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Preparation time: 10 minutes

Serves 8 servings


 1 cup watermelon, peeled, seeded and diced

 1 cup cantaloupe or orange melon, peeled, seeded and diced
 ½ cup green cantaloupe, peeled, seeded and diced
 ½ cup pineapple, peeled and diced
 6 strawberries washed and cut into cubes
 12 blueberries
 8 raspberries
 1 banana peeled and sliced
 sprigs of mint or fresh mint to decorate


 Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and stir.

 Refrigerate covered for at least 30 minutes before serving.
 Serve and decorate with a sprig of fresh mint or mint.

Benefits of fruit salads:

 Hydrate and refresh.

 They provide multiple vitamins and minerals, with many benefits for the body.
 Regulate intestinal function, due to wealth in fiber.

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