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DOCUMENT TITLE : Environmental Management Plan

CONTRACTOR : Eastern Soldar Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd


Document No. : T2417-GEN-S-008

Wood Doc. Type P90

DSN No. 5

Wood Revision

Contractor Revison 0

Status Code 4

Petron / Wood Approval Yong

Digitally signed by
Yong Woon Chin
Woon Chin Date: 2020.08.12
Eng. 11:47:19 +08'00'



1 Rejected
2 Comments as Noted
3 Minor Comments, Acceptable
4 No Comments
5 Information Only

0 8/6/2020 Approve for Construction Nurul Kumar Arnold

A2 6/10/2019 For Review and Approval Nurul Tan K.Y Arnold
A1 4/27/2019 For Review and Approval Nurul Tan K.Y Arnold
Revision Date Description Prepared by Checked By Approved By

Date : 6.8.2020 Doc No. T2417-GEN-S-008

Rev. : 0 Page 1 of 38

Table of Content

1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Project Overview
1.3 Project Implementation Schedule
1.4 Name of the EMP Preparer
1.5 Term and definitions
2. Environmental Policy and Commitment
2.1 Project Environmental Objectives
2.2 Environmental Policy
2.3 Environmental Management System
2.4 Project HSE Management System
3. Environmental Requirement
3.1 EIA Approval Condition
3.2 Related Standard and regulations
3.3 Implementation of Pollution Prevention and Control
3.4 Project Environmental Contractual Requirement
4. Roles, Responsibilities and Competence
4.1 Roles and Responsibilities
4.2 Organisation Chart for Contractor
4.3 HSE Organisation
4.4 Operational Organisation Representative
4.5 Operational Site Representatives
4.6 Petron Environmental Comittee
5. Environmental Traning and Competency
5.1 Site Induction
5.2 Toolbox talks and poster campaign
5.3 Training
6. Environmental Aspect Impact
6.1 Summary of Environmental Impacts
6.2 Description of mitigation measures
7. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
7.1 Qualification requirement for ESCP Management
8. Monitoring and Reporting Programme
9. Materials and Waste Management
9.1 Material and Chemical Storage
9.2 Non-scheduled waste
9.3 Scheduled waste
9.4 Management of gaseous emission
9.5 Noise management
10. Environmental Audit and Review
10.1 Management review and revision of the EMP
10.2 Audit
10.3 Project Environmental Auditing Plan
11. Environmental Emergency Response Plan
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Objectives
11.3 General ERP Guidelines
11.4 Policy on incident management
11.5 Emergency Scenarios
11.6 Spill response equipment and materials
11.7 Site emergency response plan
11.8 Environmental Emergency Training Exercise / Drill
Appendix 1: Project Layout
Appendix 2 : Project Implementation Schedule

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1. Introduction
This document contains proposed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Marine Import
Facilities 2, Petron Refining and Marketing Bhd. This document outlines the requirements related to
EIA report and DOE Approval Condition. Any further conditions related to the project that DOE may
apply to this project will be incorporated and implemented in the management plan.
1.1 Objectives
EMP ensures environmental practices are adhered to during construction and commissioning phase.
This document is also a mechanism to identify the significant environmental aspects and the
effectiveness of the mitigation measures. The main objectives of the EMP are to:
a) Comply with the requirement by DOE and any other relevant laws, regulations and or guidelines
pertaining to the project activities.
b) EMP document will be part of the HSE Management Plan for the project
c) Early trigger to remediate the environmental non-conformance.
d) Establish and environmental monitoring and audit program that will be used as a guide on tracking
the environmental performance of the project implementation.
e) To comply with the DOE and all the relevant agencies requirement prior to the implementation of
the EMP.

This EMP document is prepared to be consistent and in line with the following documents.
a) Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) for Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Petron
Malaysia Refining and Marketing, Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan June 2018.
b) EIA Approval and Approval Conditions Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Petron Malaysia
Refining and Marketing, Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan June 2018. (ASNS(B) 35/3000/105/005 Jld ()
dated 16 July 2018)
c) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) for Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Petron
Malaysia Refining and Marketing, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.
d) Petron Environmental Management Plan for Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Petron Malaysia
Refining and Marketing, Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan.

1.1.1 Submission of the EMP Report

This EMP documents for Marine Import Facilities 2 Project – Tank Work will be submitted to OWNER
for Approval.

1.2 Project Overview.

The Project components / import facilities involve existing facilities that have been acquired from the
Cabot and new facilities that are introduced for integration with the existing facilities. The conceptual
design and layout for Work Tankage Package, is shown in Appendix 1.

1.2.1 Scope of Work

Eastern Soldar scope of work includes construction of two new storage tanks (250kb net capacity
each) for Mogas UL95/ADO Standard within Petron PDR Land.

1.2.2 Project Layout

Project Layout of the Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Tankage Work Package is shown in
Appendix 1.

1.3 Project Implementation Schedule

The Project Implementation Schedule for this Work Tankage Package is shown in Appendix 2.

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1.4 Name of the EMP Preparer

This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Petron
Malaysia Refining and Marketing, Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan is developed by Environmental
Officer of Eastern Soldar Engineering and Construction.
Name : Nurul Izzah Binti Ab Rahim
Title : Environmental Officer
Education : Bachelor Degree in Environmental Technology
Phone : 0199545866
Email Address :

1.5 Terms and Definitions

OWNER Petron Malaysia Refining and Marketing, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.
PROJECT Proposed Marine Import Facilities 2, Petron Malaysia Refining and Marketing,
Port Dickson Negeri Sembilan.
CONTRACTOR Eastern Soldar Engineering and Construction Sdn Bhd (ESEC)

The acronyms used in this document have the meaning defined below:
EMP Environmental Management Plan
ESCP Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
DOE Department of Environment (Malaysia)

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2. Environmental Policy and Commitment

2.1 The Project Environmental Objectives are:
a) To minimize the possibility of releases to the environment, with regard to toxic, flammable or
environmentally harmful materials to air, water and land.
b) To minimize the possibility of environmental incidents and damages during tank construction stage
and to guarantee a complete investigation in case of incident and take all necessary measures to
eliminate any possibility of reoccurrence.
c) To identify all potential environmental ‘aspects’ and impacts associated with the site preparation
works and operation and to develop prevention , mitigation and control measures to eliminate and
minimize adverse environmental impacts on people and natural environment.
d) To encourage the adoption of the positive, proactive, committed environmental culture by all parties
throughout all phases of the Project.

During the construction and commissioning phase, CONTRACTOR is responsible to support all
contractual environmental requirements related to the scope of work and develop our own HSSE Plan
(as a minimum)
CONTRACTOR w il l implement the environmental protection measures re l at e d to project
as specified in the EIA Report and the Approval Conditions issued by DOE letter
reference: ASNS(B)35/300/105/005 dated 16 July 2018
In addition to the above, appropriate a n d adequate emergency response plan organisation and
facilities I equipment to mitigate the impact of any environmental incident will also be put in
place and to fully comply with the Site Emergency Response Plan.

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2.2 Environmental Policy

ESEC Environmental Policy for this project as per below.

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2.3 Project HSSE Management System

An effective Project-wide HSSE management system has been established for this
Project which has the followIng key elements, refer to the document Project HSSE Plan,
doc No T.2417-GEN-S-004

The purpose of the HSSE plan is to outline the methodology in which the Health, Safety
and Environment (HSE) aspect of the PROJECT will be planned, administered, monitored
to ensure that the HSE objectives of the PROJECT are successfully accomplished.
In addition to the corporate policy a n d strategic objective , HSSEMS a l s o ensures the
a) Organization including responsibilities, resources, training, competency, standards
and document management;
b) Planning & Procedure including asset integrity, work instructions, management of
change contingency and emergency response planning;
c) Implementation & Monitoring including work activities, record, noncompliance and
corrective action, incident report and follow up; and
d) Auditing & Management Review.

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3. Environmental Requirements

3.1 EIA Approval Conditions

The EIA Approval Conditions related to this project are shown in the following (Malay Version)

No Syarat-Syarat Kelulusan EIA

1 Semua langkah pencegahan dan kawalan yang digariskan di dalam Laporan Penilaian
Kesan Kepada Alam Sekeliling (EIA) yang telah disediakan oleh Jururunding EIA iaitu
Environmental Resources Management Sdn Bhd, hendaklah dipatuhi sepenuhnya:-
SEMBILAN" June 2018 yang telah dikemukakan melalui surat rujukan
0444932/Petron/MIF2 ElA/DOE/Letter01 bertarikh 8 Jun 2018;
1.2 Maklumat Tambahan kepada Laporan E1A "THE PROPOSED MARINE IMPORT
DICKSON, NEGERI SEMBILAN" Julai 2018 yang telah dikemukakan melalui surat
rujukan 0444932/Petron/MIF2 EIA/DOE/Letter01 bertarikh 13 Julai 2018.
2 Kelulusan Laporan EIA bagi cadangan projek ini adalah hanya terhad bagi pembinaan
dan pengoperasi fasiliti untuk sebahagian sahaja dari yang tertakluk dalam Jadual
Pertama Perintah Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Aktiviti Yang Ditetapkan) (Penilaian Kesan
Kepada Alam Sekeliling) 2015 bagi aktiviti 9(c)(i): Pembinaan kemudahan pengasingan,
pemprosesan, pengendalian dan penstoran minyak dan gas.
3 Kelulusan Laporan EIA bagi cadangan projek ini hanya terhad bagi pembinaan dan
pengoperasian fasiliti PENGENDALIAN dan PENSTORAN minyak dan gas sahaja.
Sebarang aktiviti PENGASINGAN dan PEMPROSESAN minyak dan gas adalah TIDAK
4 Produk yang akan diterima dan distor oleh fasiliti ini adalah Mogas UL95 E5 dengan
kapasiti penerimaan sebanyak 400 kb per minggu dan sebarang perubahan kapasiti dan
konsep pada proses-proses terlibat adalah tidak dibenarkan tanpa kelulusan Ketua
Pengarah Kualiti Alam Sekeliling terlebih dahulu.
5 Pembangunan projek adalah dihadkan penggunaan fasiliti sedia ada yang
dahulunya milik CABOT (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd dan beberapa unit fasiliti tambahan yang
akan didirikan oleh Petron Malaysia Refining & Marketing Berhad yang
dinyatakan seperti berikut:

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Item Nama unit fasiliti Status Catatan

Single Point Mooring Naik taraf
5.1 (SPM) (penggantian) dari *CBM: Conventional Buoy
CBM kepada SPM Mooring

Pipeline End Manifold Pemasangan

(PLEM) baru
Talian Paip 20" (Luar Aset sedia ada
Talian Paip 10" (Luar Aset sedia ada
5.4 Telah diambil alih oleh
Petron Malaysia Refining &
Talian Paip 20" Aset sedia ada
5.5 Marketing Berhad
Talian Paip 10" Aset sedia ada
Talian Paip 20" Pembinaan baru
5.7 (Daratan) sepanjang 1.5
Akan dibina oleh Petron
Malaysia Refining &
2 Unit Tangki Pembinaan baru
Marketing Berhad
5.8 penyimpanan dengan
kapasiti 250kb setiap

6 Asas reka satu

bentuk dan pelan susunatur cadangan projek hendaklah sebagaimana yang
dinyatakan seperti berikut :
i. Figure 5.1 : Location of M1F2 Project Import Facilities di muka surat 5-2 dalam
Laporan EIA;
ii. Figure 5.2 : Project Conceptual Design and Layout di muka surat 5-3 dalam
Laporan EIA;
iii. Figure 5.3 : Alignment Layout of Existing Off Shore and Onshore Pipelines di
muka surat 5-5 dalam Laporan EIA;
iv. Figure 5.6 : Location of the Proposed New PLEM with piping configuration with the
Existing OffShore Submarine Pipelines di muka surat 5-12 dalam Laporan EIA;
v. Figure 5.8 : New Onshore Pipeline Alignment Arrangement di muka surat 5-13
dalam Laporan EIA; dan
vi. Figure 5.9: Layout Arrangement for Tank Area di muka surat 5-15 dalam Laporan
vii. Figure 5.11 : Overall Site Plan pada Attachment 10 dalam Maklumat Tambahan
viii. Figure 5.12 : General Earthwork Layout Plan for Tank Area di muka surat 5-22
dalam Laporan EIA;
ix. Figure 5.13 : General Earthwork Layout Plan for 20" On Shore Pipeline di muka
surat 5-23 dalam Laporan EIA;
x. Figure 5.14 New SPM and New PLEM General Arrangment Layout di muka surat
5-25 dalam Laporan EIA

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Sesalinan pelan susunatur yang diluluskan oleh Majlis Perbandaran Port Dickson
hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan dalam tempoh 2
minggu dari tarikh ianya diluluskan.
7 Pelan Kawalan Hakisan Tanah dan Sedimen (Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan -
ESCP) hendaklah disediakan sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dalam Guideline for Erosion
and Sediment Control in Malaysia October 2010 yang diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Pengairan
dan Saliran (JPS), Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam
8 Dua (2) salinan dokumen ESCP ini hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar
(JAS) Negeri Sembilan dalam tempoh dua (2) minggu selepas diperakui atau disahkan
oleh JPS. Pelan ESCP ini hendaklah sentiasa dikemaskini mengikut kemajuan
pelaksanaan projek dan dipamerkan di tapak projek bagi tujuan pemeriksaan JAS.
9 Semua langkah kawalan hakisan tanah dan sedimen hendaklah dilaksanakan seperti di
dalam lukisan ESCP yang tefah disahkan oleh Jurutera Bertauliah (Professional Engineer)
dan diperakui (endorsed) oleh Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran.

10 Tolok hujan (rain gauge) hendaklah dipasang di satu kawasan yang terbuka di dalam
tapak projek.
11 Best Management Practices (BMPs) bagi langkah-Iangkah kawalan hakisan dan sedimen
hendaklah disenaraikan dan diperincikan di datam Bill of Quantities (BQ) semasa proses
tender projek serta diperincikan dalam EMP.
12 Pemasangan semua komponen BMPs sepertimana yang ditunjukkan di dalam Laporan
EIA bagi cadangan projek ini hendaklah dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh pemaju atau
kontraktor yang dilantik sebelum setiap fasa kerja tanah dimulakan.
13 Penyelenggaraan semua komponen BMPs hendaklah dilaksanakan secara berkala
mengikut jadual yang disediakan oleh pihak pemaju. Rekod penyelenggaraan hendaklah
disediakan dan disimpan di tapak projek pada setiap masa untuk tujuan pemeriksaan.
14 Pemeriksaan terhadap semua komponen BMPs hendaklah dijalankan dalam tempoh 24
jam selepas catatan hujan adalah bersamaan atau melebihi 12.5 mm. Laporan
pemeriksaan ini hendaklah dikemukakan secara online sepertimana format di LAMPIRAN
3 dalam tempoh 24 jam selepas pemeriksaan dijalankan. Laporan bergambar bagi
tindakan pembaikan BMPs di mana perlu hendaklah dikemukakan dalam tempoh 7 hari
dari kejadian
15 Sebarang biomas yang terhasil daripada pembersihan tapak projek hendaklah digunakan
semula di tapak dengan kaedah mulching. Manakala biomas yang tidak dapat digunakan
sebagai mulching hendaklah diuruskan seperti cadangan pelupusan di dalam para
di muka surat 5-20, di dalam Laporan EIA.
16 Sebarang pembakaran terbuka sisa biomas di tapak projek adalah tidak dibenarkan sama
17 Pelupusan tanah-tanih berlebihan (excess cut material) di luar tapak projek hendaklah
mendapat kelulusan daripada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.
18 Bagi kawalan hakisan (erosion control) yang berkesan perkara-perkara beikut hendaklah
dilaksanakan :-
i. Pemasangan struktur BMPs hendaklah dilaksanakan selari dengan pelaksanaan
aktiviti kerja tanah sepertimana yang dinyatakan di para 10;
ii. Kawasan di mana kerja-kerja tanah masih dilaksanakan hendaklah dibuat
penstabilan tanah sementara; dan
iii. Kawasan terdedah di mana kerja-kerja tanah telah selesai hendaklah ditutup
dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh kerja tanah selesai.

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19 Bagi kawalan hakisan yang berkesan, perkara-perkara berikut hendaklah dilaksanakan:-

i. Mengikut penjadual fasa yang ditetapkan di dalam Laporan EIA;
ii. Penjadualan aktiviti-aktiviti utama seperti dalam ESCP;
iii. Turutan (Sequencing) pelaksanaan aktiviti-aktiviti utama yang selari dengan
pemasangan BMPs; dan
iv. Kawasan di mana kerja-kerja tanah masih dilaksanakan hendaklah dibuat
pentsabilan tanah sementara, dan kawasan terdedah di mana kerja-kerja tanah
telah selesai hendaklah ditutup dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh kerja tanah
20 Bagi kawalan air larian permukaan (surface run-off) yang berkesan, perkara-perkara
berikut hendaklah dilaksanakan:-
i. Kawalan sempadan kawasan kerja (perimeter control) dan peparitan sempadan
kawasan (perimeter drain) hendaklah disediakan di tapak projek sebelum
sebarang kerja tanah dijalankan;
ii. Semua perimeter earth drain hendaklah dilengkapi dengan check dam; dan
iii. Sebarang pelepasan air larian permukaan dari tapak projek di mana kerja tanah
dijalankan tidak dibenarkan dilepaskan terus ke mana-mana alur air melainkan
hendaklah melalui kolam perangkap mendap atau kolam mendapan terlebih
21 Bagi kawalan sedimen (sediment control) yang berkesan, perkara-perkara berikut
hendaklah dilaksanakan:-
i. BMPs hendaklah dibina sebelum kerja tanah dimulakan mengikut lukisan ESCP
dan selaras dengan peringkat kerja tanah;
ii. Perangkap mendap, kolam mendapan atau apa-apa struktur kawalan sedimen
yang lain yang dicadangkan di dalam laporan EIA hendaklah dibina mengikut
spesifikasi reka bentuk Iukisan ESCP.
22 Penstabilan cerun hendaklah dilaksanakan dengan berkesan seperti berikut :
i. Pembinaan cerun bertingkat hendaklah dilaksanakan di kawasan cerun-cerun
tanah potong (cut slope) dan tanah tambun (fill slope), sebelum kerja-kerja
pembinaan bangunan dimulakan; dan
ii. Cerun tanah tambun (fill slope) perlu dipadatkan mengikut spesifikasi rekabentuk
lukisan ESCP, serta saranan perunding geoteknik.
23 Kawasan-kawasan semulajadi hendaklah dikekalkan, antaranya :
i. Kawasan zon penampan sungai, cerun bukit melebihi 25 darjah, puncak bukit,
sempadan hutan simpan kekal dan had laluan jalan (Right of Way, ROW)
hendaklah mengikut lukisan ESCP; dan
ii. Pembinaan jalan kekal atau jalan sementara (construction road) yang merentasi
sungai / alur air hendakiah menggunakan jambatan atau culvert.
24 Jalan masuk (access road) yang akan digunakan bagi tujuan pembangunan ini adalah
sepertimana yang ditunjukkan di dalam Figure 5.10 Access Road and Site Security
Arrangement pada muka surat 5-18 dalam Laporan ElA;
25 Laluan kenderaan pengangkut bahan binaan serta tanah hendaklah dirancang dengan
baik bagi mengurangkan kacau ganggu kepada kawasan sensitif berhampiran. Laluan
kenderaan tersebut hendaklah mendapat kelulusan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan terlebih
26 Wash Trough hendaklah disediakan untuk membersihkan roda-roda kenderaan
pengangkut dan jentera kerja tanah sebelum dibenarkan bergerak di atas jalan awam.

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27 Penyemburan air (water browsing) hendaklah dilaksanakan di sempadan tapak projek

untuk mengurangkan penyerakan habuk ke kawasan sekitar tapak cadangan projek
28 Sebarang pelepasan air larian permukaan dari tapak projek ke luar sempadan tapak
projek semasa kerja-kerja tanah dan pembinaan hendaklah tidak boleh mengandungi
29 Kemudahan tandas sementara yang memenuhi spesifikasi yang ditetapkan oleh
Kementerian Kesihatan atau Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) hendaklah
disediakan di kem pekerja di sepanjang tempoh pembinaan. Tiada sebarang kumbahan
(sewage) atau sisa basuhan (sullage) dibenarkan dilepaskan daripada kem pekerja ke
perairan pedalaman tanpa sebarang rawatan
30 Sebarang pelepasan kumbahan mentah tidak terawat adalah tidak dibenarkan sama
sekali. Sekiranya berlaku sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini seperti kerosakan
mekanikal dan elektrikal, langkah-langkah yang sewajarnya hendaklah dilaksanakan
dengan segera bagi mengelakkan kumbahan mentah dilepaskan ke alur air yang
31 Rekabentuk sistem pengoiahan kumbahan (Sewerage Treatment Plant, STP) bagi
mengolah air kumbahan hendaklah mendapat kelulusan daripada Suruhanjaya
Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN). Penyediaan dan pengendalian sistem pengolahan
kumbahan dan petunjuk kumbahan, pemantauan dan pembuangan kumbahan dan
petunjuk pembuangan kumbahan hendaklah mematuhi Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam
Sekeliling (Kumbahan) 2009, P.U. (A) 432.
32 Pelepasan di takat pelepasan akhir sistem rawatan kumbahan bagi pembangunan ini
hendaklah diolah sehingga mematuhi Standad A, Jadual Kedua (Peraturan 7) di bawah
Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Kumbahan) 2009, P.U.(A) 432 sebelum
dilepaskan ke perairan pedalaman.
33 Semua komponen sistem rawatan kumbahan hendaklah diselenggara dengan baik
sepanjang tempoh operasi melalui prosedur pemantauan prestasi.
34 Program pengawasan kualiti air di alur air dan sungai berhampiran seperti yang
ditunjukkan di dalam Figure 6.23 Baseline Water Quality Sampling Locations di muka
surat 6- 50 dalam laporan EIA hendaklah dilaksanakan semasa peringkat kerja tanah dan
pembinaan pada setiap setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali. Kualiti air ini hendaklah dibandingkan
dengan "National Water Quality Standards (NWQS) for Malaysia" oleh Jabatan Alam
Sekitar. Prograrn pengawasan kualiti air ini termasuk lokasi pengawasan, parameter dan
frekuensi hendaklah mendapat persetujuan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan.
35 Program pengawasan kualiti air marin dan sedimen berhampiran seperti yang ditunjukkan
di dalam Figure 6.13: Surface Water Monitoring Location di muka surat 6-21 di dalam
Laporan EIA hendaklah dilaksanakan semasa peringkat kerja di luar pesisir dan operasi
pada setiap setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali. Kualiti air ini hendaklah dibandingkan dengan
Type 111 Malaysia Marine Water Quality Criteria and Standard (MMWQCS)
36 Pengawasan kualiti udara ambien semasa peringkat kerja tanah dan pembinaan
sepertimana yang ditunjukkan di dalam Figure 6.24 : Locations of Baseline Ambient Air
Quality and Noise Level Measurement Sampling Stations and Curent Boundary Air Quality
and Noise Level Monitoring Stations di muka surat 6-55 di dalam Laporan EIA hendaklah
dilaksanakan setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali bagi parameter Total Suspended Particulates
(TSP) serta mematuhi had yang ditetapkan dalam Recommended Malaysia Air Quality
Guidelines terbitan Jabatan Alam Sekitar. Lokasi-lokasi percontohan dan frekuensi
hendaklah mendapat kelulusan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan.
37 Pembakaran terbuka sisa-sisa tumbuhan atau buangan bahan binaan atau apa-apa
buangan dari kawasan projek adalah dilarang sama sekali.

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38 Bunyi bising hendaklah dikawal supaya tidak melebihi paras yang ditetapkan di dalam
garispanduan Maximum Permissible Sound Level Leq by Receiving Land Use for Planning
and New Development, the Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and
Control (DOE, 2004), Designated Mixed Development Area (Residential — Commercial).
39 Pengukuran bunyi bising hendaklah dijalankan seperti yang ditunjukkan di dalam Figure
6.24 Locations of Baseline Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Measurement
Sampling Stations and Curent Boundary Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring Stations di
muka surat 6-55 di dalam Laporan EIA bermula di peringkat kerja tanah dan pembinaan
pada setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali. Kekerapan dan lokasi percontohan hendaklah dirujuk
dan mendapat persetujuan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan.
40 Gegaran hendaklah dikawal supaya tidak melebihi paras 5 mm/s [paras gegaran
bergantung kepada kedudukan projek dan receiving landusel semasa peringkat
pembinaan dan operasi, berpandukan kepada "Annex A Schedule of Recommended
Vibration Limits" di dalam garispanduan "Planning Guidelines for Vibration Limits and
Control in the Environment" terbitan Jabatan Alam Sekitar, 2004. Pengukuran gegaran
hendaklah dijalankan bermula di peringkat kerja tanah dan pembinaan pada setiap tiga (3)
bulan sekali. Kekerapan dan lokasi percontohan hendaklah dirujuk dan mendapat
persetujuan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan.
41 Kerja-kerja menanam cerucuk hendaklah dengan cara yang tidak mendatangkan masalah
asap hitam, bunyi bising dan gegaran seperti kaedah hydraulic piling / bore piling atau
kaedah-kaedah lain yang lebih mesra alam. Kerja-kerja menanam cerucuk hanya
dihadkan bermula jam 8.00 pagi hingga 7.00 malam sahaja.
42 Sebarang pembinaan, pemasangan atau pengubahsuaian alat pembakaran bahanapi
(APB) atau alat kawalan pencemaran udara (AKP) atau janakuasa sedia tunggu (Genset)
hendaklah diberitahu secara bertulis kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan dalam
bentuk sebagaimana yang dinyatakan di dalam Peraturan 5, Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti
Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 2014 dalam masa tiga puluh (30) hari sebelum kerja
pembinaan bermula.
43 Sebarang pembuangan atau pelepasan kumbahan ke perairan pedaiaman hendaklah
diberitahu secara bertulis kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan melalui borang di
Jadual Pertama dalam Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Kumbahan) 2009
dalam masa tiga puluh (30) hari sebelum kerja pembinaan bermula.
44 Semua bahan petroleum, bahan kimia dan sisa buangan terjadual hendaklah diletakkan
jauh daripada mana-mana alur air bagi mencegah pertumpahan ke dalamnya.
45 Benteng hendaklah dibina di sekeliling tangki simpanan bahan kimia dan bahan
petroleum. Benteng yang dibina hendaklah berupaya menampung sekurang-kurangnya
110°/0 kandungan tangki terbesar di dalam benteng berkenaan. Tapak tangki hendaklah
diperbuat daripada konkrit dan kemudahan untuk mengepam semula bahan yang tumpah
hendaklah disediakan.
46 Sebarang buangan terjadual sepertimana yang tersenarai di Jadual Pertama (Peraturan
2), Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Buangan Terjadual) 2005, P.U. (A) 158
hendaklah diurus dengan sempurna mengikut kaedah-kaedah yang ditetapkan di dalam
Peraturan tersebut. Buanganbuangan terjadual hendaklah dilupuskan, diolah atau
diperoleh kembali di premis yang dilesenkan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar.
47 Semua kemudahan penstoran bahan kimia, bahan petroleum dan buangan terjadual
hendaklah diletakkan jauh daripada alur air.
48 Sistem pengurusan sisa pepejal dan sisa biomas yang baik hendaklah disediakan (satu
tempat khas untuk penyimpanan sementara buangan pepejal mesti disediakan di dalam

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tapak cadangan). Sisa pepejal dan sisa biomas hendaklah dilupuskan di tapak pelupusan
sisa pepejal yang diluluskan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.
49 "Environmental Management Plan" (EMP) yang memperincikan semua tindakan yang
diambil bagi mematuhi syarat-syarat keluiusan Laporan EIA dan langkah-langkah kawalan
yang dicadangkan di dalam Laporan EIA hendaklah disediakan dan diluluskan sebelum
projek bermula. EMP ini hendaklah disediakan mengikut format di LAMPIRAN A dan
dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan untuk kelulusan dan
hendaklah dikaji semula dan diubahsuai dari semasa ke semasa mengikut keperluan.
Sebarang kerjakerja di tapak pembangunan tidak boleh dimulakan sehingga Laporan
EMP ini diluluskan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan.
50 Sekiranya projek ini gagal disiapkan atau penamatan projek, maka pemulihan dari segi
keselamatan awam dan alam sekitar (impak udara, impak air, tanah tercemar dan
sebagainya) adalah menjadi tanggungjawab Pemaju Projek atau pihak yang
51 Pemaju projek hendaklah mengemukakan pemberitahuan secara bertulis kepada Jabatan
Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan dengan serta merta sebaik sahaja pihak Pengurusan
Pemaju Projek menetapkan untuk menamatkan projek ini samada di peringkat kerja
tanah, pembinaan atau operasi, yang mengandungi:-
i. Tarikh penutupan/penamatan projek; dan
ii. Komitmen daripada Pemaju Projek atau pihak yang bertanggungjawab
sepenuhnya ke atas pemulihan tapak projek dari segi keselamatan awam dan
alam sekitar dan untuk mengemukakan dan melaksanakan Pelan Penutupan
yang akan dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan sebelum
projek tamat sepenuhnya.
iii. Pelan Penutupan yang terperinci termasuklah kerja-kerja penstabilan tapak
projek, kerja-kerja pemulihan tanah tercemar, pembukaan alat-alat serta jentera-
jentera proses, kerja-kerja pembersihan tapak, pengawasan alam sekitar atau
apa-apa jua langkah pemulihan yang bersesuaian yang dicadangkan
hendaklah disediakan dan dikemukakan untuk kelulusan kepada Jabatan Alam
Sekitar Negeri Sembilan sebelum projek tamat sepenuhnya.
52 Audit Alam Sekeliling Pihak Ketiga di bawah Seksyen 33A, Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling
hendaklah dilaksanakan terhadap projek ini berpandukan kepada Environmental Audit
Guidance Manual, terbitan Jabatan Alam Sekitar oleh pihak ketiga iaitu Juru Audit yang
berdaftar dengan Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan segala kos audit alam sekeliling hendaklah
ditanggung oleh pemaju projek seperti berikut:-
i. Di peringkat awal sebelum kerja tanah dan pembinaan bermula. Kriteria
audit hendaklah merangkumi antara lainnya dokumen-dokumen seperti Laporan
EIA, Laporan EMP, ESCP dan kelulusankelulusan lain yang berkaitan serta
pemasangan langkahlangkah kawalan hakisan dan kelodakan;
ii. Di peringkat kerja tanah dan pembinaan setiap empat (4) bulan sekali atau
mengikut arahan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan, bermula dari tarikh mula
sehingga selesai kerja tanah dan pembinaan. (Juruaudit hendaklah mempunyai
sijil CESSWI -Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector atau
kelayakan yang setara); dan
iii. Segala kos audit alam sekeliling hendaklah ditanggung oleh pemaju projek.
53 Laporan-laporan berikut hendakiah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri
Sembilan yang mengandungi:-

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i. Laporan ringkasan maklumat kemajuan kerja-kerja tanah dan pembinaan

termasuklah laporan bergambar kemajuan kerja hendaklah dikemukakan dengan
melengkapkan BORANG EIA 1-08 seperti di LAMPIRAN 1, dalam tempoh 90
hari dari tarikh surat kelulusan Laporan EIA ini dan seterusnya dikemukakan
setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali sepanjang kerja-kerja tanah dan pembinaan;
Laporan pematuhan syarat-syarat kelulusan Laporan EIA ini yang menunjukkan
bahawa semua syarat kelulusan dipatuhi dan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan
kawalan dilaksanakan bagi semua aktiviti berkaitan seperti yang diperuntukkan di
bawah Seksyen 34A(7), Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling, 1974, hendaklah
dikemukakan dengan melengkapkan BORANG EIA 2-08 seperti di LAMPIRAN 2
setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali sepanjang kerja-kerja tanah dan pembinaan; dan
Laporan pematuhan syarat-syarat kelulusan Laporan EIA ini yang menunjukkan
bahawa semua syarat kelulusan dipatuhi dan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan
kawalan dilaksanakan bagi semua aktiviti berkaitan seperti yang diperuntukkan di
bawah Seksyen 34A(7), Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling, 1974, hendaklah
dikemukakan dengan melengkapkan BORANG EIA 2-08 seperti di LAMPIRAN 2
setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali sepanjang kerja-kerja tanah dan pembinaan; dan
ii. Laporan secara on-line atau emall hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam
Sekitar Negeri Sembiian yang mengandungi:-
a) Pemeriksaan semua BMPs hendaklah dijalankan apabila catatan hujan
melebihi 12.5 mm. Laporan pemeriksaan ini hendaklah dikemukakan
seperti f o r m a t d i LA M PI RA N 3 d a l a m t e m p o h 2 4 j a m selepas
pemeriksaan dijalankan; dan
b) Laporan bergambar bagi tindakan pembaikan BMPs di ma n a p er lu
h en d akla h dik e m ukak a n da la m tempoh 7 hari dari kejadian.
54 Laporan analisis pengukuran in-situ bagi parameter kekeruhan (turbidity) di takat
pelepasan akhir kolam perangkap mendap, yang dicerap dalam tempoh tidak melebihi 30
minit selepas hujan, hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri
Sembilan setiap tiga (3) bulan bermula dari kerja tanah sehingga selesai pembinaan
55 Laporan-Iaporan pengawasan alam sekitar berikut yang mana analisis parameter-
parameter bagi pengawasannya dijalankan oleh makmal yang mendapat pengiktirafan
'Skim Akreditasi Makmal Malaysia' dari Jabatan Standard Malaysia, hendaklah
dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Aiam Sekitar Negeri Sembilan, seperti berikut:-
i. Dikemukakan bermula dari perinqkat kerja tanah dan pembinaan:-
a. Laporan pengawasan kualiti air di takat pelepasan terakhir kolam
perangkap mendap bagi parameter TSS dan kekeruhan setiap bulan;
b. Laporan pengawasan kualiti air (alur air dan sungai) setiap tiga (3) bulan
c. Laporan pengawasan dan penilaian bunyi bising dan gegaran setiap tiga
(3) bulan sekaii; dan
d. Laporan pengawasan dan penilaian kualiti udara setiap tiga (3) bulan
ii. Dikemukakan di sepanjanq tempoh operasi:-
a. Laporan pengawasan pelepasan daripada sistem rawatan
kumbahan sepertimana yang dikehendaki di dalam Peraturan-
Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Kumbahan) 2009, P.U.(A) 432.
56 Pemaju Projek bertanggungjawab menjadikan syarat-syarat kelulusan Laporan EIA ini dan
syor-syor Jururunding EIA dalam Laporan EIA sebagai sebahagian daripada syarat

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perjanjian dalam tender dan perjanjian kontrak kepada mana-mana kontraktor/sub-

kontraktor yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan projek ini.
57 Satu salinan Laporan EIA, syarat kelulusan Laporan EIA ini bersama setiap salinan
dokumen yang menjadi sebahagian syarat-syarat kelulusan termasuk Pelan Kerja Tanah,
Pelan Kawalan Hakisan dan Kelodakan (ESCP) dan Pelan Land Disturbing — Pollution
Prevention and Mitigating Measures (LDP2M2) hendaklah disimpan dan dipamerkan di
satu tempat yang sesuai dan boleh dilihat dengan jelas di pejabat tapak projek.
58 Penanaman pokok di sepanjang sempadan kawasan pembangunan ini hendaklah
dilaksanakan sebaik sahaja kerjakerja penstabilan tanah selesai sepenuhnya di kawasan
59 Environment Officer (E0) yang kompeten dan perlu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya ke
atas perkara-perkara berkaitan pengurusan alam sekitar dan pelaksanaan semua langkah
kawalan hendaklah dilantik. Nama, jawatan dan maklumat perhubungan yang lengkap
pegawai berkenaan hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri
Sembilan tidak lewat daripada empat belas (14) hari sebelum kerja-kerja tanah dan
pembinaan dimulakan. Antara tugas pegawai ini ialah :
i. Di perinqkat kerja tanah dan pembinaan:-
a. Menyelia kerja-kerja kawalan hakisan dan sedimen di tapak seperti
mana ditetapkan dalam Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
atau Land Disturbing — Pollution Prevention and Mitigating
Measures (LD-P2M2) dan Pengurusan Alam Sekitar projek;
b. Mengemaskini Buku Harian Tapak;
c. Mengemaskini Rekod Hujan;
d. Mengambil dan merekod bacaan Rekod Tolok Hujan;
e. Menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas langkah-langkah kawalan
pencemaran serta struktur Best Management Practices (BMPs) kawalan
hakisan dan sedimen projek (termasuklah ‘perimeter drain', ‘check dam',
‘silt trap’, ‘wash trough', ‘slope protection' dan lain-lain) setiap hari;
f. Mengadakan mesyuarat tapak setiap dua (2) minggu bersama
pemaju projek dan kontraktor; dan
g. Menjalankan pengukuran in-situ parameter kekeruhan di takat
pelepasan dalam tempoh tidak melebihi 30 minit selepas hujan.
Sekiranya hujan berterusan melebihi 24 jam, pengukuran hendaklah
dijaiankan sekaii setiap hari. (Kegagalan mematuhi syarat ini perlu
dicatatkan dengan alasan yang kukuh dan munasabah).
ii. Di perinqkat operasi — memastikan pelaksanaan semua langkah kawalan
secara berkesan, memastikan amalan "good housekeeping" dan
keperluan-keperluan lain berkaitan pengurusan alam sekitar.

60 Pemaju projek hendaklah memaklumkan secara bertulis kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar
Negeri Sembilan jika terdapat sebarang pertukaran hak milik atau pengurusan projek
dalam tempoh 30 hari dari tarikh pertukaran hak milik atau pengurusan. Sebarang
pertukaran hak milik atau pembahagian hak milik atau pengurusan hendaklah
memasukkan kehendak mematuhi syarat¬syarat kelulusan laporan EIA kepada pemilik
baru dalam transaksi jual-beli/pertukaran hak milik tersebut.
61 Pemaju projek hendaklah mematuhi arahan dan syarat-syarat tambahan yang dikenakan
dari semasa ke semasa oleh Ketua Pengarah Kualiti Alam Sekeliling atau wakilnya.
62 Good house-keeping rules hendaklah diamaikan dalam kawasan projek pada setiap

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63 Penggerak projek hendaklah mengesahkan persetujuan penerimaan dan pematuhan

syarat-syarat tersebut di atas dalam tempoh 30 hari dari tarikh surat kelulusan ini.
64 Sebarang kecuaian atau pelanggaran apa-apa syarat di atas akan mendedahkan
penggerak projek kepada tindakan undang-undang di bawah Seksyen 34A(8), Akta
Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974.

3.2 Related standards and regulations

The main objective of the EMP is to comply with the relevant standards and regulations applicable
during the construction activity of project are shown below and should not be limited to the follwoings:

Table 3.1 Standards and regulations

Aspects Standard and regulation
Noise The Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control 2007
Guidelines for Noise Labelling and Emission Limits of Outdoor Sources
DOE Recommended Noise Level 2004
Environmental Quality (Motor Vehicle Noise) Regulations (EQA) 1987
Ambient Air Environmental Quality for (Clean Air) Regulation 2014
Motor Vehicles (Control of Smoke and Gas Emission) Rules EQA 1977
Malaysia Air Quality Guidelines
Environmental Quality (Control of Emissions from Diesel Engines)
Regulations 1996
Environmental Quality (Control of Emissions from Petrol Engines)
Regulations 1996
Malaysia Ambient Air Quality Standards 2013
Water Quality Water Act 1920
Interim National Water Quality Standards INWQS
Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MASMA) JPS
Standard B in Third Schedule of the Environmental Quality (Industrial
Effluent) Regulations 2009
Standard B in Third Schedule of the Environmental Quality (Sewage)
Regulations 2009
Planning Local Goverment Act 1976
Street Drainage and Building Act 1974
Irrigation Areas Act 1953
Drainage Works Act 1954
Soil Guideline for prevention and control soil erosion and siltation in Malaysia
Contaminated Land Management and Control Guidelines 2009
Waste Environmental Quality Act Scheduled Waste Regulation 2005
Local Authority Cleanliness by Law 1999
Health and Safety Occupational Safety and Health OSHA 1994
Workers Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990
Factories and Machineries Act 1970
Malaria Eradication Act 1971
Petroleum Safety Measures Act 1984

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3.2.1 Documentation Recording

CONTRACTOR will keep a record of all documentation related to environmental matters on the
Project. The documents to be recorded include:
• Site procedures and plans;
• Copy of any correspondence between OWNER and/or its representatives, CONTRACTOR,
Subcontractors and/or Authorities;
• Copy of correspondence with local Suppliers or Vendors related to environmental management
(such as waste recycling / treatment companies);
• Reports of formal environmental meetings and reviews;
• Reports of environmental inspections and audits;
• Monitoring and measurement data or observations;
• Reports of environmental incidents/accidents;
• Follow-up status of environmental actions;
• Monthly reports to OWNER and/or its representative; and
• Bi-weekly KPI Report shall be submitted to Owner
• Copy of Safety Data Sheets (SDS).

3.3 Implementation of Pollution Prevention and Control

The document Enviromental Management Plan, is to maximize the beneficial impacts of its activities
and the activities of the Subcontractors on environment, avoid or minimize adverse impacts, and
mitigate to acceptable levels. The mitigation measures will be taken to prevent oil and
chemical (paint, blasting materials, lubricant) contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater.

General guidelines for site prevention spills include:

1) Identification of all potential areas and materials for spills;
2) Ensuring all equipment is in good mechanical condition, effective , fit for purpose, with accurate
maintenance records and schedule;
3) Ensuring non-mobile plant is equipped with appropriately sized drip trays to collect any potential
leak/ spills.

3.5 Project Environmental Contractual Requirements

Environmental aspects will be identified, recorded, assessed & mitigated as per requirements of the
Environmental and Waste Management Plan throughout the project execution and commissioning

CONTRACTOR and Sub-contractors will follow all HSE /Environmental / Security requirements as
listed in the documents below:
a) Environmental Management Plan (Including LDP2M2 and M2)
b) Waste Management Procedure
c) Emergency Response Plan
d) Security Plan

Competent Environmental Officer required for this project, list as per below:
Name : Nurul Izzah Binti Ab Rahim
Position : Environmental Officer

List of Competencies and Certification

Competent Person – Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector
Competent Person – Certified Environmental Professional in Industrial Effluent Treatment System
Certified Environmental Professional In Scheduled Waste Management
Certified Environmental Professional in Industrial Effluent Treatment System (Physical-Chemical)

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4. Roles, Responsibilities and Competence

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities

The environmental management of the Project will include all parties involved in construction and
commisioning stage. In general, the roles and responsibility of the parties involved are as summarized
as in Table 4.1 below:

Table 4.1: EMP Roles of Responsibility during Construction and Commissioning Stage
Parties Roles and Responsibility
Sub-Contractor Implement the actions as stipulated in the EMP
Implement the corrective measures as identified
during the
monitoring and audit exercise
Contractor Ensure the Sub-Contractor implements the actions as
stipulated in the EMP document
Communicate the identified non conformances and
ensure the Sub-Contractor Implement the corrective
measures as identified during the monitoring and audit

4.1.1 HSSE Organisation

The following management stucture for MIF2 Project is established and the positions within this
structure and the specific roles and responsibilities of its personnel with regard to management of
HSSE for the project are identified.

Project Manager

Tan Keng Yau

Construction Manager

Ng Tuck Heng

Environmental Officer Safety and Health Officer

Nurul Izzah Azhar

ESE Safety Coordinator

Abdul Jalil

Project Manager ensures that all environmental protection issues and relevant responsibilities must
be treated as of vital importance by recognizing those responsibilities through a positive action to
control pollution, and to reduce the impact on the environment to As Low As Reasonably Practicable
(ALARP) level.

Project Manager is responsible for coordination all health, safety, security and environmental matters
related to CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors and the identification of the potential hazards

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associated with the performance of work, including the preparation of the related safety,environmental
procedures and the monitoring / control of their implementation etc.

CONTRACTOR will define roles and responsibilities in the respective Plans, Procedures, job
descriptions, individual tasks and targets. CONTRACTOR will establish and maintain the resources
(people, equipment, materials, information and time) needed to comply with regulatory requirements
and laws. CONTRACTOR will ensure the HSE Organization has the capacity and capability to
deliver the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and so:

Ensure sufficient and competent incumbents of environmental critical positions during construction
• Ensure sufficient environmental competent supervision of environmental critical activities
• Ensure the line management from worker up to and including the top management level is
competent and capable of recognizing work related environmental hazards, through ongoing
site safety training, and empowered to take adequate control and undertake mitigation
• Provide regular feedback on environmental performance via weekly / monthly reports, notice
boards etc.

CONTRACTOR will ensure that any organization changes are carried out in line with the
requirements as below:
• Evaluate all changes for their impact before the personnel or organizational changes are
• Communicate all the relevant information relating to a change to the affected personnel
• Update all relevant documentation such as organization charts, position descriptions, on-call
lists, etc
• Verify that the transition period is properly administered, and any concerns raised have been
resolved before the change permanently takes place

4.1.2 Operational Organization Representative

CONTRACTOR specifies the HSE responsibilities of the organizational KEY PERSONNEL for the
MIF2 Project with minimum requirements as below:

Project Manager

1) Project Manager is delegated responsibility for ensuring that the CONTRACTOR’s team complies
with the requirements of this document, and has moral obligations for ensuring that employees and
Sub-Contractor are provided with a safe, secure and environmentally sound working environment.
CONTRACTOR personnel will do utmost to promote environment matters
2) Project Manager will ensure that adequate resources are provided for the MIF2 Project in terms of
personnel, support from the CONTRACTOR’s office in its local jurisdiction, advice and planning, and
any other identified aspects of the Project that may impact the overall environment program
3) Project Manager will ensure that environmental documentation is comprehensively prepared and
delivered to OWNER at appropriate time as specified by OWNER
4) Project Manager will chair CONTRACTOR’s monthly safety, Health & Environmental committee
5) Project Manager will participate in the HSE audits and inspection programs and ensure that
relevant personnel participate in HSE audit and inspection at the Project worksite.
6) Project Manager will support the “ZERO” incident and injury culture and ensure personnel’s
participation in HSE awareness training programme(s) and activities that include promoting safety at
Project worksite

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7) Project Manager will be accountable for ongoing development and implementation of

CONTRACTOR’s activities at Project worksite, review work planning requirements and will ensure all
of the following people working on Project worksite : supervisors/ workers/ crane operators/ lorry
drivers, vehicle operators and any other operators of CONTRACTOR’s equipment or other machinery
understand their roles regarding environmetal matters and environmental activities on the Project
8) Project Manager will participate in inductions for the Project, tool box talks & safety meetings and
ensure its Sub-Contractor attend inductions and are properly briefed.

4.1.3 Operational Site Representatives

CONTRACTOR specifies the HSE responsibilities of the site KEY PERSONNEL for the MIF2 Project
with minimum requirements as below:

Environmental Officer (EO)

Environmental Officer reports to Project Manager. The environmental Officer is responsible for :
1. Implementing Environmental procedures and specifications ;
2. Overseeing implementation of mitigation measures within Sub-Contractors ;
3. Managing environmental resource monitoring programme ;
4. Managing environmental compliance / inspection programme ;
5. Providing environmental awareness training programme ;
6. Administering environmental compliance tracking system ;
7. Determining adequacy of CONTRACTOR environmental mitigation measures;
8. Managing the preparation of environmental monitoring reports required by local governments
and OWNER ;
9. Overseeing the management of Plans for water quality protection which will include “surface
water”and “ground water”, air quality protection, hazardous waste management, waste
management and noise/vibration ;
10. Assisting in ongoing stakeholder consultation ;
11. Ensuring proper HSSE records are produced and maintained and provided to ONWER on
request ;
12. Reporting Environmental Monitoring data to OWNER ;
13. Reviewing SDS and ensure that material are stored and used properly ;
14. Auditing and inspecting Sub-Contractor environmental performance ;
15. Preparing and ensuring that environmental reporting is delivered on time and complies with
Petron Project requirements ;
16. Maintaining daily surveillance of conditions that may lead to nonconformances with the
environmental management system and with the HSE Policies and ensuring that corrective
actions are taken ;
17. Ensuring the CONTRACTOR’s conformance to the environmental compliance and all ESCP
and BMPs are in good working conditions, also implementing Daily Environmental Inspection
Checklist and Weekly Environmental Inspection Checklist

4.1.4 Petron Environmental Committee

Environmental Performance Monitoring Committee (EPMC) is inseparable part of Project HSSE

Committee. The EPMC achieves the responsibility within the HSE Management framework. The
purpose for EPMC are:
1) To implement Project environmental Policy, Malaysia Environmental laws, regulation and
2) To establish the environmental responsibility system and organisation on worksite and organise on-
site training
3) To organise the environmental management system on worksite
4) To inspect and evaluate the environmental management system on worksite.

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5) To determine the environmental event and plan on worksite

6) To organise the worksite environmental accident investigation

The composition of the EPMC will be in accordance with law, and as minimum will include Project
Manager as the Chairman, Construction Manager and subcontractor manager as the member

The EPMC meeting will be held fortnightly however the frequency may be increased if deemed

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5. Environmental Training and Competency

5.1 Site Induction

The contractor will have environmental staff trained to ensure contractor and all subcontractor
compliance with the EMP contractual and regulatory requirements. The contractor will maintain
training record, including attendance and specific course.

Each employee arriving at the worksite will be indoctrinated as to the site HSSE Rules in language
clearly understood by each employee, before commencing work.

The minimum environmental specific training will be provided as follows:

1) Spillage Management
2) Waste Management
3) Environmental Requirement

5.2 Toolbox Talks and Poster Campaigns

5.2.1 Toolbox Talks

The tool box talk about environment will be held concurrent with SHE daily toolbox. Toolbox talks are
short, daily discussions or presentations by supervisors to their employees. They generally last no
longer than 15 minutes or so. A toolbox talk is focused on one specific topic and addresses it in
simple terms. The environmental toolbox talks will be included but not limited the following contents:
• Spill Control
• Water Pollution Prevention (Fuel and Oil)
• Soil Protection
• Dust and Air
• Noise and Vibration
• Water Pollution Prevention (Silt)
• Cement
• Material Handling
• Archaeology
• Pumping and Over-pumping
• Washing Down Plant and Machinery
• Segregation of Waste
• Working on Previously Developed Land

5.2.2 Poster Campaigns

Continued communication with employees is the key to getting environmental management message
across. Whilst there is always a need for more formal policies and procedures to ensure legislative
compliance, it is also a good act to bring fresh eye catching ways to get the key messages across. To
help with this, CONTRACTOR will introduce a poster campaign to remind employees of some key
environmental messages they should be mindful of.

5.3 In house training

In house training shall be provided by Environmental Officer cover following topic:

a) Waste management
b) Spillage management
c) Environmental requirement to contractors.

6.0 Environmental Aspect Impacts


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Summary of Environmental Impacts

This section identifies the potential impacts that may arise as a result of the Project implementation
activities and evaluates the significance of the impacts. The key project activities to be assessed and
the affected environmental components are:
• Access to Site;
• Drainage Facilities;
• Earthworks;
• Temporary Construction Facilities and Base Camp;
• Facility Construction and Equipment Installation

The key environmental components that will likely to be impacted include:

a) Physical-chemical environment
• Air Quality;
• Surface water quality;
• Marine water quality;
• Noise level;

b) Biological Environment
• Marine life and ecology;
• River ecosystem;
• Flora and Fauna.

c) Human Environment
• Human health and safety;
• Economic activities;
• Social well-being.

As summary, the construction activities that will create significant impacts on the site environment as
it involves high volume of the wastes to be produced and a big numbers of construction vehicles. The
main environmental components that may be significantly affected are air quality of the area, the
water quality of the receiving water bodies, noise generation and safety issues to the nearby
communities. Various mitigating measures are proposed to be adopted among which are the
environmental protection engineering design based on BAT, efficient traffic management plan for
construction stage, wastes management and an effective environmental management plan.

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7. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

ESCP must be prepared by OWNER before construction begins, ideally during the project planning
and design stages. Implementation of the ESCP begins when construction begins, typically before the
initial clearing and grading operations since these activities usually increase erosion potential on the

All steps to control soil erosion and sedimentation must be implemented as in the drawings of the
ESCP which have been certified by Professional Engineer and endorsed by the Jabatan Pengairan
dan Saliran. Two (2) copies of the ESCP document have to be submitted to the DOE Negeri Sembilan
within two weeks after endorsement.

During construction, the ESCP should be referred to frequently and refined by the consultant and
CONTRACTOR as changes occur in construction operations, which have significant effects on the
potential of pollutants discharge.

The aim of ESCP is to:

a) Reduce and minimise soil erosion and water pollution of the river adjacent to the site.
b) Introduce suitable silt control measures and best management practices for the project
c) Provide guidelines for the implementation of a continuous monitoring program

7.1 Qualification Requirements for ESCP Management

The document ESCP shall be prepared and signed by a professional engineer who is CPESC
certified. CPESC stands for Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control. After prepared
the document, ESCP (including the drawings) has to be endorsed by a Certified Professional in
Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), and then submit with endorsement of a competent person

7.2.1 ESCP Preparation Stages

Construction Phase

ESCP is heavily involved in construction phase of a development. This involvement can be further
divided into construction operation stage, and construction completion stage.

During construction operation, CONTRACTOR is responsible for implementing the BMPs according to
the ESCP. Because site conditions will inevitably vary during construction, the ESCP should be
revised as necessary, with any changes highlighted on the ESCP copy maintained at the construction

The inspection and maintenance plan (part of ESCP) will play a major role in ensuring all BMPs are
implemented as planned and that the overall ESCP is servicing the development at a satisfactory
level throughout the entire project.

Upon completion of construction, it is the responsibility of the developer and CONTRACTOR to

ensure that:
a) All treatment techniques or structures that are no longer required are removed using method
approved by authorities;
b) Sediment and other unwanted materials are disposed off in an approved manner
c) Slopes, embankment, vegetation and planting areas have been properly established
d) Site access is returned to its original condition or approved final layout depending on site
specific circumstances
e) All permanent structures constructed to serve as part of the ESCP are restore to its design
f) All safety standards are comformed at that site is safe to be occupied.

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g) All drainage ways, pond areas, and reserves are properly gazetted in the final site plan.
h) Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) or maintenance plan for storm water structures is
produced whenever deemed necessary by authorities.

7.1.1 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures

General Constrution Condition

The ESCP will be read with the engineering plans in compliance with approved EMP by DOE and
any other plan or written instructions that may be issued in relation to development at the subject

Contractor will ensure that all erosion and sediment control works are unertaken as instructed in
this specification and constructed in accordance with the Manual Saliran Mesra Alam – MASMA
2ND Edition published by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia.

All contractor will be informed of their responsibilities in minimising the potential for soil erosion
and pollution of downslope areas.

Erosion Control Condition

Site work will not start until the erosion and sediment control works outlined below are installed
and functional;
a) Entry and exit to the site will be confined to one stabilised location
b) Fencing will be used to restrict all vehicular movements to the stabilised site access.
c) Silt trap will be installed as per drawings in document Erosion and Sediment Control with a
low flow of earth bank.
d) Top soil if any will be stripped and stockpiled for later used in lanscaping the site.

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8. Monitoring and Reporting Programme

The objective af the environmental monitoring include the followings:

a) to provide a database to facilitate the indification af any short of long term environmental
impacts of the development project
b) to provide and early indication that any of the environment control measures or practices are
failing to achieve the acceptable standards
c) to verify the extent or significance of the impact
d) to provide data to enble environmental audit of the construction and operation of the proposed

However in the project all environmental monitoring will be carride out by OWNER. Results will be
discussed with contractor and further follow up / improvement to be agreed.

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9. Materials and Waste Management

Waste management is a fundamental part of the construction activities and needs to be carefully
organized and managed. CONTRACTOR will comply with the environmental standards and
regulatory requirement and identifies the best practical solutions to allocate and minimze waste
appropriately. CONTRATOR is allowed to position waste only at the selected dumping areas as
approved by local authorities

CONTRACTOR and our sub-contractors are fully responsible for the management of the solid waste
generated by their activities from the proper segregation and storage on site to the final disposal in
the designated approved facilities importation or exportation to malaysia and any kind of transfer
inside or outside the site.

CONTRACTOR and our sub-contactors are obliged to keep relevant disposal and transportation
records/licenses and other waste management documentation fully updated and they will be audited
by the client and auditor on regular basis.

The waste management program will addres the followings

a) identification of wastes [process of identifying]

b) segregation of wastes per Malaysia legal requirements and storage
c) handing of wastes [up to storage on site]
d) wastes management program will include
- accumulation containers for wastes
- type [materials of construction] of containers
- Size
- Placement (location)
- Maintenance
- Collection schedule
e) Recording of wastes
f) recycling of wastes
g) transportation and disposal of wastes
h) certificate/license of the waste management contractor

The waste will be studied the following the hereunder methodology;

a) Each waste stream will be inventorised and characterised in the waste inventory
b) Scheduled waste will be collected and reclaimed or given to a certified third party for further
processing in accordance with local regulations

9.1 Materials and chemical storage

Chemical and toxic substances management.

Chemical of less toxic in nature will be selected and used based on information with safet data sheet.
Chemical prohibited by the owner only relate dcodes and protocols will not be used.

All incompatibles chemicals will be segregated following hazard class to ensure a proper storage, spill
prevention device (such as level measurement independent high level alarms, high level off and batch
metering) will be design for storage vessel tanks and chemical waste storage to protect soil and
groundwater from pollution. Secondary containment will also be design for spill prevention. The
embankment built will be able to to accomodate at least 110% of the largest tank content. Facilities for
pumping spillage will be provided to prevent chemicals entering drainage system.

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Any chemical to be bring in the Project Site, must be review by Petron Industrial Hygiene following
Chemical Entry Assessment Procedure.

Features to be observed on SDS.

a) SDS for controlled chemicals is made available to any employee or contractors who deal with
it or may be affected by it
b) Prior to any controlled chemicals being usedd or distributed in the workplace, the manager or
suervisor in control of the workplace will ensure hat all employees or contractors have read
the SDS and understand the correct procedures for the safe use as well as the potential
health effects and safety precautions,
c) SDS will be stored in a location that is readily accessible to all eployees and contractor who
handle or may be exposed to controlled chemicals. In addtion SDS must be available and
readily acessible to emergency services and medical personnel when required.
d) No details on SDS can be altered or deleted.

9.2 Non-Scheduled Waste

9.2.1 Disposal of non-hazardous waste

All non-hazardous wastes generated during site preparation work will be collected, segregated and
disposed in accordance with the Project waste management philosophy.

All wastes will be tracked by CONTRACTOR up to temporary collection points and removal is by an
appointed Waste Sub-Contractor. The determination of the locations, frequency and the amount of
temporary collection points are in charge of Site EO.

CONTRACTOR will be responsible for making arrangement for transportation of nonhazardous waste
to disposal site approved by the local authority. It is the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to monitor
and ensure that the waste transported from his site reaches the approved destination.

Any excess soil (overburden) has to be collected and cannot be disposed out of Project Site without
client approval.

9.2.2 Domestic Waste

Domestic waste will be collected in the domestic waste station, designed by OWNER and then
transferred to a certified dumping area by site professional domestic waste sub-contractor. The
specific details including location, frequency and record will be conducted after sub-contractor

9.2.3 Debris and construction waste

Debris and construction waste will be collected in an area designed by CONTRACTOR, within
FACILITY Battery Limits, and then transferred to appropriate, certified landfill, by transportation
organized by CONTRACTOR

9.3 Scheduled Waste

9.3.1 Management of Scheduled Waste

CONTRACTOR will manage scheduled waste in accordance to the Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste) Regulation 2005.

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Scheduled Waste Inventory

CONTRACTOR will maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of scheduled waste at site as
required by Malaysia regulations. It will contain the categories and quantities of scheduled waste
being generated, treated and disposed of as well as materials or products recovered from the waste.
If required, relevant authorities/parties will be notified accordingly

Scheduled Waste Labeling

The storing and labeling requirement of scheduled waste will be in compliance to the labeling
requirements stipulated in the Third Schedule of Malaysian Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wastes) Regulations 2005. All scheduled waste must be labeled at point of generation and at the
temporary/transit storage area.

Scheduled Waste Storage

The scheduled waste storage will be in accordance to the requirements in the Guidelines for the
Storage and Handling of Hazardous Waste issued by the DOE. The on-site hazardous waste storage
will be at a proper designated area and not subject to flooding.
Scheduled waste can be stored at site for a maximum total of 20 tones or 180 days, whichever first.:

Waste containers should:

• Be free of rust and leaks;
• Be compatible with waste to be stored in the container;
• Be made of plastic (HDPE, PP or PVC) or metal (Teflon, carbon steel) as long as the material does
not react with the waste type;
• Have a tight cover to prevent any spillage during transfer or off-site transportation.
Waste containers/drums can be reuse but prior to that they must be thoroughly cleaned and previous
label must be removed.
• Away from water bodies, drainage

9.3.2 Scheduled Waste Transport and Disposal

CONTRACTOR will be responsible for making arrangement for transportation of scheduled waste to
approved disposal site. The transporting of waste will conform to the consignment note system
whereby the movement of waste is monitored until it reaches the approved destination. It is the
responsibility of CONTRACTOR to monitor and ensure that the waste transported from his site
reaches the approved destination.

CONTRACTOR are also responsible to inform the transport CONTRACTOR regarding the nature of
the waste and what actions to be taken during accidents to minimize damage to human life and the
environment. Schedule wastes transporters shall also be licensed by the Department of Environment.

Scheduled waste will be disposed at DOE-licensed facility only.

9.3.3 Solid Waste Management

No scheduled waste can be placed, deposit or disposed on land or into Malaysian water without
written approval of the Malaysian authorities. No waste storage area can be closed to water system,
drainage areas and ignition sources.

The different types of solid waste shall be segregated and bunded by distance, and be stored in
compatible containers in case of chemical reactions.

The way access to waste storage area shall be controlled and limited; also the aisle and
passageways shall be kept clean.

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The solid waste storage area shall be kept clean of any debris and waste residues and free of

The warning boards and “No Smoking” boards shall be placed in each waste storage area with both
English and Malaysian languages.

The waste containers shall be kept closed unless loading/ unloading and removing waste. Also the
waste containers shall be managed to prevent rupture, leaks or damage, and the waste containers
shall be marked with contents and hazard labels in both English and Malaysian languages.

The details of waste generation tracking system shall be kept and maintained.

9.3.4 Waste Temporary Storage

Before final waste disposal or treatment, wastes are stored temporary in a temporary storage area.
Before regrouping in the primary temporary storage areas, wastes are collected in secondary storage

9.4 Management of Gaseous Emissions

Gaseous emissions that can be generated during construction are mainly:

• Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines (vehicles and electrical generators).
• Dust generation from earth moving equipment and vehicle traffic.

In any case, CONTRACTOR will do any effort to reduce emissions to the environment by using well
maintained equipment and vehicles / lorries /excavators and identify practical ways to minimize the
engines emissions and dust produced during SITE’s preparation works.

Any installation of combustion equipment such as boiler, furnace, burner, thermal oxidizer, flare stack,
stand-by generators and chimney etc for the Project require prior Written Approval from DOE Negeri
Sembilan as required under the Environmental Quality Regulation (Clean Air) 1978,P.U.(A)/280/1978.

Open burning of plant residues or waste construction materials or others waste from project site is
strictly prohibited.

1) Exhaust Emissions
Exhaust emissions will be minimized by the careful selection of equipment, machinery and vehicles.
The use of environmental-friendly engines (e.g. catalytic converters with low-NOx emissions) and
products (e.g. low sulphur fuel) will be preferred.

Vehicles and combustion equipment will be well-maintained and periodically checked. A maintenance
program will be implemented on site for vehicles, heavy equipment and construction machinery.

2) Dust Generations
Site preparation works, vehicle movements and strong winds are likely to be the major causes of dust
generation. The following measures will be implemented at site:

• Enforcement of site speed limits (<25km/hr).

• Regularly spraying roads with water (if required).
• Road maintenance.
• Wheel washing facilities.
Dust nuisance from granular material transport and stockpiles will be reduced by spraying water and
using covers (tarpaulin/sheets). The transfer and handling of solids (e.g. outdoor stockpiling,

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uncovered conveyors) will be suspended, whenever possible, during adverse weather conditions (e.g.
strong wind). Dust generating activities will be located away from dust sensitive receptors.

Particularly abrasive blasting operations will be managed as follows:

• In prefabrication shops, a size-adapted concrete slab area will be ensured in order to recuperate the
grit; these areas will be sufficiently far away to eliminate the impacts on humans (except dedicated
• Grit basting will be performed only under complete tarpaulin shelter protection

9.4.1 Liquid Effluent Discharge

CONTRACTOR will monitor own discharges, take appropriate preventive and corrective actions,
comply with the requirements of the EIA approval conditions and report results to Client
Environmental Coordinator

Any discharge of surface water from the project site to outside the project site boundary during
earthwork and construction period should not contain the parameter :

i. Turbidity of greater than 250 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU); and

ii. The Total Suspended Solids, (TSS) greater than 50 mg/l.

The monitoring of water quality at the final discharge point at the sedimentation pond for the
Suspended Solids, (SS) must be conducted once a month from the start of the earthwork till the
completion of the construction works.

9.4.2 Sanitary Wastewater

For this project, Contractor will installed cabin toilet and portable toilet. Frequency of desludging will
be determine as needed. The record for desludging record shall be kept by Environmental officer.

9.4.3 Dewatering

The water extracted during excavation (dewatering) will be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations. Temporary drainage systems will be used where required in order to capture and control
the run-off. Appropriate methods for discharging waters that are generated from dewatering activities
during earth working or from any other activities will be discussed with Site EO prior to commencing
the excavation activities.

9.4.4 Hydro Test Waste Water

Water sourcing for hydro testing purposes should not adversely affect the water level or flow rate of a
natural water body, and the test water withdrawal rate (or volume) should not exceed 10 percent of
the stream flow (or volume) of the water source. Erosion control measures and fish-screening controls
should be implemented as necessary during water withdrawals at the intake locations.

The disposal alternatives for test waters following hydro testing include injection into a disposal well if
one is available or discharge to surface waters or land surface. If a disposal well is unavailable and
discharge to surface waters or land surface is necessary the following pollution prevention and control
measures will be considered:

• Reduce the need for chemicals by minimizing the time that test water remains in the equipment or

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• If chemical use is necessary, carefully select chemical additives in terms of dose concentration,
toxicity, biodegradability, bioavailability, and bioaccumulation potential.
• Reduce the need for chemicals by minimizing the time that test water remains in the equipment or
• If chemical use is necessary, carefully select chemical additives in terms of dose concentration,
toxicity, biodegradability, bioavailability, and bioaccumulation potential.
• Conduct toxicity testing as necessary using recognized test methodologies. A holding pond may be
necessary to provide time for the toxicity of the water to decrease.
• Use the same hydro test water for multiple tests.
• Hydrostatic test water quality should be monitored before use and discharge and will be treated to
meet the discharge limits.

Prior to discharge of hydrostatic test water, contractor shall sample and test the wastewater to
accredited lab. Critical parameter shall be determine accordingly and agreed by both client
representatives, and contractor.

9.5 Noise and Vibration Management

Noise and vibration impact of site activities on the surroundings and on the personnel working on site
will be minimized by implementing mitigation measures including:

• Enforcement of site speed limits (<25km/hr)Use of well-maintained and low-noise vehicles.

• Roads maintenance.
• Selection of low noise emission machinery.
• Effective routine maintenance and repair of machinery.
• Use of acoustic dampening means and/or silencers/mufflers for noisy equipment and noisy activities
during site preparation works, e.g. excavation (e.g. mobile engine driven equipment, sand blasting,
• Identification and marking of restricted areas (noisy areas with restricted access and mandatory
PPE) combined with appropriate personnel information and awareness program.
• Scheduling of activities (e.g. limiting simultaneous noisy operations, avoiding high noise operations
at night).
•Regularly monitor the noise at the WORKSITE fence line and the noise in specified locations of the
FACILITY to make sure that the noise comply with the EIA Approval Conditions and OWNER’s EMP.

9.6 Medical Waste

Medical Waste will be collected and transported to licensed facilities by contractor, if any.

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10. Environmental Audit and Review

10.1 Management Review and Revision of the EMP

The quarterly review of the Environmental Management Plan by Environmental Officer is the
minimum. However, whenever there is a change in regulatory requirements, key personnel or major
change in CONTRACTOR’s activities then it is expected that the Environmental Management Plan
will be reviewed and revised as to keep them relevant to the scope of work in progress.

10.2 Audits

Owner will carry out environmental audit to ensure ‘ prevention of pollution ’ and ‘continual
improvement’as defined inside Environmental Impact Assessment Condition of Approval (EIA COA)

The Amendments (1996) to the EQA 1974 requires environmental audit is made mandatory under
Section 33A of the EQA 1974 for projects with EIA approvals. The purpose of the environmental audit
is to ensure compliance with the EMP and EIA Conditions of Approval, to determine the
environmental management procedures are being followed and the recommended mitigation
measures and monitoring recommendations are being fully implemented. The EMP should include a
checklist for the environmental auditor to fill in while conducting audit on site.

The audit should include the review of documents/records, environmental monitoring reports,
complaints and correspondence by other authorities or nearby residents or receptors and a thorough
inspection of site activities.

The audit findings should be used to identify any weaknesses in the EMP for the purpose of updating
the EMP and to allow for environmental management improvement practice within the Project site.

During the Site Preparation Works phase, activities within the Project site should be audited by owner
appointed third party auditor on a four-monthly basis to check the effectiveness of the mitigating
measures and BMPs and the compliance to the MIF2 EIA COA.

Any non-compliance detected during the audit will be documented and acknowledged by the
CONTRACTOR and their sub-contractors. Following this, corrective as well as preventive actions
recommended should be initiated by the CONTRACTOR within the agreed time period and to be
rectified prior to the next audit exercise.

The environmental audit conducted by owner appointed third party auditor on a four monthly basis
and the finding will be submitted to DOE and discussed in the site HSSE meetings.

12.3 Petron Environmental Auditing Plan

It is required the preparation of an Environmental Audit Plan prior to the commencement of

construction activities. This plan shall be updated as necessary on an ongoing basiscto reflect project

The auditing plan is developed to address the following objectives:

a) To ensure the compliance with EMP and EIA approval conditions;
b) To determine that the environmental management procedures and owner requirement are
being followed; and

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c) To ensure that all the recommended mitigation measures and monitoringprogram are fully

Section 33A of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 stipulated the requirement for the Environmental

The Environmental Auditing shall be carried out by competent and independent by third party who are
registered with DOE. Lead auditor shall also possess a Certified Erosion Sediment and Storm Water
Inspector (CESSWI) Certificate.

At the end of site auditing, the auditor shall issue an Audit Summary which shall consist of all of the
finding from the site audit activity. Auditing finding can be divided into 3 parts :

i) Compliance / Best practise

The sufficient and appropraiate evidence to demonstrate the particular regulation or requirement has
been complied with

ii) Observation

Issues of environmetnal concern were observed which did not strictly realte to the scope of the audit
or compliance. It can be considered as indicators of potential non-compliance or area where
environmental performance need to be improved.

iii) Non-compliance

Clear evidence has been collected to demonstrate the particular regulatory requirement has not been
complied with.

After auditing findings, CONTRACTOR shall submit the corrective action report to OWNER which
required for only non-compliances that have been determined during audit and it is not required for
findings categorized as ‘Observation’. CONTRACTOR shall resolve the ‘Observation’ finding to
ensure that it does not escalate to a ‘Non-compliance’ finding in the future. CONTRACTOR shall
submit corrective action report within 21 days after the audit. The audit report shall be submited within
14 days after audit.

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13. Environmental Emergency Response Plan

13.1 Introduction

This chapter outlines the general framework of the Environmental Emergency Response Plan to
provide standard guidelines on handling any emergency incidents that may potentially occur during
the Project construction.

Emergency Response Plan for on-site and off-site must be prepared to face any unexpected
accidents and incidents. This ERP prepared to align with owner emergency response plan.

13.2 Objectives

Objective of having an ERP is to guide the project in a safe, timely, and effective response to
incidents that threaten the plant area and public health, safety, or welfare. It is also intended to
promote coordination among project owner, local, private public and state responders. It is can also to
be used for the training of involved personnel in improving the level of emergency preparedness.

The objectives of having an ERP are to ensure that immediate and appropriate actions are directed
towards any emergency which interrupts normal safe working conditions of the proposed activities so
that :

• Risk and problems arising are dealt immediately without delay;

• Emergency incident is contained and kept under control and does not spread to adjacent facilities;
• Minimize loss of life or injuries, property damage, environmental impairment and business
interruption in the immediate and more distant environment of the proposed Project; and
• Provide the basis for training and emergency preparedness for all personnel involved.

11.3 General ERP Guidelines

The ERP will be prepared for construction phases. ERP procedures will be developed in compliance
with all the applicable laws pertaining to the emergency response and management and as stated
under the “Occupational Safety and Health (Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Regulations
1996, Regulation 18(1)” where manufacturers who has control of an industrial activity are required to
prepare and keep up to date and adequate on site emergency plan detailing how potential major
accidents are to be dealt with.

11.4 Policy on Incident Management

The followings are the general principles in the management of any unforeseen
• Preserve life, health and safety of emergency responders, employees and the
public and minimize risks to the property
• Contain and / or control the release of pollutants
• Identify the cause of the incident and the source of environmental hazards
• Collect and preserve evidence

11.5 Emergency Scenario related to Environment

• Fire and / or Explosion involving hazardous and non-hazardous substances.

• Oil or chemical spill
• Natural Disaster (Severe thunder storm weather, flood, typhoon, disease

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11.6 Spill Response Equipment and Materials

The CONTRACTOR will supply absorbent and barrier materials sufficient to contain and recover spills
that could potentially occur from the equipment with the largest volume of fuel and lubricant. These
materials may include, but are not limited to, drip pans, buckets, absorbent pads, containment booms,
straw bales, absorbent clay, sawdust, floor-drying agents, spill containment barriers, plastic sheeting,
skimmer pumps, covered holding tanks, and fire extinguishers.

The CONTRACTOR will make known to all construction personnel the yard and warehouse locations
of spill response equipment and materials and have them readily accessible during construction.

11.6.1 Accidental Spillages

Accidental spillages during construction may occur from:

• Rotating equipment such as pump, compressor, turbine, diesel generator (lube oil
systems and seals).
• Hydraulic systems.
• Sources such as flanges and valves.
• Equipment involved in loading or filling operations, with temporary connections.

Potential spillages from accidental leaks

• Lube oils, Hydraulic oils, Greases.
• Diesel.
• Paint.
11.6.2 Spill Prevention Measures

Measures to prevent spills will be incorporated into all aspects of the construction facilities: design,
work, maintenance and emergency preparedness. Design features include mainly containment (spill
palette, bund devices, and dike) of the chemicals storage on site to prevent pollution of the
environment. Personnel will need to be properly trained to understand routine and emergency
procedures and adhere to relevant codes of practice and regulations.

CONTRACTOR will take into account the following spill prevention measures:
• Regular inspection of any storage area to identify leakage due to poor condition of containers or
damage to containers during handling.
• Designated area for the maintenance of vehicles e.g. lorries, excavators and equipment.
• Regular maintenance of vehicles, e.g. lorries, excavators and equipment.
• Provision of spill response materials in chemicals storage areas.
• Spill containment material may be sawdust, clay absorbent, sorbent mats and booms, etc.

11.6.3 Spill Response and Reporting

Spills of any petroleum products, chemicals or other hazardous materials will be immediately
contained, cleaned up and reported as per the Emergency Response Procedure for spills. Exposure
of personnel during SITE’s preparation activities will not be allowed over the limits defined inside the
Occupational Safety and Health Regulation, 2000 (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemical
Hazards to Health).

All environmental incidents occurring at work places during construction of the project will be reported
immediately to OWNER and its representatives at site. CONTRACTOR and Subcontractors will
investigate these incidents timely and submit the investigation report.

CONTRACTOR will report and investigate any incident as well as providing a full incident report to
Project Manager on time.CONTRACTOR will be responsible for our sub-contractors to performing
their incident investigation and reporting appropriately as well as providing a comprehensive incident

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11.6.4 Spill Containment and Clean-up Equipment

CONTRACTOR will have own stock of spill kits, which will be proportioned to our activities and will be
ready for use. Contractor will be responsible for preventing, cleaning up and reporting any spill
relevant activities.

11.8 Environmental Emergency Training Exercises / Drill

Environmental Emergency Training Exercises

CONTRACTOR outlines training requirements, drills and exercises (major, simulated, desktop, and
tactical) for PROJECT personnel nominated for emergency response duties. In summary these staff
will have:
a) Completed initial site HSSE induction courses;
b) Trained in the use of self-contained breathing apparatus and other personal protective and
escape equipment (as applicable);
c) Trained in the principles of the PROJECT Emergency Management arrangements
appropriate to their position in the emergency response organization

Emergency response exercises allow responders to be familiar with the procedures, facilities and
systems incorporated during an actual emergency. It facilitates comprehensive assessment in the
knowledge of emergency management, command and control element and skill levels. The
interactions within multiple response teams allow the responders to enhance decision-making
capabilities and demonstrate individual and group skill abilities to response operations. The overall
capability to respond will be tested using one of the methods below:
a) Table Top Exercise
Provides a convenient method of introducing responder to possible scenarios, situations and
to discuss approaches in problem solving. This is an effective method to determine if current
policies and procedures are adequate to manage situations which may arise during an event.
b) Functional Exercise
Simulates an actual event and involve all Project Manager nominated or dedicated
responders. The exercise is designed to test the readiness on communications and facilities.
c) Full Scale Exercise
Involves an actual deployment of personnel and equipment. The participating OWNER and
the government authorities are activated during a full scale exercise depending on the level of
the simulated escalation.

Frequency of Exercises and Drills

Frequent drills and exercises are essential to ensure teams and individuals maintain the
understanding and proficiency. The frequency of the exercise activities should be adjusted to meet
the requirement of the roles and responsibilities as well as the function to be exercised. Frequency of
exercise recommended is as follow:
Table Top Exercise : Once in 6 months
Functional Exercise : Annually
Full Scale Exercise : Once in 2 years

Those members of staff are to have completed the relevant courses and have proved themselves,
through experience and exercises, to have the mental and physical attributes to act calmly and
quickly in an emergency situation. Individual competency in emergency response will be validated on
the basis of:
a) Job specification procedures
b) Employee assessment procedures
c) Assessment after drills and exercises

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11.8.2 Spill Kit Training (If Applicable)

PROJECT nominated personnel will be trained in the use of spill clean-up equipment provided in spill
kits, located at various positions around the site. Supervisors will direct the clean-up in the event of a
spill occurred.

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