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Cut-offs, a fashionable trend these days, are denim shorts that have a ragged
edge at the bottom. Instead of buying a pair of cut-off shorts at the store, you
can save money and continue wearing your favorite jeans by making your own
cut-offs. All you need to make them is a sharp pair of scissors and a pencil. If
you follow these simple steps, you are totally able to make a perfect pair of cut-
off shorts for yourself.
To get started, choose a pair of jeans that fit you well but are worn in the knees
or damaged in another way. Then, decide on the length of your cut-offs. Some
people like shorts that end just above the knee, while others like them much
shorter. Since you are making these yourself, you get to decide.
Once you know the length of your shorts, it’s time to mark and cut them. Lay
the jeans out on a surface and mark the place you need to cut with a pencil.
Make sure you create a straight line across each leg of the jeans so the shorts
will look even. Before you cut, double check to make sure you have marked the
same place on each leg. Then use sharp scissors to cut through the denim and
remove the legs from your jeans. If the cut doesn’t look even, use the scissors to
even it up.
After cutting, distress and finish your cut-offs. Pull a few of the threads away
from the cut edge on each leg of the shorts. Keep pulling threads until the edge
is unraveled to create a fringe that’s about ¼ inch long. Then wash the shorts in
your washing machine to distress them a bit more and dry them in the dryer.
You’ll notice that the edges have some long strings after they are washed. Use
the scissors to remove these longer strings and even out the fringe. When all are
done, try the cut-off shorts on and take a look at yourself in the mirror.
If you use jeans you like and follow this simple process, you may just have
your new favorite pair of shorts. I hope you will enjoy the time creating new
things for yourself.


For people hoping to adopt a new pet from a shelter, the process can seem a bit
confusing. It can take some time to find the right pet, but the actual process of
adoption doesn’t take very long. Each shelter is different, but in most cases,
there are three main steps in the pet adoption process.
The first step is choosing the right pet. Many people go to an animal shelter
with the intention of adopting a pet, and they often find the right dog or cat on
the first visit. However, if people are looking for a specific age, color, size, or
breed of pet, it may take longer. When considering a new pet, a potential pet
parent goes on a tour of the shelter and views the many animals there. If a
particular animal stands out as a good candidate for adoption, the potential
owner asks to interact with the animal. Ideally, the pet and the person will form
a bond. If not, the person will keep looking.
Once the potential owner has found a pet he or she would like to adopt, the
person tells the workers at the shelter. The workers put the pet back in the cage,
and the people go to the front of the shelter to complete the paperwork. The new
owner must present photo identification and fill out some forms. They must pay
an adoption fee, which often ranges from about $25 to $150. In return, the new
owner receives documentation about the pet and the shots and medical
treatments the animal has received.
From there, the new owner takes possession of the pet. If the owner brought a
carrier or kennel, the pet can travel in that. Otherwise, the shelter may provide a
temporary carrier or box. The owner brings the pet home and helps set up a
loving and safe environment.
By following this process, a new pet owner can find a friend, and a pet can find
a forever home. From going to the shelter and choosing a pet to filling out
paperwork and bringing the pet home, each step serves an important purpose
that should not be missed out.

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