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A pleasant day to everyone I’m here to share my experience during lockdown that
made me realized many things about life. There are many things that I learned in lockdown
based on my experience. Lockdown maybe a terrifying experience to us but this leave lessons to
each one of us. I gained knowledge about life and also I get to know myself more during those
days. I encountered many trials that thought me and give a reason for me not to give up that’s
why I’m here today.

Lockdown and curfews impacted the way how we learned, the way our families earn
a living, and how safe we feel in our homes and communities where everything doesn’t feel
normal anymore. Days in lockdown were in opportunity for people to explore, discover and learn
many different things. Personally, during lockdown, I was able to test how far I could go and
what else I was capable of doing as I experienced new and different things and was able to learn
more about myself. One of the things I have learned during lockdown is that I was able to learn
how to drive a car and that makes me happy. Through that I was able build fun memories with
my friends I also learn to cook many fried dishes and I cook every time I’m hungry especially
when in midnight. I also discover my skills in playing online games and this is became my hobby
I spent most of my time with my friends and cousins during lockdown. I have learned many
things during lockdown where it benefits me physically and mentally.

I feel overwhelmed that we were able to bear all the responsibilities in life after
realizing how difficult life had been for me and for everyone after all that has occurred during
the lockdown. After all the experiences that taught me is the reason of what kind of person I am.
I am now able to put all of the new things I’ve learned to use and develop into a better version of
myself, the new me that can put up with the obstacles of life for the better of my family and me.

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