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Guía de continuidad educativa

Estudiantes 8.° grado

Fase 1, semana 1


1 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

Fase 1, semana 1
Unidad Indicadores de logros Producto
Unit 1. Getting to know my 1.1 Recognizes formal and informal Saluda y se despide cortés y
classmates introductions, greetings and leave- apropiadamente, de acuerdo al
takings contexto social y a la persona
Content: o personas con las que
1.4 Expresses formal and informal
Greetings and leave-takings interactúa (100%)
greetings with correct pronunciation and

Orientación sobre el uso de la guía

Esta es una guía que te dará las orientaciones para que construyas tu propio aprendizaje. Desarrolla paso a paso lo
solicitado y consulta los enlaces de sitios web que se sugieren para ampliar los temas desde casa. No es necesario
imprimir el documento, únicamente debes leer las orientaciones y resolver en tu cuaderno de clase.

1. Actividades

1.1 Activation

Con el objetivo de explorar tus conocimientos previos acerca de los tipos de saludos y despedidas que
conoces, trabajaremos con los siguientes ejercicios.

Instructions: Classify the following greetings and leave-takings in two columns:

Hello, good morning, good afternoon, hey, hi, how’s everything? Good- bye, see you, see you later, so long,
itr was nice to meet you, see you around, good-night. How have you been? What’s new? How’s it going?

Greetings Leave-taking

Hello how's everything

Good morning Good-bye

Good afternoon See you later

Hi So long

Good-night. See you

Hey Nice to meet you

How’s everything? How have you been?,

What's new?
2 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

1.2 Presentation

Now we are going to review formal and informal greetings. Study the following chart.

Formal greetings Informal greetings

• Hello, Mary! • Hey!

• Hello. • What’s up?

• How are you? • Howdy!

• Good morning. • How are you?

• Good afternoon. • Hi!

• Good evening. • What’s new?

• What are you doing? • What’s going on?

• It’s nice to meet you. • How is it going?

• How is it going? • How are things?

• How are you doing? • What’s up?

• Good to see you • How is everything?

• It is a pleasure to meet you. • How’s life?

• How do you do? • Long time no see!

• It’s an honor to meet you.

• Nice to meet you.

Now we are going to review formal leave-takings: Study the chart.

3 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

Now we are going to review and informal leave-takings: Study the chart.

1.3 Practice

Now, you are ready to practice using formal and informal greetings and formal and informal leave-takings.

Instructions: Complete the following dialogs to practice formal and informal greetings and leave-takings.

How are you

See you

Good Morning
See you later
4 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

1.4 Production

It is time to produce your own conversations!

Instructions: Observe the following pictures and write either formal or informal conversations using greetings
and leave-takings. You can write them on your English notebook or on this guide. Let’s try!

It is a It’s nice to
pleasure to meet you.
meet you.

Thank you so

Conversation A: Two new employees greeting their coworkers.

Conversation B: Two guys greeting each other in front of their lockers.
Conversation C: A student and his teacher.
Conversation D: A boy and a girl greeting each other.

2. Recursos en línea

En los siguientes video, podrás escuchar y visualizar vocabulario relacionado con formal and informal
greetings and leave-takings. Si deseas ampliar tu vocabulario, gramática, habilidades auditivas acerca de
estos temas y educar tu oído con la correcta pronunciación en inglés, da clic sobre los siguientes links:


3. Criterios de evaluación

Saluda y se despide cortés y apropiadamente, de acuerdo al contexto social y a la persona o personas con
las que interactúa: 100 %

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