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Task 1: (5/5/2018)

The provided table illustrates data about changes in the

percentages of citizens at different physical fitness levels in
a specific country between 1999 and 2009. 

In general, what stands out from the table is that normal

weight was the most common weight range of both
genders over the given period. It is also noted that almost all
the weight categories experienced steady upward trends
despite some variations. 
A closer look at the table reveals that in 1999, the percentage
of normal weight women was the largest with 29%, while
those belonging to overweight level was the least
significant with 18%. Meanwhile, regarding data of men,
normal weight was the most common physical fitness level
standing at 41%. In comparison, only 22% of men were

Turning the other information of the given table, it is

apparent that the underweight and overweight ranges of
women witnessed equal slight declines of 1%. Besides, the
normal weight rate of women still was at its peak despite a
moderate decrease to 47%. In terms of weight levels of men,
normal weight men underwent the most considerable
increase to 47%. A similar trend was seen in those who
were underweight, but the figure was smaller (23%).
However, the opposite phenomenon was witnessed in the
percentage of overweight men with 19%.

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