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Depression during pregnancy is a prevalent mental health condition that can have negative effects on both the mother and fetus. This
paper provides an overview of the risk factors and potential consequences of depression during pregnancy. Routine screening, diagnosis,
and treatment are essential for improving maternal and fetal health outcomes. Healthcare providers should prioritize the identification
.and management of depression during prenatal care

?risk for depression .

Some things increase your risk of depression These are called risk factors. Having a risk factor doesn’t mean you will develope
depression. But it may increase your chances.the patient should talk to health care provider about what can do to help reduce your

patient health care provider screens {check} for depression at prenatal care checkups. Screening means that patient provider asks the .
patient questions about patient risks, feelings and mood. If the screening shows that patient may be depressed or that patient are at
.risk for depression, patient provider can help patient get treatment

:Risk factors for depression during pregnancy include

patient ’ve had major depression the past

patient have a family history of depression

Even if patient ’ve been treated for depression and are feeling better, being pregnant can make depression worse and heavier or make
.it come back

patient pregnancy is unplanned or unwanted

.patient ’ve been sexually abused

patient have problems with her partner

patient became pregnant pregnant at an early age

.patient pregnancy is unplanned or unwanted. patient pregnant as a teenager

patient have stress in life, like being separated from her partner, the death of a loved one or patient ’re unemployed or have low
income, little education or little support from family or friends

patient have diabetes pregestational diabetes. This is diabetes patient have before pregnancy. Or it can be gestational diabetes. This is a
kind of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy

patient have complications during pregnancy, like being pregnant with multiples, birth defects and pregnancy loss Multiples is when
you’re pregnant with more than one baby. Birth defects are health conditions that are present at birth. Birth defects can cause
problems in overall health, how the body develops or how the body works. pregnancy loss is when partient baby dies before birth

The body goes through many changes during pregnancy. You may feel differently throughout pregnancy. Sometimes it takes you up an
emotional roller coaster and sometimes down. It is normal to feel different feelings You should reach out to a health care provider
:immediately. Symptoms of depression during pregnancy include

Constant thoughts of death or suicide .1

Depression for the whole day, about the first day for the last two weeks .2

Feelings of guilt, hopelessness or despair .3

Loss of interest in daily activities every day or the last two weeks .4

Problems with thinking, decision-making and concentration .5

If the patient has any of the above symptoms, the doctor may ask you any of these questions

patient have felt depressed or depressed or hopeless in the past ten weeks

In the past two weeks, he has felt little pleasure, little desire for pleasure, when doing things

If the patient answers yes to any of these questions, the patient's doctor or health care nurse may ask more questions about the
patient's illness

Symptoms and signs of depression during pregnancy

?How does a pregnant mother recognize the signs of depression

How can family or friends recognize depression in their loved one's pregnant mother? Family and friends should make sure to monitor
their loved one for signs of depression during pregnancy

Depression and pregnancy symptoms may be similar to those of someone who is normally depressed or may have slightly different

It is important to remember that hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy are normal and healthy. Occasional crying occurs in pregnant
mothers who are not depressed. Pregnancy is not only physically taxing but can be emotionally taxing. It is important to distinguish
between emotional fluctuations Pregnancy normals and symptoms of pregnancy depression should be treated by a medical professional
Symptoms of depression during pregnancy include

Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose depression before pregnancy because some of the warning symptoms of depression mirror many of
the normal symptoms of pregnancy including sleep problems

Changes in appetite

Lack of sexual desire


Difficulty concentrating Changes in mood or general emotional stability If you are not sure if your feelings are healthy

It is best for the pregnant mother to discuss her symptoms with her doctor to be safe

If you have five of these symptoms of depression every day for two weeks, you should seek help for most of the day

,Sadness due to mood



,ungratefulness or excessive depression ,


,separation from friends and family

loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities

weight loss ,

Weight gain greater than pregnancy weight gain Continued

loss of appetite or appetite

No problems sleeping

sleeping too much

fatigue or loss of energy

,Feeling worthless or guilty Problems thinking

concentrating and making decisions

Thinking about harming oneself (death, killing himself)

Headache and stomach problems

Harmful substances and use such as alcohol, tobacco or illicit drugs patient should visit the doctor

Some mood changes during pregnancy are natural, for example feeling tired or angry, but if you continue to feel down and hopeless, talk
to your GP or midwife

Prenatal signs and symptoms of depression include

Feeling sad in a low mood often tearful or feeling angry or easily angry at the loss of people and the world around you

Overeating or not eating

Negative thinking For example, worrying that you cannot take care of your baby, feeling guilty, having trouble concentrating and making
decisions, blaming yourself for problems or being hopeless

Diagnosis of 50 cases

Number of pregnant How many have How many

been depressed haven’t been
First pregnant 10 3
Second pregnant 3 1
Third pregnant 5 1
Fourth pregnant 7 2
Fifth pregnant 6 2
Sixth pregnant 5 3
Seventh pregnant 0 2

pregnant Under 18 years Over 18 years

First pregnant 1 12
Second pregnant 1 3
Third pregnant 0 6
Fourth pregnant 1 8
Fifth pregnant 4 4
Sixth pregnant 0 8
Seventh pregnant 0 2

There are two treatments for depression in pregnancy: psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with antidepressants. In case of mild
depression, psychotherapy is the first-line treatment, although it should be noted that this will be of little benefit for moderate or severe
symptoms. Pharmacotherapy, on the other hand, is indicated as first-line treatment for moderate to severe major depressive disorder in
pregnancy, but a number of weeks to months of continuous pharmacological treatment are needed in order to counteract depressive

Psychotherapy and alternative therapies

Reducing perinatal stress is an important objective in public health promotion and prevention. Maternal anxiety, depression and stress
lead to the aforementioned for foetal and maternal

psychotherapy, have demonstrated significant efficacy and important in treating depression in pregnancy.9 The importance of
psychotherapy interventions has been described, given their positive impact on foetal and maternal well-being and the family
environment. During work sessions, social problems such as intra-family violence, substance abuse by the pregnant woman or her
family, and sexually transmitted diseases like HIV should be addressed, always with a view to achieving greater female empowerment in
this regard


:Antidepressant medicines may be recommended for you if you have moderate or severe depression and

patient do not want to use psychological therapy

psychological therapy has not worked for patient

beter for patient to take a medicine

.Some people may benefit from having both psychological therapy and taking antidepressants

.recommend to patient Talk to a GP (or doctor in charge of care) about antidepressants that are safer to take during pregnancy

.The doctor will usually offer the type with the lowest risk for patient and baby

.doctor can explain the risks and the benefits, and will help patient decide which treatment is best for patient and baby

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