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Lesson 5

Li Po lived during the time of Emperor Hssian-tsung, one of the most fabled patrons of the arts in
history. Unlike other poets of his time, Li Po was not restrained in his writings. He was expansive in the
expression of his feelings, in his creative imagination. As such, he was more effective in the treatment of
personal themes than social or historical ones.

1. Li Po, at twenty-five, left his home and wandered about his country. He became the court poet in 742
and remained as such for three years. When he fell out of favor, he continued his travels. Point out the
portions in this poem that reveal his lifestyle.

The lines, I alone, drinking, without companion. For a long time i shall be obligated to wander without

2. Give your opinion on the moon image of this poem. How do his singing, dancing, and drunkenness
affect the moon?

I sing--the moon walks forward rhythmically; Because of his drunkenness he portrays the moon dancing
with him, even though it is only him who sang and danced. The moon rotates that's why it's slowly

3. Would the title suggest the substance of the poem? Justify your answer.

Yes. Drinking alone in the moonlight is in-line with the content of the poem. Even though he stated that
he's got companion such as the moon and his shadow, it still not a person or someone that could talk
back or speak their minds to. It is only because of his drunkeness did he imagine he had company.

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