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What makes a person beautiful?

Most people want to look beautiful in order to increase their self-confidence. Many
are ready to do anything to have beautiful faces. Some of them are willing to buy exclusive
facial skincare or consume expensive collagen and supplements to have glowing skin.
Does having glowing skin one is considered as a beautiful person? I believe that there
are many ways to describe beauty of a person as beautifulness is very subjective. Everyone
has their own definition of beauty. I am of the opinion that one looks beautiful when he or
she has positive mind, good heart and pretty soul. This kind of person will definitely treat
people nicely and at all-time willing to help others when they are in need. Therefore, a
beautiful person is someone who is kind, honest, generous, loving and caring.
I agree that beauty is not totally connected with our physical appearance. What is
important is that our character as a person and how do we make other people feel about
themselves. Nowadays, most of teenagers do have social media sites. Some of them always
love to give negative comments on any issues on social media. Their words bring hatred for
each other. In my opinion, a beauty person is a person who always do good things to the
community. Teenagers must set an affirmation in their mind that they are beautiful, so they
shall do something healthier, happier, stronger and make others happy too.
Lastly, I believe who has a pure heart and positive mindset is a beautiful person inside
and out. We have to remember that facial skincare or collagen just costs us a lot of money but
a positive mindset and good attributes will always glow and shine from one’s face.

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