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Eliana Ungar

Lesson Plan - Day 4

Spanish 1

Standard Objective

1.1.N.RW.h: Exchange information in writing Students will learn about Tex-Mex cuisine and
in the target language on familiar topics such review noun-adjective agreement.
as personal interests, memorable
experiences, school activities, and family life

1.2.N.R.b: Understand main idea of simple

accessible written materials in the target
language such as, textbook passages,
age-appropriate magazine and newspaper
articles/ads, website/internet, poetry or

2.2.N.F.b: Identify products that were native

to a community, region, or country in which
the native language is spoken

5.2.N.a: Willingly use the target language

within the classroom setting


This lesson will educate students about Tex-Mex food, giving students a perspective about
Hispanic food that is different from the Cuban sandwich they learned about the day before.
Students will play a game that reviews noun-adjective agreement and practice interpretive
and interpersonal communication skills through the worksheets they will complete at the end
of the lesson.

Literacy Framework

Identity: All of my students live in the United States; presumably, most are U.S. citizens. This
lesson will encourage them to think more deeply about the country they live in.

Skills: Students will practice noun-adjective agreement and practice interpretive and
interpersonal communication by reading about a Tex-Mex dish and sharing their knowledge
with a classmate.

Intellect: Students will learn new knowledge about a cuisine heavily influenced by Hispanic
culture, Tex-Mex.

Joy: Students will play a game to review noun-adjective agreement.

Materials Required Assessment

● Slides (projected on board) This lesson does not have a formal

Eliana Ungar

● Whiteboards assessment. I will gain feedback about

● Dry erase markers students’ performance through the
● Fajitas worksheet whiteboard game.
● Tacos de desayuno worksheet

● Entrada
● Discussion
● Intro to Tex-Mex food
● Noun-adjective review game
● Reading and sharing information with a peer about a specific Tex-Mex dish

5 minutes There will be an entrada posted for students to answer in their notebooks
when they enter. The slide will ask students to talk about their
experiences with Tex-Mex food.
Entrada: En tu cuaderno: ¿Comes comida Tex-Mex? Descríbala. Si no la
comes, ¿qué plato quieres probar (try)?
Bellwork: In your notebook: Do you eat Tex-Mex food? Describe it. If you
don’t eat it, which dish do you want to try?

Teacher Thinking (TT): I expect that many of my students will have tried
Tex-Mex food and recognize the pictures projected on the board. This
gives students a chance to activate prior knowledge and experiences,
while also including students who have not eaten this kind of food.

I will start the five minute timer when the bell rings (embedded in the first

Standard Addressed: 1.1.N.RW.h: Exchange information in writing in the

target language on familiar topics such as personal interests, memorable
experiences, school activities, and family life

10 minutes Transition: ¡Hola estudiantes! ¿Cómo están hoy?

Hello students! How are you today?
Take a few minutes to discuss how their day is going. I will call on
students who have their hands raised - I do not want any student to feel
like they have to share if they are not comfortable doing so in front of the
entire class.

TT: I want checking in with my students to be a consistent part of my

practice. It may not directly relate to the objective of today’s lesson, but I
want my students to feel like they matter - I believe that this will ultimately
help them to be more successful.

Hoy vamos a discutir la comida Tex-Mex. Compartan sus respuestas con

un compañero. Tienen tres minutos.
Today we are going to discuss Tex-Mex food. Share your answers with a
peer. You have three minutes.
Eliana Ungar

I will start the timer embedded in the slide.

TT: I make it a practice to give students an opportunity to share their

answers with a classmate because I want them to have consistent
opportunities to practice speaking Spanish in a low-stakes scenario.

¿Quién quiere compartir su respuesta?

Who wants to share their answer?

I will call on students who would like to share their answers with the class.

TT: It is not essential that students share their answers to this question
with the class. However, I think it would be interesting for both myself and
my students to hear if people have tried this kind of food and what they
think of it. I strongly suspect that several of my students will have prior
experiences eating Tex-Mex food.

Standard Addressed: 5.2.N.a: Willingly use the target language within the
classroom setting

5 minutes Transition: Ahora vamos a aprender más sobre la comida Tex-Mex.

Now we are going to learn more about Tex-Mex food.

I will quickly read the next three slides [slides 5-7] to give students
background information about Tex-Mex food, stopping to check for
comprehension after each slide.

Standard Addressed: 2.2.N.F.b: Identify products that were native to a

community, region, or country in which the native language is spoken

10 minutes Transition: Okay, clase. Ahora vamos a hacer un juego de repaso rápido.
Con sus pizarras y marcadores, escriban una frase completa usando la
comida y el adjetivo. Recuerden, necesitan usar la forma correcta del
adjetivo. Después de escribir, levanten sus pizarras para que yo pueda
Okay, class. Now we are going to do a quick review game. With your
whiteboards and markers, write a complete sentence using the food and
the adjective. Remember, you need to use the correct form of the
adjective. After writing, raise your whiteboards so that I can see them.

TT: Noun-adjective agreement is something that students have been

working on for several months by now, so I do not feel that they do not
need a formal review with grammar rules. After each round, we will go
over the correct answers as a class. If I see that many students make the
same mistake, I will spend more time going over why the correct answer
is correct.

[slides 8 - 15]

20 minutes Transition: ¡Muy bien, clase! Ahora vamos a aprender más sobre dos
Eliana Ungar

platos específicos de Tex-Mex. Están en grupos de dos. Una persona

recibirá una lectura sobre las fajitas y la otra recibirá una lectura sobre los
tacos de desayuno. Lean el párrafo sobre el plato y respondan a las
preguntas. Después, compartan la información con su compañero.
Very good, class! Now we are going to learn more about two specific
Tex-Mex dishes. You are in groups of two. One person will receive a
reading about fajitas and the other will receive a reading about breakfast
tacos. Read the paragraph about the dish and answer the questions.
After, share the information with your partner. Questions?

After answering any questions, I will pass out the readings so as to

ensure that each pair has one person doing each reading. The
worksheets have what I believe to be pretty clear directions, but I will
circulate the room as students are working to answer questions.

TT: My intent for this activity is for students to practice their reading skills
and their interpersonal communication skills. By giving students different
readings, they will need to work together to learn all of the information. In
addition, since students will write down information about the food they do
not read about, they will have the ability to write about either for their final

Standard Addressed: 1.2.N.R.b: Understand main idea of simple

accessible written materials in the target language such as, textbook
passages, age-appropriate magazine and newspaper articles/ads,
website/internet, poetry or stories

Standard Addressed: 2.2.N.F.b: Identify products that were native to a

community, region, or country in which the native language is spoken

Critical Questions
1. Are the readings too difficult for Spanish 1 students? I have provided footnotes to help
with words that will definitely be unfamiliar to my students. A lot of the words have
cognates with English, which should help. Furthermore, my aim is not that students
understand every single word, but rather the main idea. The paragraphs are not too
long, so I think they are okay. Plus, I will circulate as students are working on them so
that I can help answer their questions.
2. Is it okay that we aren’t specifically reviewing present tense -AR verbs in this lesson? I
think giving them a day off from that is okay, especially since we will review it the next
La comida Tex-Mex: Fajitas
Direcciones - Lee el texto. (Adaptado de foodVAC)

Uno de los platos más populares de la cocina Tex-Mex consiste en

carne asada a la parrilla1, cortada en tiras2 y servida sobre una
tortilla. Las fajitas son tradicionales de la cocina Tex-Mex. El
nombre de la fajita proviene de3 la carne, la cual recibía4 diferentes
nombres como matambre o skirt steak, es decir, “carne de falda” o
“carne de faja”. De esta traducción5 viene el nombre de fajita.
Actualmente6 las fajitas se preparan prácticamente con cualquier7
ingrediente. Por lo general, las fajitas se sirven sin preparar: por un
lado, las tortillas, y por otro, el resto de los ingredientes. Esta es una
de las principales diferencias que tiene con el taco y el burrito.

Direcciones - Responde a las siguientes preguntas.

1. ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes de las fajitas?

2. ¿De dónde viene el nombre “fajita”?

3. ¿En qué se diferencian las fajitas de los tacos y burritos?

asada a la parrilla - grilled
cortada en tiras - cut into strips
proviene de - comes from
la cual recibía - which received
traducción - translation
actualmente - currently
cualquier - any
Direcciones - You will speak with your partner and ask questions about their Tex-Mex
dish. Brainstorm questions below about the name of the dish, where it is from, and its

Direcciones - After speaking with your partner, write down the information you learned:
La comida Tex-Mex: Tacos de desayuno
Direcciones - Lee el texto. (Adaptado de The Spruce Eats)

Los tacos de desayuno son un plato básico en el país

Tex-Mex. Se desconocen1 los orígenes exactos, pero la
frase “tacos de desayuno” comenzó a aparecer2 en los
periódicos de San Antonio y Río Grande Valley en las
décadas de 1950 y 1960. Ahora se pueden encontrar en
todo el sur de Texas en restaurantes y cafés, y en
puestos de carretera3 y camiones de comida. Lleno
de4 cualquier5 combinación de huevos, frijoles, queso,
papas y carnes, el plato varía según6 el vendedor.
Todos los tacos de desayuno tienen dos cosas en común: están envueltos en7
tortillas de harina y son una excelente manera de comenzar el día.

Direcciones - Responde a las siguientes preguntas.

1. ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes de los tacos de desayuno?

2. ¿De dónde son los tacos de desayuno?

3. ¿Dónde puedes comprar tacos de desayuno?

Se desconocen - are unknown
comenzó a aparecer - began to appear
puestos de carretera - roadside stands
Lleno de - Filled with
cualquier - any
según - according to
envueltos en - wrapped in
Direcciones - You will speak with your partner and ask questions about their Tex-Mex
dish. Brainstorm questions below about the name of the dish, where its name comes
from, and its ingredients.

Direcciones - After speaking with your partner, write down the information you learned:

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