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Top 10: Anti-Aging Commandments

We all know that killing, stealing and lying aren’t going to get you on the big guy’s good side. And
save for a few incomplete truths, you’re probably running a pretty clean record. But what about
sins against yourself? Surely there should be rules for keeping your own body and mind in tip-top
condition. And that’s precisely why we decided to devise our own set of commandments for
turning back the hands of time.

No.10 Thou shalt know stress-killing tools

Stresscan sacrifice more than a single night’s sleep. It has also

been linked to an increased risk of everything from eczema to heart
disease to depression. So what’s the big secret to keeping your
cool? Develop a routine, be flexible when things don’t go your way
and take time out before you reach a breaking point. No matter how
tightly wound you are, 20 minutes with a book, a brief walk or even
some deep breathing can all help release excess tension.

No.9 Thou shalt eat anti-aging foods

Turns out the old saying is true: You really are what you eat. So why
not dine on age-defying foods? Lycopene found in fresh tomatoes and
lutein in leafy greens help protect the skin from sun damage. Beta-
carotene in yams and vitamin C in citrus likewise keep your skin
smooth and supple. Oh, and while a nice piece of pink salmon packed
with omega-3 fatty acids will also keep your skin glowing, it also
promotes healthy hair, strong nails and a sharp mind.

No.8 Thou shalt whiten teeth

Coffee and cola are probably putting the dimmer on your teeth. While
professional bleaching is all the rage (not to mention more
affordable than ever), over-the-counter remedies have come a long way
over last few years. You’ll be surprised how fast those strips can
clean away stains and boost brightness.

No.7 Thou shalt exercise regularly

It’s on everyone’s long list of resolutions, but few actually

follow through. Those that do know the benefits of running, lifting
weights, and sweat-soaked sessions of Bikram. Just 30 minutes three
times a week can lower blood pressure, keep cholesterol in check,
stave off certain types of cancer, and boost testosterone production.
Hopefully, we don’t have to tell you what that means.

No.6 Thou shalt get a full night's sleep

We know it can be tough to pencil in enough bedtime despite the old

eight-hour rule. And though everyone is different, experts agree that
not getting enough sleep isn’t just bad news for operating heavy
machinery: It also hastens the aging process by prompting the
breakdown of precious skin-firming collagen. Hit the sack early and

No.5 Thou shalt remove excess hair

Even if you’re losing hair where it belongs, don’t let it sprout up

where it has no business being. Strays on the brow, a lonely tendril
hanging from the nose, a patch on the ear or a rug on the back --
they’re all prime candidates for a date with a scissor and a
professional wax technician.

No.4 Thou shalt use anti-aging grooming products

When it comes to your regular routine, picking the right products is

what counts the most. Start by circling your efforts around your
weekly battle with the blade. Reach for a razor that won’t rip up
your face. Typically, one from the five-blade manual variety works
best. Then, select a supporting cast: a skin-softening pre-shave oil,
shaving gel and moisturizing balm. Finally, finish things off with an
SPF-fortified lip balm and wrinkle-preventing eye cream.

No.3 Thou shalt dress your age

Nothing ages you faster in the style department than shopping in your
kid’s closet. And dipping into grandpa’s stash of sweaters doesn’t
fare much better. The basic idea: focus on fit, invest in quality and
take risks from time to time. At the very least, you’ll end up in
the right decade, and if you’re lucky, win back a few years from
Father Time.

No.2 Thou shalt not smoke

Next to sun exposure, nothing else speeds up the aging process faster
than smoking. Aside from a whole host of cancers, yellow teeth, and a
nasty smell, the nicotene in cigarettes causes blood vessels to
constrict. This, in turn, damages collagen and starves the skin of
vital oxygen and nutrients. The result: premature wrinkling,
particularly on the face.

No.1 Thou shalt wear sunscreen

It’s the single most important thing you can do for your skin. Too
much sun exposure causes fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and
worst of all, cancer. Use moisturizer with SPF 15 already built in
for everyday play, and slather on the special stuff with SPF 30 when
you’re outside for the long haul.

First Impression

This article makes me






A Better Man

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