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Presented by : EL ATMANI
I. Introduction II. Types of electrical accidents

III. Main causes of IV. Electrical accidents

electrical accidents statistiques

V.How to prevent electrical VI. Conclusion

I. Introduction
Most of us couldn’t live without electricity, or
would want to. But living in a house powered
by electricity also means electrical hazards are
all around you.

What is an electrical hazard?

An electrical accident is an undesired, unexpected
event that has been caused by an electrical current
and has resulted in either injury or property

II. Types of electrical accidents

Electrical shock

Electrical burn

Electrical fires
III. Main causes of electrical accidents

Water:Water is a conductor of electricity and can,

therefore, be extremely dangerous when put into
contact with an electrical current

Faulty wiring: Faulty wiring can occur for many

reasons, including poorly installed equipment, incorrect
use and a lack of maintenance
Attempting to fix electrical faults : by attempting
to fix electrical equipment without any training, you
can put yourself at serious risk of an electric shock
and, if not correctly resolved, more severe

Naked cords & damaged plugs: Damaged cords can

occur when an electrical appliance is overused,
causing the protective outer sheath to split, exposing
the wires inside
IV. Electrical accidents statistiques
Electrical accidents in the home injure 1.2 million
people each year

It is estimated that 200 people in the world die of

electrocution each year

Around 1,000 accidents involving electricity are reported

each year, with approximately 30 of these being fatal.

V.How to prevent electrical accidents.

Have installations checked by approved


Never use damaged appliances

Unplug appliances with care

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Be careful when drilling into walls

Do not overload sockets

Keep appliances away from water

VI. Conclusion
Electricity makes our lives easier every day,
but it’s powerful and needs to be treated
with respect to reduce the injuries and to
keep ur self safe.

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