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Frida Kahlo

A force in the art world, Kahlo became known

in Mexico and around the world for creating
thought-provoking works grounded in magical
realism. Her 1938 self-portrait, titled "The
Frame," was the first work by a 20th-century
Mexican artist to ever be featured in the

Ella Fitzgerald
She was already a widely-known American
jazz singer when, in 1958, she made history,
becoming the first African American woman
to win a Grammy. She collected two that
year: best individual jazz performance and
best female vocal performance.

Betty Friedan

Friedan is best known for writing the

book The Feminine Mystique, which
encourages women to seek more
opportunities for themselves outside
traditional home-based roles. She went on
to co-found and become president of the
National Organization for Women.
Meryl Streep

Streep has now broken her own record

for most Oscar nominations—21 to be exact.
Her first nomination was for 1978's The Deer
Hunter, but she didn't end up winning an
Oscar until 1980 for her performance
in Kramer vs. Kramer.

Michelle LaVaughn
Robinson Obama

Is an American lawyer, university

administrator, and writer, who was the first
lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
She is married to the 44th President of the
United States, Barack Obama, and she was
the first African American First Lady of the
United States.

Dolores Ibarruri

The Passionate One. Founder of the Spanish

Communist Party. One of the key figures in
the Spanish Civil War. Exiled in Russia after
the defeat, she was secretary general and
president of the party. She returned to Spain
after Franco's death.
Golda Meir
Born in Russia and raised in America. The pain
of the ghettos led her to a struggle that
culminated in the recognition of the State of
Israel. She was secretary general of the labor
party and later Prime Minister between 1969
and 1974.

President of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka
(Ceylon), she won the 1960 elections and
became the first woman democratically
elected as Prime Minister. She governed for
five years.

Mercè Rodoreda

She is considered one of the most influential

Catalan language writers of her time, as
evidenced by the references of other authors
to her work and the international
repercussion, with translations into forty
different languages.
Caterina Albert

Caterina Albert i Paradís, known by her pen

name Víctor Català, was a Catalan writer,
author of the novel Solitud (1905), one of the
key literary works of modernism. She also
developed a career as a painter, sculptor and

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