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Conflict is a condition or state of human interaction in which there is disharmony or a perceived

difference in interests, needs, or goals. Conflict is a type of competitive behavior between
individuals or groups. When two or more persons fight over perceived or real competing aims or
limited resources, it’s known as conflict.

When two or more people or groups think they have conflicting goals, a social conflict arises.
It’s a natural consequence of our different ideas, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and social
systems and structures. It’s just as essential to our existence as evolution is. The dictionary
definitions define the conflict noun as a disagreement, dispute, or clash between people.

Conflict is understood as a struggle, clash, or battle between two forces, usually with the aim of
winning or gaining control over something. Conflict can be physical, like a fight or war, or it can
be mental or emotional, like a disagreement between friends. Conflict can also be a more abstract
struggle, as the conflict between good and evil.

Conflict is a mental struggle, often avoidance, between two opposing forces. It may be internal,
as in the case of individual struggles, or external, as in the case of current intensive
confrontations between state and anglophone separatists. Conflict is generally seen as negative,
and that is why it people necessarily suggest to avoid conflict as much as possible.

However, it can also be seen as necessary and even beneficial. Conflict can lead to growth, new
understandings, and increased cooperation. It can also be a source of creativity and problem-
solving. For these reasons, conflict should not necessarily be avoided, but rather managed in a
way that is constructive and beneficial for all parties involved.
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Reasons why conflicts are common in urban planning

Different values, beliefs, or opinions. Conflict can occur when people in a given urban setting
that is being planned for have different values, beliefs, or opinions. This is often the case with
religious or political issues. This impendes the implementation of urban development plans

Competition for limited resources. Conflict in urban planning can occur when two or more
people or groups compete for limited resources. This is often the case with economic issues that
might arise from resource utilization.

Personality differences. Conflict can occur when people have different personality types. This
is often the case with the planning implementing authorities within urban centres that are being
planned. The personality differences cause misunderstandings which finally lead to conflicts

Communication problems. Conflict can occur when communication is poor. This can happen
when people don’t understand each other or when they have different ways of communicating.
Poor communication from the leaders of urban centres can lead to misunderstanding among
people which leads conflicts

Competition for power or control. Conflict can occur when two or more people or groups
want power or control. This is often the case with political issues. Some politicians can for
example ally with the urban communities to oppose urban planning efforts for the reasons related
to politics

Different interpretations of facts. Conflict can also occur when two groups have different
interpretations of the same set of facts. This can happen when there is a disagreement about what
something means or how it should be interpreted. These different interpretations can lead to
conflict if people believe that their interpretation is the only correct one. People involved in
urban planning and those affected by urban planning can interpret policies differently leading to

Different values. Conflict can also occur when two groups have different values. This can
happen when they disagree about what is important or what is good. When people believe that
their own values are the only correct ones then conflict occurs.
Different goals. Conflict can also occur when two groups have different goals. These different
goals can lead to conflict if people believe that their own goals are the only correct ones. People
and agencies involved in urban planning can at times have different goals which results in

Different needs. Conflict can also occur when two groups have different needs. This can happen
when they need different things or when they have different ideas about what is necessary. These
different needs can lead to inevitable conflict if people believe that their own needs are the only
correct ones.

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The following should be done to avoid conflicts in urban planning

Transparency: Making the planning process transparent and open to public scrutiny can help
build trust and avoid conflicts.

Long-term thinking: Planning for the long-term, rather than just short-term gains, can help
avoid conflicts that may arise from short-sighted development decisions.

Flexibility: Flexibility in zoning and land use regulations can allow for different types of
development to occur and can help avoid conflicts between developers and residents.

Environmental sustainability: Incorporating environmental sustainability considerations into

planning can help avoid conflicts over environmental concerns down the line.

Cultural and historic preservation: Incorporating cultural and historic preservation concerns
into planning can help avoid conflicts over the protection of heritage buildings and sites.

Comprehensive planning: Comprehensive planning involves considering all aspects of

development, including land use, transportation, housing, and environmental factors, in a
coordinated manner to avoid conflicts down the line.

Community involvement: Engaging the community in the planning process can help ensure that
their needs and concerns are taken into account. This can be done through public meetings,
workshops, and surveys.
Collaboration: Collaboration between different stakeholders, such as developers, community
members, and government officials, can help ensure that everyone's interests are considered and
conflicts are avoided.

In conclusion, conflict is an unavoidable part of life. It’s an essential part of our existence.
Conflict can be a positive force that leads to growth and development. It can also be a negative
force that leads to destruction and violence. Conflict can be managed in a way that leads to
positive outcomes. It can also be managed in a way that leads to negative outcomes. Conflict
management is the process of dealing with conflict in a constructive way

Davoudi, S. (2011). The legacy of positivism and the emergence of interpretive tradition in
spatial planning. Regional Studies, 46, 429–441.

Davoudi, S. (2012). Climate risk and security: New meanings of ‘the environment’ in the
English planning system. European Planning Studies, 20, 49–69.

Fainstein, S. (2010). The just city. New York: Cornell University Press. Flint, C. (2006). Cities,
war, and terrorism: Towards an urban geopolitics. Annals of the Association of American
Geographers, 96, 216–218.

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