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Team Meeting Agreement Items

As a team, we agree to the following meeting practices: Yes or No

1.The only people on the meeting invite are those who need to be there. [ ] Yes [ ] No
2.All meetings will have an agenda that is sent out in advance of the
[ ] Yes [ ] No
3.Pre-work will be assigned to allow attendees to prepare for the
[ ] Yes [ ] No
4.All attendees will come prepared by reviewing the agenda and
[ ] Yes [ ] No
accomplishing assigned prework.
5.Participants will let the organizer know what modality they plan to use
[ ] Yes [ ] No
to attend, in-person or virtual.
6.Meetings will start and end on time. [ ] Yes [ ] No
7.All meeting participants will show up on time. [ ] Yes [ ] No
8.Meetings will be scheduled at times that do not favor just one time
[ ] Yes [ ] No
9.The purpose of the meeting will be explicitly stated. [ ] Yes [ ] No
10.All remote participants will have a solid internet connection. [ ] Yes [ ] No
11.All participants will attend the meeting with video on. [ ] Yes [ ] No
12.All participants will be easily seen and heard without distraction. [ ] Yes [ ] No
13.All attendees will adhere to the turn-taking ritual agreed upon by the
[ ] Yes [ ] No
14.All attendees will follow the agreed-upon mute policy. [ ] Yes [ ] No
15.We will take breaks every 45 minutes during meetings scheduled to
[ ] Yes [ ] No
be longer than an hour.
16.We will document/record what happens during the meeting according
[ ] Yes [ ] No
to our team policy.
17.We will make all information recorded in the meeting available to all
[ ] Yes [ ] No
attendees on the collaboration platform of choice.
18.Post-meeting information will be available (within x days/immediately). [ ] Yes [ ] No
TOTAL YES ____________
Meeting Roles Names
Meeting Moderator ____________
Technology Lead ____________
Chat Monitor ____________
Meeting Buddies ____________

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