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How to clean Portable Anthropometry Kits with Disinfectants to Be Safe from

Corona Virus

When the COVID-19 pandemic (or better known as coronavirus) appeared in various parts of
the world, we are expected to be more intelligent and aware in cleaning ourselves. As has
been told in various places, we are all asked to always be careful in cleaning up everything
that maybe contain the virus.
Starting from routine cleaning your hands with a clean and accurate, immediately rinsing
himself when he got home, and so forth. In addition to having to clean ourselves, we are
also required to clean things around us (both at work or home).
Definition of disinfectant
To truly feel safe and secure from the corona virus attack, we must routinely clean the tools
or objects around us using disinfectants. For those who do not yet know the meaning of
disinfectants, disinfectants are tools used to kill germs, bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa
without damaging the objects that are exposed to the liquid.
In general, the name disinfectant and antiseptic have the same role to kill the bacteria. The
difference is in the media or the place of application. Disinfectants function to kill bacteria
on inanimate objects, and antiseptics are used to kill bacteria on living tissue such as
Clean Near Objects with Disinfectant
Because the virus can stick to and increase the risk of people around it affected by the
corona virus, we have to frequently clean the tools and objects around us. Ranging from
kitchen utensils, door handles, telephone handles, toilets to anthropometric measuring
devices such as the Portable Anthropometry Kit.
We must prepare various tools before cleaning the tools around us, such as gloves, masks,
to the appropriate disinfectant.
Recommendations List Disinfectants
According to the disinfectant guidelines from the Jakarta Provincial Health Office, the
following are various disinfectant recommendations that can be used to clean the tools
around us:
Steps to Clean the Tool with Disinfectant
There are various ways or steps to clean the tools around us, especially in cleaning the
Portable Anthropometry Kit. Here are several ways that you can do to clean the Portable
Anthropometry Kit:
1. Prepare the Personal Protective Equipment and Equipment Needed

Before cleaning the Portable Anthropometry Kit, we must protect ourselves with various
tools. Starting from wearing gloves, masks to hats or face shields if needed.

After protecting yourself by using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), prepare the tools
needed to clean the Portable Anthropometry Kit. Starting from disinfectants (according to
what is owned or following the recommendations listed above), sprayer bottles, cloth /
cloth, tissue to feather duster.

2. Clean the Suitcase on the Portable Anthropometry Kit

The first thing to do in cleaning the Portable Anthropometry Kit is by cleaning the suitcase.
As you know, the anthropometric kit from Solo Abadi is packaged well and safely (to avoid
viruses, bacteria to dust) in an elegant suitcase. Even so, we must keep cleaning the suitcase
Cleaning can be started from wiping the dust attached to the suitcase using a feather duster.
After that, we can spray the sprayer bottle that has been filled with disinfectant to all parts
of the suitcase to touch. After waiting for about 10 minutes, wipe all parts of the suitcase
using the cloth that has been prepared.
3. Clean the Anthropometric Measuring Instrument (Anthropometer, Sliding Caliper, to
Spreading Caliper)
After cleaning the outside of the Portable Anthropometry Kit, we start cleaning every
anthropometric measuring instrument contained in the Portable Anthropometry Kit.
Although the measuring instruments are protected by an elegant suitcase, but we must
clean it to anticipate the corona virus.
We can begin cleaning anthropometric measuring tools by taking instruments one by one
and then cleaning them in sequence and turn. Starting from spraying disinfectant on each
side to wipe it using a cloth that has been prepared. Perform these steps until all
anthropometric measuring devices have been cleaned.
Video Tutorial How to Clean: Portable Anthropometry Kit
So that you can better understand how to clean and maintain the Portable Anthropometry
Kit, you can watch the video on the following link.
Let's participate in the fight against corona by helping to suit all of us.
#BersamaLawanCorona #IndonesiaStandsforCorona

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