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Template Informative Speech

Title: Colossal Squid: Exploring the Depths

General Purpose: To inform the audience about the Colossal Squid and its unique

Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will have a better understanding
of the size, habitat, and feeding habits of the Colossal Squid.


Have you ever heard of the Colossal Squid? It's a creature that has captured the imagination
of many scientists and researchers. In fact, a few years ago, a team of scientists made a
remarkable discovery when they found a Colossal Squid specimen in the Southern Ocean.
The squid was almost perfectly preserved and measured a staggering 33 feet long. This
discovery gave researchers valuable insight into the anatomy and behavior of this elusive

Now, you might be wondering, what is a Colossal Squid and why is it so fascinating? That's
a great question, and one that I hope to answer in this speech.

Main Idea 1: Size

The Colossal Squid is one of the largest creatures in the ocean. Its size is a key feature that
sets it apart from other squids.

Detail 1: Length

The Colossal Squid can grow up to 46 feet long, which is longer than a school bus.

Detail 2: Weight

It can weigh up to 1,500 pounds, which is roughly the weight of a small car.
Detail 3: Eye size

The Colossal Squid has the largest eyes of any animal, measuring up to 11 inches in

Main Idea 2: Habitat

The Colossal Squid is a deep-sea creature that lives in the extreme depths of the ocean. Its
habitat is unique and largely unexplored.

Detail 1: Depth

The Colossal Squid can be found at depths of up to 7,000 feet, which is deeper than the
height of many mountains.

Detail 2: Temperature

The water temperature at these depths is just above freezing, which makes survival in this
environment extremely challenging.

Detail 3: Pressure

The pressure at these depths is more than 1,000 times greater than the pressure at the
surface, which is why the Colossal Squid has a unique anatomy that allows it to withstand
this pressure.


In summary, the Colossal Squid is a unique creature with fascinating characteristics. Its size,
habitat, and feeding habits make it a creature worth exploring and learning about. By
understanding the Colossal Squid, we can gain a better understanding of the ocean's
ecosystem and the importance of
protecting it.

The discovery of the perfectly preserved Colossal Squid specimen is just one example of the
many mysteries that still lie beneath the ocean's surface. I hope that this speech has piqued
your curiosity about the fascinating world of deep-sea creatures, and perhaps inspired you to
learn more about the Colossal Squid and other creatures that inhabit our oceans. Thank you
for listening.

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