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Saint Mary’s University

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya



StudID 37459210 Date Submitted July 20, 2022


Essay quiz

1. Discuss the implications of using audio in a production, focusing on the purpose of the audio, how to manage
audio files, and copyright issues.

The most crucial component of multimedia is probably sound. Audio is used to set the tone and
atmosphere. The most popular kind of enjoyment in life is audio or sound. People's hearts are readily moved by
music. In every language, from a whisper to a roar, it is significant "speech". It can offer the enjoyment of music,
the shocking accent of special effects, or the atmosphere of a mood-setting background. Audio is the name for
the digital version of sound, whereas sound is the phrase used for its analog counterpart.

After making a recording, it will almost probably need to be edited. The following paragraphs cover the basic
sound editing techniques required for most multimedia procedures:-

1. Numerous Tasks: Capable of editing and combining multiple tracks, then merging and exporting the tracks in
a final mix to a single audio file.
2. Trimming: The first sound editing duty is to remove dead air or blank space from the beginning and needless
additional time from the end of a recording.
3. Splicing and assembly: You'll probably want to eliminate the unwanted sounds that unavoidably seep into
recording using the same techniques discussed for trimming.
4. Volume Adjustments: If you try to combine 10 individual recordings into a single track, it is unlikely that all of
the parts will have the same volume.
5. Format Conversion: In some circumstances, your digital audio editing software may read a format that is not
supported by your presentation or writing software.
6. Resampling or down sampling: If you recorded and modified your sounds at 16 bit sampling rates but are
utilizing lower rates, you must resample or down sample the file.
7. Equalization: Some applications provide digital equalization features that allow you to change the frequency
content of a recording to make it sound brighter or darker.
8. Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Some applications allow you to use DSP algorithms to manipulate the signal
with reverberation, multitap delay, and other unique effects.

2. List the four main sampling rates and the two sampling depths. Briefly describe what each is most useful for.
How does mono versus stereo come into the equation?

Sampling Rate:
The sampling rate is the number of samples of data taken in one second for each channel of audio being
recorded. CDs are recorded at 44,100 samples per second.

Main Sampling Rates

32,000 Hz - Standard Broadcast Rate

44,100 Hz - CD Quality
48,000 Hz - Standard DVD
96,000 Hz - Blu-Ray DVD Quality
Sampling Depths
16 bit - CD/DVD Audio/Pro Tools & LogicPro software.
24 bit - Blu-Ray Disc//Pro Tools & LogicPro software.

The difference is in the number of channels (signals) used. Mono uses one, stereo uses more than one.
In monaural sound one single channel is used. It can be reproduced through several speakers, but all speakers
are still reproducing the same copy of the signal.
Mono - Mono has only one channel. There for using Mono, listener can’t get the feeling sense of depth
as Stereo.
Stereo – Stereo has two independent channels. One for left and other one for Right. Both these signal
are similar but not exactly the same. These both channels are used to give the sense of depth to the listener.
The Equation of the Mono and Stereo

Sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit resolution / 8) * No of channels


Sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit resolution / 8) * 1 Stereo

Sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit resolution / 8) * 2

4. Describe what MIDI is, what its benefits are, and how it is best used in a multimedia project

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI allows electronic instruments and other
digital musical tools to create a bridge and make excellent music. A MIDI instrument is developed using part of
the Software and part of the Hardware. MIDI helps to compose music without the exact music instrument. Can
use MIDI keyboard and use predefined tones to compose music.

Advantages of MIDI

Compact - an entire song can be stored within a few hundred MIDI messages Compared to audio data which is
sampled thousands of times a second.

Easy to modify/manipulate notes - change pitch, duration, and other parameters without having to rerecord

Change instruments - MIDI only describes which notes to play, you can send these notes to any instrument to
change the overall sound of the composition.

5. List the steps you would go through to record, edit, and process a set of sound files for inclusion on a web site.
How would you digitally process the files to ensure they are consistent, have minimum file size, and sound
their best?

There are some steps in order to complete a set of sound files for inclusion on a web site. It will be start from record,
edit and process. Besides that, digitally process also the important part to ensure everything is being consistent. There
 The file size (in bytes) of a digital recording is sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit
resolution / 8) * number of tracks (1 for mono, 2 for stereo).
 Consumer-grade audio compact disc are recorded in stereo at a sampling rate 44.1 kHz and a 16-nit
resolution. Other sampling rates include 22.05 and 11 kHz, at either 16 or 18 bits.
 When recording (digitizing) audio, it's important to keep the recording level near the maximum without
going over it.
 Important steps in digital sound editing include removing blank space from the star and end of a recording
and normalizing the sound to bring all clips to approximately the same level.
 The native sound file formats for most Macintosh sound editing software are the SND and AIF formats, and
most editing software is a WAV file.
 Many audio editors provide tools such as resampling, fade-ins and -outs, equalization, time stretching,
various digital signal processing effects, and reversing sounds.


4.1 Go online and locate three sound editors (either from a shareware site or demo versions of commercial software).
Document their capabilities. What file formats can they import from and export to? How many tracks can they
handle? What DSP effects do they provide?

1. Audacity

Capabilities - Allows the user to make podcasts and the user to make their own disc collection and even digitize it. The
interface of the application is easy to navigate and there is availability of all the tools which are required by a
professional user. Keyboard shortcuts can also be used to maintain the workflow.

File formats that can be imported or exported are - Mp3, Wav and AIFF.

Audacity can handle 16 sound tracks from one device.

DSP effects - Compression short video, Amplification short video, echo, varius filters etc.
2. Sound Forge

Capabilities - The interface and the all the tools are completely customizable and the user can customize the interface as
he likes. The look and feel of the window supporting sound editor can also be changed. The toolbars can have the only
tools required by the user.

It can handle mutiple tracks at once.

File formats that can be imported or exported are - WMA, Wav, AIFF, Mpeg etc.

DSP effects - Delay effects, reverb effects, cleaning effects, various mastering effects.

3. Reaper

Capabilities - Also support for video formats, and also allow an audio file to overdub into a video file that the user has to
record. The interface is also customizable and the layout provides easy navigation.

File formats that can be imported or exported are - Mp3, AIFF, Wav, FFmpeg etc.

It can handle mutiple tracks at once.

DSP effects - ReaEQ, ReaGate etc.

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