These inconsistencies may reflect the fact
The stable carbon isotope ratio of soil organic matter can pro- that virtually all paleosol proxies and transfer functions using
vide an indication of past vegetation, and by inference, environ- whole rock geochemistry have been developed from data obtained
mental conditions (Cerling et al., 1989; Ehleringer et al., 1997; from modern Vertisols or soil orders formed in xeric and mesic
Boutton et al., 1998; Kelly et al., 1998; Nordt et al., 2002). Carbon environments. There is a noticeable absence of research devoted
isotope analyses from the NAL and KBT sections point to the dom- to examining the geochemistry of tropical rainforest environments
inance of C3 vegetation with relatively limited input from C4 plants. and much less to the study of ancient wet tropical environments.
While a period of aridity and low CO2 levels likely favored the evo- Geology has been described as ‘‘the starting point for under-
lution of C4 grasses about 24–33 Ma (Sage, 2004), it is widely standing Southeast Asian biogeographic patterns’’ (Hall, 2009:
accepted that C4 plants only experienced a large expansion outside 159). In particular, a better understanding of the paleoenviron-
of East Africa and North America between 8 and 5 Ma during the mental conditions surrounding the evolution of terrestrial verte-
Late Miocene (Kingston et al., 1994; Morgan et al., 1994; Cerling brates in Island Southeast Asia may inform questions about the
et al., 1997; Latorre et al., 1997; Cerling, 1999; Fox and Koch, selective pressures that have shaped current and past faunal distri-
2004). The few paleosols exhibiting C4 vegetation influence in bution patterns. During our initial fieldwork, ichnofossils and bird
our study probably represent localized environments where track traces were discovered at the KBT section (Zonneveld et al.,
seasonal moisture deficits favored C4 plants. 2011, 2012). Subsequent fieldwork in this region in 2012 and
Two samples (associated with P-14 and P-13) from the NAL sec- 2014 at nearby localities resulted in the discovery of additional
tion have unusually heavy d13C values of greater than 10.0‰ that fossil remains, establishing for the first time the presence of fishes,
seem to imply some marine input. These heavy d13C values
together with sedimentary structures and ichnofossil evidence of Table 4
estuarine environments lower in the section provides compelling Reconstructions of mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation
support for marine incursion in a part of the stratigraphic section (MAP) based on transfer functions of whole rock geochemical data. The MAT transfer
previously thought to be strictly non-marine. function is specific to protosols. MAT transfer function from Sheldon (2006); MAP
transfer function from Sheldon et al. (2002).
Weathering ratios calculated from major elemental analyses
suggest moderate to strong chemical weathering of the most Paleosol (soil horizon) MAT (°C) MAP (mm/yr)
well-expressed paleosols and moderate weathering of those less T = 46.9 (Al/Si) + 4 P = 221 ⁄ e(0.0197⁄CIA-K)

well-expressed. Leaching of bases is heavy in all paleosols B1 (E) NA 859

(Table 3). Since the depletion of alkali and alkaline earth elements B1 (Bt1) NA 864
B1 (Bt2) NA 873
(Ca, Mg, Na, K) in soil is accelerated by moisture and warmth
P23 (A) NA 833
(Sheldon et al., 2002), heavy leaching suggests wet, warm environ- P23 (E) NA 944
mental conditions. Likewise, the high clay content of all the P23 (Bt) NA 831
paleosols is indicative of significant water movement through the P23 (Btg) NA 893
P17 (A/Bw) NA 782
soil profile, weathering in a moist environment, and/or
P17 (Btg) NA 842
low-energy depositional environments. P10 (A) NA 909
Many of these paleosols are assigned to the order argillisol and P10 (Btgss) NA 859
may have been Alfisols or Ultisols before fossilization. Alfisols and P9 (A-Bw) NA 673
Ultisols both exhibit significant clay translocation and subsurface P8 (Bw) NA 807
P3 (A) NA 710
accumulation, but are differentiated by base saturation (a feature
P3 (Bw) 18 691
largely determined by the degree of chemical weathering) of

Please cite this article in press as: O’shea, N., et al. Paleoenvironmental conditions in the late Paleogene, Sumatra, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
10 N. O’shea et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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