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Similarities and differences in the rise to power of Hitler and Castro

Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of
war; weakness of political system
Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders;
ideology; the use of force; propaganda

Key event Hitler Castro

A failed attempt to seize power Munich Putsch, November 1923 Attack on the Moncada Barracks,
by force July 1953

The failed coup led to public The speech he gave at his trial The speech he gave at his trial
popularity (“The Goddess of History acquits (“History will absolve me”) and its
me”) and the book (Mein Kampf) subsequent publication as the
he wrote while in prison Moncada programme

Time in prison From November 1923-December From October 1953-May 1955;

1924; he was released after released during a government
serving nine months of a 5-year amnesty as Batista attempted to
prison sentence appear less dictatorial in the wake of
the widely condemned 1954

Method of gaining political Changed tactics and achieved Fought Guerilla war from November
power power through the democratic 1956- December 1958; achieved
process; President Paul Von power through military victory;
Hinden burg used his energy became de facto leader of Cuba
powers to make Hitler Chancellor January 1959
of Germany in January 1933
Use of force

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