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1. understanding api

2. understanding restapi

3. basic django setup

4. installation

5. models and migrations

6. creating json response -all elements

7. creating json response - individual elements

8. drf introduction

9. drf project

10. serializers get request

11. serializers - POST, PUT, DELETE request

12. status codes

13. APIview class

14. validation

15. serializer fields and core arguments

16. model serializer

17. custom serializer fields

18. updating models

19. django relationships

20. nested serializers

21. serializer relations

22. hyperlinked model serializer

23. serializer relations

24. GenericAPIView and Mixins

25. URL Structure

27. concrete view classes

28. overwrite queryset

29. viewsets and routers

30. modelviewsets
33. postman

34. user model

35. temporary login and logout

36. introduction to permissions

37. custom permissions

38. custom calculation

39. introduction to authentications

40. basic authentication

41. token authentication 1, 2, 3(login, registration, registration, logout)

47. manual testing entire project- part1, part2

49. JWT Authentication (access Token and Refresh Token, login, registration)

50. throttling introduction

51. throttling rate(anon and user, custom and scope)

55. filtering introduction, filter , search, ordering, project update.

58. pagination part( pagenumber, limitoffset, cursor,

61. browsable api update.

62. api testing ( registration, login and logout, streamplatform, watchlist,

reviewtestcase, usertestcase, )

68. test driven developmrnt - TDD

69. project completed

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