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Situation 1:

Diana is frustrated that she did not receive her order yet. Her email:

“Where are my supplements? Ordered 2 weeks ago”.

Explanation: Diana hasn't received her order yet due to an insufficient delivery address. We have
to ask for a full and correct delivery address. The error was on our side, we haven’t received the
alert that shipping failed.

Situation 2:

Suzanne reached out to us claiming the package she received was damaged - supplements’ lids
were open.

Explanation: We have to ask for visual proof to inspect the damage, to inform the client that if
the damage is found we can issue a full refund or send the replacement package.

Situation 3:

John reached out to us claiming he hasn't received his order yet but waiting for so long already.
He is asking:

“What’s happening?? Where is my package?”

Explanation: We can see that the shipment got delayed and will reach the client in the next 3
weeks. Because of the Holidays season, there are fewer employees in our warehouse.

Situation 4:

John has reached out asking for ColonBroom usage:

“No instructions received!:(“

Explanation: Visit the link below and find the answer:

Situation 5:

Rick sent us an email, saying that he ordered three bottles of our supplement, but our product
hasn’t helped him and actually made things worse. He complains that he had an allergic reaction
to the product. It is clearly seen how frustrated the client is.

Explanation: Please find the best resolution for the client. You can choose from a refund,
replacement or guidance – suggesting using the product differently.

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