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Name: Girish Emerith

SID: 2123785
Module: SIS 6119 - Agent Based Systems

1. Research Question 1: What is the impact of increasing the number of agents in the

The setup for the simulation is shown below,

Agents will enter the first compartment through the ‘Entry Point’, move to the second
compartment and finally exit the structure through the ‘Exit Point’.
Timers have been attached to the ‘inflowSource’ (entry point) and ‘inflowSink’ (exit point)
respectively. The timers will measure the time taken by every agent passing through the
structure. After a simulation, the time taken by every agent is stored in the ‘datasets_log’ (found
among the ‘Logs’ in the ‘Database’ section).
A density map is also added to determine the agents’ moving pattern throughout the simulation.
Simulation Number 1:
Number of agents: 1
Time taken: 26.4s
Density map:

Simulation Number 2:
Number of agents: 20
Time taken for last agent to exit: 34.1s
Density map:
Simulation Number 3:
Number of agents: 40
Time taken for last agent to exit: 46.2s
Density map:

Simulation Number 4:
Number of agents: 80
Time taken for last agent to exit: 66s
Density map:
Simulation Number 5:
Number of agents: 160
Time taken for last agent to exit: 98.7s
Density map:
Simulation Number 6:
Number of agents: 320
Time taken for last agent to exit: 159s
Density map:


As depicted in the screenshots of the density maps, with every simulation, as the number of
agents increases, the time taken for the last agent to exit the structure also increases and the
density of the clusters in the first compartment, through the corridor to the second compartment,
also increases.
It can also be seen that most agents tend to move straight (in red) with few agents going around
corners (in yellow/green/blue).
2. Research Question 1.1: What is the impact of adding obstacles in the geometry?

Updated Structure:

Obstacles impact on 1 agent:

Time taken: 28s

Obstacles impact on 80 agents:

Time taken for last agent to exit: 1m29s

With only one agent in the simulation, the time taken will not increase significantly.
However with 80 agents, it can be seen that the obstacles act as major delays for the
agents (1m29s with obstacles vs 66s without obstacles). Instead of going straight, the
agents go around the obstacles and their walking speeds decrease as they will have to
look out for other agents passing.

3. Research Question 2: What is the impact of having two exits in compartment B and
where should those two exits be located?

For this research question, the size of the one exit has been doubled instead of using two exits.
This is because AnyLogic software does not allow one inflow source to have more than one
connection. (Refer to error message below)
Updated Structure

Simulation Number 1:
Number of agents: 1
Time taken: 26.4s
Density map:
Simulation Number 2:
Number of agents: 20
Time taken for last agent to exit: 37.8s
Density map:

Simulation Number 3:
Number of agents: 40
Time taken: 44.7s
Density map:
Simulation Number 4:
Number of agents: 80
Time taken for last agent to exit: 62.4s
Density map:

Simulation Number 5:
Number of agents: 160
Time taken for last agent to exit: 89.3s
Density map:
Simulation Number 6:
Number of agents: 320
Time taken for last agent to exit: 148.5s
Density map:

Comparison of time taken by last agent to exit first structure (1m exit) vs second structure (2m

Time taken in 1st structure Time taken in 2nd structure

Number of agents in

1 26.4 s 26.4 s

20 34.1 s 32.8 s

40 46.2 s 44.7 s

80 66 s 62.4 s

160 98.7 s 89.3 s

320 159 s 148.5 s

As it can be seen, for one agent, the length of the exit makes no difference in the time taken.
When the number of agents increases in the structure, then the larger exit contributes in
decreasing the time taken by the agents to leave the structure (even by only a few seconds).
Thus, it can be concluded that having two exits would definitely have a positive impact on the
time and also on the density of the agents along the structure, as the movement of the agents
will be divided between the two exits.

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