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Serial Topic Page No

1. Transcription 2-14
2. Link of the session 14
3. Observer’s report and 15-17
4. Tentamination 1- 2 18
5. 10 cases 19- 47
6. Mentor’s report 48
(summary of 6 Mentor

Therapist – Hello Shivani. How are you?
Client – Hi Nishi. I am good but little bit of cold.
Therapist – So what is it that you want to work on?
Client – Ya so… the thing is this is something that I thought a lot about but I never understood why it
is like this. So growing up and even later on and now there were lot of people around me like family
friends in school and all bit I still felt alone many times and then I realised sometimes there is always
this feeling the background. Sometimes it becomes more prominent when really someone is not there
but I am also comfortable when I am alone …. It’s very weird… like I am okay with it and sometimes
I want alone time also but this lonely feeling is somehow always there so I have never been able to
understand. So I thought may be we will understand from where it is coming from
Therapist – So you want to explore
Client – I want to see what is causing this
Therapist – And how it is affecting you?
Client – How it affects me so.. I think I keep thinking a lot there is a tendency for me to over analyse
that emotion all over and I rationalise it .. conginitivly I think its oaky not to have people around
which is there.. there is this over rationalisation that I don’t allow myself to feel it. Then it will stay
and I Would randomly cry sometimes I am too emotional… I am little bored of it to be honest! Its
unnecessary what I feel.. aaahh I it may also devalue the people around me.. I feel I will end up
hurting or may be I have. Many no has told me as they have not understood why I am acting in that
way so… at times I remember that there is this theory in psychology that if you are unwell as child
then you will keep feeling that there is no one for you so first I thought it was that I had … last time
what we spoke about that thing.. but what if something else so..
Therapist – Okay… So what will happen if this feeling goes away?
Client – I think I will be less anxious. my anxiousness also is associated with it and I will be fully able
to enjoy the relationships… I won’t feel even if others are there any one parents sister any one for that
Therapist – So you want to let go of loneliness and enjoy the relationships to the fullest and also be
less anxious
Client - Yahh
Therapist – Alright… So let’s explore that feeling and see what it is
Client - yahh
Therapist – So just close your eyes … relax yourself… Neck support is proper?
Client – Yahh I think this is better. Thank You
Therapist – So just breath in all the scattered consciousness. Breath in to the rhythm of your body and
tell me how many percent you are present in your body?
Client – 90%
Therapist – Breath in the remaining consciousness… and now tell me how many percent you are
present in your body?

Client – I think I am fully present


Therapist – And now keep repeating this that I feel alone

Client – “I feel alone”, “I feel alone”, “I feel alone”, “I feel alone”, “I feel alone”, “I feel alone”
Therapist – And as you are repeating this tell me what is happening?
Client – I feel alone I feel alone
Therapist – What’s happening?
Client – I am feeling this heaviness in my guts and there is slight pain around my neck… but the
stomach is prominent
Therapist – Feel whatever you are feeling in the gut. What is this feeling? What are the sensations
Client – There is growling in the stomach.. like when you have loose motions … that’s how I am
Therapist – feel it…
Client – I feel alone… I feel alone
Therapist – Is there any feeling associated with this?
Client - Scared
Therapist – So say I feel alone and scared
Client - I feel alone and scared (repeats 3- 4 times)
Therapist – Tell me what is happening in your body?
Client – There is so tingling in my toes… I feel like crying when I am saying this
Therapist – Feel it to the fullest… there is some feeling in your guts.. some tingling on the toes.. you
feel like crying… feel it… And let your mind go back for the first time when you felt this feeling.. and
tell me where are you?


Client – I am in the house.. I feel I am there I am seeing something in the house

Therapist – Okay what are you seeing?
Client – feels like there is someone in the house.. aa.. its like a barn there is hay stack and may be
there is stable for horses. There is lot of hay stack I don’t know what animal is there… there is this
person… a man… sitting in the house… I think he is crying
Therapist – He is alone there? And you are watching this from…

Client – From the room… there is this man
Therapist – what is happening around?
Client – I think… I can here some birds in the background… that man is crying … somewhere in his
40s sitting and weeping alone

Therapist- Look at your body.. look at your feet… What do you see?
Client- These are man’s feet. I think I am that man. I can hear voice from the house.. some words in
the background… some human voice
Therapist- and you are saying that you are crying… You are crying because
Client- Because I lost my parents
Therapist- Ohh you lost your parents
Client- Its been a while… may be week or so
Therapist- What happens next
Client- man is by the river … watching something there are unknown people
Therapist- Do you know them?
Client- He is washing cloths he is crying…
Therapist- Go to another significant moment of this life…
Client- I feel stuck somewhere…
Therapist- Do you see anything around?
Client- I just hear a sound…
Therapist- Do you know where it is coming from?
Client- Its coming from House. Its his mother … I am crying because his father is abusing his
mother… She is dead now
Therapist- You are watching this… this is before death…
Client- Yahhh… Father kills the mother and he kills his father…. Crying….
Therapist- So you kill your father because your father is abusing the mother.
Client- Hmmmm… crying
Therapist- what happens next? What are you feeling….
Client- crying… very scared… don’t know what to do
Therapist- You are scared of…
Client- of What happened …. What I did… what I saw
Therapist- What happens next?
Client- He kills himself

Therapist- So you kill yourself… and how do you do that ?
Client- By stabbing myself in the stomach, It takes a while and then I bleed to death
Therapist- go to the last moment of your life. What is the dying thought and dying emotion?

Client- You couldn’t help your mother you are a bad son
Therapist- What is the emotion?
Client- There is sense of relief as that pain was too much … I don’t deserve to live
Therapist- You don’t deserve to live because
Client- I couldn’t save my mother from him, there is this pain and guilt
Therapist- Look at your dead body and float above your body… that life is over… Tell me what
happens to your dead body after your death?
Client- The neighbours find out after a day or so… its very obvious because of the smell. Blood all
around the body… knife…
Therapist- what do the do to the body?
Client- They burry it.
Therapist- Now you are floating above the body and you are aware about this life. Let’s go to the
moment when everything was very good and tell me where are you?
Client- I am there in that house. 10 years old … in the house mother is serving food …. I am feeling
very happy and light… that’s my favourite food. My father is not in the house I am feeling happy.
Therapist- Feel the happiness… your mother is feeding you… you are having your favourite food.
Now go to the moment when things started changing for the first time.
Client- I feel like I am in the womb… I can hear sounds… its from a distance... I here somewhere… If
its not son this time then I will kill you…
Therapist- How do you feel?
Client- I feel scared. The voice is too loud … its annoying
Therapist- Whose voice is this?
Client- I think could be the father.
Therapist- So you are in your mother’s womb, you are listening to this conversation and you feel
Client- Hmmmm
Therapist- What happens next?
Client- I am born… born as s son. He is happy but still keeps hitting her
Therapist- You are watching this as a child
Client- Hmmm
Therapist- So you are the only child?

Client- yes
Therapist- Go to the other moment… significant moment… when things started becoming worst
Client- I feel I was always scared. I never did anything to protect my mother.. I used to hide and runf
away every time my father. I was very scared very scared
Therapist- Go to the moment when you are hearing your mother’s voice “Help Me!”… What’s
happening. Go to that event
Client- This was the first time I picked up the rock and running towards the house. I did kill him
Therapist- How did you kill him?
Client- I hit him with the stone everywhere possible.. He was already dead because of the hitting
Therapist- How did you father kill the mother?
Client- Chocked her… I can see marks on her neck… Chocked her to death..
Therapist- After that you killed your father?
Client- Hmmm. He was very old he did not have energy to fight back..
Therapist- What was your age then?
Client- I was in my 40s
Therapist-Alright… What happens after their death?
Client- I become numb from inside… and I am crying because of that…
Therapist- And after that…
Client- I kill myself.
Therapist- Go to the last moment of your life… float above your body once again… That life is over..
would you like to repair your dead body?
Client- There voice in the mind saying “You don’t deserve to be healed”
Therapist- So what would you like to do with your body?
Client- Nothing
Therapist- Alright. Just float above your body… and now we are in the space where we can meet your
parents, your mother… so let’s invite them… and as they are coming… let’s registered their death.
Tell me how are they appearing
Client- They are there… seem to be the same age as they died.
Therapist- Do they know that they are dead?
Client- Yes…
Therapist- So would you like to carry out any conversation with them? Are you talking to your
Client- No.. father.. He looks sad… He said he turned me into a monster

Therapist- Who turned you into a monter?
Client- He turned me into a monster…
Therapist- Because…
Client- Because he couldn’t believe what he saw in my eyes when I was hitting him with the stone
Therapist- What made your father so aggressive? Get an awareness of it.
Client- His father also used to hit him… so he thought it is normal. He also never did anything to
object his father.. He never felt the need.. but when in the last moment when he saw me he was
shocked… he was scared… scared for what I had become.. He instantly felt remorse when I was
doing that and in his last few minutes he realised that he was wrong as child and wrong as a father
also… Mother does not say anything she is very quiet
Therapist- Is she aware that she is dead? Let her look at dead body once again…
Client- Yes She is aware…
Therapist- Is there any energy exchange that has to be done between mother and the father?
Client- Yah
Therapist- So let them do that.. and tell me what is coming and what is going
Client- He is taking all his anger and she is taking all her care
Therapist- hmm… And now there in the space where they will also understand why they had such a
difficult relationship with each other… what is the mother saying?
Client- She is disappointed in her self and with me.. So she couldn’t stop me from becoming like a
monster... She is very sad
Therapist- Anything that you would like to talk to her?
Client- She learnt at the end that …Do not keep quite… everything changes… She was sad and she
realised that she could have done more… She should have done more
Therapist- So now they understand what they could have done otherwise… Let them do the energy
exchange with you… So now all that you have got from them will go back to them now … Lets start
with the father and tell me what is going back to him?
Client- Love for me is going back, disappointment is going back, all of his desires and ambitions are
also going back…
Therapist- what is coming to you which is yours?
Client- My fear, my hatred , my courage is also coming
Therapist- Receive it… where do you want to receive it?
Client- In my stomach
Therapist- Keep your hand on your stomach and you are receiving it… You are receiving your
courage… anchor it… Its yours… Its coming back to you.. release your hand once you get it fully..
Anything else that you are receving?
Client- To my mother my helplessness is going… its hers
Therapist- From where it is going?

Client- Through my feet.
Therapist- okay. let it go. Is there any form to it?
Client- Its all dark…
Therapist- Anything else that goes?
Client- He fear is also…
Therapist- From where it is going?
Client- My heart
Therapist- Let it go. What is coming back to you which is your energy?
Client- My love is coming back
Therapist- Receive your love.. Let me know once you receive it fully. Is there any interaction
remaining with Your parens?
Client- No
Therapist- So are they ready to go? So let them go wherever they want to go at this moment with
ancestral guides and let me know once they leave.
Client- They left
Therapist- Now You are in the space where we are going to review certain points of your life..
especially go to that moment when you were listening to your mother’s cries for help. You picked up
the stone and you started running towards your house. Look at your self from above. Closely observe
yourself. As you were running towards your house is there anything that entered your space?
Client- There is lot of rage.
Therapist- Did it enter from outside or inside?
Client- It was there inside.
Therapist- And that came out. Alright. Now come back to the death scene once again, you had that
voice going on in your head that you don’t deserve any healing. Is the voice still going on in the head?
Client- No.
Therapist- Would you like to repair your dead body?
Client- Yahh
Therapist- Please go ahead and repair your body.
Client- Blood is not there. Knife is also not there.
Therapist- Would you like to cremate your body?
Client- Yah
Therapist- Just observe and tell me while you were killing yourself is there any consciousness of
yours that left your body?
Client- Yahh
Therapist- In the same room?

Client- Yah..
Therapist- So breath in all the consciousness that left your body.
Client- yahh. I took In
Therapist- Now you have cremated your body, collected all the consciousness. Float little above in the
place of overview. And now tell me did you have any choice in this life? Any different choice?
Client- Yes. I could have learned to be brave.
Therapist- In what manner?
Client- Standing up for my mother.
Therapist- And what made you not execute that?
Client- I was afraid that he would torture my mother more because he wanted me to be an ideal son
who would stand and watch. If I did something he would hurt further. So I chose to be a coward till
the end.
Therapist- Go to the moment where you lost this choice. Choice of being courageous.
Client- I was 5. This is the first time I witnessed him hitting her. I try to stand between them he threw
me. He hit me and told me if I try to do that again, he will hit her all the more.
Therapist- So what did you decide?
Client- I won’t stand in between. Will pretend as nothing has happened.
Therapist- so let’s invite that 5 years old inner child of your past life. 5 year old who witnessed the
find, who tried resolving it, who stood in between but the father told him I will hit you if you come in
between. Is there in your front?
Client- Yes
Therapist- So just go behind that 5 year old. How does he appear.
Client- He is sad
Therapist- Sad because
Client- He wants to something but he can’t. He is also scared.
Therapist- So let him be there in the front of the parents and as an adult past life would you like to do
any intervention?
Client- Feel like I can’t do anything
Therapist- Because
Client- I don’t have any choice.
Therapist- So go to the moment where you lost this choice. Where you had the choice. Back in time
and space where you had the choice and tell me where are you?
Client- Feel like I am on a boat.
Therapist- You are mare or a female?
Client- Female.

Therapist- And what’s happening on the boat?
Client- A man is taking my clothes off. I feel naked so I think that is what is happening. I am also in
pain. He is also abusing me.
Therapist- And what happens next?
Client- I choose to jump in the river and die.
Therapist- Look at your dead body. What is the dying thought and dying emotions.
Client- I fell in love with the wrong person. I should have listened to my parents. I should not be
making choices.
Therapist- And what happens when you make choices…
Client- You are hurt.
Therapist- Lets quickly review this life. This is a life of a female. Tell me what all is there.
Client- She has a big family. She is the youngest one of the siblings. She is a very fast runner. She
plays a lot.
Therapist- Then what happens?
Client- She is around 15-16 years old. She is running and ends up meeting this guy. He is also of same
Therapist- Then what happens?
Client- They became friends and start liking each other. He is a fisherman’s son. I am also a
fisherman’s daughter. Both the families don’t like we being with each other. We run away. They
abandon us. We start living.
Therapist- And then…
Client- Then she doesn’t know about many things. He starts to hit her. He becomes very abusive. She
tries to bare kids but she can’t. He keeps on forcing him on her. Once he takes her fishing with him.
They go farther away. That’s were he starts forcing her. She jumps.
Therapist- So is this the moment when you lost the choice?
Client- I think so.
Therapist- So float above your body. That life is over. Lets quickly do interaction with your husband.
And lets do the energy exchange. As he is entering register his death. How did he die?
Client- He died much later. He is quite old. He dies natural death.
Therapist- So talk to him. Do the energy exchange. Whatever you have lost it will come back to you.
What is coming back and what is going?
Client- The anger and resentment is going my choice is coming.
Therapist- Hmm. Take it. Would you like to meet your parents of that life time?
Client- hmm
Therapist- So invite them. Register their death and do the appropriate energy exchange that is

Client- They are here… talking… they are also apologising. They are sad if they would have agreed I
would have been safer. At least lived with them.
Therapist- Is the energy exchange over between you and them?
Client- Yes
Therapist- So let them go with appropriate ancestral souls to where ever they need to be at this
Client- yes. They have gone
Therapist- Now let’s bring this past life personality and this man in the room of comfort. What is the
wisdom that you have received from these two lives?
Client- From her lifetime… I shouldn’t be impulsive. I should listen to my parents…
Therapist- and with the choice that you have received… can there be moments in man’s life where
you can do things differently?
Client- ahhh yahhh
Therapist- What it is?
Client- I can keep confronting my father, don’t need to stop after first time
Therapist- so the 5 year old IC of your PL is already there… can you tell him that? What does he say?
Client- He feels more reassured that he can do something.
Therapist- With this reassurance, can he integrate with your past life?
Client- Yes
Therapist- All right. Let him integrate. Now you have 2 past life personalities. One of a female and
one of a male, bring them in the room of comfort and look at them. How do they appear? Do they
look healed?
Client- hmmm
Therapist- Would you like to integrate any of the attributes of these lives? Or you want to keep them
in your soul’s library?
Client- I would like to integrate the choice….
Therapist- very good. Integrate the choice and let the remaining part go in your soul’s library.
Client- hmmm
Therapist- And now in this room of comfort, outside that door will be that inner child which has
triggered this life. Let’s invite that IC in the room of comfort. And how old this Shivani who is
entering the room?
Triggering IC

Client- She is 5 years old.

Therapist- What was happening to her? How is she looking?

Client- She is scared and nervous.
Therapist- What happened?
Client- She saw her friend get beat up by her mother. A lot… and she couldn’t do anything. And she
didn’t do anything.
Therapist- And how did she feel?
Client- She felt very helpless.
Therapist- She felt very helpless. Where in the body she felt helpless?
Client- In the chest.
Therapist- So as an adult of today, let her be there in the front of you. Connect to that scene where
your friend was getting beaten up by her mother. Would you like to do any interventions?
Client- Yah I would like to inform her mother (my mother). Like for me.. I would like to inform my
mother that there is something happening like this.
Therapist- So go ahead and do that. And what’s happening when you are telling your mother.
Client- She reassures me that she will talk to her mother, because my friend’s mother is her friend
Therapist- yahh.. So in this event, just check, as you were watching that your friend is getting beaten
up by her mother, did you loose any of your consciousness?
Client- yes…
Therapist- where did you lose it?
Client- In the room, I still remember that room. In that house…
Therapist- So breath in all the consciousness. And as an adult of today get an awareness why was the
mother beating her.
Client- She is trying to discipline her. I think at some level she used to compare her daughter with me.
I was faster a learning thing, I was little more intelligent… so she would push her to be like me. I felt
she was getting beaten up because of me.
Therapist- So did you decide anything at that moment? What did feel?
Client- I used to generally help her in her studies then. I was not able to do anything so I would finish
her homework and always help her. At least that is I could do.
Therapist- So you decided to help?
Client- hmmm
Therapist- So now as an adult of today, 5 year old Shivani is there in front of you. Touch her shoulder.
Does she recognise you?
Client- Hmm
Therapist- Give her a tight hug. And tell her that its not because of you.
Client- yahh…
Therapist- Does she understand that?

Client- Yes
Therapist- As an adult of today would you like to have conversation with your mother’s friend and tell
her something?
Client- Not really.
Therapist- would you like to talk to your friend?
Client- Yah
Therapist- Just go ahead and talk to her.
Client- She is going
Therapist- Before she goes, let’s do the energy exchange. So everything that you have picked up from
that event will go out from you now. So let your IC be in your front and you be behind her, and that
you picked up from that even will release from you. Now. What is going?
Client- fear… Lot of fear… Helplessness
Therapist- Let it go. It is going towards whom?
Client- Think it’s the situation. I do not think it belongs to anyone.
Therapist- And receive something that you lost in that moment. What is coming back to you?
Client- My voice which I lost.
Therapist- receive it
Client- Sense that I am not alone, I can tell my parents.
Therapist- And how is 5 year old feeling after receiving what is she lost after so many years?
Client- She feels relaxed.
Therapist- and what does she wants to do? Ask her..
Client- She wants to be able to say and express without being scared, and she feels she can do that.
Therapist- very nice. You have done it. Tell her you can do it.. we can do it!
Client- I am also telling her its not the same anymore… we can do it.
Therapist- Is she ready to integrate with you now? If she is ready then let her integrate. Let her grow
withing you. And know for yourself that that part of your life is healed. Breath in and breath out and
go in near future with this newly received freedom and your voice and tell me where are you?

Future Pacing

Client- I feel like I am standing and addressing a crowd, talking and sharing my knowledge my
Therapist- And how are you feeling about it?
Client- feeling very light and feeling like being myself. Feeling relaxed

Therapist- Feel the relaxation, feel the lightness all over and whenever you are ready you can come
back in here and now. open your eyes
Client- (opens eyes)


Therapist- Please have some water

Client- I was constantly seeing a blue light. I am not asking what it means but just telling you
Therapist- Does it represent something for you? Was it comfortable…
Client- yahhh… didn’t bother me..
Therapist- How are you feeling?
Client- I was very surprised.
Therapist- could you understand the connection?
Client- Yes it made a lot of sense.
Therapist- Specially the decision that you made in these lifetimes.
Client- Yahh
Therapist- And the relief that you felt.
Client- Some part of me felt like there were so many people in the village. there was so much could
have been done its that the last when you said the 5 year old me instead of asking not saying that what
it wants.
Therapist- You had lost the choice… now you have it
Client- Its interesting actually because I have also felt very confused and I also rely a lot on someone
else making a choice for me.
Therapist- Its safer
Client- Its changed. Obviously, it’s not the same as how it was even 5 years ago, because cognitively I
have tried a lot bit some place, I just like let it be.
Therapist- Feeling better?
Client- yaah. I am thinking. I feel lost. But Yahh
Therapist- I understand. alright… You can take your time, relax yourself. We will definitely connect.
Client- Thank you So much.
Therapist- Welcome!

Link of the session

Observer’s report
Therapist- Nishigandha
Client- Shivani

What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When and by
The contract of the session was to overcome the loneliness so client can be less anxious and enjoy all
the relationships to the fullest. Contract remained same through out the session.

Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives could
have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point? Effectiveness? Shifting
or additions during the session?

Therapist took a verbal bridge to regress the client. S+ E were present.

Personification could also have been used to explore reasons of loneliness. There was no shifting and
addition during the session.

Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big steps in
this session? What was the function of each step?

Client regressed in the life of 40 years old man who felt lonely and sad. After exploration it was
understood that his father used to abuse his mother. He had helplessly witnessed mother going through
the abuse. On day out of rage he kills his father and later kills himself with the despair and guilt. This
life was explored. Charges were addressed. In the POO moment of choice was asked where client
landed in the IC of that life and later into another PL where he had lost the choice.
This life was quickly explored. She was born as female. She eloped and stayed with man whom she
loves who later turned aggressive and abusive. She commits suicide by jumping the river. Dying
thought of this life was that I Should always listen to my parents and never make choice of my own. It
hurts. Appropriate energy exchange was carried out. Client received her choice back. Triggering IC
was healed and integrated.

Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?

Integration was done at the Personification stage, when triggering IC’s were healed and then
integrated with the adult client of current life. All charges were confirmed as released, client was
future paced and then asked to return to the present moment.

Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?

Yes. Connection with the past life was made. Client could relate with it.

Debriefing was done.

What was missing?

The wisdom should have checked before client was called out in the room of comfort.

General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the session.
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to help client give concrete
description of situation. Emotional catharsis was very evident throughout the session.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal feelings/ emotions/ thoughts
and help release undesired/ unwanted feelings /emotions.

Client’s Feedback

Examination marks

Tentamination 1 : 7 / 10
Tentamination 2 : 6.5 / 10

Video Submission : 16 / 20

CLIENT – Poonam ; THERAPIST – Rupali
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
1. What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To let go of the
insecurity and jealousy towards mother-in-law and experience ease in her life.’
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point?
Effectiveness? Shifting or additions during the session?
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.
The Therapist made use of the personification method as when the intake was being taken
obssesor had surfaced. After registering the death, it was understood that it was PL of the current
mother-in-law of the client. Client’s PL was invited and then Macrostructure was followed.

2. Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges
have been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked
at the end of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the
Client was having headache at the beginning she was also yawning
continuously. The therapist one by one worked through all the charges
and also cross checked at the end for each of them if they still existed and
the client confirmed that they were gone.

3. Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

1. Bridge →(Personification) → Contract → Sets end result of therapy

with the help of the client → Exploration in PL → explores worst
moment (death scene) → entry point in PL (landed in the scene
where emotional and verbal abuse was happening) → Overview of PL
→ Death scene → POO → back to time in PL → dying thought and
emotion ( anger and wanting to take revenge)- (lack of catharsis at this
point) - sees death → (added charges of feelings of betrayal, sadness)
→ PL healing- → Personification- triggering IC work- when client
got married and was supposed to stay with Mother- in- law - IC’s are
integrated into adult client- Adult Client is futured paced to see
herself with the mother-in-law and then brought back to present
Analysis of session flow:
1. Big steps:
-deepening of S+E by asking client to breath into the emotion and
feeling which added charges.
-POO- the overview of PL went smoothly as charges got built and that
deepened the client.
-Personification- triggering IC also went very smooth.
-Future pacing was also a good idea and helped strengthen the
acquired feelings of trust, happiness and harmony in relationship.

What was missing:

-As the session began and client mentioned the presence of obsessor
death was not registered immediately, that led to prolong
conversations with the client.
- while exploring the PL suggestive phrases were used

4. Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?
Body work was done to release the stuck emotion of the client while
doing energy exchange.

5. Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage, when triggering IC’s were
healed and then integrated with the adult client of current life. All charges
were confirmed as released, client was future paced and then asked to
return to present moment.

6. Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:

- Client understood why she was crying uncontrollably at the moment
of her VIDAI after the marriage.
- Bout of anger she would experience when mother-in-law would talk to
client’s husband
So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life and the somatic and emotional charges
related to these instances.

7. Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


8. Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


9. General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

10. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

All steps were covered.

11. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No

CLIENT – Poonam ; THERAPIST – Rupali
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
12.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To work on the
repetitive disputes in the family at the time of marriages in the family.’ ( client
felt that patterns of rejection it is coming from ancestral lineage )
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point?
Effectiveness? Shifting or additions during the session?
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.
The Therapist made use of script for the ancestral healing and called respective
parent in the room of comfort. It was understood that the pattern of rejection dated beck to
100 generations.

13.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges
have been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked
at the end of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the
Client was feeling very lousy and sleepy since past 3- 4 days and had
difficulty concentrating in the daily activities. The therapist one by one
worked through all the charges and also cross checked at the end for each
of them if they still existed and the client confirmed that they were gone.
At the end of the she felt relaxed and fresh.

14.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

Analysis of session flow:

In the personification room, client invited the ancestor from where the
pattern began. She saw hunched back old women and identified her as her
current life mother. It was found that she had cursed her own kids with rejection
and abandonment. After healing the ancestor curse was released.

2. Big steps:
Story was understood appropriately. Ancestor was healed and energy
exchange was done after understanding the root cause of the rejection
and abandonment which led to mental and emotional catharsis for the

What was missing:

- Therapist could have invited client’s son her current life siblings
while doing the EE with lineage.

15.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?
There was emotional catharsis and metal catharsis once the client
understood the root of the pattern.

16.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage. All charges were confirmed
as released, client was future paced and then asked to return to present

17.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client understood why she has sour relationship with the mother.
- Client could realise origin of patterns of rejection and abandonment
from her mother in the current life.
- Client could also realise the peculiar patterns of interpersonal
relationships in the family.

So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life and emotional charges related to these

18.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


19.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


20.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

21. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

All steps were covered.

22. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No


CLIENT – Swati ; THERAPIST – Poonam
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
23.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To explore why the
husband behaves in aggressive manner with her when he chooses to be on
spiritual path. Also, her role in his spiritual development.
Chosen method?
Lacing as the client had already seen few lives with the husband.
Why was it chosen?
As the client wanted to explore the connection between the lives.
Which alternatives could have been taken?
No alternative could have been taken.
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.

24.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? Heavy breathing, discomfort in the stomach.
What extra charges have risen during session? Pain in the right knee and
back ache.
Which charges have been explored and worked through? All the charges
were explored and worked through.

Were all other charges checked at the end of the session?

Were any charges still present at the end of the session?
The therapist one by one worked through all the charges and also cross
checked at the end for each of them if they still existed and the client
confirmed that they were gone.

25.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

Client reviewed 4 Past lives
PL 1-
Client regressed in the Past life of 10 years old girl. Her step father
wouldn’t let her go out so she felt broken and had a thought that father doesn’t
like me. She committed suicide at the age of 10. Dying thought was to live
freely and emotion was feeling sad and abandoned. She went into inter life with
the baggage that the father did not allow her to be free and enjoy life.
PL 2 –
She saw another life as queen who is inclined towards spirituality. She
leaves kingdom in spite of king requesting her to stay back. After her departure
kingdom was attacked so she died with the guilt of making kingdom go through
PL 3-
She saw another life of healer where her husband was against her healing
work as villagers did not believe in her. The husband believed that he did not
get work because of her. Villagers started spreading rumours and burnt her alive
in the house. Husband did not save her as he believed she was responsible for
it. Dying thought was I have to leave the body before house gets burnt.

PL 4 –
She was born as male who was overly occupied in work and never paid
attention to his wife. He died with the guilt that he could not take care of his
wife and there was imbalance with work and family life.
In the inter life she saw that she had come with the baggage of showing the path
of spirituality to him. One of the purpose is to strike a balance between work
and family. Husband has carried the fear from the past that if he follows
spirituality people will not approve of him.

What was missing:

- All the steps were taken correctly

26.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client understood the relationship between her husband’s anger and
initiation of any spiritual practice
- She also understood her role as a partner in his life and wisdom
associated with it.

27.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


28.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


29.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

30. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

All steps were covered.

31. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- Are there any specific commands that are used when we go from one
life to the another.

CLIENT – Rupali ; THERAPIST – Swati
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
32.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To explore past life
through back press’
Chosen method?
Back press
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.

33.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

2. Bridge →(Through back press client landed in the scene of past life
where he was hit by arrow at the back) → Contract → was to heal
and explore that life → Exploration in PL → explores worst
moment (death scene) → entry point in PL (landed in the scene
where he is thinking that no one should die feeling that my life is futile
if there is harm to the tribe and decision was that I cannot fail and I
have to protect the tribe) → Overview of PL – Client regresses back to
8 years where he is practicing sword fights around gorges in the hills
and the 8 year old has the thought that he has to get better and better at
it and he wants to win the love and confidence of his warrior teacher
on further exploration it was found that the client’s parents died in his
childhood and he was born sick and he was raised by the warrior
teacher that is why winning his love and confidence is so important to
him. Teacher also had special affiliation towards him because his
father was the best swords man, horse man, very strong, very reliable
so the teacher saw the potential in the client and trained him
accordingly. When the client is 14 years old there is fear of attack on
the tribe and the client feels that now is the time to prove to be tested
and decides to be more vigilant and not to waste time. Client next
enters in the significant moment where is 18 years old and ther is an

attack on the tribe. Client is chosen to be part of the army to protect
the tribe which makes him very proud and emotionally he feels now
he has won his teacher’s confidence and decides to live up to his
expectations. → Death scene – Client dies fighting in the same war. →
PL healing- →Death was once again registered, clients consciousness
which had left the body at the time of death was pulled back. The
body was appropriately healed. Appropriate Energy Exchange done
with the Warrior Teacher where the client realised that it had picked
up teachers energy of being a perfectionist, striving for excel,
wouldn’t settle for No. 2. Also, client retrieved its energies from the
tribe where he felt that he is responsible for their protection, which
released a lot of guilt and burden from the client. POO → Client
realised that there were many moments of choices where he could
have lived his life differently, however, the need to win the teacher’s
love and confidence was so much that the client couldn’t see that.→
Lesson of the life is to be balanced, not to become too dependent on
anyone and its ok to fail.
Analysis of session flow:
3. Big steps:
-Collecting back the consciousness (as when the last fight was
happening client’s consciousness had left the body to check the
wellbeing of the tribe. Past life was undead)

What was missing:

- Triggering IC was not explored
- Future pacing was missed

34.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?
Body work was done to release the stuck arrow at the back. It helped the
client to heal its body.

35.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage, when the healed past life
was integrated with the adult client of current life.

36.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client understood why she feels responsible for the group she is in.
- Also, where does the need for approval come from and the need to be
excellent at whatever she is doing in current life
So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life.

37.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


38.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


39.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

40. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

The triggering Inner Child for the Past Life was not healed and
Integrated. Also, future pacing could have been done.

41. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No


CLIENT – Swati ; THERAPIST – Poonam
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
42.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To let go of the
fear that client has about her family getting killed together.’
Chosen method?
ENS was used for regression. Client’s head was hurting and she had
feeling of being choked up.

Chosen bridge?
ENS was used as bridge.

Why was it chosen?

Client already had above mentioned somatic charges present in her body.

Which alternatives could have been taken?

Personification could have been used to explore.
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.

43.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges
have been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked
at the end of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the
Client was having headache at the beginning she was also yawning
continuously. She was feeling choked up. The therapist one by one
worked through all the charges and also cross checked at the end for each
of them if they still existed and the client confirmed that they were gone.

44.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

3. Bridge →(ENS) → Contract → was to heal the fear that client has →
Client landed in the scene of current life time where she was 35 years and
had gone for outing on the hill station. She was with her 2 years old son
and husband. She saw that on the road where they had gone for a walk
there was a family who got killed. The attachment remained with her.
Death was registered for the entities. There was a couple and the child.
After the appropriate healing and the energy exchange souls were sent
with ancestral guides. Through appropriate energy exchange fear of being
killed was released. Client received her courage and confidence back.
Along with the attachments she also perceived the Tantrik who was
connected to her from past life. On further exploration it was understood
that client had already seen this life. However, the therapist did a short
regression of that life to heal the unhealed aspects of that life. Tantric had
captured her and abused her in the cave. There were lot of charges in the
lower body as lot of pain was inflicted. After appropriate release and
energy exchange client regained her energy

45.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?
Body work was done to release the stuck emotion of the client while
doing energy exchange. On the lower body there was lot of energy stuck,
it was released with body work. Physical catharsis happened as she
released all the energies pain from her lower body.

46.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done in the room of comfort. PL and 35 year old IC was

47.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client understood why she has this fear of getting killed.

So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life and the somatic and emotional charges
related to these instances.

48.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


49.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


50.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

51. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

- Moment of choice was not explored.
- Triggering IC of the PL was not explored.

52. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No

CLIENT – Neeta ; THERAPIST – Poonam

OBSERVER – Nishigandha
53.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To work on
inability to take decision so that client can feel confident about life. In the
beginning of the session there was confusion with setting up the contract and it
shifted during the session.
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point?
Effectiveness? Shifting or additions during the session?
In the beginning ENS bridge was used but client could not feel any somatics. So
aura exploration was used.

54.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges
have been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked
at the end of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the
Client was having headache at the beginning. The therapist one by one
worked through all the charges and also cross checked at the end for each
of them if they still existed and the client confirmed that they were gone.

55.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

4. Bridge →(Aura exploration) → Contract → To work on inability to take

decision → Exploration in PL → In aura exploration client saw blue
colour around the feet. After personification it was understood that he
was KO from past life. Past life was explored. Client was farmer who was
falsely accused for robbery and imprisoned by king till death. → dying
thought and emotion (anger and frustration) → PL healing → There was
lot of anger towards money lender’s wife who falsely accused him. EE
was done. He died without meeting his family members. Appropriate
completion was given after the meeting. Moment of choice was explored.
There was no choice however client could not see where he has lost the
choice. Triggering IC was healed and integrated.

5. Analysis of session flow:

Big step-

- Lost consciousness was retrieved from the prison that gave lot of
understanding to the client.
- IC was healed thoroughly.

What was missing:

- Exploration of Moment of choice

56.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?

57.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage, when triggering IC’s were
healed and then integrated with the adult client of current life. All charges
were confirmed as released, client was future paced and then asked to
return to present moment.

58.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client could understand reasons of her anger and fear of authorities.

59.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


60.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


61.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.
However, client was dissociating and was not deeply regressed.

Client was having many blank spells during the session.

62. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

Moment of choice could not be explored.

63. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No

CLIENT – Poonam ; THERAPIST – Rupali
OBSERVER – Nishigandha

64.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To overcome fear
of losing people so she can be free.’
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point?
Effectiveness? Shifting or additions during the session?
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.
The Therapist made use of ENS bridge. Client reported heaviness in the chest
in the beginning of the session.

65.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges
have been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked
at the end of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the
Client was having heaviness in the heart and she was also yawning
continuously. The therapist one by one worked through all the charges
and also cross checked at the end for each of them if they still existed and
the client confirmed that they were gone.

66.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

Bridge →(ENS) → Contract → Let go of fear of losing loved ones→

Exploration in PL → client regressed spontaneously in Past life→
entry point in PL (landed in the scene where she saw her 4 kids and
husband hanging in the field that they own) → Overview of PL →
Client was female born in the village. She was happily married with 4
kids. Husband was farmer. Landlord wanted to capture the land that
they were yielding and husband was against it. Out of rage and malice,
landlord killed the husband and all 4 kids. Client lost her
consciousness seeing this sight and lost her sanity. She died of old age.
Villagers would feed her for survival. Death scene → POO Client
had choice of being courageous and supporting her husband but did
not as she was consumed by anger and sadness → back to time in PL

→ dying thought and emotion ( feeling of being lost as part of the
consciousness was not there)- → PL healing- → Consciousness was
retrieved. Aura combing was done to release the charges of sadness
and grief.
triggering IC work- When client conceived for the 2nd time. IC was
healed integrated into adult client- Adult Client was futured paced to
see her pregnancy period and then brought back to present moment.
Analysis of session flow:
4. Big steps:
-deepening of S+E by asking client to breath into the emotion and
feeling which added charges.
- meeting her kids gave client feeling of relief and satisfaction.
-POO- the overview of PL went smoothly as charges got built and that
deepened the client.
-Personification- triggering IC also went very smooth.

What was missing:

- All steps were covered

67.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?
Body work was not done.

68.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage, when triggering IC’s were
healed and then integrated with the adult client of current life. All charges
were confirmed as released, client was future paced and then asked to
return to present moment.

69.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client understood why she was very fearful and anxious when she
- Bout of sadness she would experience during this period.

So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life and the somatic and emotional charges
related to these instances.

70.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


71.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


72.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

73. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

All steps were covered.

74. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No

CLIENT – Neeta; THERAPIST – Poonam
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
75.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?

Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was ‘To find the roots of
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point?
Effectiveness? Shifting or additions during the session?
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.
The Therapist made use of aura exploration.

76.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

6. Bridge → (Aura exploration) → Client saw purple around intestine

and red in the stomach. Both the colours were personified. Purple
represented 8 years old IC who was dominated by her aunt to sleep in
the afternoon where client wanted to play out. Client decided that rules
and regulations are bad and I need to rebel or else I will be sad. EE
was done. Sadness was released from her gut. Red represented anger
and IC of 12 years old was personified. Her uncle was swimmer and
he insisted her to learn it. In one of the trainings session, he threw her
in the water that made client feel that she needs to have control over
the situation. Helplessness and sadness was released and she received
her freedom.

What was missing:

-As the session began and client mentioned the presence of obsessor
death was not registered immediately, that led to prolong
conversations with the client.
- while exploring the PL suggestive phrases were used

77.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage, when triggering IC’s were
healed and then integrated with the adult client of current life. All charges
were confirmed as released, client was future paced and then asked to
return to present moment.

78.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
- Client understood how it has influenced her digestion process.

79.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


80.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


81.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

82. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

All steps were covered.

83. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No
CLIENT – Neeta; THERAPIST – Rupali
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
84.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When and
by What?

Contract – The client had the dilemma that when she is confident she loose
people in her life and when she has people in life, she doesn’t have her
confidence. So, the contract was to overcome the dilemma of having either
confidence or people in her life.
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point? Effectiveness?
Shifting or additions during the session?

The Therapist used Tetralema method to help client deal with the dilemma of
whether to go for confidence or look for people. This was the most
appropriate method to deal with the issue. There were no shifts or additions
during the session.

85.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges have
been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked at the end
of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the session?
The client was confused because of the dilemma at the beginning of the
session. There were no extra charges that have arisen during the session.
There were no charges at the end of the session.

86.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big steps in
this session? What was the function of each step?

7. The Therapist had identified 4 past lives to deal with the dilemma as
a. Confident and having People (+,+)
b. Confident but Alone (+,-)
c. Not Confident but having People (-,+)
d. Not Confident neither having people (-,-)
Bridge →(Personification) →Therapist used Personification as a bridge
for short regression of all the 4 past lives. Exploration in PL →
explores the most important moment with respect to the attributes in
each of the past lives, overview of the past lives → dying thoughts and
emotions in each of the lives, death scene → Moment of Choice
Analysis of session flow:
5. Confident but alone (+,-)

Client saw itself as a 12 year old male confident child. Child has gone
on hiking as a part of school picnic and get stuck in a dungeon, where
he feels breathless. Client dies being in the dungeon with lots of fear
thinking that if you are alone, you will die. So, while dying the child
decided never to go alone and always to have people around him.

Client also saw another life as a Girl, who was confident and wealthy
but also arrogant and rejects all the suitable life partners and hence
dies lonely due to old age. Her dying thoughts are whats the point of
confidence if I don’t have anyone by my side. Hence, decides its better
to be dependent on people than being lonely.

6. Not Confident and alone (-,-)

Client saw itself as a 20 year old male with a family and finds it
difficult to earn money and make ends meet. Client saw that through
that life there was neither confidence nor people due to lack of money.

7. Confident and having people (+,+)

Client saw itself as a Man who is very confident of himself and has
always been surrounded by family members. Lives a very satisfying
life with family members who loves and supports him. Dies of oldage
with his family by his side.

8. Not Confident and having people (-,+)

Client’s current life where she was very confident before she got
married but after marriage she has lost all her confidence but have
people around her.

In the end therapist concluded session with circle therapy where all the
5 past lives were integrated in to the Adult of today.

What was missing:

- The Fear of being lonely is very deep in the client. This could have
been explored more in the session.

87.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the most
important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of catharsis was

The circle therapy at the end where the client released all the residual
emotions was the most important moment of catharsis. It was an emotional

88.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?

In the end therapist concluded session with circle therapy where all the 5 past
lives were integrated in to the Adult of today.

89.Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?

There were many connections there were found between the past and current
- The first 2 past lives revealed the clients fear of being lonely, which
the client has in current life because of which she compromises on her
- Also, 1 past life the client had confidence but no people, which
explains her need for people in current life
So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life and the somatic and emotional charges
related to these instances.

90.Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


91.Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


92.General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

93. What was not done? What remains unsolved?
All steps were covered.

94. Any remaining questions for the teacher?



CLIENT – Poonam ; THERAPIST – Rupali
OBSERVER – Nishigandha
95.What was the contract? Did the contract shift during the session? When
and by What?
Contract – The contract set at the very onset of therapy was to overcome fear of
failure and feel free.’
Chosen method? Chosen bridge? Why was it chosen? Which alternatives
could have been taken? Relationship with the entrance point?
Effectiveness? Shifting or additions during the session?
Throughout the therapy the contract remained the same. There was no shift from
the original intent/ contract.
The Therapist made use of the ENS bridge. Client regressed immediately.
Therapist could have used personification.
96.Which charges lie at the beginning at starting point when making the
contract? What extra charges have risen during session? Which charges
had been explored and worked through? Were all other charges checked
at the end of the session? Were any charges still present at the end of the

Client was having headache at the beginning she was also yawning
continuously. The therapist one by one worked through all the charges
and also cross checked at the end for each of them if they still existed and
the client confirmed that they were gone.

97.Describe building of the session – macrostructure. What were the big

steps in this session? What was the function of each step?

8. Bridge →(ENS) → Contract → to overcome fear of failure →

Exploration in PL → Client regressed in a PL where she was a
female slave working in mine. She as abused by supervisors and died
along with her son in stampede occurred in mine. Dying thought was
of I am worth less and couldn’t fight and dying emotions were guilt
and sadness. → entry point in PL (landed in the scene where
stampede was happening) → Overview of Past life ( hangover
charges were released with the help of aura combing→ Death scene
→ POO → back to time in PL → there were attachments of other
slaved who dies in the same mine. All of them were released. EE
exchange with abusers were carried out. Client’s parents sold her
when she was 5 years to money lender because of poverty. Lot of
catharsis happened when she met them. Postulate of ‘I am worthless’
was released. PL healing- →Client had choice of living her life
differently but because of lack of courage she did not execute it.
Personification- triggering IC work- 3 inner children with exam fear
came up. All of them were healed and integrated.
Analysis of session flow:
9. Big steps:
-Retrieving of consciousness from mine helped client.
- aura combing released many charges.

98.Was there bodywork done? What was the function of it? What was the
most important moment of catharsis? On what charge? What kind of
catharsis was it?

99.Did integration take place? If so, when? How was the session completed?
Integration was done at Personification stage, when triggering IC’s were
healed and then integrated with the adult client of current life. All charges

were confirmed as released, client was future paced and then asked to
return to present moment.

100. Was the connection found or made between the life in the past and the
present-day life?
There were many connections there were found between the past and
current life:
- Client understood why she was getting recurrent dreams of she failing
in the exams.
- Feeling of worthlessness associated with the failure.
So, there are many instances where client was able to find a connection
between her past and current life and the somatic and emotional charges
related to these instances.

101. Were there any strange or surprising interventions?


102. Were there any strange or surprising reactions?


103. General evaluation of this session in a few phrases.

Contract was set and followed through and achieved by the end of the
Good deepening recollection techniques/ words were used by therapist to
help client give concrete description of situation.
Therapist could help client connect the external event with the internal
feelings/ emotions/ thoughts and help release undesired/ unwanted
feelings /emotions.
Therapist was very calm and patient throughout the session.

104. What was not done? What remains unsolved?

All steps were covered.

105. Any remaining questions for the teacher?

- No

Mentor session

There was total 6 sessions conducted by the mentor-

1. Mentee wanted to explore the reasons of allergic sneezing and frequent
episodes of cough and cold. Past life of healer surfaced where he was
killed by inducing dark energies in the lungs. She felt relief preceding the
2. After one of the sessions with the client in practice there was sudden drop
in the energy of mentee. Fear of failure as therapist surfaced. Aura
exploration was done for that particular event. KO was found PL was
3. Mentee went for therapy for sudden drop in the energy after session with
client. Mentee had fear of facing that client again. KO was found PL was
resolved. Mentee could successfully conduct the remaining sessions with
the client.
4. Mentee wanted to resolve the pattern of having male partners who will
keep asking for money. PL was healed who had decided to be the
provider for ill husband and ailing father-in-law. Postulate of I am not
good enough was released. Judgments about male genders were identified
and released.
5. Mentee had difficulty taking covid vaccine and thought that she will die if
she takes it. PL of a female who was killed by giving harmful injections
was identified and healed. Mentee could take both the doses of vaccine
after the session and had no side effects after the vaccines.
6. Mentee has been having left arm pain since Tasso Module 1. In one of the
exercises, she has seen her left arm being cut and thrown. Mentee went to
the soul origin and it was understood that she is been sent on earth as
punishment as she crossed the boundaries and broke the rules. It was very
cathartic session for her. Restructuring was done.


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