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Guía de continuidad educativa

Estudiantes 8.° grado

Fase 1, semana 2


1 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

Fase 1, semana 2
Unidad Indicadores de logros Producto
Unit 1. Getting to know my 1.1 Recognizes formal and informal Se presenta a sí mismo/misma
classmates introductions, greetings and leave-takings. en contextos formales e
informales; de igual modo,
1.4 Expresses formal and informal
Content: presenta a otras personas en
greetings with correct pronunciation and
Formal and informal ambas situaciones (100%)
introductions, greetings and

Orientación sobre el uso de la guía

Esta es una guía que te dará las orientaciones para que construyas tu propio aprendizaje. Desarrolla paso a paso lo
solicitado y consulta los enlaces de sitios web que se sugieren para ampliar los temas desde casa. No es necesario
imprimir el documento, únicamente debes leer las orientaciones y resolver en tu cuaderno de clase.

1. Actividades

1.1 Activation

Con el objetivo de explorar tus conocimientos previos acerca de formal and informal introductions,
trabajaremos con el siguiente ejercicio.

Instructions: Look at pictures A and B and answer the following questions: Which picture represents an
informal introduction? Which one represents a formal introduction?

Informal Introduction
Formal introduction
Can you remember how to introduce yourself in formal and informal contexts? Can you remember the
expressions used?
2 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

1.2 Presentation

Instructions: Look at this chart and study the formal and informal introductions in first meetings. It contains
three sections: Introducing yourself, introducing others and responding to an introduction.

Formal and informal introductions

First meetings

Responding to an
Formal Introducing yourself Introducing others

• Mrs. Smith, may I

• How do you do? My • Pleased to meet you*
introduce my boss,
name is Mrs. Smith Mrs. Smith.
Mr. Jones.

• Janice, I´d like you to

• Hello, Janice Smith. I´m meet Steve Jones, our • Pleased to meet you
the owner of this store. salesman. Steve, this Janice
is Janice Smith.

• Janice, meet Steve,

my husband. Steve, • Hi, Janice. How are
• Janice Smith, the owner
this is my friend you?


1.3 Practice

Instructions: Read the following conversations and notice the formal and informal vocabulary used in both
of them. If it is possible, practice them with another person.

• Starting a Conversation: Informal

A. Hello, my name is Lexie.

B. Hi, my name is Jack.
A. It's nice to meet you.
B. It's a pleasure to meet you too.
A. I'm sorry, what was your name again?
B. Jack.
A. Thank you, Jack. What do you like about Los Angeles so far?
B. I like the beautiful beaches. How about you?
3 | Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

• Starting a Conversation: Formal

A. Excuse me sir/ma'am, it's nice to meet you. My name is Jack Chang. (Shakes hand)
B. Hello Jack, my name is Lexie Pinkelman. It's a pleasure to meet you too.
A. What do you do for a living, Ms. Pinkelman?
B. I am a high school English teacher? What is your occupation?
A. I am a high school math teacher.
B. That is great.
A. Thank you, it was a pleasure talking with you. (Shakes hand)
B. It was a pleasure talking with you too. Have a nice day.

1.4 Production

It is time to produce your own conversations!

Instructions: On your English notebook, write two conversations, one formal and one informal. Read the
following cues to do this exercise:

Conversation A: You introduce yourself to your Conversation B: Your best friend introduces you
new English teacher. to a new friend at school.

2. Recursos en línea

En el siguiente video podrás escuchar y visualizar vocabulario relacionado con formal and informal
introductions. Si deseas ampliar tu vocabulario, gramática y habilidades auditivas acerca de estos temas, y
educar tu oído con la correcta pronunciación en inglés, da click sobre los siguientes links:


3. Criterios de evaluación

Se presenta a sí mismo/misma en contextos formales e informales; de igual modo, presenta a otras personas
en ambas situaciones: 100 %

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