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elcome W

Welcome to Althing, the absolute heart of DF democracy. The place where all manner of things Great and small are discussed, where ideas become reality and where we choose the next generation of DF committees.

Here are some things you can do while you are here: Think you have an idea that would improve the movement? - Suggest a motion Have a problem you want to discuss? - Suggest a musing Feel strongly about an issue? -Talk on a motion Want to discuss solutions to a problem - Take part in open space discussion Want to get more involved in how DFs works - Stand for election

A motion is a shape shifter and can be many things. It can be is the solution to a problem faced by the DF movement, or it can also be more of an instruction to Committee to do something different and/or better. Anyone can bring a motion to Althing, where every single DF present can have the opportunity to voice their opinions on the motion. Often motions are ammended before theyre debated. If you feel a motion is nearly right you can ammend it. A motion can be ammended by anyone (including the origional author) to make it better in the eyes of the ammender! After a motion has been sufficiently debated, the motion is voted on. All motions require a 50% majority for it to pass, unless the motion is ammending the DF Constitution, in which case it needs 66% of the vote, also taking into account any abstentions.


no motion. A musing gives us the opportunity to bring a problem or issue to the floor of Althing and let a solution rise from the debate and discussion. A musing could be brought as a question or a statement or really, in any way at all. Why not devise a short sketch to illustrate your musing? A discussion about the musing may bring about a solution and a motion could be written from the floor and voted on. Or, it might be a useful way of instructing the next committee and council to do something or to work on something further.

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A musing is different to a motion. A motion allows the person proposing the motion to propose the solution. But often a solution is not easily found. Without the solution, there is

View From:

The Chairs
Its wonderfully impossible to sum up a year of District Fellows in a few short sentences. For me this year has been about seeing the massive variety of different approaches people have to being a DF, but also the links between these ideas, discovering the core DNA of Dfs, if you will. Where past years have seen huge leaps forward in terms of branding and publicity, this year weve spent a lot of time trying to re-establish what Dfs stands for, what we do and who we want to be. We started real-time coverage of Dfs at the tuition fee and EMA protests, which then morphed into a hugely successful Kettled Generation blog on the Woodcraft website, gaining national press coverage. This for me was a really great example of how the national connections we have established as Dfs can become incredibly useful in terms of sharing skills, information and ideas when our core values of Education for Social Change are under threat. Consequent work on sexism, queer rights and inclusion was tough but important and timely, as was our continued work on safeguarding and making Things accessible. Each of our three Things this year was a joy to be part of, from the icy depths of Midlands, through the gorgeous hills of Scotland to the sunny pastures of the South West, they worked as a great balance between important discussions, meeting regions and making friends. Weve created some brilliant resources: The A to Z of Good Discussion, The Transition Pack, The Mestup Zine, Putting and End to Boys Will be Boys, and of course three totally amazing DF Zines. Weve had mini-things at every event and a hugely successful introduction session at Co-Camp, where I got to ask around 200 DF-age campers How many poos have you had on camp? during a speed dating session, a definite highlight. All in all I wouldnt pretend that there have not been some serious challenges this year, but it has also been amazing fun and weve had a really wonderful set of people surrounding and helping us. It makes me really rather sad to say goodbye to all this, but Im also full of excitement about what you, the next generation of Dfs, will make of this movement. Good luck!

Heres what we have so far:

the best ever spanthatworldwithmusic the DF transition pack had a mini thing at every DF event the Boys will be Boys workshop pack elected a nature person elected a fire poker delegator Scottish thing the affiliations wall the DF lounge at CoCamp (is it a lounge?) huge MEST-UP team at CoCamp Huge Ideas Pot II The A to Z of Good Discussion Written new policies for payments, the age range... set up the DF buddy system a fabulous spring awakening South West Thing Sorted out that GREY area! Lots of successful Wwwoofing trips Midlands thing DFs at CoCamp? MESTUP? worked on our safeguarding strong work against sexism elected a tea ninja/snow monitor had the first EVER spanthatworldwithcostume the first EVER double winter wonderland raised MORE than enough money to bring a family of refugees to cocamp had a huge turnout at all the anti-cuts demonstrations/marches fantastic work to put the district back in district fellows

DFs is intensely democratic. Every year we elect DFs to certain roles in the movement. You can either stand yourself for election or nominate somebody else who you think would be good. To Stand or nominate somebody all you need to do is talk to one of the chairs. At Althing every candidate participates in hustings which is essentially a Q&A with everyone else there starting off with a short speech. Here is a list of all the roles available for election this year. If you have any questions about any of the roles why not ask one of the chairs. Note that some roles (such as Vice Chair and Events) are decided at Old/New once all of DF Committee has been elected- that is why there are several Laymember posts for people who will probably take on specific roles at Old/New.

Wales Rep Scotland Rep London Rep South West Rep South East Rep North East Rep North West Rep Eastern Rep

DF Regional Council Role

Length of Role

1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year

What does being on regional council involve?

Regional reps have the task of facilitating DF activity regionally, funnily enough. But this role has many other aspects to it. For example, facilitating or organising Spanthatworldwithmusic, forming committees for the region, and attending regional councils and organising Things. Its much easier to co-ordinate things locally but acting as a messenger is also important to make sure DFs in your region know about stuff they can get involved with and important dates for their diary. Also getting involved with the regional council is important as well in this role to get more in touch with Woodcraft Folk regionally. Being regional rep is a really valuable thing to do, so go for it!

DF Com:m:ittee Role
Lay member Campaigns Rep

Length of Role

2 Years 2 Years

Lay members are elected at althing and then stand for one of the roles not elected at Althing at an event called Old/New a few weeks later. The Campaigns Rep should be a person who can help faciliate peoples actions based on the movements campaigns. They should also try to provide oppurtunitys Dfs to learn about the campaigns so that they are aware of the issues involved in the campaigns.

Communications Rep Fundraiser

2 Years 2 Years

The communications rep is about communicating things within DFs, although you dont need to know a lot about website maagement, you will need to write for it, It is a role fore someone who is interested in design and writing. Fundraising Rep has a few key responsibilities. One of the key ones is making sure that DFs has enough money to run all its events and projects. While the Treasurer deals more with managing money DFs raise internally (ie. In camp costs etc.), the Fundraising Rep deals with getting funding from the wider Woodcraft Folk or outside the movement. This means stuff like TREE, or big funds, like the National Lottery or Coop Regional Grants. As well as this, the Fundraising Rep coordinates any nationwide fundraising activities.


2 Years

The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters involving DFs including: Making sure money is collected at events, Paying invoices, Compiling financial returns, Writing the Annual Budget and individual event budgets, Keeping the books, Writing/updating policies on financial issues.

DF Committee roles not decided at Althing: Role

Chair of Regional Council Chair of DF Committee

By Regional Council Old/New


As chair of regional council you will need to facilitate communication between the regional developers and spearhead regional developement as a whole. Chair in my eyes in almost solely a facilitation role. . Facilitating discussions at meetings, facilitating input from as many different Dfs as possible; making the decision making element of Dfs as welcoming, inclusive and democratic as can be. There are also a lot of times when a chair needs to provide support for members of CTTE that may be struggling, to deal with important or difficult matters which have arisen and liaise with staff at Woodcraft HQ or members of General Council. You will also often find yourself as the first point of contact for a variety of queries, along with a person people will turn to in order to relay or spread information. Theres usually quite a bit of website work, plenty of phone calls and pestering, and time put into the planning of Things and Althing. Ultimately you are a conduit and a connecting point for a whole glorious collective of ideas, debates and people.

Events Rep


Events rep involves finding and supporting coordinators for events and making sure they go as well as possible. It also involves procedure on events and how they are run including things such as pricing and safeguarding. It is also the duty of the events rep to work alongside other members of ctte to make sure that their area of work is displayed at events.

Secretary of The Movement International Opportunities Officer

Old/New Old/New

Secretary involves making minutes for meetings, knowing the constiution, helping with administration and generally keeping everything on the business side of DFs neat, accesible and documented. A big part of being international rep involves making people aware of all the opportunities that are available to them through the IFM - SEI. Organising the WWOOFing trip/s can also be a big part of being international rep, although you can delegate the job of co ordinating the trip to someone else once youve made the initial contact with the people involved. Other things that international reps have done is raise money to bring international delegations (in this case a refugee delegation) to a Woodcraft or DF event.

Vice Chair of DF Committee


This is a role which you can make your own. There are a few things expected of you jointly facilitating things, mini-things and Althing with others in the chairing team. Other expectation include supporting committee members in what they are doing and jumping in to take on responsibility when tasks arise that dont fit perfectly into the roles of others.

Training Rep


As training rep it is your responsibility to provide training for the rest of the DF movement, as the name of the role suggests. The only mandatory piece of training that needs to take place each year is first aid training as we always need more first aiders, also it is your job to find out what people want and need training for and provide that for them either at another event or at a time that is convenient.

Projects rep Affiliations rep


Well, in theory world, this should be a role thats job it is to bring together all the different people spearheading all the different projects to help them and create a cohesive set of projects for DFS to run and get involved in. Its your responsibility to forge links with other organisations and strengthen already built ones. You are expected to invite them to events, find out about their events and now to run our own affiliations event. Blank Canvas is extremely exciting and as affiliations rep you will be making this excitement a reality. You need to be good at talking, emailing and calling.

Shadow treasurer
Shadow Treasurer involves learning how to keep DF accounts in order to take on the role of treasurer.


Non committee roles:

Venturer Committee liason

1 year

- working with Jack Brown (general council rep to v-ctte) to support the venturer committee - organising the logistics of the meetings; like the venue, dates, and making sure everyones okay to get there - helping venturers facilitate their own meetings - making sure things get done efficiently and that the committee functions well as a group, gets things done in and out of meetings, has some aims, and progresses. - being a link between venturer committee and DFs

Zine editor

1 year

The role obviously involves designing pages and graphics, putting together pages and getting the thing into the format printers need. It isa bit of a crash course in photoshop and other creative software. The role also involves running workshops at events to create content. Another crucial part of the role; communicating the need for subscription well, motivating people and giving them structure and ideas as well as creative freedom. Ideas, organisation, good communication and motivation are as crucial as creative talent.

Workers beer rep

1 year

This role involves organising the DF presence at festival bars through Workers Beer and is extremely important in terms of DF fundraising.

Joel - Chair of Committee

Here is a list of thing Committee have helped work on this year, which I by no means attribute to me alone but which have been the main focus of my time: A hugely successful spanthatworldwithmusic, raised more than enough money to help Stanley District bring a family of refugees to cocamp, had a mini thing at every DF event, Scottish thing, The DF Centre, Huge Ideas Pot II, Written new policies for payments, the age range, a fabulous spring awakening, Sorted out that the Grey area in terms of age, Midlands thing, worked on our safeguarding, lots of work against sexism, South West Thing, Lots of successful Wwwoofing trips, Helped involve DFs at CoCamp, started, had the first EVER spanthatworldwithcostume, the first EVER double winter wonderland, the DF transition pack, the Boys will be Boys workshop pack, fantastic work to put the district back in district fellows, The A to Z of Good Discussion, set up the DF buddy system, helped organise and agitate for incredibly well-attended anti-cuts protests involving Woodies

Alec - Events rep

I have supported event coordinators when they have needed help, written articles looking for coordinators. done some design and writing to promote the split WWs.I have researched the Idea of a festival next year, set up e-group but had little interest from potential coordinators. Helped out in a couple of working groups and tried to give support on the South WW as a committee presence. I have run a couple of workshops on events but in my mind I have not communicated with other members of ctte enough and I have had a lot of trouble with this years WW.

Kezia - Campaigns rep

This year, as campaigns rep, Id say the main thing and the most excellent thing which has happened was the begininng of the DF Library, with lots of help from Ben Raw (it was his idea and everything). The Library was set up to help the right to refuge campaign, a similar non-woodcraft campaign is the simple acts campaign: doing a simple act to help our understanding and tolerance of refugees and asylum seekers , b suggests reading a book or watching a film about refugees. The DF Library is to help achieve this, it has a collection of books and a dvd which were taken to df events this year for DFs to borrow, or they could request them and the book or dvd could be posted. I have also run a workshop at winter wonderland, helped trial the buddy-system from last althings musing, helped crate a blog for SpanThatWorldWithCostume, made lots of animal hats and created instructions for you all to make them.

Samir - Fundraising rep

This year has been an excellent and exciting experience for me as a DF and a new member of DF Committee. Ive made it my aim to extend the remit of the role to also focus on the funding of stuff. It shouldnt all be about getting an extra 1000 for the DF movement, especially at these times of quite well endowed DF funds. So heres some stuff that I did/was involved in: DF delegation to CoCamp, the first ever Fundraising Weekend! Huge Ideas Pot 2. NEXT YEAR promotion of PROJECT FUND APPLICATIONS (like the Huge Ideas Pot but its run all year round and its DF funds not TREEs money) and a second year for the FUNDRAISING WEEKEND. A focus too on using DF funds and fundraising to strengthen the Woodcraft Folk, locally and nationally.

Comm Repo

Martha - International rep

Because I came onto committee to fill a role that I hadnt actually stood for, a lot of the stuff Ive done this year hasnt been to do with International opportunities, so I guess looking back my role was more like international opportunities/lay member. Heres a list anyway: Started off the organisation of various wwoofing trips and advertise international opportunities wrote stuff for the transitions pack and the international womens day group night activities pack helped run workshops on sexism and wrote an article about the gentlemens club helped with safeguarding stuff Started a working group and website section to get DFs more involved in districts

Anna - Training rep

Came into role late on in the year so havent got a very long list at all Attended south west thing Attended cocamp as a ctte presence Attended Df camp, took part in mini thing Rearranged the skills form that Ilya started Started a list of things people want training for for next df year

Ive been paying money in and out and keeping track of it, I also wrote the 10/11 Annual Budget and written the Expenses and Fairer Fare policy. Ive also been chasing up the people who owe money for previous events (with some success)

David - Treasurer

mittee orts

The things Ive done as chair of regional council are mostly all about communication. Like organising reg.council skype conversations and minuting them, having phone calls with other regional reps, and communicating with Rose when she was the Regional Development Officer. I facilitated a few agenda items at Things and went to that Blank Canvas meeting.

Freya - Regions rep

This year I have been getting to grips with what it means to be on DF Committee. Ive discovered how difficult it is to put ideas into practise and how easily things get pushed later and later. However, I feel like Im getting to grips with it now and can really be on top of it for my second year as affiliations rep. Ive been trying to do my job like I said I would; by getting other people to do it. Delegation is the key! My aim is to make this happen for Blank Canvas in December, so watch this space! Specifically I have amongst other things led Blank Canvas workshops and discussions, attempted to get organisations to DF events, kept my ear to the ground and my pen to the paper about other organisations, brought the affiliations wall to every DF event and doubled the contacts in the affiliations database.

Laurie - Affiliations

Its hard to say what Ive done exactly with this role this year. For one thing, CoCamp took over a lot of my time this summer! Broadly Ive tried to support members of committee in doing what they have been doing. Ive chipped in where I feel I can helping us to create better safeguarding procedures, helping David and Saul with financial matters, creating policies where none had existed before and helping others in other ways. On top of this, Ive been working hard with Joel to develop the way we do DF democracy. There has been a great progression in this regard I feel. More people facilitating, more people coming to Things, and a more inclusive approach to consensus in our meetings. Fabulous.

Keiran - Vice Chair

MESTUP - Set up and ran two mestup training sessions on peer education and mediation with 22 DFs - WROTE THE BEST ZINE EVER WITH THE MESTUP TEAM. - Ran a mestup tent at cocamp and set up a project handover ever in the world so that the mestup project is written down on paper. PARTY - not much, but ultra thanks to hebden boys for secretly running party at cocamp- anyone who wants to take party to new levels under the project banner - JUST DO IT! RAINBOW - observed carly from afar doing cool things internationally with rainbow.

Sarah - Projects rep

Sadly I havent been fully committed to communications due to a number of reasons, which is such a shame and I apologise profusely because I really feel like I have let DFs down because of this. I have done a few little things this year, mainly involving design and layout for various publications. The big one I focused on was the DF Transitions Booklet, I hope you all enjoyed it and perhaps some of you have found entering into the DF World a little easier because of it. Some of you might have noticed the website changing bit-by-bit this year, there is still a lot to do but I think youll agree its looking FAB, id like to say a big thanks to Joe, Joel, Magico and Phin (along with everyone else who has inputted) because they are AMAZING.

Hannah - Communications rep

Regional council reports

The North East is slowly building up an interest in the DF movement, and we have attracted through a small but successful STTWM and a slightly bigger and even better STWWC barbeque. My focus has been on getting local DFs interested in helping with younger groups and local/regional events and encouraging them to come to national DF events, but Ive been less successful with the second part.

Saskia - North West rep

I hope that NE DFs can spend the next year being instrumental in organising the summer camp thats planned for next year between the northern/scottish regions, supporting two of the new local groups, having their own social event for a weekend and coming to national events, starting with Winter Wonderland and Things.

The midlands was home to the first thing of the year, it was incredibly productive and the food was exellent (as well as massively under budget, thanks to a lot of skipping .

Joe - Midlands rep

Being welsh rep started with coordinating Welsh Thing and followed with a lot more events coordination. Such as STWWMs and a STWWC, fundraising things like the AmnesTea Party and bagpacking in co-op, a DF gathering in Wales last summer and this month a mini homemade welsh thing. I got us a 5000 grant and some DF pages in Byd Gwerin. Ive created and run Aberystwyth DF group. Weve set up a Wales DF Committee. Im on Welsh Council as DF rep.

Freya - Welsh rep

The South West region in DFs is still very large with several groups running strong. I have been successful in recruiting new DFs around the Bristol area and encouraging new and existing DFs to go to national events. South West Thing had a generally good and varied turn out and was a fun event with lots of sunshine, walks and discussions. I also organised Span That World with Music in Bristol which was a huge success bringing in 216 for the Stanley Cocamp delegation. In terms of wider woodcraft in the South West, I attended the South West AGM last Spring and was elected to the SWAN (South West Area Network) committee. Next year i would like to stay doing this role as I feel I have come so far but have so much still to do in terms of encouraging South West DF activity

KT - South West rep

Bridget - Scottish rep

In DF terms Scotland is well its Scotland and its still quite far away from the goings on and hubbub of Woodcraft folk life. We remain small but strong and despite efforts to expand the Scottish wide network beyond Edinburgh and Glasgow only a few dedicated remain. There are a lot of young and eager venturers coming up from below though so we can only hope theyll carry the torch forward and highlight their potential! In spring Scottish Thing marked a landmark in the DF calender and skewed the average event score geographically to the North for once. It was a positive event in many ways with walks in the sunshine and constructive meetings but many people left thinking if only we could have had more business to do! shame! Span That World with Music will hopefully occur again this year after the fundraising success of the previous one. Scotland had a presence at CoCamp and continues to grow in some ways and sadly shrink in others, but so does the rest of Woodcraft!

Holly - North East rep

This year the North-West has remained a strong region, thanks to the brilliant district groups keeping things going. Weve contributed with enthusiasm to each DF event, including Span that world with costume and span that world with music, spreading the DF word and raising money towards CoCamp and other organisations. Bradford still remains involved with BIASAN, a support organisation for local refugees and asylum seekers, and their SPWWM ceilidh helped raise money for the organisation as well as spread the woodie word. Although efforts to create new DF districts and revamp old ones have been not massively successful, I see this as an ongoing project and havent given up hope! There have been a big bunch of NW-ers at most Things this year, and a few of them were responsible for the fantastic DF camp this summer!

Imogen - Eastern rep

Being eastern rep this year Ive focused on creating a greater link with DF s and local groups, admittedly doing this better in Norwich. which is where Im based. At the moment Im trying to work out how best we can support DF s who want to volunteer in local Woodcraft Folk and those who already do. Ive kinda had my hands full this year so havent really managed to do much else, but I would always stress the importance of helping out with groups and districts.

My year as London DF rep has been a busy one while in the role I have been building on communication between London DFs by the use of Facebook and email which I hope to be able to transfer to the next London Rep. By using my communication networks I have been promoting events, helping adults and GC contact the DFs they need too. I have also tried to make myself known to as many London Woodcrafters as possible as a source of helpfulness and knowledge. I also try to represent Londons views and I have been promoting working in local districts.I also ran STWWM London but I regret it was the only event I organized this year. Its been an exciting year, and its gone really quickly. Aside from helping to arrange fun stuff (such as various music events) and getting to know/corresponding with cool people, Ive aimed to strengthen ties between South East DFs and wider woodcraft. In this vein, Ive been co-opted on to SE regional council and gained a voice for the South East DF Rep in South East News. I havent been able to do everything I wanted to do, but Ive really enjoyed my time. And Im sure whoever takes on the role next year will do an amazing job, and Im always here to help whoever is successful at Althing

Adam - London rep

Pat - South East rep



I had an amazing, memorable first experience of DF events at Winter Wonderland! Right from the start, when the list of taboo words (i.e. meat references, as it was a vegan bonanza) were announced and forfeits imposed (like waltzing around the hall) - it was clear this was going to be a unique and fun experience! This was proven by everything from the hilarious kamicazi Koreans in the wide game, to when we danced under an actual umbrella during Rhiannas song, at the cheesy disco.


Winter Wonderland South was my first DF event. I hadnt been involved in woodcraft previously and so before I went, I was worried that I wouldnt understand what was going on, and that everyone would be involved in in jokes that I wouldnt get. However, I was completely wrong. Everyone was really lovely and endeavoured to explain everything (luckily I had played mao before so I wasnt completely ignorant) It was really lovely to see everyone working together towards a common aim whether it was cooking or the amazing cleanup on the last day. Tidying has never been so enjoyable! I met so many lovely people and they were all really nice and helpful. I learnt a lot about woodcraft and its aims and principles and I am so glad I went to winter wonderland south, it was fantastic.

I met so many lovely people and they were all really nice and helpful.

Spring Awakening is the educational DF event of the year that takes place during the Easter break, and this year I was part of the group that co-ordinated Spring Awakening 2011! We based the event on back to basics and had activities such as star gazing, courtesy of Liam Hardy and workshops about getting back to the basics of working in the Woodcraft Folk, thanks Mellissa March. One of the things I really enjoyed was the childrens themed night where I remembered what it was like to be a child and played party games. Aside from the workshops that took place and the evening programme, what I found was really good about the event was the enthusiasm to dig a big hole. This was to help the site with food wastage for the coming summer. We had many people get inside the hole to be completely submerged, it was brilliant!

I remembered what it was like to be a child and played party games.

Set in the outskirts of a village called Cotgrave, not too far from Nottingham, an event took place; the tagline Literature through the ages. The whole event was fantastic in my opinion from the Vango tunnel to the Workshops; the Hammock village to the food; the night life to the singing by the fire. It is hard to pinpoint what the best part of it was I thoroughly enjoyed most of it (I say most because I had to leave the last night which meant saying goodbye) I did mention a hammock village this requires special attention about 10 hammocks layered in a cluster of trees with a tarpaulin roof. A little village was created, I tended to stick to the lower levels, but the highest point was about 4 hammocks high. We even had makeshift ones. People abandoned their tents to sleep in the hammocks. I would have to say that all camps should have a village of hammocks, I have just realized that as I have especially mentioned the hammocks this could count as my favorite part. This particular camp was also different in that young Kinsfolk were also invited to participate as this was announced at CoCamp so that is how I ended up going. I think there should be more events for both young kinsfolk and DFs as this was amazing experience. I would like to finish by saying a big thanks to the organizers who clearly put in a lot of work into the event and considering it followed a huge international camp was truly awesome and one of the best camps I have ever been on.


All camps should have a village of hammocks... truly awesome and one of the best camps I have ever been on.

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