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Pure Storage Administration Associate Exam

Notice of Exam Results

Candidate: Rafael De La Cruz Heredia Exam Date: 01-30-2022

Candidate ID: PS00133454 Registration Number: 1766

Pass/Fail: FAIL

We regret to inform you that you did not achieve the passing score required on the Pure Storage Administration
Associate Exam. Please refer to the diagram on the next page for a more detailed explanation regarding your

You may register to retake the examination within 72 hours in accordance with the retake policy. You can login to
the CertMetrics page to confirm your results, track examination attempts, and/or manage any current certifications
you may have.

As a reminder, you are bound by the Non-Disclosure Agreement you accepted when taking your exam, and you are
expected to keep the contents of the examination secure.

Best wishes for your future success in achieving your Certification.

Pure Storage Administration Associate Exam
Breakdown of Exam Results

The information in the table below details the composition of the Pure Storage Administration Associate Exam and
your performance in each of the exam sections. The table includes the classifications of your performance at each
section level.

This information is designed to provide general feedback concerning your examination performance. The
examination is scored using a compensatory scoring model, which means you do not need to “pass” the individual
sections. Please keep in mind that each section has a specific weighting on the examination, so some sections have
more questions than others. This information is general in nature, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses.

Meets Competencies: Performance at this level demonstrates knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of a passing

Informed but not Competent: Performance at this level demonstrates some knowledge, skills, and abilities expected
of minimally qualified candidate but not yet at the level of a passing candidate.

Needs Improvement: Performance at this level does not demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of a
passing candidate.

Score Performance

% of Scored Needs Informed but Meets

Section Items Improvement not Competent Competencies

Section 1: Administration 36.00% X

Section 2: Monitoring 32.00% X

Section 3: Troubleshooting 20.00% X

Section 4: Data Recovery 12.00% X

Disclaimer: Pure Storage Certification exams are designed to make pass/fail decisions based on the total exam score.
Section level results are designed to provide direction on areas where a candidate may be weak. Candidates should
exercise caution when interpreting the above section level score information as it is less reliable than the total exam

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