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Horoz, Zeynep M.

Nurse – Patient Interaction
Client’s Profile
Name: Remer Y. Mandin
Age: 76
Civil Status: Married
Educational Attainment: College Level
Ordinal Position in the Family: First born child of 14 siblings
Time Allotment: 30 Minutes
Brief Description of the Interaction:
The client that I will be interviewing for this Nurse-Patient Interaction (NPI) is a 76-year-old male individual. He verbalized his
biographic data and I took the information down for documentation. Before anything else, I first introduced myself to the client to
make him feel comfortable the proceeded to take down his biographic data. I also asked permission to ask him some questions
regarding himself and most especially his health. He agreed to do so. After exchanges of question and answers, we were able to
document that the client is experiencing head ache and dry cough. I also asked the duration of the symptoms he was experiencing that
he answered with confidence. The client also verbalized that he did in fact seek a Doctor to ask about his health that of which provided
him with instructions to follow. He confirmed that he took medications instructed by the Doctor that alleviated some symptoms. I then
proceeded to take his Temperature and blood pressure which were both normal (120/80 for blood pressure and 36.4 C for temperature)
and documented it. After acknowledging that his vital signs were normal, I now slowly terminated the interaction by thanking the
client for lending his time to be interviewed and he was also very thankful to have the talk with me. We ended the interaction with
both sides agreeing.
Horoz, Zeynep M.

Orientation Phase (January 26, 2023 at 05:30 PM)

 Good Afternoon,Sir!  Good afternoon  Offering self/giving  Making one’s self available to the
I am Zeynep Horoz, as well, Zey. information. client and having set the interview.
you may call me Sure, you may. Also informing and asking the client’s
Zey. I am from consent to conduct the
Western Mindanao interview/assessment and allows the
State University and client to know what to expect.
I am a first year
Nursing student.
Would it be okay if I
interview and assess
you for a short
while?  Sure, go ahead.  Offering self/giving  Allowing the client to know what to
 May I ask you some I would gladly information expect and being there to respond to
questions sir? You answer your the client’s queries.
may also me some questions and
queries if you have ask as well.
some. Rest assured
sir that the
information will be
kept confidential.  I am doing good  Giving recognition  Gives an opportunity to start a
 Thank you very and I hope you conversation with the client and
much for giving me are too. recognizes the client as an individual.
your time of the day, Gives the client respect.
sir. How are you  Asking questions
today sir?  I am Remer Y.  Solicit personal information from the
 I am doing great sir, Mandin and I client.
thank you for am 76 years old
asking. What is your already.
name and how old
Horoz, Zeynep M.
are you sir?  Asking questions
 Where do you live  I live here in  Solicit personal information from the
sir? Zamboanga client.
City, at
Pasonanca Blue
 Asking questions
 Were you also born  No, I was born  Solicit personal information from the
here in Zamboanga in Jolo, Sulu client.
City, sir? Did you and I am the
finish your studies eldest of my 14
here sir? siblings.
 Solicit personal information from the
Unfortunately, I
client about a specific event.
was not able to
finish college
because I
worked at an  Asking questions
 Are you married sir? early age.
What do you do for  Yes, I am
a living? married and I
have 7 children.
Unfortunately, I
don’t work
anymore and I
just stay at
Horoz, Zeynep M.

Working Phase (January 26, 2023 at 05:40 PM)

 Regarding your  I don’t feel very  Broad openings  Allows the client to take initiative in
health sir, how do well, actually. opening the topic regarding his/her
you feel as of this My head hurts health.
moment? and my throat.

 Did you drink any  Yes I did, I

medicines for head drank Medicol  Asking questions  Solicit information from the client.
ache sir? And did 30 minutes ago
you by any chance but I was not
took your able to check
temperature? my temperature.

 Do you have a runny  No, I don’t have  Asking questions  Solicit information from the client.
nose or are you a runny nose
experiencing cough? but my throat is
quite dry.
 Since when did this  It started 3 days  Active listening  Paying attention to what the client is
start? The coughs ago but I was saying. They must acknowledge that
and head ache sir? able to consult we are listening, understanding and
my daughter-in- engaging with them.
law who is a
Doctor since I
get very
alarmed about
my health and
she advised me
to take Tuseran
and Medicol
Horoz, Zeynep M.
when I feel
discomfort and
drink lots of
water and get
 I see sir. That was a enough sleep.  Reflecting  Encourages the client/make the client
good decision that  Yes, I felt feel and recognize that his/her
you asked the slightly better decision was right.
Doctor and it after following
somehow lessened her instructions.
your discomfort,
right sir?
 Giving information  Giving information to the client
 You may also visit
your barangay health  Oh really? allowing them to know about the free
center sir if you need Okay then, I medicines in barangay health centers.
medicines sir. They will go so that I
provide it for free. can lessen my
expenses on
Thank you!

Termination Phase (January 26, 2023 at 05:50 PM)

 I am glad sir that  Yes, I will.  Confronting  Present the patient with reality of their
you feel better. Just Thank you very situation so that they can understand
continue to follow much. and get better.
the Doctor’s orders
and always take
good care of
yourself sir.
 Okay, go ahead.  Asking questions  Asking consent from the client if it
 That’s good to hear
sir. Would it be okay I want to know would be ok to take his/her vital signs.
if I took your my blood
Horoz, Zeynep M.
temperature and pressure also.
blood pressure sir?
Just to document
your status and
make sure you are
fine?  Giving information
 Ahh, at least  Providing the client with the needed
 (Checks blood
everything is information.
pressure and takes
temperature) Your normal. Thank
blood pressure is you very much
normal sir, 120/80 for your help
and your nurse.
temperature is 36.4
C, normal also sir.
 No problem sir! I  Termination
 Thank you! I
really appreciate you  Ending the interaction as agreed by
am glad we had
lending me you both the client and nurse.
this talk as well.
time. I will go ahead Likewise.
now sir. Thank you
so much again. Take
care always sir!

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