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Chapter 1 - The Debate on the Origins

Marxist Interpretation
a classist struggle in which lower class (the bourgeoisie and the urbanists) began to have more economic

the members were kept out of political power in the nobility

declining aristocracy and monarchy bankruptcy led a victorious take of power by the bourgeoisie

believed it was a classist struggle for equal rights in the bourgeoisie

Revisionist Interpretation
questioned Marxist interpretation of whether or not it was through bourgeoisie (believing it was too

the best known revisionist explanation is to question the intellectual cultural background to 1789 - they
believed the enlightenment period had inspired the advanced democratic ideas of the revolution

Marxist historians - interpreting the revolution as part of Marx’s analysis of class struggles, resulting in triumph
of the lower classes

Revisionist - reject Marxist analysis and provide a revised interpretations

Chapter 1 - The Debate on the Origins 1

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