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"Beauty is a reflection of the heart, mind, and soul.


Good Morning Everyone, My name is Syed Yahya Tariq and the topic I chose to talk about is
that beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder. We have heard this phrase everywhere but
what does it really mean. In simple terms, it means that beauty is subjective. It varies from
people to people and it’s a stance that I agree on. Like for example, what do you guys find

So that’s how you can say that beauty is subjective. Everyone who answered had a different
response to what they found beautiful from others. Someone said that they find the way the
other person laughs beautiful, the way they look beautiful or in some cases the way they
make them feel beautiful and that’s how beauty is subjective. It has many factors including
personal bias which includes someone’s preference or taste, cultural differences which
includes skin color and body type and individual perception itself which are all factors that
influences a person’s perception of beauty.

Some people say that advertising and media often promote certain beauty ideals that can
shape people's perceptions of what is beautiful which can lead to a unification of beauty
standards, but the fact is most of the time, it fails to do so as nowadays people are
comfortable within themselves and that’s what you have to achieve as a person, find yourself
and others beautiful.

So, the next time you see something that you may not personally consider beautiful,
remember that it's all a matter of perception. Embrace your own unique sense of beauty, and
celebrate the beauty in others. After all, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

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