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Assignment #1 for Microprocessor Course

111-2 Semester, NTUT

(Notes: 請獨立完成作業,以 A4 紙本列印或手寫作業答案(中文或英文皆可),並於 2023

年 3 月 17 日(五) 13:15 上課前完成作業繳交,逾時將不收件)

1 (10%; Sec.1-4) (a) Convert the integer decimal numbers 100 10 to its equivalent byte-
wide binary form. (b) Convert the fractional numbers .3437510 to its equivalent byte-
wide binary form.

2. (10%; Sec. 1-4) (a) Evaluate the decimal equivalent for the integer binary number
011111112. (b) Convert the binary number 0000001110100000 2 to its hexadecimal

3. (10%; Sec. 2-3) (a) Show how the word ABCD16 is stored in memory starting at
address 0A00216. Is the word aligned or misaligned? (b) Show how the double word
1234567816 is stored in memory starting at address A00116. Is the double word
aligned or misaligned?

4. (10%; Sec. 2-4) Express each of the signed decimal integers that follow as a byte
hexadecimal number (use 2’s-complement notation for negative numbers).
(a) +127
(b) -10

5. (10%; Sec. 2-7) (a) What is the function of the instruction pointer register? (b)
What happens to the value in IP each time the 8088 completes an instruction fetch?

6. (10%; Sec. 2-8) (a) Make a list of the general-purpose data registers of the 8088.
(b) How are the upper and lower bytes of a data register denoted?

7. (10%; Sec. 2-9) (a) What kind of information is stored in the pointer and index
registers? (b) For which segment register are the contents of the pointer registers
used as an offset?

8. (10%; Sec. 2-11) (a) What is the word length of the 8088’s physical address? (b)
What two address elements are combined to form a physical address?

9. (10%; Sec. 2-11) Calculate the value of each of the physical addresses that follows.
Assume all numbers are hexadecimal numbers.
(a) 1000:1234
(b) 0100:ABCD

10. (10%; Sec. 2-12) (a) What is the function of the stack? (b) If the current values in
the stack segment register and stack pointer are C00016 and FF0016, respectively, what
is the address of the current top of the stack?


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