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TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1
1.1. Background...............................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem..........................................................................4
1.3. Research Questions...................................................................................4
1.4. Objectives of the Research........................................................................4
1.5. Limitation of the Research........................................................................4
1.6. Significance of the Research.....................................................................5
1.7. Definition of Key Terms...........................................................................5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................7
2.1. Definition of Semiotic...............................................................................7
2.2. Definition of Sign....................................................................................10
2.3. Types of Sign...........................................................................................12
2.4. Memes.....................................................................................................14
2.4.1. Characteristics of Memes.................................................................16
2.5. WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING Facebook group page........................17
2.6. Previous Study.........................................................................................18
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................21
3.1. Research Design..........................................................................................21
3.2. Research Instruments..................................................................................22
3.3 Data Collection Technique...........................................................................22
3.4. Data Analysis Technique.............................................................................24
CHAPTER IV........................................................................................................27
FINDING AND DISCUSSIONS...........................................................................27
4.1. Finding.........................................................................................................28

4.2. Discussion...................................................................................................55



1.1. Background

A meme is an idea, thought, habit, or style that spreads from person to person

within a culture (Diaz, 2013). Furthermore, according to Buchel (2012), memes

are writings that are frequently accompanied by specific images, photographs, and

characters. Visuals termed memes on the website are basically a

kind of someone's expression that is transmitted through images. Memes,

according to Bauckhage (2011), typically emerge as a result of media criticism,

imitation, parody, or even news coverage. Meanwhile, according to Shifman

(2013), the term meme refers to the spread of content such as jokes, gossip, films,

or websites from one person to another across the Internet. Memes can spread in

their original form, but they also frequently give rise to variants or user-generated


The virtual features of social media frequently cause booming phenomena,

both among social media users and the general public. Social media phenomena

include selfie phenomena, popular hashtags, memes, and other phenomena. Of

course, each social media platform must have its own phenomena based on how

its members communicate information. The last phenomena is the meme

phenomenon, which is now popular among social media users. This phenomena

arises and grows on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Path, and


Facebook has a monthly active user (MAU) of 2.8 billion users in 2022. That

number puts Mark Zuckerberg's platform as the most used social media in the

world. The main reason people still use Facebook is to stay in touch and keep in

touch with friends and relations. To keep attracting the interest of its users,

Facebook is always updating its features and providing new services that make it

easier for users. Facebook is also the most frequently used platform for posting

various kinds of memes and there are already many meme accounts on Facebook,

one of which is WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page. This group page is

made for people who want to express or want to convey something using memes

as a medium, has 1.2 million members. This group page does not have sure

regulations for its members to obey.

Semiotic Analysis is commonly used in film, custom, music, theater,

advertising, and a variety of other areas that are inextricably linked to human

social life. Especially in memes, it is the often thing that is seen by people. This is

one of the ways that is now very often used by people to convey information,

ideas, thoughts, criticism, and humor as well. In relation with semiotic analysis,

memes can have multiple signs and meaning interpretations. A meme is an image

that usually contains posts that are often used by people on social media. For

instance a picture of a famous person like Chuck Norris which is often made

memes by people. Chuck Norris memes are usually just for laughs. They are silly

statements that generally have no deeper meaning, although they can be used to

evoke a sense of machismo, real or imagined, in situations where such a reaction

is warranted. Some types of signs conveyed in memes can be analyzed based on

semantic judgments. This means that memes can be used especially for learning at

the college student level.

Currently, there are a lot of researches on semiotic analysis, such as in comics,

songs, articles, newspapers, etc. Several researchers have carried out studies on

semiotics, Octavita & Zaimar (2018) discovered that the origins of the confusion

surrounding the theoretical status of today's cyber-generation memes can be

discovered in culture. Using Barthes' theory (2001) they argue that memes are

effectively used for communication purposes because certain memes (in particular

picture macros) are essentially speech acts and also are understood as speech acts

through internet users. Meanwhile, Hadipuro (2019) reviews that there are

denotative and connotative meanings in a meme, he used of Saussure theory

(1916) concerning signifier and signified theory and also Barthes (2001) theory

concerning denotative.

Furthermore, Suciyanto (2016) aims to find out the clear meaning of the

linguistic signs of Greenpeace marketing campaign posters in the weather change

series and provide an explanation for the method of semiosis. The study

discovered that the poster consists of signs, specifically icons and symbols in the

relationship among the representation and the object. Then, the relation of

representation and object produces an interpretant.

In this study, the researcher is interested in analyzing the semiotic elements in

memes. Memes are chosen because they are one of the works that can be used as a

medium for learning English, because in their use in social media, memes often

become certain symbols in conveying expressions in conversations on social

media so that they can be used as a bridge to study Semiotic.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

As mentioned in the background above, there are still many people who

still don't pay attention and understand about memes. They do not know some

types of signs and meanings conveyed in memes on social media based on

semantic assessments. This happens because people lack knowledge of

contextual signs and meanings contained in memes.

1.3. Research Questions

Following the background of this research, the researcher formulated two

research questions:

1. In what way the semiotic sign are utilized by Facebook WHOLESOME

MEMEPOSTING group page users?

2. What is the function of meme used in WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group

page posted on Facebook?

1.4. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this study are:

1. To find out in what way the semiotic sign are utilized by Facebook


2. To find out what is the function of meme used in WHOLESOME

MEMEPOSTING group page posted on Facebook.

1.5. Limitation of the Research

  This study only analyzes memes in the group page on Facebook called

WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING, and this research only uses theory of

semiotics from Saussure (1916) and the theory of semiotics and signs by

Chandler (2001).

1.6. Significance of the Research

The result obtained from this study is expected to be beneficial both

theoretical and practical input, such as:

1. Theoretically

Theoretically, the finding can be useful for enriching the theories on

semiotics, particularly for improving and widening the knowledge about type

of semiotic sign and its interpretations.

2. Practically

a. For Lecturer;

This research is expected to contribute to the lecturers to improve and

maximize students’ achievement in understanding the sign of semiotics.

b. The readers

To give contribution to the readers who are interested in studying semiotics in

English, particularly in the type of sign.

c. For future researchers

This research is expected to be one of the references for the future researchers

with the same topic.

1.7. Definition of Key Terms

a. Semiotics

Semiotics is the study of sign systems or theories of signifying.

Semiotics is generally regarded as a theory of production and

interpretation of meaning. Meanings are made by spreading actions and

objects that serve as "sign in" relationships with other signs.

b. Analysis

Analysis is an activity that includes a sequence of activities such

as; parse, distinguish, and type matters to be regrouped in step with certain

standards and then search for the connection and then interpret the


c. Memes

Meme is a type of idea, behavior, or style (meme) that is spread via

the Internet, often through social media platforms and especially for

humorous purposes and to convey thoughts.

d. Facebook

Facebook is described as a web social networking internet site in

which people can create profiles, share information including photos and

quotes about themselves, and reply or link to the information published

through others.



2.1. Definition of Semiotic

Peirce (1982) who is as a pioneer of pragmatism doctrine that through

his writings, he has provided the fundamentals in the general theory of signs,

“Semiotic is the relationship between a sign, an object, and a meaning”.

Cobley (2005) claimed that Semiotics is the study of sign systems or

signifying theories. Semiotics is widely regarded as a theory of meaning

production and interpretation. Meaning is created by disseminating actions

and objects that function as "sign in" relationships with other signs. In the

mind of an interpreter, the sign represents the object, or referent. A sign that

serves as a representation of an object is referred to as a "interpretant.". Signs

can be verbal (words) or nonverbal (not-words).

Language is viewed as a sign system that expresses ideas and is

comparable to a writing system, the alphabet of deaf-mutes, symbolic rites,

polite formulas, military signals, and so on in semiotics. Cobley (2005), in the

Peirce’s theory, semiotics is defined as the theory of meaning production and

interpretation. The deployment of acts and objects that function as "signs" in

relation to other signs creates meaning. In general, meaning is not thought to

be contained within any particular object, text, or process. There are many

theories about semiotics, some of them are as follow:

a. Semiotic theory by Saussure (1916).

  The theories regard the sign's defining property as a

relationship between a number of elements. The sign relation is

dyadic in the semiotic tradition developed by Ferdinand de

Saussure (referred to as semiology), consisting only of a form

of the sign (the signifier) and its meaning (the signified). This

relationship, according to Saussure, is essentially arbitrary (the

principle of semiotic arbitrariness), motivated solely by social

convention. Saussure's theory has had a particular impact on

the study of linguistic signs.

b. Theory of semiotic and sign by Chandler (2001).

Anything can be a sign as long as someone interprets it as

referring to or standing for something other than itself. Things

are largely unconsciously interpreted as signs by relating them

to familiar systems of conventions. This meaningful application

of signs is at the heart of semiotics' concerns.

c. Theory of Semiotic and sign by Roland Barthes.

Roland Barthes (1915-1980) proposed this theory. In his

theory, Barthes divided semiotics into two levels of sign,

namely denotation and connotation. Denotation is the level of

sign that explains the real-world relationship between the

signifier and the signifier, producing an explicit, direct, and

definite meaning.

d. Theory of Semiotic by J. Derrida.

Derrida is best known for his Deconstruction semiotic model.

Deconstruction, according to Derrida, is an alternative to reject

all limitations of interpretation or standard form of conclusions.

The concept of deconstruction, which begins with the concept

of demystification, the dismantling of the product of rational

thought that believes in the purity of reality, is essentially

intended to eliminate the structure of understanding signs

(siginifier) through conceptualization. In the theory of

Grammatology, Derrida finds that the conception never builds

a pure meaning-sign, because all signs have other articulations

(signified) Subangun in (Sobur A. , 2006)

e. Theory of Semiotic by Umberto Eco (2009).

Eco considers the semioticist's job to be like exploring a forest,

and wants to focus on modifying the sign system. Eco then

changed the concept of sign to the concept of sign function.

Eco suggests that "one sign is not a semiotic entity that can be

negotiated, but a meeting place for independent elements

(which come from two different systems of two different levels

namely expression and content, and meet on the basis of coding


f. Theory of Semiotic by Ogden & Richard (1923).

CK Ogden's and IA Richard's Semiotic theory is a trichotomy

semiotic theory developed from Saussure's theory and Barthes's

theory in which there is a development of the relationship

between Signified and Signers where Markers are divided into

two, namely Actual Function / Object Properties and The

signifier itself.

From the explanation above, the researcher uses the signifier and signified

semiotic theory from Saussure and the semiotic and sign theory from Chandler.

First, Saussure's semiotic theory is used to analyze and discover the signs

connected to memes on the WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page. In

analyzing the signs contained in memes, the characteristics of every meme will be

analyzed using Saussure's signifier and signified semiotic theory. Furthermore, the

characteristic of every meme in the post is analyzed using Chandler's theory. And

it may be concluded that semiotics is the study of signs or objects that interpret

meaning. Meaning may be acquired in signs/objects through verbal

communication or even visual communication. This study is beneficial for

analyzing the relationship among signs/objects and their meanings.

2.2. Definition of Sign

According to Ferdinand de Saussure (1916), semiotic theory is the

study of sign systems. Its primary goal is to comprehend the structure

of sign systems in relation to how they convey meaning. Semiotics

holds that signs can be organized within various media to form texts

that can convey meaning. Saussure, for example, proposed that words,

in order to convey meaning, had two distinct parts. First, there is the

'signified,' which is the part of the word that pertains to its meaning,

and then there is the 'signifier,' which is the part of the word that

represents that meaning.

Saussure saw the connection between the signifier and the signified

as arbitrary, something that humans and/or societies could establish at

their leisure. To make his point, he reasoned that there was no obvious

reason to use words like tree or arbore (French) to refer to 'an arboreal

plant'. In fact, any well-formed signifier could have been used in either

language - a well-formed signifier is one that is consistent with the

orthographic, phonological, or other type of structure characteristic of

the code to which it applies.

Semiotics, according to Chandler (2001), is an approach that

focuses on and examines the process of representation. We become

more aware of the mediating role of signs and the various roles they

play in the construction of social reality by applying semiotic analysis.

Anything may be a symbol/sign as long as it is seen as referring to or

standing for anything other than itself. Chandler mostly automatically

sees things as signs by comparing them to a known system of

conventions. Semiotic attention is centered on the use of meaningful


On the other hand, according to Nazaruddin (2015) Charles

Sanders Peirce defined sign as triadic, whereas Saussure defined it as

dyadic. Saussure entails two components, such as signed and signer.

However, Peirce includes three elements: representment, object, and

interpretant. Charles Sanders Peirce explains his own sign components

in the Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics (2000:28).

He proposed a triadic (three-part) model that included:

a. The representment/sign: What usually goes for a sign, It

is the form that the sign takes (not necessarily material,

though usually interpreted as such) – referred to as the

sign vehicle by some theorists.

b. An interpretant: not an interpreter, but the interpretation

of the sign.

c. An object: is something other than the sign to which it

refers (a referent).

Based on the definitions of Saussure, Chandler, and Peirce, it is

possible to conclude that a sign is anything that can be used to form

texts in various media that can convey some kind of meaning,

anything may be a symbol as long as it is seen as referring to or

standing for anything other than itself. Three essential elements

comprise the sign. The sign is a unified whole that includes what is

represented (the object), how it is represented (the representamen),

and how it is interpreted (the interpretant). It will incorporate images,

symbols, words, and utterances.

2.3. Types of Sign

According to Peirce (1982), the form a sign takes is signifier, and it

can be classified as one of three types: an icon, an index, or a symbol.

A. An Icon

In relation to firstness, Peirce defines iconic signs as signs that

represent their objects through a direct likeness or similarity. Icons, in

essence, have characteristics or characteristics that are similar to those

of the objects they represent; for example, all pictures, paintings, and

photographs are essentially iconic because they attempt to faithfully

represent a recognizable image of their subject matter.

B. An Index

An index, according to Pierce's theory, is a sign that interacts with

its semiotic object via some actual, physical, or imagined causal

connection. Due to the action of the wind on the object, a weathervane

moves around to point (indicate, index) the direction of the wind. An

index is a symbol that indicates the existence of the concept or object

being represented. An index is also referred to as a supported sign of

an icon sign. Smoke, for example, is an indicator of fire, and dark

clouds, of rain.

C. A Symbol

A symbol is a sign that refers to the object it represents by virtue of

a law, typically an association of general ideas, that causes the symbol

to be interpreted as referring to that object. A symbol, on the other

hand, is a sign that bears no obvious physical resemblance to what it

represents. Like most words in all languages, symbolic signs are

arbitrarily related to what they represent. They are essentially signs

that have an arbitrary relationship to their objects, such as language in

general (as well as specific languages, alphabetical letters, punctuation

marks, words, phrases, and sentences), numbers, and additional code.

2.4. Memes

The meme concept was coined in 1976 by biologist Richard Dawkins in

his book The Selfish Gene. He coined the term "meme" to describe a

Darwinian, gene-centered approach to cultural evolution, defining it as "the

unit of cultural transmission". Nonetheless, the term "meme" can be found

almost everywhere on the internet nowadays, not in reference to Dawkins'

concept, but to certain types of images, jokes, or trends that are popular among

cybernauts. Since 1976, the term meme has evolved, influenced not only by

various authors and theorists who support or oppose Dawkins' theory, but also

by its creator (Dawkins, 1993). From a Darwinian standpoint, the concept's

roots grew distant from its primal definition and began to grow in different

ontological directions. This can be seen in the various uses of the term by

theorists, such as Blackmore (1999); Dawkins (1976, 1993). The current study

will investigate the implications and variations of concept by various authors

and create a synthesis of their characteristics in order to create an updated

meme concept.

However, the concept of meme has expanded beyond the academic

definition; this is due to the exponential growth of the Internet, particularly

forums, chats, blogs, and social networks; the concept was coined to a new

form of internet communication. Meme is now related to what Dawkins

defines as a meme, but with some unique characteristics due to their mode of

transmission and replication speed. The current study focuses on these new

memes as Internet Memes (IM).

An Internet meme, also known simply as a meme (/mim/ MEEM), is a

type of idea, behavior, or style (meme) that spreads via the Internet, often

through social media platforms, according to Knobel and Lankshear, as stated

by Buchel (2012), an Internet Meme is a well-known term that refers to

particular concepts that quickly become popular and propagate, frequently

represented in the form of text, images, variations in linguistic style, or other

cultural components by Buchel (2012). Memes can be passed from person to

person via social media, blogs, direct email, or news sources. They may be

related to existing Internet cultures or subcultures, which are frequently

created or spread on various websites. The appropriation of a part of broader

culture, for example, by giving words and phrases intentional misspellings

(such as lolcats) or using incorrect grammar, is a hallmark of Internet memes

(such as doge). Many memes, in particular, make use of popular culture

(particularly in image macros of other media), which can sometimes lead to

copyright issues.

The Internet's instant communication facilitates word-of-mouth

transmission, resulting in fads and sensations that spread quickly. Planking

(lying down in public places) is an example of such a fad; posting a photo of

someone planking online draws attention to the fad and allows it to reach a

large number of people in a short period of time. The internet also speeds up

the evolution of memes.

The explanation offered above can provide a basic knowledge of what an

Internet Meme is. Internet Memes abound in web-based electronic media. E-

mail, social media, blogs, and other platforms are all options. Second, Internet

Memes can be videos, photos, text, GIFs, or sound recordings. However, it

may also transcend societal and cultural borders; its success in spreading is

usually surprising and unanticipated, and one manner of its dissemination is

through humor or jokes.

2.4.1. Characteristics of Memes

Internet memes are distinguished by two characteristics: creative

reproduction of materials and intertextuality. Creative reproduction

includes "parodies, remixes, or mashups," with notable examples

including "Hitler's Downfall Parodies" and "Nyan Cat," among others.

Memes that combine different cultures can demonstrate intertextuality;

for example, a meme may combine US politician Mitt Romney's

assertion of the phrase "binders full of women" from a 2012 US

presidential debate with the Korean pop song "Gangnam style" by

overlaying the politician's quote onto a frame from Psy's music video

where paper blows around him. The intertextuality in the example

gives new meaning to the paper that is blowing around Psy; the meme

indexes intertextual practices in two nations' political and cultural


The spread of Internet memes has been described as taking place

through two mechanisms: mimicry and remix. When the original

meme is remixed, it is altered in some way, whereas mimicry occurs

when the meme is recreated in a manner that differs from the original.

According to the findings of the study of Online Memes, Affinities,

and Cultural Production, the internet directly adds some longevity to

the lifespan of a meme.

Memes do not have to adhere to a specific format. Superimposing

text on photographs of people or animals, such as in Overly Attached

Girlfriend, can turn them into memes. Rage comics are a subcategory

of memes that depict a series of human emotions and end with a

satirical punchline; these memes are frequently sourced from

webcomics. Other memes, such as Keyboard Cat, are purely viral


The formats are usually taken from popular television shows,

movies, or video games, and users then overlay them with humorous

text and images. The culture surrounding memes, particularly dank

memes, grew to the point of spawning numerous subcultures. In

September 2016, for example, a "meme market" satirizing the type of

talks and stocks commonly found on Wall Street was created.

Originally started on Reddit as r/MemeEconomy, people would only

jokingly "buy" or "sell" meme shares to indicate how popular they

thought a meme was. The market is viewed as a means of

demonstrating how people assign value to commonplace and otherwise

worthless items such as memes.

2.5. WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING Facebook group page

Facebook is a social media network that allows users to connect with

people from all over the world. Facebook originated from Facemash, which

was later renamed was renamed

Facebook in 2005 after the term "The" was dropped. The meaning of

"Facebook," which is made up of two English terms, "Face" and "Book."

Book denotes book, whereas Face indicates face. The phrase "Book of

Advances" in Indonesian may appear unusual, but this is what distinguishes

Facebook as a social networking platform that shows all user information.

Users can interact with other users by posting status updates,

uploading photos and videos, adding friends, establishing personal pages

(fanspages), forming groups/communities, and sending messages using the

messenger tool on Facebook. Facebook also continues to introduce and

develop new features like as story filters, markets, and job postings.

A group page on Facebook differs from a fan page or page in that it

serves as a community forum where every person who joins the group has

an interest or passion in the issues discussed in the group. One of them is the

WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page, which was designed for those

who want to convey or express themselves using memes as a medium. This

group was formed on July 14, 2020 and has 1.2 million members. The most

essential requirement in this group is that memes uploaded in the group

must be "Wholesome memes." Wholesome memes, unlike other forms of

memes, are created without any sarcasm. Rather than making jokes about

subjects like romance, mental health, or feeling pleased or sad about

someone, these memes tend to convey support and caring.

2.6. Previous Study

Some of the results of the previous studies have become a reference in

this study. There are some previous studies which related to this study about

semiotic analysis especially about sign. Cahyani (2018) entitled An

Analysis of Semiotic Used by Maddie Young in The Hush Movie. The goal

of this research is to determine the semiotic, denotative, and connotative

meanings of signs used by Maddie Young in the film Hush. The researcher

selects 5 scenes from Maddie Young's total performance in the Hush film.

The scripts are discovered while collecting data via international network

services. The steps of data collection include watching the movie, reading

the script, and transcribing the text from the Hush movie's subtitles, which

highlight the important signs.

The study's findings were that semiotics can be implemented in the

Hush film because it provided many things that can be taken as signs, so

that it is not simplest to any form of language usage. There were twenty

three signs used by Maddie Young in the Hush film, which took the form of

words, utterances, and dialogue. They are analyzed not only from a symbol

or a picture, but also from the textual content or script in the movie, and a

sign has two levels of meaning: denotation and connotation. Based on the

theory of Barthes and Hjemslev, the researcher implemented denotative and

connotative meanings of 23 signs used by Maddie Young in this film.

Dwi (2013), "Representation of Muslim Clothes in Advertising" (An

Analysis of C.S. Peirce Semiotic Theory in Wardah Cosmetic

Advertisement on Nova Tabloid). This Journal used a semiotic analysis of

Charles Sanders Pierce to translate the meaning of the symbol in Wardah

cosmetics ad. The method is qualitative to explain the phenomenon with

deep, through deep data collection. The result of this research was moslem

dress in Wardah Cosmetic ad represented through the use of clothing that

covered the nakedness but was still stylish and fashionable, thus reinforcing

Wardah's image of modern Islamic.

Following that, A Semiotic Analysis in Music Video of Blank Space

by Taylor Swift by (Oktavyanthi & Kholiq, 2018), this research seeks to

identify the signs used as well as the denotation and connotation meanings

in the music video of Blank Space by Taylor Swift. This music video was

analyzed using a qualitative method. The findings of this study included

semiotic signs such as visual signs, verbal signs in song lyrics, denotation

and connotation meaning.

Semiotic Analysis of Satire Meme Connecting Women’s Identity in

Brillio Net by Octavita & Zaimar (2018). This study demonstrates that the

origins of today's confusion about the theoretical status of cyber technology

memes can be found in culture. Octavita and Zaimar (2018) discovered that

the origins of the misunderstanding about the theoretical status of today's

cyber-generation memes can be found in culture. Using Barthes' (2001)

theory, they argue that memes are effectively used for communication

because certain memes (particularly picture macros) are essentially speech

acts and are also perceived as such by internet users.

  The difference between this study and the research above is that

the researcher emphasizes more in what way semiotic signs are used by

users, and also to find out the functions of memes based on Saussure and

Chandler theory.



3.1. Research Design

This study employs a descriptive qualitative research design. Qualitative

research aims to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects,

such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, and others, holistically and

through descriptions in the form of words and language, in a specific context.

Natural and by employing a variety of natural methods (Moleong, 2005).

Descriptive qualitative research, according to Creswell (2009), is a method for

investigating and comprehending the meaning that individuals or groups

ascribe to a social or human problem. According to Hancock (2002),

descriptive qualitative research is concerned with developing explanations for

social phenomena. Its goal was to help us understand the world we live in and

why things are the way they are.

The findings of this qualitative study are presented in the form of

descriptions. According to Ari et al. (2010), qualitative data is typically in the

form of words (descriptions, observations, impressions, notes, etc.). In this

study, the researcher examined the semiotic structure of the meme to discover

the sign and meaning contained within it. Furthermore, the researcher

presented the factual findings in a systematic manner that made them easy to


3.2. Research Instruments

The instruments of this study are classification form, documentation, and

the researcher himself. Moleong (2014) stated that the researcher holds the

important roles in conducting the research, such as planning, collecting the

data, analyzing or interpreting the data, and reporting the result of the


3.3 Data Collection Technique

In collecting data, both library and online research are applied. First,

library research will be used to obtain information about semiotic theories, the

concepts of signs, meaning, and context of situation theory. It is relevant to be

used in analyzing meaning and function. Next, online research will be applied

to collect the data from Facebook. Data that are collected from Facebook are

the picture of the memes and posts that used in WHOLESOME

MEMEPOSTING group page on Facebook.

In qualitative research, there are some ways to collect the data; they are

interview, observation and documentary (Sugiyono, 2009: 309). In this

research, the writer uses data from WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group

page post. Therefore, the chosen method is documentation method.

Documentation method is a method that is used to find some notes,

transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, and other.

To collect the data from the data sources, the writer used such steps as

a. The writer opened WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page on

Facebook to choose meme to be analyzed.

b. After accessing the Facebook, the writer clicked the picture to be in


c. The writer chose meme WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page

posted on Mei 2022 to June 2022. The writer chose the data based on

social and daily life. Then, the writer collected the written text containing

meme from WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page by doing the

screen capture.

3.4. Data Analysis Technique

For the technique of data analysis, the researcher adopted the framework

developed by Miles, Huberman and saldana (2014) to describe the major phases

of data analysis: data condensation, data display and drawing conlusion.

1. Data Condensation

Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying.

In this step, the writer win sort out which information that relevant and

which information which will not be relevant to the research. The writer

identify the written text in meme WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING post as

the data which indicate in the research problems.

For data collection using 196 data on the WHOLESOME

MEMEPOSTING group page which was posted for 28 days starting from

May 5, 2022 to June 1, 2022. However, the author only analyzed 20 data

to simplify the analysis process, this is because the memes used in the

group in the entire post are memes based on group's name, which takes the

word "WHOLESOME," which means healthy, and which is also in

accordance with the group's rules, which state that memes posted in this

group must not contain violent or negative or harmful comments.

2. Display Data

After doing data condentation, the next step is to display data. The data are

presented in table with some explanations.



Table 1. Adopted by Ferdinand de Saussure’s Theory (1916) of Signifier and


No Signifier Signified

1 Someone: Cats heal people. The statement indicates that cat can
help heal people.

2 30 years old me: Got a cat. 30 years old me: Got a cat indicates
someone who is 30 years old who
owns a cat.

3 Picture of a cat fixing The picture of a cat leaning his hand

something and the other holding pliers with an
expression that is struggling to fix
something indicates that the cat is
struggling to fix something.

4 Sorry, bro, there is no way I The statement indicates that the cat
can fix it. cannot fix what the owner ordered.

5 Image of a human with back The picture of a person holding on to

pain. the waist indicates that the person is
in pain in the waist, especially in the

3. Conclusion Drawing

The final step of data processing is verification. After presenting the data

which become the object of the research, verification is done to look back

the data reduction or display data and the conclusion is in the last chapter

of this study.



In this chapter, researchers presented and discussed the findings from this

research. The data provided is related to answer the research questions, namely in

what ways semiotic signs are utilized by Facebook WHOLESOME

MEMEPOSTING group page users and what is the function of meme used in

WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page posted on Facebook. The research

data were obtained using classification form, documentation, and the researcher

himself as research instruments. The data of this research have been collected and

analyzed to answer the research questions.

In answering the first research question, the researcher identified the data

generated from these findings by looking at the forms used in posting the meme.

The researcher's basis for answering the first research question was based on

Buchel's (2012) theory, which states that memes are writings that are frequently

accompanied by pictures, photos, and certain characters.

In answering the second research question regarding the function of

memes posted on the WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page, the researcher

used two dictionaries, namely the Oxford dictionary and the Cambridge

dictionary. In searching for the function of these memes, the researcher uses

Saussure's theory (1916) as the main theory and Chandler's (2001) theory as a

supporting theory. First, Saussure's theory of semiotics is used to analyze and find

the signifier and signified of the twenty memes. In analyzing signifier and

signified memes, the characteristics of each meme are analyzed using Saussure's

semiotic theory of signifier and signified. The signifier of each meme is analyzed

to get signified. Next, the function of each signifier and signified meme in the post

is analyzed using Chandler's theory.

4.1. Finding

During doing this research, the researcher found 196 posts which were

posted in WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page on Mei 2022 to June 2022.

The researcher found that the contents at the posted meme consist of signifier and



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Perfect life a life where nothing can go wrong,

where there's no trouble, where you
don't have to worry about anything.

2 Loyal friends Someone who is loyal remains firm in

their friendship or support for a person
or thing.

3 Some people who are The people in the pictures represent

gathering memes with people getting together
and discussing something.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. Based on the signs in the meme, it

can be concluded that the meme describes the situation experienced by the person

who posted the meme, which is that he does not have a perfect money life, as

described by signifier 1, but he does have friends who are loyal to the person who

posted the meme, as described by signifiers 2 and 3.



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Dad: Dosen’t want a cat A father who does not want to have a

2 Also dad with the cat A father with a cat

3 Image of a man holding a cat. The meme is represented by an image

of a parent interacting with his cat.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. Based on the signifier and signified

above, it can be concluded that the meme describes what the person who posted it

wanted to convey, which is that his father did not allow him to have a cat, which

is represented by signifier 1, but when he already has a cat his father really likes to

play with cat, which is represented by signifiers 2 and 3.



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Three years old sibling one of two or more individuals who

have the same parent who is three
years old

2 Walking move at a regular pace by lifting and

setting down each foot in turn, never
having both feet off the ground at

3 2 minutes Set of numbers which explained about


4 Cat that wants to be held an image that represents the meme

where the cat want to be carried.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. Based on the signifier and signified

above, it is possible to conclude that the meme describes what the person who

posted the meme wanted to convey, namely that he has a 3 year old

sibling represented by signifier 1, that he and his sibling were walking for three

minutes represented by signifiers 2 and 3, and that after walking for three minutes,

the sibling asked to be carried by the person who posted the meme represented by

signifier 4.


Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Boyfriend A regular male companion with

whom one has a romantic relationship

2 Mimic Imitate (someone or their actions or

words), especially in order to entertain
or ridicule.

3 Image of tiger and cat. The image of the tiger and cat

represents the meme by performing
the same movement.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. based on the signifier and signified

above, it can be concluded that what the person who posted the meme wants to

convey is that she has a boyfriend represented by signifier 1, and he often imitates

what her boyfriend is doing represented by signifiers 2 and 3.

DATA 5 1

Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Short girl A girl who's height ranges from 5" 3

and lower. Usually very light
somewhat chubby or very skinny.

2 Angry feeling or showing strong annoyance,

displeasure, or hostility.

3 a picture of a short girl who is the photo of the short girl represents
angry. the meme with an angry face.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it can be concluded that what the person who posted the meme wants to

convey is that the person who posted the meme wants to show how the short girl

represented by signifier 1 is angry which is represented by signifier 2 look like,

where the appearance is represented by signifier 3.


Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 8 years old A person that is eight years old

2 Closing my eyes An act where a person closes his eyes

3 Car A four-wheeled road vehicle that is
powered by an engine and is able to
carry a small number of people.

4 Guess Estimate or suppose (something)

without sufficient information to be
sure of being correct.

5 A photo of a person who is The man's photo reflects the meme in

closing his eyes. which the man closes his eyes.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it can be deduced that the person who posted the meme wanted to convey

that when he was eight years old, represented by signifier 1, he was closing his

eyes, represented by signifier 2, in a car, represented by signifier 3, and guessing

where he is now, represented by signifier 4, where everything can be seen in the

image of the man who is closing his eyes (signifier 5).



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Grow (of a living thing) undergo natural

development by increasing in size and
changing physically; progress to

2 Favorite preferred before all others of the same


3 photo of a puppy and a dog The photo of a puppy and dog

represents the meme where the photo
shows the growth where from a puppy
to an adult dog.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it may be argued that the meme's creator intended to express that when we

grow up, as indicated by signifier 1, we can no longer wear our favorite shirt, as

represented by signifiers 2 and 3.



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Son A boy or man in relation to either or

both of his parents.

2 Annoy Irritate (someone); make (someone) a

little angry.

3 Wife A married woman considered in

relation to her spouse.

4 Photo of joker and mini joker The joker photo and mini joker
represent the meme in which the joker
is a super villain who appears in
American comic books published by
DC Comics and frequently annoys his
opponent with his behavior.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, the guy who uploaded the meme is attempting to indicate that he and his

son, represented by signifier 1, intend to annoy his wife, represented by signifiers

2 and 3, and his activities are illustrated by picture of the joker and mini joker

strolling (signifier 4).


1 3


Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Teacher A person who teaches, especially in a


2 Teach Show or explain to (someone) how to

do something.

3 Cat A small domesticated carnivorous

mammal with soft fur, a short snout,
and retractable claws. It is widely kept
as a pet or for catching mice, and
many breeds have been developed.

4 Lap The flat area between the waist and
knees of a seated person.

5 Stop (Of an event, action, or process) come

to an end; cease to happen.

6 Meowing (Of a cat) make a characteristic crying


7 A photo of a person teaching The photo represents the meme where

while putting his cat on his a person teaching while putting his cat
shoulder. on his shoulder.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, It can be concluded that the person who posted the meme wishes to convey

his experience in which, when the teacher is teaching (represented by signifiers 1

and 2), the teacher always places his cat on his arm (represented by signifiers 3

and 4) so that the cat does not meow during the lesson (represented by signifiers 5

and 6), and these events are depicted in the photo (signifier 7).



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Doctor: Will you drink A doctor who asks if the person will
medicine? take medication.

2 Mom: No he won’t, give him A mother who said that she asked her
an injection child to be injected.

3 9 years old A person that is nine years old

4 Surprised cat photo The photo of the cat represents the

meme in which the cat is in a shocked

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it can be concluded that the person who posted the meme intended to

convey that when he was nine years old, represented by signifier 3, the doctor told

him to take the medicine, represented by signifier 1, but his mother refused and

instead asked the doctor to inject him, represented by signifier 2, and he was

surprised to hear that, represented by signifier 4.



4 5

Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Communication skill Communication skills are the ability

to be able to understand other people
and be understood. Listening, talking,
watching, and empathy are all
necessary in the context of this talent.

2 sad dog pictures The sad dog image represents the

meme where the dog in the photo has

a sad expression

3 stocky dog pictures The picture of a burly dog represents

the meme where the dog has a burly

4 people human beings in general or

considered collectively.

5 With Cats, dog, chicken and Animals that are friendly to humans
the other birds and animals and also those that are usually kept as
pets by humans

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. Based on the signs in the meme, it is

possible to conclude that what the person who posted the meme wanted to convey

was how he explained the situation he was in where he compared (represented by

signifiers 2 and 3) his communication skills represented by signifier 1 to other

people and animals that are typically kept as pets by humans represented by

signifiers 4 and 5.



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Photo of a group of pandas The photo represents a meme where

in the photo there is a group of

2 Embarrassment A feeling of self-consciousness,

shame, or awkwardness.

3 Group a number of people or things that are

located close together or are
considered or classed together.

4 Panda a large bearlike mammal with

characteristic black and white
markings, native to certain mountain
forests in China. It feeds almost
entirely on bamboo and has become
increasingly rare.

5 Photo of superhero whose The photo represents the meme where

words were edited to "maybe I the superhero in the picture is Vision,
am a group of pandas" one of the superheroes from the
Marvel universe in the 2015 film
called Avengers age of Ultron, where
Vision's words in the film were edited
to "maybe I am a group of pandas".

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. Based on the signs in the meme, it is

possible to conclude that the person who posted the meme intended to convey that

the group of pandas represented by signifiers 1, 2, 3, and 4 is called

embarrassment, which is represented by signifier 2, and he believes he is also a

group of pandas (represented by signifier 6) because he feels self-consciousness,

shame, or awkwardness.


1 2

Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Mom: is eating sandwich The statement explains that a mother

is eating a sandwich

2 Me: can I have half? A statement in which a person asks

for half of something he or she is

asking for from someone.

3 The half I get The statement where half he got it.

4 A photo of a sandwich The photo represents a meme where

the photo contains an image of a

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it can be concluded that the person who posted the meme wanted to convey

his experience in which his mom ate a sandwich represented by signifier 1 and

wanted to ask for half of the sandwich represented by signifier 2, but instead

received a whole sandwich rather than half, as represented by signifiers 3 and 4.



Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Cooking The practice or skill of preparing food
by combining, mixing, and heating

2 Helps Make it easier for (someone) to do

something by offering one's services
or resources.

3 Anxiety A feeling of worry, nervousness, or

unease, typically about an imminent
event or something with an uncertain

4 Anxiously In a manner resulting from or

revealing anxiety.

5 Waiting The action of staying where one is or

delaying action until a particular time
or until something else happens.
6 Food Any nutritious substance that people
or animals eat or drink or that plants
absorb in order to maintain life and
7 Ready In a suitable state for an activity,
action, or situation; fully prepared.
8 Photo of a cat waiting while The photo represents a meme where
looking at cooking. in the photo there is a cat waiting
anxiously for the food to finish.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, It is possible to conclude that the person who posted the meme intended to

convey that there is a statement that cooking can help to relieve anxiety, which is

represented by signifiers 1, 2, and 3, but when he/she waits for his/her cooking to

finish, which is represented by signifiers 5, 6, and 7, he actually feels very

anxiously, which is represented by signifiers 4 and 8.


2 1

Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Trying Make an attempt or effort to do


2 End A final part of something, especially a

period of time, an activity, or a story.

3 Argument An exchange of diverging or opposite

views, typically a heated or angry

4 Giving Give something in the form of goods

or emotional support and others.

5 Food Any nutritious substance that people

or animals eat or drink or that plants
absorb in order to maintain life and
6 Work Activity involving mental or physical
effort done in order to achieve a
purpose or result.
7 Absolutely With no qualification, restriction, or
limitation; totally.
8 A photo of a panda posing The photo represents a meme where a
with both hands on his/her panda is posing with its hands on its
waist. waist while being fed.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it can be concluded that the person who posted the meme intended to

convey that when a person wants to stop arguing with the person who posted the

meme, represented by signifiers 1, 2, 3, and 8, that person must provide food,

represented by signifiers 4 and 5, because it absolutely works, as represented by

signifiers 6 and 7.




Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Me: I’m very approachable A statement in which a person feels

that he or she is approachable.

2 Also Also, as well and too are adverbs and

mean ‘in addition’

3 a photo of a cat staring The photo represents a meme where

intently. the cat in the photo is staring very

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it is possible to infer that the person who posted the meme intended to

indicate that he/she felt approachable, as represented by signifier 1, but his facial

expression did not reflect what was said, as expressed by signifiers 2 and 3.


1 2

Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Please Used in polite requests or questions.

2 Yell A loud, sharp cry, especially of pain,

surprise, or delight; a shout.

3 Sensitive Easily upset by the things people say

or do, or causing people to be upset,
embarrassed, or angry.

4 crying cat photo The photo represents a meme where

in the photo there is a cat with a sad

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it may be determined that the person who posted the meme meant to

express a message about the he/she circumstance, that he/she is sensitive, as

indicated by signifiers 3 and 4, and that he/she does not want to be yelled at, as

represented by signifiers 1 and 2.


Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 My family: For sure when he "My family: For sure, when he has a
gets a girlfriend, he’ll mature. girlfriend, he'll mature," reveals that
his family believes he will mature
when he gets a girlfriend.

2 My girlfriend and i: The statement "My girlfriend and i:"
indicates the situation he and his
girlfriend are in.

3 Photo of two people wearing The photo represents a meme where

costumes in the photo there are two people
wearing dinosaur costumes on the

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it may be inferred that the person who posted the meme intended to

indicate that parents frequently believe that when their child gets a partner, he will

become a mature, as represented by signifier 1, but this does not apply to the

person who posted the meme, as shown by signifiers 2 and 3.


Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Chilling Relax or calm, especially in a place

with a calm atmosphere.

2 School An institution for educating children.

3 Rival A person or thing competing with

another for the same objective or for
superiority in the same field of

4 Knowing Showing or suggesting that one has

knowledge or awareness that is secret
or known to only a few people.

5 Life The period between birth and death,

or the experience or state of being

6 Photo of two elderly people The photo represents the meme itself
driving. where in the photo there are two
parents where the parents are
characters in the Harry Potter films,
namely the headmaster of Hogwarts
Albus Dumbledore and Saruman, the
leader of Istari, a wizard in human
form who was sent to Middle Earth in
the film The Lord of Ring, where the
two characters are often compared by
fans of the two films.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, it may be concluded that the person who posted the meme intended to

describe his experience in which he/she and his/her rival at school (represented by

signifiers 2, 3, and 6) feel relaxed as indicated by signifier 1, since they know they

are trying their best to live. people who are represented by the signifier 5.





Signifier and signified

No Signifier Signified

1 Street A public road in a city or town,

typically with houses and buildings
on one or both sides.

2 Waiting The action of staying where one is or

delaying action until a particular time
or until something else happens.

3 Friend A person who you know well and

who you like a lot, but who is usually

not a member of your family

4 Finish Showing or suggesting that one has

knowledge or awareness that is secret
or known to only a few people.

5 Playing Engage in activity for enjoyment and

recreation rather than a serious or
practical purpose.

6 Cat A small domesticated carnivorous

mammal with soft fur, a short snout,
and retractable claws. It is widely
kept as a pet or for catching mice, and
many breeds have been developed.

7 Photo of a man standing The photo represents the meme,

because in the photo there is a man
standing with an annoyed expression.

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand

de Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal

and non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. From the signifier and signified

above, It can be concluded that the person who posted the meme wanted to

convey his experience, in which he shows his condition, represented by signifier

7, while waiting for his friend, represented by signifiers 2 and 3, because the

theme has not finished playing, represented by signifiers 4 and 5, and a cat on the

road, represented by signifiers 1 and 6.

4.2. Discussion

In this research, the researcher examined 196 posts in Facebook meme

group page WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING only 20 posts were analyzed, this is

because the memes used in the group in the entire post are memes based on

everyday life or experiences that frequently occur in people's lives, which is also

in accordance with the group's name, which takes the word "WHOLESOME,"

which means healthy, and which is also in accordance with the group's rules,

which state that memes posted in this group must not contain violent or negative

or harmful comments.

This study used Semiotics theory adopted from Ferdinand de Saussure

theory as the grand theory and Chandler theory as the supporting theory. The data

for this study came from twenty memes submitted on the WHOLESOME

MEMEPOSTING group page. The amount of signs discovered in the meme

varies, with the lowest including three signifier and signified and the maximum

containing eight signifier and signified. As a result, the researcher believes that

memes contain a large number of signifier and signified. Researchers believe this

occurs because memes are frequently conveyed as text, visuals, differences in

linguistic style, or other cultural components.

The researcher discovered that semiotic signs used in the memes in the

WHOLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page are used through videos, photos,

text, GIFs, or sound recordings, similar to what Buchel (2012) stated, memes are

writings that are often accompanied by text, images, stylistic variations, or other

cultural components. In looking for the function of memes posted in the

WOHLESOME MEMEPOSTING group page, the researcher adjusted signifier and

signified with the help of two dictionaries, as Saussure (1916) said to convey

meaning, has two different parts. First, there is the 'signified', which is the part of

the word that relates to its meaning, and then there is the 'signifier', which is the

part of the word that represents that meaning, as also explained by Chandler

(2001) Anything can be a symbol/ a sign as long as it is seen as referring to or

standing for anything other than itself. Chandler mostly automatically sees things

for signs by comparing them to a known convention system.


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Table 1. Adopted by Ferdinand de Saussure’s Theory (1916) of Signifier and


No Signifier Signified

1 Someone: Cats heal people. The statement indicates that cat can

help heal people.

2 30 years old me: Got a cat. 30 years old me: Got a cat indicates
someone who is 30 years old who
owns a cat.

3 Picture of a cat fixing The picture of a cat leaning his hand

something and the other holding pliers with an
expression that is struggling to fix
something indicates that the cat is
struggling to fix something.

4 Sorry, bro, there is no way I The statement indicates that the cat
can fix it. cannot fix what the owner ordered.

5 Image of a human with back The picture of a person holding on to

pain. the waist indicates that the person is
in pain in the waist, especially in the

Through the help of signifier and signified theory adopted from Ferdinand de

Saussure and Chandler, the writer could conclude that the meaning of verbal and

non-verbal sign in meme above was given with text consisting of signifier and

signified until eventually formed a meaning. Based on the signs in the meme, it

can be concluded that the situation that occurs in the post occurs when someone

gives a statement that a cat can heal someone and he (a 30-year-old person who

owns a cat) thinks that his cat can cure his back pain. What is meant is that cats

can heal someone psychologically. And finally the cat was trapped in a situation

where he did not know what to do to cure his owner's back pain which was

represented by the symbol "Sorry bro, there is no way I can fix it." and the two

icons in the post.


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