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Belle Époque

The Belle Époque, also known as the golden age in Paris, was a time of peace,

economic and social prosperity for the world, this event lasted from 1871 to 1914

approximately, on the other hand in this period appeared many changes in people's lives.

This event occurred at the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century,

after the Franco-Prussian War from 1870 to 1871, this event ended with the defeat of France,

and concluded before the First World War that took place in the years 1914 to 1918, we must

also know that this event not only happened in Paris, but it extended to a large part of


In these years people saw many changes in the technological and scientific ambits, for

example the invention of the automobile, of the airplane, of the electric lamp, of the

cinematograph and more, also in the artistic field we discovered the theater, cinema and

painting exhibitions, becoming a daily routine of humanity, moreover people could

appreciate that medicine and chemistry increased the hope life of the person, on the other

hand Niestzsche and Freud discussed about sexuality, besides the golden age marked

different aspects, such as the brilliant life in the European capitals, the artistic experience and


The Belle Époque did not benefit the entire population in the same way since the poor

class did not enjoy these changes, so this community emigrated to America fulfilling their

"American dream", thus leaving their hometown, also at this time Nueva León experienced a

change in the economic sphere, Monterrey, in particular, went from being a simple

manufacturing and commercial center to an important industrial city, thus marking the
economic impulse of the Northwest. Also, its strategic border with the United States, the Gulf

of Mexico and the Comarca Lagunera, helped to facilitate commercialization, since its border

connections made crossing the border easier.

When talking about the Belle Époque, we can see that it was more than a cultural

movement, since it was an important event because it promoted progress in different areas,

such as the generalization of the use of electricity or Einstein's theory of relativity in 1905, it

also influenced art, architecture and music, these great achievements led to celebrate the first

Universal Exposition in 1889, making this a motivation for the construction of the Eiffel

Tower, on the other hand the first World Fair was held in 1889. Decourelle obtained in 1907

the first cab license granted to a woman in Paris and, finally, we have the Treaty of the Triple

Alliance, signed by Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy on May 20, 1882.

In conclusion, we can say that the Belle Époque was a period that brought with it

many advances, both technological and scientific, in addition to the art industry progressed

significantly, we also saw many important events and inventions, so we can see that it was a

cycle with many advances in various aspects.


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Drezner, M. (2021, 19 November). The Belle Époque. ELESPECTADOR.COM. Retrieved

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Esteban, M. Á. (2015, 1 July). The Belle Époque (1870-1914) and the world between the
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