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You have to + verb, you need to + verb, you want to + verb……

Provide INSTRUCTIONS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS using the infinitives

Smartphone (Cristian): Problems could include a cracked screen, battery drain, or connectivity
issues. Solutions could include replacing the screen, optimizing the battery settings, or resetting
the network settings.

Laptop (Sebastian): Problems could include slow performance, software errors, or hardware
malfunctions. Solutions could include clearing the cache, updating drivers or software, or replacing
faulty hardware components.

Smartwatch (Mhoira): Problems could include syncing issues, battery life, or screen problems.
Solutions could include resetting the watch, optimizing the settings, or replacing the battery or

Tablet (Estefani): Problems could include unresponsive touch screen, slow performance, or
charging issues. Solutions could include updating software, resetting the tablet, or replacing the
charging cable or port.

Gaming console (Rene): Problems could include network connectivity issues, software errors, or
hardware malfunctions. Solutions could include resetting the console, checking for updates, or
replacing faulty hardware components.

E-reader (Joaquin): Problems could include screen problems, slow performance, or connectivity
issues. Solutions could include resetting the device, updating software, or checking for available
Wi-Fi connections.

Smart speaker (Ivan): Problems could include connectivity issues, unresponsive voice control, or
audio quality problems. Solutions could include resetting the device, optimizing the Wi-Fi network,
or adjusting the speaker settings.

Digital camera (Deivis): Problems could include battery life, memory card issues, or focus
problems. Solutions could include replacing the battery, formatting or replacing the memory card,
or adjusting the camera settings.

Fitness tracker (Barbara): Problems could include syncing issues, battery life, or accuracy
problems. Solutions could include resetting the device, optimizing the settings, or replacing the

Wireless headphones (Eric): Problems could include connectivity issues, audio quality problems, or
battery life. Solutions could include resetting the headphones, optimizing the Bluetooth settings,
or replacing the battery.

Smart TV (Rodrigo): Problems could include network connectivity issues, software errors, or
display problems. Solutions could include resetting the TV, updating software, or replacing faulty
hardware components.
Virtual reality headset (Jonathan): Problems could include connectivity issues, software errors, or
display problems. Solutions could include resetting the headset, updating software, or replacing
faulty hardware components.

Desktop computer (Sebastian): Problems could include slow performance, software errors, or
hardware malfunctions. Solutions could include clearing the cache, updating drivers or software,
or replacing faulty hardware components.

Portable charger (Edison): Problems could include slow charging, overheating, or compatibility
issues. Solutions could include optimizing the charger settings, using the right cable or adapter, or
replacing the charger.

Smart home device (Genesis): Problems could include connectivity issues, unresponsive voice
control, or software errors. Solutions could include resetting the device, optimizing the Wi-Fi
network, or updating software.

Smartwatch (Leandro): Problems could include connectivity issues, unresponsive touch screen, or
battery life. Solutions could include resetting the watch, optimizing the Bluetooth settings, or
replacing the battery.

Laptop (Benjamin): Problems could include slow performance, software errors, or hardware
malfunctions. Solutions could include clearing the cache, updating drivers or software, or replacing
faulty hardware components.

Smartphone (Francisco): Problems could include a cracked screen, battery drain, or connectivity
issues. Solutions could include replacing the screen, optimizing the battery settings, or resetting
the network settings.

Gaming console (Cristian): Problems could include network connectivity issues, software errors, or
hardware malfunctions. Solutions could include resetting the console, checking for updates, or
replacing faulty hardware components.

Fitness tracker (Barbara): Problems could include syncing issues, battery life, or accuracy
problems. Solutions could include resetting the device, optimizing the settings, or replacing the

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