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Further Training on Disciplinary Knowledge of Foreign Languages

Unit 3 The evolution of English Language Teaching

PPT Questions

1. How has your language-learning experience been? Do you remember any specific
non-contemporary method? (personal answer)

• Grammar-Translation Method
2. Why do you think the Grammar-Translation Method is named as such?
The Grammar Translation Method focuses on grammar and morphology, translation,
reading comprehension and memorization.
3. How does student motivation play in the Grammar-Translation method?
Student motivation can play a significant role in the effectiveness of the Grammar-
Translation Method. This method can be effective for learners who are motivated to learn a
foreign language for the purpose of reading literature or other written materials in the
original language, or for learners who want to improve their understanding of the grammar
and structure of the target language. However, for learners who are less motivated or who
are more interested in developing their speaking and listening skills, the Grammar-
Translation Method may not be as effective, as it does not provide many opportunities for
oral practice and focuses mainly on the study of grammar and vocabulary.

4. Textbooks in Grammar-Translation were almost “sacred”. Why do you think it

could be?
The typical textbook of this method was organised around specific grammar items. Each
grammar point was thoroughly described, and in order to illustrate rules and exceptions
sample sentences were given.
5. Despite having been heavily criticized, why do you think Grammar-Translation
has stood the test of time?
Grammar is taught deductively, i.e. first the grammar rules are introduced and later they
are practiced through translation exercises. All the rules of the language are gradually
given to the students from the simpler to the most difficult. The mother tongue of the
learners is used more than the language taught, so there is little use of the target language
for communication.
6. Can you think of any advantages to the Grammar-Translation Method? And
- It can be effective for learners who are motivated to learn a foreign language for the
purpose of reading literature or other written materials in the original language.
- It can be helpful for learners who want to improve their understanding of the grammar
and structure of the target language.
- It can be useful for learners who want to learn a foreign language for academic
purposes or to pass exams that test their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
- It does not provide learners with opportunities to develop their listening and speaking
skills, as the focus is mainly on reading and writing.
- It does not take into account the cultural aspects of the target language, which can make
it difficult for learners to understand and use the language appropriately in real-life
- It can be boring and tedious for some learners, as it involves a lot of memorization and
- It can be intimidating for learners who struggle with grammar and vocabulary, as the
emphasis is on accuracy and perfection rather than on communication.

• Direct Method
7. Why do you think the Direct Method is named as such?

The Direct Method, also known as the Natural Method, is named as such because it
emphasizes the use of the target language and avoids the use of the native language in
the classroom. The goal of this method is to teach language naturally, as it is used in real-
life situations, and to create an environment in which learners can acquire the language
through exposure and interaction.
8. What do you think the preferred order of skills would be in the Direct Method?
The preferred order of skills is usually listening and speaking, followed by reading and
writing. This follows the natural order in which language is acquired, as children typically
learn to listen and speak before they learn to read and write.
9. The textbook is not as prominent in the Direct Method as in others (e.g.
Grammar-Translation). Why do you think that is?
The Direct Method places a strong emphasis on the development of practical language
skills, and aims to create an environment in which learners can acquire the language
naturally through immersion and interaction.
10. What are the main differences between the Direct Method and Grammar-

11. Can you think of any advantages to the Direct Method? And disadvantages?
- It can be effective for learners who are motivated to learn a foreign language for the
purpose of communication , as it places a strong emphasis on the development of
speaking and listening skills.
- It can be helpful for learners who want to learn a foreign language in an immersive and
authentic environment, as it uses a variety of techniques and activities, such as role-
plays and dialogues, to engage learners in the target language.

- It can be useful for learners who want to develop their cultural understanding and
awareness, as it encourages learners to use the language in meaningful and authentic
ways and takes into account the cultural context in which language is used.
- It may not be suitable for learners who are struggling with grammar and vocabulary, as it
does not provide explicit grammar explanations and relies on immersion and interaction
to facilitate language acquisition.
- It may be challenging for learners who are not confident in their speaking and listening
skills, as it does not provide much support or scaffolding for language production.
- It may not be effective for learners who have a strong preference for visual or written
learning, as it does not place a strong emphasis on reading and writing skills.
12. How has the Direct Method influenced foreign language teaching?
The Direct Method has influenced language teaching in several ways. It has helped to shift
the focus of language instruction from the study of grammar and vocabulary to the
development of speaking and listening skills, and has emphasized the importance of
authentic and meaningful communication in language learning. It has also promoted the
use of a variety of techniques and activities, such as role-plays, dialogues, and realia, to
engage learners in the target language and to encourage them to communicate
13. Do you think the Second World War affected the teaching of Foreign
Languages? How?
The Second World War had a significant impact on the teaching of foreign languages, as it
brought about a greater need for people to be able to communicate in different languages
and to understand the cultures of other countries. During the war, many governments and
organizations recognized the importance of language education and invested in the
development of language programs and resources. In the United States, for example, the
government established the Defense Language Institute to train soldiers and other military
personnel in foreign languages, and the Office of War Information produced language-
learning materials and broadcasts to help civilians learn languages and understand the
cultures of allied and enemy countries.

• Audiolingual Method
14. Why do you think the Audiolingual Method is named as such?
This method proposes that listening and speaking should be gained first, since language is
primarily a spoken tool and its main aim is to communicate effectively.

15. Can you link the Audiolingual Method to any previous one? In what sense?
The basic and most important principle of this method is based on the oral ones just like
hte Direct Method.
16. The Audiolingual method introduces tape recorders and language laboratories.
Why are they so important?
Because they provided learners with opportunities to practice their listening and speaking
skills and to become more proficient in the target language since using tapes emphasized
drills and repetition as a means of developing speaking and listening skills.
17. Why do you think written materials are relegated from the beginning of the
The Audiolingual Method emphasizes the importance of oral communication and believes
that written skills should be acquired once learners have a solid foundation in listening and
18. Can you think of any advantages to the Audiolingual Method? And
- It can be effective for developing speaking and listening skills, as it emphasizes drills
and repetition to help learners acquire the habits of the target language.
- It can be helpful for learners who are motivated to learn a foreign language for the
purpose of communication, as it places a strong emphasis on oral skills.
- It can be useful for learners who want to learn a foreign language for academic or
professional purposes, as it provides a systematic and structured approach to language
- It does not take into account the cultural context in which language is used, and may not
provide learners with the knowledge and skills they need to use the language
appropriately in real-life situations.
- It places a strong emphasis on accuracy and perfection, and may not encourage
learners to take risks and make mistakes in their language production.
- It does not provide learners with many opportunities to engage in meaningful and
authentic communication, and may not foster the development of higher-level language
skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving.
- It can be boring and tedious for some learners, as it involves a lot of drills and repetition.
19. How has the Direct Method influenced foreign language teaching?

The Direct Method has influenced language teaching in several ways. It has helped to shift
the focus of language instruction from the study of grammar and vocabulary to the
development of speaking and listening skills, and has emphasized the importance of
authentic and meaningful communication in language learning. It has also promoted the
use of a variety of techniques and activities, such as role-plays, dialogues, and realia, to
engage learners in the target language and to encourage them to communicate

• Oral Approach
20. Why do you think the Oral Method is named as such? It is also called Situational
Language Teaching Method. Why is it?
Is named as such because it emphasizes the development of oral skills and the use of
authentic and meaningful communication in the language classroom. It is also called the
Situational Language Teaching Method because it uses a variety of techniques and
activities, such as role-plays, dialogues, to engage learners in authentic and meaningful
communication in a variety of real-life situations.
21. What are the main similarities between the Audiolingual and the Oral (or
Situational) Methods? And differences?

22. Why do you think visual aids are so important in the Oral Method?
This approach emphasizes the importance of context in language learning, and believes
that learners should be exposed to a variety of language-rich situations in order to develop
their language skills and cultural understanding.

23. Can you think of any advantages to the Oral Method? And disadvantages?
- It can be effective for learners who are motivated to learn a foreign language for the
purpose of communication, as it places a strong emphasis on oral skills and authentic
- It can be helpful for learners who want to learn a foreign language in an immersive and
authentic environment, as it uses a variety of techniques and activities, such as role-
plays and dialogues, to engage learners in the target language.
- It can be useful for learners who want to develop their cultural understanding and
awareness, as it emphasizes the importance of context in language learning and
encourages learners to use the language in meaningful and authentic ways.
- It can foster the development of higher-level language skills such as critical thinking and
problem-solving, as it encourages learners to engage in meaningful and authentic
- It may not be suitable for learners who are struggling with grammar and vocabulary, as it
does not provide explicit grammar explanations and relies on immersion and interaction
to facilitate language acquisition.
- It may be challenging for learners who are not confident in their speaking and listening
skills, as it does not provide much support or scaffolding for language production.
- It may not be effective for learners who have a strong preference for visual or written
learning, as it does not place a strong emphasis on reading and writing skills.
24. How has the Oral or Situational Language Teaching Method influenced foreign
language teaching?
The Oral Method has influenced language teaching in several ways. It has helped to shift
the focus of language instruction from the study of grammar and vocabulary to the
development of speaking and listening skills, and has emphasized the importance of
authentic and meaningful communication in language learning. It has also promoted the
use of a variety of techniques and activities, such as role-plays, dialogues, and realia, to
engage learners in the target language and to encourage them to communicate
meaningfully in a variety of real-life situations.
25. Do you prefer the Audiolingual Method, or the Oral Approach? Why?
The Audiolingual Method emphasizes the importance of oral communication and believes
that written skills should be acquired once learners have a solid foundation in listening and
speaking however the Oral approach is more focused on the context and real life

experiences, and can be really motivating for those who are engaged in learning a new

• The Silent Way

26. Why is it called “Silent Way”? Who is silent (teacher, student) and why?
The teacher is a silent observer and the student uses the target language as much as
possible. The teacher uses silence and gestures to encourage learners to correct their
own mistakes
27. Do you think the Silent Way caters for all of the students’ needs and profiles?
While the Silent Way may be effective for some learners, it may not cater to the needs and
profiles of all learners. For example, some learners may benefit from the opportunity to
take an active role in their own learning and to be responsible for their own progress, while
others may need more explicit guidance and support from the teacher. Some learners may
also have specific learning needs or preferences, such as a preference for visual or written
learning, that may not be addressed in the Silent Way.
28. Can you think of any advantages to the Silent Way Method? And disadvantages?
Some positive aspects of this approach are:
- It encourages learner-directed learning and autonomy.
- It increases participation and engagement.
- It creates a safe environment for the students, since they do not feel criticised by
anybody when they make a mistake.
The main drawbacks regarding this approach are that students may feel they are not
getting enough feedback and that progress might be slower than with other methods and
29. How has the Silent Way influenced foreign language teaching?
Its emphasis on self-discovery and active learning has influenced the development of
many other language-teaching approaches, such as the Communicative Approach.

• Community Language Learning

30. Community Language Learning does not offer a “conventional” syllabus, as the
previous methods did. Why do you think that is?
Its main purpose is to help learners reach a level in the target language close to their
mother tongue. The students are compared to actors that the teachers or instructors
observe from the outside, intervening only when necessary. In this sense, the teacher is

seen as a counsellor. Community Language Learning does not regard textbooks as

necessary. Why do you think that is?
No syllabus or book is used; learners decide what they want to study. Interaction is also
essential in this approach, since it promotes learning in a natural way and helps
relationships to flow positively among the community.

31. Can you think of any advantages to Community Language Learning? And
- It can be effective for learners who are motivated to learn a foreign language for the
purpose of communication and cultural understanding, as it emphasizes the importance
of authentic and meaningful communication in the language classroom.
- It can foster a sense of community and belonging among learners, as it emphasizes the
importance of supportive and caring relationships in the learning process.
- It can be useful for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges, as it allows
for individualized instruction and adapts to the unique needs and abilities of each
- It can be helpful for learners who are struggling with grammar and vocabulary, as it
provides explicit grammar explanations and encourages learners to reflect on their own
language production.
- It may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and systematic
approach to language learning, as it does not follow a fixed curriculum or syllabus.
- It may be challenging for learners who are not confident in their speaking and listening
skills, as it emphasizes the importance of authentic communication and may not provide
much support or scaffolding for language production.
- It may be difficult to implement in a large classroom setting, as it requires a high level of
interaction and participation from all learners.
- It may require a high level of commitment and engagement from both teachers and
learners, as it involves a lot of preparation and planning and may be time-consuming.

32. How has Community Language Learning influenced foreign language teaching?
It has encouraged teachers to adopt a more facilitative and supportive role, rather than a
traditional directive and authoritative role, and to create a caring and supportive learning
environment in which learners feel comfortable and confident to communicate in the target

language. Its emphasis on authentic communication, cultural competence, and

interpersonal relationships has influenced the development of many other language-
teaching approaches, such as the Communicative Approach.

• The Natural Approach

33. The Natural Approach and the Direct method have certain aspects in common.
Can you name them? Also, how are they different?
Here are some aspects that the Natural Approach and the Direct Method have in common:
- Both approaches emphasize the importance of oral communication and the
development of speaking and listening skills.
- Both approaches use authentic and meaningful communication as a primary means of
language instruction.
- Both approaches place a strong emphasis on the use of real-life situations and context
in language learning.
However, there are also some differences between the Natural Approach and the Direct
- The Natural Approach focuses on the natural acquisition of language and does not
provide explicit grammar explanations or correction, while the Direct Method provides
explicit grammar explanations and correction.
- The Natural Approach uses a variety of techniques and activities, such as realia and
role-plays, to engage learners in the target language, while the Direct Method uses a
more structured and systematic approach to language instruction.
- The Natural Approach places a strong emphasis on the affective and emotional aspects
of language learning, while the Direct Method places a strong emphasis on the cognitive
and intellectual aspects of language learning.

34. The Natural Approach’s Input Hypothesis refers to the idea that in order to move
forward in a stage i, the input received by the student needs to be really i+1. Why
do you think that is?
In order for learners to acquire a new language, they need to receive comprehensible input
that is slightly beyond their current level of proficiency. This helps learners to build
connections, stretch their cognitive abilities, and acquire new language forms and
meanings naturally and intuitively.
35. In the Natural Approach, it is argued that errors should be corrected when they
affect the learning, not the acquisition. Why do you think that is?

Correcting errors that affect communication and understanding can help learners to
improve their accuracy and fluency in the language and to use the language more
Correcting errors that do not affect communication and understanding can be demotivating
and frustrating for learners, as it can create a sense of failure and discourage them from
taking risks and trying out new language forms. By ignoring errors that do not affect
communication and understanding, teachers can create a more supportive and nurturing
learning environment, in which learners feel comfortable and confident to communicate in
the target language.
36. How has the Natural Way influenced foreign language teaching?
Its emphasis on authentic communication, communicative competence, and natural
language acquisition has influenced the development of many other language-teaching
approaches, such as the Communicative Approach.

• Suggestopedia
37. Although Suggestopedia is a Humanistic, affective-factor, student-centered
method, the teacher is considered an authority in the classroom. Why do you
think that is?
The teacher is considered an expert on the language and culture of the target language,
and is responsible for creating a supportive and caring learning environment in which
learners feel comfortable and confident to communicate in the target language.
38. One of the studies on the use of Suggestopedia (Nieves, 2012) reported that
teachers were fatigued from the experience. Could you think why that was?
Suggestopedia requires a high level of preparation and planning: Teachers need to create
a variety of learning materials and resources, such as music, art, and games, and to
design learning activities that engage learners in the language and culture of the target
language. This can be time-consuming and may require a significant investment of time
and effort.
39. Can you think of any advantages to Suggestopedia? And disadvantages?
- It can be effective for learners who are motivated to learn a foreign language for
personal growth and development, as it emphasizes the importance of the affective and
emotional aspects of language learning.
- It can foster a sense of community and belonging among learners, as it emphasizes the
importance of supportive and caring relationships in the learning process.

- It can be useful for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges, as it allows
for individualized instruction and adapts to the unique needs and abilities of each
- It can be helpful for learners who are struggling with grammar and vocabulary, as it
provides explicit grammar explanations and encourages learners to reflect on their own
language production.
- It may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and systematic
approach to language learning, as it does not follow a fixed curriculum or syllabus.
- It may be challenging for learners who are not confident in their speaking and listening
skills, as it emphasizes the importance of authentic communication and may not provide
much support or scaffolding for language production.
- It may be difficult to implement in a large classroom setting, as it requires a high level of
interaction and participation from all learners.
- It may require a high level of commitment and engagement from both teachers and
learners, as it involves a lot of preparation and planning and may be time-consuming.
40. How has Suggestopedia influenced foreign language teaching?
Suggestopedia has had a lasting impact on foreign language teaching and has helped to
shape many of the approaches and methods that are used in language classrooms today.
Its emphasis on authentic communication, communicative competence, and the affective
and emotional aspects of language learning has influenced the development of many other
language-teaching approaches, such as the Communicative Approach.

• Total Physical Response

41. Why do you think TPR is named as such?
In TPR, learners are asked to respond to commands and instructions given in the target
language through physical actions and movements, such as pointing, gesturing, and acting
out specific tasks or activities. The use of physical responses is believed to help learners
to acquire new language forms and meanings more easily and naturally, as it engages
multiple senses and channels of learning and helps to create meaningful and authentic
connections between language and action.
42. Would you consider that TPR follows a naturalistic tradition of language
teaching/learning? Why?
TPR can be considered a naturalistic approach to language teaching and learning
because it emphasizes the importance of authentic and meaningful communication, the

use of real-life situations and tasks, and the use of a variety of techniques and activities to
engage learners in the target language. Its focus on the natural and intuitive process of
language acquisition and its reliance on real-life situations and tasks aligns it with other
naturalistic approaches to language teaching and learning.
43. Considering that TPR draws on the coordination between speech and action, on
what part of speech would you consider it focuses? Why?
The main goal is to help learners develop their listening skills to later built on the other
44. Do you think that TPR caters all students’ needs and profiles? Why?
TPR may not cater to all students' needs and profiles, as it is primarily focused on the
acquisition of imperative and exclamatory sentences and may not provide enough support
or scaffolding for learners who are struggling with other aspects of language learning or
who have specific learning needs or challenges.
45. Can you think of any advantages to TPR? And disadvantages?
- It can be effective for learners who are struggling with grammar and vocabulary, as it
provides explicit grammar explanations and encourages learners to reflect on their own
language production.
- It can be helpful for learners who are not confident in their speaking and listening skills,
as it provides a supportive and non-threatening environment for language learning and
encourages learners to communicate in the target language through physical actions
and movements.
- It can foster a sense of community and belonging among learners, as it emphasizes the
importance of supportive and caring relationships in the learning process.
- It can be useful for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges, as it allows
for individualized instruction and adapts to the unique needs and abilities of each
- It may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and systematic
approach to language learning, as it does not follow a fixed curriculum or syllabus.
- It may not provide enough support or scaffolding for learners who are struggling with
other aspects of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation.
- It may not be suitable for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges, such
as visual or hearing impairments, as it relies heavily on physical responses and may not
provide enough support or accommodations for these learners.

- It may require a high level of commitment and engagement from both teachers and
learners, as it involves a lot of preparation and planning and may be time-consuming.

46. How has TPR influenced foreign language teaching?

It has helped to shift the focus of language instruction from the study of grammar and
vocabulary to the development of communicative competence and the use of authentic
and meaningful communication in the language classroom. It has also promoted the use of
a variety of techniques and activities, such as role-plays and simulations, to engage
learners in authentic and meaningful communication in the target language.

47. Have you ever been trained in any of these Humanistic Approaches? How was
your experience? Would you use them in class? (personal answer)

• The Reading Method

48. Do you know the Reading Method? What are the most important contributions of
the Reading Method to FLT?
The Reading method is based on the idea that reading authentic and meaningful texts in
the target language can help learners to acquire new language forms and meanings more
naturally and effectively. It has made important contributions to FLT by promoting the use
of authentic and meaningful texts, helping learners to develop reading skills and strategies,
and encouraging learners to reflect on their own reading and comprehension processes.
Its emphasis on reading and comprehension has helped to shape many of the approaches
and methods that are used in language classrooms today.
49. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the Reading Method?
- It helps learners to develop reading skills and strategies, such as skimming, scanning,
and inferencing, which can be applied to other language skills and tasks, such as
listening, speaking, and writing.
- It provides learners with authentic and meaningful exposure to the target language,
which can help them to acquire new language forms and meanings more naturally and
- It promotes the use of authentic and meaningful texts, such as news articles, stories,
and poems, which can engage learners and encourage them to read more extensively
and deeply.


- It encourages learners to reflect on their own reading and comprehension processes,

which can help them to become more independent and self-directed learners.
- It helps learners to develop cultural knowledge and understanding, as authentic texts
often provide insight into the culture and values of the target language community.
- It may not be suitable for learners who are struggling with reading and comprehension
skills, as it does not provide much explicit grammar instruction or vocabulary
- It may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and systematic
approach to language learning, as it does not follow a fixed curriculum or syllabus.
- It may not provide enough support or scaffolding for learners who are struggling with
other aspects of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation.
- It may not be suitable for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges, such
as visual or hearing impairments, as it relies heavily on reading and may not provide
enough support or accommodations for these learners.
- It may require a high level of commitment and engagement from both teachers and
learners, as it involves a lot of preparation and planning and may be time-consuming.

• Other approaches
50. What is the basis of the Situational Approach? What are its advantages and
The Situational Approach is based on the belief that language learning is an active process
that involves the use of real-life situations and tasks as the basis for language instruction.
It focuses on the needs and interests of learners and aims to provide learners with the
language skills and strategies they need to communicate effectively in real-life situations.

- It provides learners with authentic and meaningful exposure to the target language.
- It promotes the use of real-life situations and tasks as the basis for language instruction,
- It encourages learners to reflect on their own language use and learning processes,
which can help them to become more independent and self-directed learners.
- It helps learners to develop language skills and strategies that are relevant and
applicable to real-life situations, which can foster their confidence and competence in
the target language.


- It helps learners to develop cultural knowledge and understanding, as real-life situations

and tasks often provide insight into the culture and values of the target language
- It may not be suitable for learners who are struggling with language learning, as it does
not provide much explicit grammar instruction or vocabulary development.
- It may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and systematic
approach to language learning, as it does not follow a fixed curriculum or syllabus.
- It may not provide enough support or scaffolding for learners who are struggling with
other aspects of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation.
- It may not be suitable for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges, as it
may not provide enough support or accommodations for these learners.
- It may require a high level of commitment and engagement from both teachers and
learners, as it involves a lot of preparation and planning and may be time-consuming.

51. What is the most important contribution of the Situational Approach to Foreign
Language Teaching?
Promoting the use of authentic and meaningful communication in the target language and
by helping learners to develop language skills and strategies that are relevant and
applicable to real-life situations. Its emphasis on authentic communication and the use of
real-life situations has influenced the development of many other language-teaching
approaches, such as the Communicative Approach and the Task-Based Language
Teaching (TBLT) approach.

52. What are the advantages of the Audiovisual and the Structural Global
Audiovisual methods? And their disadvantages?
- They provide learners with authentic and meaningful exposure to the target language,
which can help them to acquire new language forms and meanings more naturally and
- They promote the use of audio and visual materials, such as films, videos, and
photographs, which can engage learners and encourage them to listen and watch more
extensively and deeply.


- They help learners to develop listening and viewing skills and strategies, such as note-
taking, summarizing, and predicting, which can be applied to other language skills and
tasks, such as speaking and writing.
- They encourage learners to reflect on their own language use and learning processes,
which can help them to become more independent and self-directed learners.
- They help learners to develop cultural knowledge and understanding, as audio and
visual materials often provide insight into the culture and values of the target language
- They may not be suitable for learners who are struggling with listening and viewing
skills, as they do not provide much explicit grammar instruction or vocabulary
- They may not be suitable for learners who prefer a more structured and systematic
approach to language learning, as they do not follow a fixed curriculum or syllabus.
- They may not provide enough support or scaffolding for learners who are struggling with
other aspects of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation.
- They may not be suitable for learners who have specific learning needs or challenges,
such as visual or hearing impairments, as they rely heavily on audio and visual materials
and may not provide enough support or accommodations for these learners.
- They may require a high level of commitment and engagement from both teachers and
learners, as they involve a lot of preparation and planning and may be time-consuming.

53. How have them influenced Foreign Language Teaching?

By promoting the use of authentic and meaningful audio and visual materials and the
development of listening and viewing skills and strategies. They have also encouraged
learners to become more independent and self-directed and have helped to cultivate
cultural knowledge and understanding.
54. The Communicative Approach, despite its criticisms, has been very influential in
FL teaching. Why? Can you give examples of it?
It focuses on the needs and interests of learners and aims to provide learners with the
language skills and strategies they need to communicate effectively in real-life situations.
It also promotes the use of authentic and meaningful materials, such as news articles,
stories, and poems, which can engage learners and encourage them to read more
extensively and deeply.


It encourages learners to reflect on their own language use and learning processes, which
can help them to become more independent and self-directed learners.
It also helps learners to develop cultural knowledge and understanding, as real-life
situations and tasks often provide insight into the culture and values of the target language

Some examples of the Communicative Approach in action include the use of role-plays
and simulations to engage learners in authentic and meaningful communication in the
target language, the use of pair and group work to encourage learners to interact and
communicate with each other, and the use of task-based activities to provide learners with
the opportunity to use the target language to solve real-life problems and complete real-life

55. Out of all the methods and approaches seen, which one do you like best and
The Communicative Approach provides a more holistic and practical approach to language
learning that is better suited to the needs of learners in the real world.

Pdf Questions
1. Have you ever been trained in any of these methods? What was your experience
with them?(personal answer)

2. Did your teachers in school or high school use any of these two methods
(classical methods)? From your point of view, what positive or negative aspects
would you highlight?(personal answer)

3. Do you think these methods (Structuralist) can be useful for you in the future?
Structuralist methods are outdated and no longer effective in an age where learners need
to communicate and interact with others in real-time and online. However they provide
learners with a systematic and explicit foundation for language learning and help them to
develop the skills and strategies they need to communicate effectively in the target
language. The usefulness of structuralist methods for students in the future will depend on


the needs and goals of the learners, the objectives of the course, and the context in which
the language is being learned.

4. Which of these approaches (Structuralist Methods + humanistic approaches) do

you think might be more useful for you in the future? Why?
Structuralist methods might be more useful for learners who are looking for a systematic
and explicit foundation for language learning and who are interested in studying and
analyzing the underlying structure of the language.
Humanistic approaches, on the other hand, might be more useful for learners who are
looking for a more personalized and learner-centered approach to language learning and
who are interested in exploring their own feelings, thoughts, and values in the target

5. In which contexts do you think these (other approaches) different approaches

could be useful? Why?

The Reading Approach could be useful in contexts where learners need to develop
reading skills and strategies, such as note-taking, summarizing, and predicting, and where
there is a need to expose learners to a wide range of authentic and meaningful texts in the
target language.

TPR could be useful in contexts where learners need to develop listening and speaking
skills and where there is a need to provide learners with a variety of physical and
interactive activities that engage them in the target language.

The Structural Global Audiovisual Method could be useful in contexts where learners need
to develop listening and viewing skills and strategies and where there is a need to expose
learners to authentic and meaningful audio and visual materials in the target language.

The Situational Approach could be useful in contexts where learners need to develop
language skills and strategies that are relevant and applicable to real-life situations and
where there is a need to expose learners to authentic and meaningful texts and materials
that reflect the culture and values of the target language community.


6. Why do you think the Communicative Approach became the basis for other
approaches to Language Teaching?
The Communicative Approach, has become the basis for many other approaches to
language teaching because it addresses many of the limitations of traditional methods
such as the Grammar-Translation Method and the Audiolingual Method.
One reason for its popularity is that it recognizes that the primary purpose of language is to
communicate, and therefore places a strong emphasis on the development of speaking
and listening skills. It also takes into account the cultural context in which language is
used, and encourages learners to use the language in meaningful and authentic ways.
Additionally, the Communicative Approach emphasizes the importance of interaction and
collaboration in language learning, and provides learners with a variety of activities and
tasks that engage them in meaningful communication.
Overall, the Communicative Approach provides a more holistic and practical approach to
language learning that is better suited to the needs of learners in the real world.


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