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Input two alphabets then decide second one is in uppercase or not.

(ASCII code for A is 65 and

for Z is 90)
For example:
Input first: 4
Input second: d
This is not in upper case
Input first: i
Input second: M
This is in upper case

Input a string then show its length is more than 10 characters or not.
For example:
Input a string: KUDCS
Its length is not more than 10 characters
Input a string: University of Karachi
Its length is more than 10 characters

Input an alphabet and then show its equivalent ASCII code.

For example:
Input an alphabet: A
Its equivalent ASCII code is: 65

Input four alphabets then show them in reverse order.

For example:
Input first: d
Input second: i
Input third: m
Input fourth: e

Input a number and then show is it greater than or equal to15 or not.
For example:
Input a number: 9
It is not greater than or equal to 15
Input a number: 20
It is greater than or equal to 15

Input a number and then show KUDCS that number of times.

For example:
Input a number: 3

Input a number and then call a procedure which shows its double.
For example:
Input a number: 4
Its double is 8
Input a number then show series from this number to one in reverse order.
For example:
Input a number: 5

Input two strings and then show first one is greater or equal in length than second or not.
For example:
Input first: Ali
Input second: Riaz
First one is not greater or equal than second
Input first: Riaz
Input second: Ali
First one is greater or equal than second

Take input a string and then show letter ‘a’ after each alphabet.
For example:
Input a string: net

Input a string and then show its first four characters.

For example:
Input a string: University

Show following series: (ASCII code for A is 65 and for Z is 90)


Take input an alphabet and then show that is it among asdf or not.
For example:
Input an alphabet: j
It is not in asdf
Input an alphabet: d
It is in asdf

Write a program to read a character and check whether it is vowel or not.

For example:
Input an alphabet: j
It is not a vowel
Input an alphabet: e
It is a vowel

Write a program to print the square of all numbers from 1 to 10.

1 2 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
Write a program to take input length and breadth of a rectangle and then show its area.
For example:
Input length: 4
Input breadth: 5
Area is: 20

Input two alphabets then show them 10 times

For example:
Input first: 4
Input second: d
Input first: i
Input second: M
iM iM iM iM iM iM iM iM iM iM

Input three characters and then show middle one first, then last and then first one.
For example:
Input first: 4
Input second: d
Input third: A

Show following series:


Take input a character and then decide is it digit or not (ASCII code for 0 is 48)
For example:
Input a character: i
It is not a digit
Input a character: 9
It is a digit

Take input a string and then show it one character per line.
For example:
Input a string: KUDCS

Take input a number and then show its next third number.
For example:
Input a number: 20
Input a number: 8
Show following series:

Show following series: (Using iterations)

14 13 12 11 10 9

Input a string and then display it 5 times.

For example:
Input a string: Logic

Input three numbers and then display their product.

For example:
First: 3
Second: 2
Third: 4
Their product is: 24

Continuously input characters until k is pressed. (ASCII code for k is 107)

For example:

Input values for length and breadth and then display area.
For example:
Input length: 3
Input breadth: 5
Area is: 15

Input a string and then show its last character.

For example:
Input a string: Pakistan
Input a string: Computer

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