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A taxonomy of digital leadership in the

construction industry

Sambo Lyson Zulu & Farzad Khosrowshahi

To cite this article: Sambo Lyson Zulu & Farzad Khosrowshahi (2021) A taxonomy of digital
leadership in the construction industry, Construction Management and Economics, 39:7,
565-578, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2021.1930080

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2021, VOL. 39, NO. 7, 565–578

A taxonomy of digital leadership in the construction industry

Sambo Lyson Zulua and Farzad Khosrowshahib
School of Built Environment, Engineering and Computing, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK; bCollege of Engineering and Science,
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia


Businesses in the construction industry are experiencing pressure to modernize by embracing Received 16 April 2020
digital technologies. Like any other change initiative, digital transformation requires that leaders Accepted 7 May 2021
are at the forefront of their organizations’ pursuit for digital innovation. Therefore, the purpose
of this study was to explore the different leadership approaches exhibited by construction
Leadership; digital
industry leaders in influencing their organizations’ digital paths. Qualitative data collected from leadership; digital
41 construction industry professionals were analysed using an inductive thematic analysis transformation; digital
approach. The main finding was a taxonomy of digital leadership types characterized under six innovation; qualita-
themes: proactive and forward-thinking; supportive; uncoordinated; cautious; resistant and tive surveys
visionless and undriven leaders. These themes provide an insight into how leaders influence the
digital transformation paths in organizations. As far as the authors are aware, this study is the
first that developed a taxonomy of digital leadership approaches in the construction industry.
This is a valuable step in understanding leaders’ influence in driving digital transformation in
the construction industry. Thus, the taxonomy of digital leadership can be used to evaluate
leadership styles and attitude towards digitalization. The findings are also a platform for further
studies on digital leadership in construction.

Introduction suggested that, for traditional organizations to be suc-

cessful in this dynamic environment, major organiza-
Organizations are facing unprecedented challenges to
tional transformation to fit the digital environment is
cope with an increasing changing digital environment.
Emerging digital platforms, growing demand for required and that such transformation demands effect-
digital products and services and constantly con- ive digital leadership. Similarly, Kane et al. (2019, p.
nected customers (El Sawy et al. 2016) are some of 34) argued that “as organisations seek their footing in
the digital-led challenges organizations face. a turbulent business environment, they require strong
Organizational change is necessary for organizations leaders at the helm. Senior leaders must not only
to remain relevant and competitive (Kral and Kralova articulate a vision people can rally around but also
2016), as those that do not change put themselves at create the conditions that enable digital maturity,
risk of failure. While there are other factors that influ- attracting the best talent and bringing out the best in
encing organizational change, technology is one of the talent they attract”.
the primary triggers of change (Cox 2019). Jackson Businesses in the construction industry have not
and Harris (2003) examined how the adoption of e- been immune to this and have, over the recent years,
business may result in organizational change, while seen unprecedented pressure to change due to digital
Greenan (2003) and Pao-Long and Lung (2002) technological advances. However, the construction
explored the interplay between technological changes industry is perceived to be slow in the uptake of
and organizational change. Their general argument digital technologies to enhance its services, processes
was that due to technological changes, there are and products (Aghimien et al. 2020). Considering that
bound to be consequential or complementary changes leadership is critical to organizational innovation’s suc-
in other areas of the organization to create a perfect cess (Nguyen and Hooi 2020), construction business
technology-organizational fit. El Sawy et al. (2016) leaders are key to driving digital transformation in

CONTACT Sambo Lyson Zulu School of Built Environment, Engineering and Computing, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds
ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

their organizations. While digital technologies are leadership competencies in architectural practices.
changing the landscape of doing business, traditional They developed a digital leadership framework com-
business models are considered less suited to drive prising four competence areas: human resource and
digital transformation (Brenner 2018). From a strategic leadership, architectural design process, digital ecolo-
management point of view, construction business gies, and collaborative environment. Leadership is a
leaders should be at the forefront of driving innov- broad subject area, and therefore, more studies on
ation. However, this requires that they possess digital digital leadership in the construction industry should
leadership skills and use appropriate approaches to be welcome. In addition, while aspects of leadership
influence digital transformation in their organizations or management support are acknowledged in studies
(Kalyani and Rohidas 2017). on digital technology adoption in the construction
There is no one standard definition for digital lead- industry, such as , Chan et al. (2019) and Liao and Teo
ership. Wilson (2004) distinguished between (2019), the context is usually an item within a broader
“leadership in the digital era” and “digital leadership”. list of influencing factors. They rarely address leader-
They defined leadership in the digital era as that ship as a central construct influencing digital adoption.
required in an organization in the period of transmis- This study contributed to the understanding of
sion to a more information-dense society, and digital broader digital leadership issues in the construction
leadership as leadership in the core sectors of the industry. It aimed to identify digital leadership
information society such as communication, press or approaches in the UK construction industry, an issue
multiple media. Larjovuori et al. (2016, p. 1144) define that has received limited attention.
digital leadership as “the leaders” ability to create a
clear and meaningful vision for the digitalization pro-
Context: leadership influence on digital
cess and the capability to execute strategies to actual-
ize it. Jakubik and Berazhny (2017) argued that
leadership definitions depend on the type of context Digital transformation presents an opportunity for
studied. Zhong (2017, p. 28) contextualized their defin- innovation in organizations. It represents a change in,
ition of digital leadership to the education environ- for instance, how the organization works, the services
ment and defined it as “using instructional it provides, technology platforms it uses, how work is
technology, including digital device, service, and organized, and where employees work (El Sawy et al.
resources, to inspire and lead school digital transform- 2016). As a change management initiative, it requires
ation, create and sustain digital learning culture, sup- effective leadership (Al-Ali et al. 2017). Leadership is
port and enhance technology-based professional seen as a critical factor in supporting change manage-
development, provide and maintain digital organisa- ment processes in an organization (Michaelis et al.
tion management, and facilitate and manage digital 2009, Abrell-Vogel and Rowold 2014). For example,
citizenship”. El Sawy et al. (2016, p. 141) definition pro- top management support is identified as key to ensur-
vides a helpful context of what constitutes digital ing successful innovation (Elenkov and Manev 2005)
leadership. They defined digital leadership as “doing due, in part, to leadership’s role in creating an envir-
the right things for the strategic success of digitalisa- onment that is conducive to innovation (Agbor 2008).
tion of the enterprise and its business ecosystem”, tak- Kane et al. (2019), in their survey of business leaders,
ing cues from the definition of leadership as “doing identified that technological issues were less critical
the right thing for the success of the organisation” than leadership- related factors, such as strategy, cul-
(Bennis 1989). This is a similar context to Larjovuori et ture and talent development were to digital
al.’s (2016) definition and is adopted in this study. transformation.
Such a definition implies that digital leadership is Similarly, Anghel (2019, p. 38) asserted that “digital
considered a critical driver for digital innovation in the transformation is less about technological expertise,
construction business. While there is a characterization than it is about perceptions of leaders, managers and
of leadership in driving initiatives in the construction employees to buy-in the change process and integrate
industry, such as sustainable organizations (Opoku et the organisation’s systems with the new digital tech-
al. 2015a, 2015b), there is limited consideration of nologies”. They proposed six ground rules for manag-
digital leadership characteristics in the construction ers and leaders to follow, including having the right
industry. Zupancic et al.’s (2017) work are among a mindset, skills and roles, strategy, employees buy-in,
few studies that specifically addressed digital leader- resource and utilization and top management commit-
ship in the construction industry, focussing on digital ment. They argued that without top management

commitment, the digitization process could be com- a leader’s behaviour as a determinant of organiza-
promised. The critical role of leadership is also tional performance (Oberer and Erkollar 2018). It is,
acknowledged by Cortellazzo et al. (2019), who con- therefore, not uncommon to see studies evaluating
cluded that leaders are key actors in the development the influence of leadership styles on organizational
of a digital culture within an organization. processes and outcomes (Oberer and Erkollar 2018).
The effective management of digital transformation Leadership styles reflect a leader’s traits, skills and
is vital if organizations are to experience positive behaviours while performing their role (Oberer and
impacts. Business leaders must have skills and commit- Erkollar 2018). The impact of leadership styles on
ment to ensure successful digital transformation. This issues such as organizational performance (Rukmani et
is demonstrated by management’s ability to provide al. 2010, Mkheimer 2018), workplace performance
clarity of commitment to digital transformation and (Wren 2018), organizational culture (Shao 2019, Su € ru

the employment of appropriate resources to facilitate and Yeşilada 2017), innovation climate (Zuraik and
digital transformation (Bughin, et al 2020). The former Kelly 2019), implementation of initiatives (Shao et al.
represents strategic direction management, while the 2017, Tortorella et al. 2020), organizational commit-
latter reflects management support for digital trans- ment (Al-Daibat 2017) and organizational change
formation in organizations. Both of these management (Bligh et al. 2018) demonstrate the importance of lead-
issues are essential to ensure the success of change ership attributes and behaviours in influencing per-
initiatives. Studies related to change management formance and change in organizations. Sow and
(Brod 2018) and organizational studies (Koohang et al. Aborbie (2018) investigated leadership styles that
2017), in general, have demonstrated the influence of impacted the digital transformation of an organization.
leadership on performance. Top management support Their findings suggest that leadership style had a sig-
is among the most critical factors for successfully nificant impact on organizational transformation and
implementing information systems initiatives (Hwang played a critical role in the success of the change
2019). In project management (PM), top management effort. Kazim (2019) investigated the optimal leader-
support is frequently identified as a critical success ship styles, characteristics and traits that could enable
factor or lack thereof as a contributor to project failure successful digital transformation in organizations. Their
(Ahmed and Azmi bin Mohamad 2016). However, in results demonstrated that leaders tended to adapt
literature, the discussion of top management support their leadership styles, characteristics and traits to
has tended to be addressed as a single dimension and change their ways of working to meet expectations
rarely been studied as a multi-dimensional construct and influence ways of working in organizations. Other
(Hwang 2019). studies have demonstrated the impact of leadership
In studies on digital implementation or adoption in style on, for example, project performance (Limsila
the construction industry, leadership, classified in vari- and Ogunlana 2008, Liphadzi et al. 2015), organiza-
ous ways such as top management support, manage- tional culture (Wong et al. 2007), entrepreneurship ori-
ment awareness, top management support and entations (Gumusburun Ayalp 2019), project teams
management buy-in, are recognized as critical ingre- (Tuuli and Rowlinson 2010) safety performance
dients to successful implementation. For instance, (Cheung and Qingbin 2016, Grill et al. 2019), sustain-
studies on BIM readiness, such as Ghaffarianhoseini et ability initiatives (Opoku et al. 2015a, 2015b), innov-
al. (2016), Chan et al. (2019) and Liao and Teo (2019), ation (Bossink B. A 2004) among others. It is therefore
identified leadership as critical to BIM implementation. argued that construction industry leaders should dem-
Like Hwang’s (2019) concerns, most of such studies onstrate appropriate attributes and behaviours to
considered leadership or leadership aspects as a single drive digital transformation. Considering that leader-
dimension. While in other areas, such as sustainability ship approaches can influence subordinates’ motiv-
(Opoku et al. 2015a, 2015b) and health and safety ation and performance (Drzewiecka and Roczniewska
(Cheung and Qingbin 2016), where the context of the 2018), organizational culture (Shao 2019) and imple-
influence of leadership is broad, there has been little mentation of initiatives (Tortorella et al. 2020), it
consideration of a broader context of leadership char- would be expected that leadership approaches would
acteristics for digital transformation in the construction have an impact on digital transformation initiatives in
industry. construction organizations. However, the extent to
The impact of leadership traits and behaviours on which leadership’s traits and behaviours influence
organizational processes and outcomes has been well digital transformation in the construction industry is
researched (Jansen et al. 2016) and reflects the role of an area that has not been extensively researched.

There is no study to our knowledge that has from study to study and should reflect its purpose
addressed the influence of leadership styles or digital (Braun et al. 2017). This study’s qualitative data collec-
transformation approaches in the construction indus- tion tool contained five open-ended questions dealing
try. In contributing to the understanding of digital with various digital leadership and transformation
leadership, the study focussed on identifying leader- issues in the construction industry. Issues explored in
ship approaches to digital transformation in the con- the five questions include leadership preparedness to
struction industry. It addressed the following research navigate the organization through the digital world,
question: What are the characteristics of digital leader- the effectiveness of leaders in driving digital trans-
ship approaches in the UK construction industry? formation, accelerating digital transformation, barriers
to digital transformation and leadership approach to
driving digital transformation. These reflected the
broader study’s objectives and research questions and
The study adopted a qualitative approach and used were developed based on the review of literature. The
qualitative questionnaire surveys to collect data. Using main research question framing the discussion in this
a qualitative approach for data collection and analysis article was: What are the different leadership
can be helpful where the research is exploratory, and approaches towards digital transformation in the con-
the subject lacks a-priori theoretical constructs (Madter struction industry? To answer this question, this article
et al. 2012). Bearing in mind the study’s aim, the focussed on analysing responses from one question
authors considered that the perception of leadership that explored participants’ perceptions of leadership
approaches towards digital transformation would be approaches in their organizations: “How would you
best reflected in employees’ perception, as the leaders’ describe the leadership approach by leaders in your
self-evaluation may provide a biased view of the organisation regarding driving digital transformation?”
effectiveness of their digital leadership approaches. A two-tier sampling approach was used. First, a
The study took a phenomenological perspective as it convenience sampling approach identified students
enabled the collection of data that reflected employ- studying part-time construction-related master’s
ees’ experiences. Questionnaires have been used in courses at a university as a study population.
construction management research to collect qualita- Convenience sampling in qualitative research is used
tive data. However, while it is common in construction where study participants are conveniently accessible
management research to include qualitative questions due to factors, such as access, location, time and will-
in a quantitative-based questionnaire, predominantly ingness (Lopez and Whitehead 2013). However, the
qualitative questionnaires where respondents are approach can introduce sampling error as the sample
asked open-ended questions and are required to may not represent the population being studied
respond with free textual data are uncommon. Braun (Creswell 2007). Sedgwick (2013) suggests a need to
et al. (2017, p. 15) suggest that “the method is suitable inspect the participants’ characteristics to assess the
for exploring people’s experiences and their practices, extent to which they represent the sample. In add-
their perceptions and their understandings about the ition, the determination of a sampling criterion that
research topic, and for researching sensitive topics”. specifies the pre-selected inclusion and exclusion crite-
This study explored perceptions of employees regard- ria is necessary (Lopez and Whitehead 2013).
ing digital leadership in their organizations based on Considering the study’s purpose, it required employ-
their experiences. Toerien and Wilkinson (2004) con- ees to evaluate their leaders’ approaches to digital
tend that qualitative surveys can collect data from a transformation. Therefore, the primary criteria for
much larger sample, in a shorter time frame, than inclusion in this study were that participants needed
when using other qualitative data collection methods. to be in employment in the construction industry.
The method enabled the researchers to collect data Part-time postgraduate students in the study popula-
from a relatively larger sample size than what would tion met the criteria as they worked in the construc-
have been achievable using other methods within the tion industry at various seniority levels and therefore
available time frame. were able to provide their perceptions of digital lead-
The data was collected through an online survey. ership in their organizations. An inspection of the par-
The questionnaire contained five open-ended ques- ticipants’ credentials showed that they would have
tions designed to gather data about their digital lead- also qualified as participants in a random probabilistic
ership perceptions in the construction industry. The sampling method. Second, having selected the study
number of questions in a qualitative survey varies group, all individuals in the study group were invited

Table 1. Sample demography.

Category Frequency Percent
Present job role
Design and planning roles (DAP) 10 0.24
Management and administrative roles (MAA) 5 12
Quantity surveying and commercial management roles (QSCM) 17 41
Project management roles (PM) 2 5
Building and property management roles (BAP) 3 7
Engineering roles (ENG) 4 10
41 100
Position in the organization
Middle managers 2 5
First level managers 6 15
Professionals 25 61
Entry level/trainees 8 20
41 100
Number of years in employment in the organization
Less than 1 year 8 20
1–2 years 15 37
3–5 years 10 24
6–10 years 5 12
Over 10 years 3 7
41 100
Number of years working in the construction industry
Less than 1 year 4 10
1–2 years 5 12
3–5 years 12 29
6–10 years 6 15
Over 10 years 14 34
41 100
Number of employees in the organization
Less than 10 6 15
Oct 50 7 17
50–250 11 27
250–500 3 7
Over 500 14 34
41 100
Company’s annual turnover (millions)
Less than £1 M 7 17
£1–£2 M 7 17
£2–£10 M 11 27
£10–£50 M 5 12
More than £50 M 11 27
41 100

to complete the online questionnaire anonymously qualitative questionnaires include: twelve in d’Young’s
and informed of their participation’s voluntary nature. (208) study, 41 in Hanna and Gough’s (2019) and 78
A total of 43 questionnaires were completed during in Frith and Gleeson’s (2004) study. Therefore, the
the two weeks when the survey was open. After sample size of 41 achieved in this study was compar-
reviewing the data, 41 of the responses were included able to the sample size in these qualitative-question-
for analysis in this study. Responses from two partici- naires-based studies. Besides, phenomenological
pants did not meet the inclusion criteria as their studies with a sample size ranging from one to 10
responses were generic and did not reflect their lived persons are not uncommon (Starks and Brown
experiences of working in their organizations. While Trinidad 2007).
the sample size may appear small compared to
expectations for quantitative questionnaires, large
sample sizes are not critical determinants of the qual- Findings
ity of results in qualitative studies (Braun et al. 2017).
Sample demography
In addition, while a large sample size might result in a
broad range of issues identified, data from a small The primary criterion for inclusion in the study was
sample of individuals who have experienced the phe- that participants should be working in the construc-
nomenon can be enough to identify the core ele- tion industry to reflect on their leaders’ approach to
ments (Starks and Brown Trinidad 2007). A review of digital transformation. Table 1 below summarizes the
studies using qualitative questionnaires shows varying sample demography. The participants represented
sample sizes. Examples of small sample sizes in various professional roles, with 41% of participants

working in quantity surveying and commercial man- two primary ways in thematic analysis for the identifi-
agement roles (QSCM); 24% in design and planning cation of themes within data. One can take either an
(DAP) (24), management and administrative (MAA) inductive or “bottom-up” approach or a theoretical or
(12%), engineering (ENG) related (10%), building and deductive approach (Hayes 1997). In distinguishing
property management (BAP) (7%) and PM role (5%). between the two approaches Braun and Clarke (2006)
To maintain anonymity, each participant was assigned characterized an inductive approach as one where the
a code based on the order in which they completed coding of the data is data-driven and does not try to
the survey and prefixed by their job role. For instance, fit it into a pre-existing coding frame, while a deduct-
participant DAP-P1 was in a DAP role and were the ive/theoretical approach as one which is driven by the
first to complete the survey. researcher’s theoretical or analytic interest in the area.
Participants represented different levels of seniority An inductive approach was used in this study, as this
in their organization. The majority of participants were is an area with a limited theoretical underpinning in
classified as being in a professional role (61%). Others construction management research. A three-step
included middle management (5%), first-level manage- inductive analysis approach used by Frith and Gleeson
ment (15%) and entry-level/trainees (20%). Besides, (2004) was employed. First, all the responses were
participants had worked in their organizations for carefully studied to identify meaningful units of text.
varying length of service. For 20% had worked in their Second, the text was grouped into categories of
organization for less than one year, while 37% had relevant units of text dealing with the same issue.
worked in their organization for between one and These were then given provisional names. Third, provi-
three years; 24% between three and five years, 12% sional names were systematically reviewed and given
between six and 10 years and 7% for over 10 years. At contextual definitions. The themes were identified at a
an aggregate level, 80% of the participants had semantic level. The lead author undertook the initial
worked in their organizations for at least one year. analysis of the data. The resultant themes were then
The data also shows the varying levels of experience shared with the co-authors for review. Having under-
working in the construction industry, with 90% of par- taken the analysis and review process, a final list of six
ticipants working in the construction industry for at leadership themes was generated. These include for-
least one year and 78% had worked in the industry ward-thinking and proactive leaders, supportive lead-
for at least three years. The participants also worked ers, uncoordinated leadership, cautious leaders,
in companies of various sizes, with most of them resistant leaders, and visionless and undriven leaders.
being classified as small to medium enterprises. For These themes provide an insight into the perception
64% worked for organizations with less than 500 of participants of how leaders in their organizations
employees while 73% worked for companies with less are driving or not driving digital transformations.
than £50 million annual turnover. Considering that While representing a taxonomy of leaders, the themes
participants’ inclusion criteria were that they needed are not mutually exclusive as, in some cases, a
to have been working in the construction industry, the response from one participant contributed to the gen-
data shows that the 41 participants were of a suitable eration of one or more themes. It is possible, for
profile to inform the study. instance, that a supportive leader may also be a cau-
tious leader as they may be led to be cautious by fac-
tors beyond their control. The analytic process, which
Characteristics of construction industry leaders
progressed from the “description” to the
The focus of data analysis was the determination of “interpretation” phases (Braun and Clarke 2006), is in
the perception of digital leadership approaches in the two parts. First, the identified themes are presented in
participants’ organizations to organize the digital lead- a narrative format supported by a selection of verba-
ership approaches into “types”. This formed the basis tim comments to illustrate the data patterns. Second,
for determining the taxonomy of digital leadership in the discussion section that attempts to relate the find-
the construction industry. The survey data were sub- ings to previous literature is presented.
jected to thematic analysis following Braun and Clarke
(2006) six phases of analysis: familiarizing oneself with
Forward-thinking and proactive leaders
the data, generating initial codes, searching for
themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming Several participants referred to leaders who are pro-
themes and reporting. The data were analysed using active and forward-thinking in digital transformation.
the inductive thematic analysis procedure. There are These are leaders who are leading by example and

seen to take the initiative to adopt digital subordinates’ request or suggestions. For example,
technologies. Some participants indicated the one participant indicated that: “Leadership approach
“forward-thinking” attitude of their leaders, such as (is that of) an open mind(ed) persons, improving
“Forward-thinking” [MAA-P11] or “Reasonably good, it’s organisation system and update the system period-
a fairly forward-thinking organisation” [DAP-P27]. These ically” [ENG-P31].
are leaders who are perceived to drive digital innov- The supportive environment was evident in rela-
ation and have plans to transition their companies by tively small firms with a flat organizational structure.
adopting digital technologies. Forward-thinking lead- In this case, decisions about specific technology adop-
ers seem to have the connotation of leaders who tion were relatively easy to reach. DAP-P28 responded
were not waiting for others to ask them to digitize. as follows: “Because we are a small company there isn’t
These leaders are also seen to be proactive and are one particular leader, therefore, it is usually a joint deci-
the ones who take initiatives to digitality transform sion. If someone has a new initiative it is out to every-
their organizations. Some of the comments portrayed one where we have a group discussion on the matter”.
leaders who are leading the transformation initiatives. Others indicated, “ … they buy what I will ask them to
Comments, such as “the leadership are fairly pro-active buy when we need to buy something … ” [ENG-P37]
at introducing digital technology … ” [DAP-P16] or and “Overall positive from leadership … with members
“Proactive within the budget limitations” [MAA-P30] of staff given time to develop and learn more” [DAP-
demonstrated this leadership attitude. P5]. It is evident from these responses that there is a
Forward-thinking and proactive leaders, in general, feeling they had leaders who may not be initiators of
were seen to be those leaders who are embracing digital transformation but were supportive of employ-
technology. Their attitude towards digital technology ee’s digital transformation efforts.
adoption was evident. QSCM-P10 wrote: “very good,
(and) seem to be adaptable in embracing technology”.
Uncoordinated leadership
These leaders took the lead to drive digital innovation
in their organization. PM-P23’s put it that the leader- The data shows that while there are attempts for
ship approach is “top-down (and) management driven”. digital transformations in many construction industry
In other cases, there was an apparent dedication to organizations, the digital transformation process is
digital innovation, evidenced by structures put in poorly managed in some cases. The leaders in these
place to drive innovation. In BAP-P9’s case, their businesses were characterized in a way that they
organization had a management structure set up to appear to show uncoordinated leadership. Example
drive innovation and that digital innovation was an statements include: “Sporadic” [MAA-P2]; and
issue of importance even discussed with employees at “Generically it is poor in my opinion, which is down to a
an annual meeting. These are leaders who were also lack of coordination between the top brass” [PM-P36].
perceived to be embracing technology proactively. The lack of coordination of digital transformation can
However, it was interesting to note that this desire be attributed to several reasons. In some organizations
and attitude can be seen to be a necessity and not a with multiple departments or sites, the adoption of
luxury as QSCM-P26 noted: “They have no choice either technology company-wide may be an issue. For
adapt to the trend or becoming extinct.” example, in some organizations, one department is
eager and driving digital innovation, while in other
departments, it is not the case. DAP-P5 notes that:
Supportive leaders
“Overall positive from leadership within the office.
Another common trend in the description of leaders Within other offices, it appears that there is less of a
was the idea of supportive leaders. These leaders were drive to push the software” [DAP-P5]. While others
seen to be supportive of their subordinates to adopt wrote: “Some leaders have been driving this as they
new technologies. They may not be the ones to initi- understand the benefits” [DAP-P33]; and “ … but there’s
ate ideas but are open to suggestions for and encour- no xxx [particular technology] hierarchy to effectively
age digital innovation. Thus, while in the former train people on the ground, it does exist but the compa-
(forward-thinking and proactive leaders), leaders are nies run by the xxx [discipline specialism] side so we’ve
seen to take the initiative, here (supportive leaders), struggled to make as much progress as we could if we’d
leaders are seen to support their staff to innovate. had more of a hierarchy and they were prepared to
Comments under this theme demonstrated an open- employ more people in productivity/organisation/strat-
ness to digital innovation and, therefore, supportive of egy type roles” [DAP-P27]. Another bemoaned that lack

of support and commented: “the desire to use technol- Resistant leaders

ogy is strong, but there are breakdowns with IT support
Another theme that was determined from the data
and training/development and their approach is not
was the idea of leaders resisting digital innovation.
particularly fair in the sense that individuals are penal-
These are leaders who are likely to be aware of the
ised for not completing tasks even if there is an issue
need for digital innovation, but for one reason or
with the technology which is out of their control”
another, they resist voluntarily or are under pressure
[QSCM-P19]. These responses demonstrated a lack of a
not to drive digital innovation. Thus, they may be
coordinated approach to digital transformation in
experiencing resistance or are themselves resistant to
digital innovation [QSCM-P20] wrote simply “very
There was also evidence of inadequate or insuffi-
resistant” [QSCM-P20]. Others describe leaders who are
cient information flow within organizations. Some of
under pressure to focus on other issues. As a result,
the participant responses disclosed that management
they are not dedicating resources to transform digit-
appeared not to have put in place a coordinated effort
to digital innovation, as evidenced by poor communi- ally. One participant wrote: “they are focussed on the
cation. For example, one participant commented that business making a margin and delivering their targets”.
“ … communication to people in non-leadership roles is [DAP-P1], while others indicated: “Managers are keen
poor. These people often don’t find out about what’s but encounter resistance from the board, usually down
being introduced until it’s happened, there are often to financial reasons”. [QSCM-P21] and “Leaders are
many teething problems” [DAP-P16] while another: “I experiencing ongoing pressure and confusion with how
find it is enforced with lack of understanding or direc- best to maintain a long-term vision and focus necessary
tion leading to impatience and scepticism’ [DAP-P25]. to help their business evolve” [QSCM-P4].
Internal communication is a critical factor in driving Resistance to change is one of the main reasons for
organizational innovation (Lievens et al. 1999, failure in change initiatives (Amarantou et al. 2018).
R€ais€anen and Tuovinen 2020, Sklyar and Sokolova Resistance to change is perceived as a recipients’
2019). In particular, information exchange quality can responses opposing change attempts introduced by
reduce uncertainty, improve organizational climate, the agent (Vos and Rupert 2018). Thus, subordinates
and support better cross-functional co-operation in are seen to be resistant to change initiatives intro-
organizations (Lievens et al. 1999). duced by their leaders. While this is the focus of resist-
ance to change in change management literature
based on either the recipients or agent’s perspectives,
Cautious leaders the focus here is on the subordinates’ perceptions on
Another theme determined from the data was the the resistance of those in power to drive innovation.
idea of cautious leaders. Some participants’ responses The participants’ responses suggest a willingness to
reflected leaders who were thought of as open to engage with digital technologies. However, this is hin-
innovation and yet cautious. These are the ones who dered by their superiors.
are making changes with careful considerations. They
accept the change or the need thereof but take their
Visionless and undriven leaders
time to adopt technologies. DAP-P1 suggests that
their leaders are “accepting, (of the need for digital Another type of leaders identified based on analysis of
technology) but wary of change/problems”. In one the responses was the idea of leaders who did not
organization, while leaders seem to be cautious, they demonstrate having a vision and did not show
were described as driving innovation in a “very meth- urgency for their organizations to embrace digital
odical (way and) changes are met with healthy scepti- technologies fully. They were perceived to be vision-
cism and are thoroughly researched before less and or undriven leaders. In the employees’ eyes,
implementation” [ENG-P14]. In another case, partici- these are leaders who did not demonstrate visible
pants noted the limited digital innovation due to a efforts to drive digital innovation in their organiza-
lack of awareness of digital solutions that could help tions. They seem to lack the urgency to digital trans-
their organizations. This is further illustrated by QSCM- formation. It was common to see one-word
P15, who indicated that “the approach is limited at the descriptions of their leadership approach including:
moment, however, should leaders be provided with a “scarce” [DAP-P29]; “None-existent” [QSCM-P18]; “Poor”
viable digital transformation solution I feel it’s integra- [MAA-P34] and “almost non-existent” [QSCM-P35]. Lack
tion would be supported by leaders within the business”. of visibility is summarised by another participant who

stated: “The approach is still not clear in our company proactive in shaping their organizations’ future (Wu
regarding digital transformation” [QSCM-P32]. and Wang 2015). They identify the need for change,
Other respondents appeared equally frustrated. A envision the organizations and teams and execute the
participant described their leaders as: “Our leaders change while motivating others to follow the vision.
have to show more conviction in their leadership. There Stinchcomb (2006, p. 1) suggests that “by definition,
doesn’t seem to be any drive in digital transformation” leadership means being ahead of the rest. As such, it is
[QSCM-P3]. Another wrote: “They don’t understand the a visionary, forward-thinking process targeted towards
importance of the digital transformation” [DAP-P5] proactive strategies”. Thus transformational leaders cre-
while QSCM-P6 wrote: “Negative and passive ate an environment for change, and their attitude may
approach”. While in the previous themes discussed translate into an appropriate employee attitude or
above, the leaders seem to be driving innovation, behaviour. Evidence demonstrates the role of trans-
albeit limited in some cases, visionless and undriven formational leadership in encouraging creativity within
leaders did not show any visible sign of having a their organizations. The responses under the forward-
vision or desire for digital transformation. thinking and proactive leaders exhibited traits of trans-
formational leadership styles. In particular, it is the
leaders who set the tone for digital transformation
(Kark et al. 2018).
The findings in this study contribute to the on-going The discussion of cautious leaders is usually attrib-
attempts to define and characterize digital leadership. uted to political leaders when they are seen not to be
It also provides a valuable platform for the examin- instinctive decision-makers but carefully weigh factors
ation of digital leadership in the construction industry. before making a decision. For instance, the former
The findings demonstrate that leaders in the construc- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Gordon Brown,
tion industry can be characterized on a continuum was described as a cautious leader whose approach
from visionless and undriven leaders to forward-think- was seen as methodical yet slow and obsessed with
ing and proactive leaders with a significant proportion attention to detail (Theakston 2011). Curtis (2013, p.
who may be supportive uncoordinated or cautious 77) also described the Japanese political leaders as
leaders. It should be noted that the authors were cautious hawks, whose approach focussed on taking
interested in determining the characteristics of leaders. “its external environment” as a given and then make
While in most statements made by respondents, lead- pragmatic adjustments to keep in step with what the
ers could only fall in one category or another, in some Japanese sometimes referred to as “the trends of the
cases, leaders fell in two categories. Take for instance, time”. Cautiousness can be a limiting factor in digital
a response from DAP-P16, who described the leader- transformation as it may lead to inaction or delayed
ship approach as “the leadership are fairly pro-active at action. Cautious behaviour can be evidenced by
introducing digital technology” (forward-thinking and unassertiveness, resistance to change, risk aversion
proactive) while also describing the overall organiza- and slow decision-making processes (Najar et al.
tional environment as “ … communication to people in 2004). Considering this characterization of cautious
non-leadership roles is poor. These people often don’t behaviour, both themes “Cautious leadership” and
find out about what’s being introduced until it’s hap- “resistant leadership” would relate to this leadership
pened, there are often then many teething problems” type. Cautiousness can be classified as one of the dys-
(uncoordinated leadership). functional leadership behaviours, including arrogance,
The themes characterizing digital leadership in the cautiousness, volatility and scepticism, which may
construction industry can also be aligned with leader- negatively affect performance (Burke 2006). The tone
ship typologies found in general leadership literature. of the responses suggests that, in organizations where
While there was no intention to align the themes leaders are perceived to be cautious, there has been
characterizing digital leadership with particular leader- limited success in adopting and implementing digital
ship frameworks or leadership typologies, a review of technology in their organizations.
the themes shows an alignment as the identified The responses under the supportive leadership
themes exhibited some traits of leadership typologies theme gave a sense of leaders who give the employ-
described in the literature. For example, leaders char- ees’ confidence and support to innovate or acclimatize
acterized as forward-looking and proactive are closely to a new digital environment. In describing supportive
aligned with transformational leaders. leadership behaviour, Jansen et al. (2016) alluded to
Transformational leaders are forward-looking and the leaders who interact with their subordinates in a

supportive way, encourages initiatives, clarifies respon- Such uncoordinated and unplanned leadership can
sibilities, develops quality group relationships and negatively affect organizational growth (Harris 2009).
demonstrates trust in team members. Thus, supportive The frustration in the tone in some of the responses
leadership is associated with many behaviours, includ- suggests that adopting and utilizing digital technolo-
ing targeting the satisfaction of subordinates’ needs gies are hindered by the uncoordinated leadership
and preferences, positive attitude development, self- exhibited in the organizations.
confidence, respect for employees and quality relation- The last theme generated from the responses rep-
ships, among others (Yu 2017). Such behaviour can, in resented leadership behaviour that seems to provide
turn, motivate employees task performance. As such, no visible direction for digital transformation. The
Jansen et al. (2016) argue that supportive behaviour is visionless and undriven leaders typify a lack of visible
essential in explaining team functioning and outcomes efforts for leadership. The traits exhibited could be
because they affect the commitment and the motiv- loosely aligned with what is described in leadership
ation of team members to use their cognitive skills to literature as avoidant leadership. There is an abun-
their full capacity. Supportive leadership is also dance of literature that has focussed on transform-
acknowledged to be a key determinant of organiza- ational and transactional leadership in construction
tional climate. Studies on organizational climate dem- management literature. However, there has been lim-
onstrate the relationship between climate and ited consideration of avoidant leadership and its
employee performance. Schyns et al. (2009, p. 651) impact on organization or project processes. Two lead-
suggested that “a climate of supportive leadership is ership constructs are considered to be avoidant lead-
one where members of the organisation perceive that ership. These include Laissez-faire leadership and
the leadership is equally highly supportive of them passive management by exception (MBE-passive), a
and particularly encourages their empowerment and transactional leadership approach (Horwitz et al. 2008,
development”. In relation to the participants’ Froom et al. 2012). Laissez-faire leadership style is
responses, it was evident that in some cases, employ- when leaders shy away from important decisions,
ees felt supported by their leaders when it came to abstain from an active leadership role and are reluc-
digital transformation. tant to express views on essential or controversial
The uncoordinated leadership theme can be framed matters (Froom et al. 2012). The responses in this
within ideas around distributed leadership. In distrib- study seem to suggest that some leaders’ approaches
uted leadership, rather than focussing on individual could be akin to those who abstained from an active
leaders’ work, it explores the interactions between a digital leadership role and those who did not clearly
layer of leadership functions. Harris (2008, 2009) points express or articulate their digital transformation vision.
out that distributed leadership recognizes that there While the destructive impacts of avoidant leadership
are multiple leaders and that leadership activity is are addressed in general leadership literature
widely shared between organizations. As such, distrib- (Skogstad et al. 2014), there is no study to our know-
uted leadership focuses on the interactions, rather ledge that has addressed this issue in detail relating
than the actions, of those in formal and informal lead- to leadership in general or digital leadership, particu-
ership roles (Leithwood et al. 2007). Gronn (2002) dis- larly for the construction industry.
tinguishes between two forms of distributed
leadership, namely, “additive” and “holistic”. Additive
Conclusion and recommendations
forms of distribution describe an uncoordinated lead-
ership pattern in which many different people may This study is timely as there is a push for the digital
engage in leadership functions but without much, or transformation of the construction industry. The role
any, effort to take account of others’ leadership efforts of leadership and, in particular, digital leadership is
in their organization (Harris 2009, Harris and vital to drive digital transformation. The review of the
Spillane 2008). literature did not find a study, such as this that
On the other hand, a holistic distributed leadership focussed on the characterization of digital leadership
suggests consciously managed and synergistic rela- in the construction industry. While leadership impacts
tionships among some, many, or all leadership sources on digital technology adoption are identified in many
in the organization (Harris and Spillane 2008). Findings studies, such consideration looks at leadership as a
in this study demonstrated some elements of the single dimension. This study is one of a few that we
“additive” distribution of leadership as leadership in are aware of that has considered leadership as a broad
some organizations lacked a coordinated approach. construct influencing digital transformation in the

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