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CLS321 – 212 Quiz No2 Due date: Due date: 07/03/2022

Student Name: Student Id:

Review the following statements and response to the corresponding questions:

1) When cells are under a mild to moderate condition, they try to maintain normal
homeostasis and adapt with the situation before they completely injured.

The answer is (true), please list 4 possible responses the cells may take in order to
resist these condition.

2) Metaplasia, is a term used to describe the cell adaptation by changing its color.

The answer is (False), please describe metaplasia and include any example.

3) Hypoxia is the most common cause for cell injury regardless the origin of the cells.

The answer is (True), please list the cells that can be life threatening due the lack of

4) Excessive amount of such a nutrient is not favorable, but it can’t cause cell injury
because the organism has mechanism to excrete excess.

The answer was (False), Please list all the exogenous causes for cell injury other than
lack of oxygen and malnutrition.

5) One of the essential function in cellular system is maintaining the integrity of the plasma
membrane, however a tiny rupture in plasma membrane will not destroy the cells.

The answer is (False), because once the membrane loss integrity, we describe the
injury as irreversible. Could you think about another organelles or parts driving cell
death (just one!).

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