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Flowers are the reproductive part of a plant. Most flowers are large and brightly coloured so
that they can attract insects. A typical flower has four whorls:

a) Calyx b) Corolla c) Androecium and d) Gynoecium

a) Calyx
It is the outermost whorl of the flower. It protects the flower in bud condition and is
responsible for photosynthesis as it is green in color. Calyx is made up of sepals.

b) Corolla
It is the second whorl of the flower. It is made up of petals that are usually brightly colored
and scented to attract insects for pollination.

c) Androecium
It is the third whorl of the flower and is the male part. Androecium is made up of stamens.
Each stamen has an anther and a filament. In the anther there are pollen grains present.
These pollen grains contain the male gamete.

d) Gynoecium
It is the innermost (fourth whorl) of the flower and is the female part. Gynoecium is made
up of the carpel (also called pistil). Each carpel has a stigma, a style and an ovary. The ovary
contains ovules. Inside the ovules there is the female gamete present.

After fertilization the ovary becomes the fruit and the ovules become the seed.

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