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Teacher’s role in sociological and psychological development of

By- Sonal Tiwari
Young children are like clay that must be molded carefully by elders and people around them, which can
either turn into a very beautiful vase, or nothing at all! As we know teachers are the second parents of
children who surround and teach them about life, the ways to act and develop in society as an excellent
human being and most importantly, emotional beings they are the ones who are looked up on by
children when they want opinions, their big portion of their personality is developed by their mentors.

The way students are treated in their developing years by teachers, impact their mental state. Some
mentors tend to not appreciate them and always, criticize that sometimes unfortunately, destructive,
instead of constructive. Teachers must try and maintain the balance of criticism and appreciation, so
that children don’t feel ignored by them. We know that ”We all do something, that rewards us”.

Applying this here means we should reward them and honor them for their good deeds, be it behavioral
and social, it would develop a recognition of what good have they done? And thus, it will help us
building good citizen, that is the most important need of the hour!

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