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Assessment Cover Sheet

Student ID Number/s: Student Last name/s: Student First name/s:


Course: Bachelor of networking Data Analysis School: School of Information

Unit code:BN104 Unit title: Operating System
Due date: June 3rd,2022 Date submitted: June 3rd,2022 Campus: Sydney
Lecturer’s Name: Dr Fareed Ud Din Tutor: Muhammad Rana

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I/We declare and certify that:
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MIT ID Signature Date
MIT22068 Niwash Ranjit June 3rd 2022


Assignment 2-Questions Introduction to operating System

Question 1

(5+5+5 = 15 marks)

Research on the integration of hardware, operating systems and application software and answer
the following:

1. How do computer hardware, OS and application programs work together? (5 Marks)

Computer hardware refers to the physical component needed for a computer system to
function. Everything that has a circuit board; including the motherboard, graphics card and
CPU falls upon the computer hardware. Whereas, Operating systems are the interface
between a computer user and its hardware. It handles all the basic functions of the
computer such as managing files, memory and process. Similarly, Application software is a
comprehensive program that performs a specific function directly for a user. They are
completely different components of a computer. Because of the computer’s operating
system and CPU, they work together and coordinate to perform. This combination of
hardware and software is known as “System Integration”. Neither the computer’s hardware
nor software can work independently. Providing information about and guiding the
hardware is the role of the software. However, the software does not have complete control
of the hardware. Instead, it remains in the hardware. Therefore, every hardware device is a
software device. The operating system integrates the software and hardware to allow the
computer to run the application.


The above figure shows how the computer hardware and software can work together
because of the central processing unit and operating system. Your operating system serves
as a translator between you and your computer's central processing unit, or brain. It
encapsulates instructions so that you don't have to write code all the time to access your
hardware devices. When you turn on your computer, the operating system is loaded into
RAM, a storage device, and then runs. The remainder of the operating system is
subsequently booted, and your gadget comes to life.

2. Discuss the steps involved with their interactions. (5 Marks)

Similarly, the operating system interacts with a program in a variety of ways, including:
It loads your program from storage (disc or other) depending on commands sent to the
operating system by you (or another app). It assesses data saved with your program to
determine what resources the app requires, such as memory, devices, disc (storage), a
network, and so on. Some of the steps involved with the interaction of hardware, OS and
application are given below:

a) Collecting Requirements.
The first phase usually consists of one or more meetings that share ideas and needs
with the system integrators. It is important that you and your team fully understand
your expectations for the future systems and their components.

b) Research.
After listing expectations and specifications for the future software, a thorough
analysis is performed by business analysts to determine operational feasibility. This
allows IT companies to connect the system vision with your vision.

c) Design of Architecture.
As a result of the analysis, the system integrator is ready to perform the process of
connecting the subsystems. However, before you start, you need to lay a solid
foundation for eliminating all risks. Therefore, in the next phase, we will focus on
developing a strategy that integrates multiple components so that they can function
as a whole.

d) Design of system integration

As it involves actual integration, it is the most time consuming and difficult phase of
the process. Based on this, a physical equivalent of the architecture design is
established, which is a logical design.
e) Implementation
Once the system is ready, you can validate and test it. If the test engineer finds bugs,
fix them and test the system again to make sure the product you received is free of
bugs. Only then will the order be valid and you will enjoy it.

Question 2

Report examples of five systems where a Hybrid operating system is required. Also, justify
the requirement of the hybrid operating system for these five systems. (5 Marks)
Hybrid Operating systems are defined as the system that allows two operating systems to
run on one device at the same time. They may contain numerous operating systems with
varying approaches to performance, security, and usability requirements, among other
things. Some of the examples of a hybrid operating system are:
I. Mac OS: The Mac operating system has a layered structure akin to a hybrid
system. Besides connecting to the network and controlling memory, the
microkernel also supports file systems. Several different applications are run by
Mac OS, and Apple mostly uses it to run its products.
II. The Android OS was created as a mobile operating system for Android phones,
tablets, and laptops, but today it is utilized on a wide range of devices and as an
open-source operating system. It also uses a tiered framework for its OS, similar
to iOS.
III. Linux: The kernel is the most important part of the operating system since it
controls the hardware and operations of the computer. Simulators operate in
user mode rather than kernel mode, so they are called hybrid kernels rather
than monolithic kernels.
IV. Microsoft Windows NT: It's also known as a hybrid system since it stands for
New Technology. In 1993, Microsoft Windows NT provided extensive hardware
and networking support. Until Windows 2000 became the new standard,
Windows NT and its kernel continued to be functional.

Process Management and Memory Management (12+3+5+5 = 25 marks)

Question 3

Given the following mix of job, job lengths, and arrival times, assume a time slice of 4 and compute
the completion time, turnaround time, and waiting time for each job. Draw the Gantt chart and
suggest an application for each job. (Consider 5 as high priority and 1 as low priority).

Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) algorithm.

1. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) algorithm.

2. Shortest Remaining time (SRT) algorithm.
3. Non-preemptive priority Scheduling algorithm.
4. Pre-emptive Priority Scheduling algorithm.
5. Round-Robin Scheduling algorithm.

Table1: Processes with their Id, Burst time and priority

Turnaround time= Finish time – Arrival time
Average turnaround time= total turnaround time/N number of jobs
Waiting time= turnaround time – burst time
Average Waiting time= total waiting time/N number of jobs
a. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) algorithm.
P2 P3 P4 P1 P5
1 29 31 41 52
Gantt char
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Finish Time Turnaround Waiting Time
P2 1 28 29 28 0
P1 2 11 52 50 39
P3 3 2 31 28 26
P4 4 10 41 37 27
P5 5 16 68 63 47
Average = 206 / 5 = 41.2 139 / 5 = 27.8

b. Shortest Remaining time (SRT) algorithm.

P2 P1 P3 P1 P4 P5 P2
1 2 3 5 15 25 41
Gantt chart
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Finish Time Turnaround Waiting Time
P2 1 28 68 67 39
P1 2 11 15 13 2
P3 3 2 5 2 0
P4 4 10 25 21 11
P5 5 16 41 36 20
Average = 139 / 5 = 27.8 72 / 5 = 14.4

c. Non-preemptive priority Scheduling algorithm.

P2 P5 P3 P1 P4
1 29 45 47 58

Gantt char
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Finish Time Turnaround Waiting
Time Time
P2 1 28 29 28 0
P1 2 11 58 56 45
P3 3 2 47 44 42
P4 4 10 68 64 54
P5 5 16 45 40 24
Average 232 / 5 = 165 / 5 = 33

d. Preemptive priority scheduling algorithm.

P2 P1 P3 P5 P1 P4 P2
1 2 3 5 21 31 41

Gantt chart
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Finish Time Turnaround Waiting
Time Time
P2 1 28 68 67 39
P1 2 11 31 29 18
P3 3 2 5 2 0
P4 4 10 41 37 27
P5 5 16 21 16 0
Average 151 / 5 = 84 / 5 = 16.8

e. Round-Robin Scheduling algorithm.

P2 P1 P3 P4 P5 P2 P1 P4 P5 P2
1 5 9 11 15 19 23 27 31 35
P1 P4 P5 P2 P6 P2 P2 P2
39 42 44 48 52 56 60 64

Gantt chart
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Finish Time Turnaround Waiting Time
P2 1 28 68 67 39
P1 2 11 42 40 29
P3 3 2 11 8 6
P4 4 10 44 40 30
P5 5 16 56 51 35
Average 206 / 5 = 41. 139 / 5 = 27.
2 8

Question 4

A user interface (UI) refers to the part of an operating system, program, or device that allows a user
to enter and receive information. Describe in your own words the purpose and applications of the
following user interfaces? Which one you would prefer and why?
The user interface (UI) of a device is the point of interaction and communication between
humans and computers. It is the technical platform format via which the user and other
content and service providers exchange information. It may also refer to how a user
interacts with software or a website. Without it, this vital channel of communication would
cease to exist.
The three main types of interfaces are:


Windows, pull-down menus, buttons, scroll bars, and icons are examples of GUI
elements. Sound, speech, motion video, and virtual reality are rapidly becoming
the GUI for many applications as the use of multimedia as part of the GUI grows.
Users must input relevant commands on the command line while using the
Command Line Interface. The computer is first directed to the required file or
location. After that, a flood of instructions becomes available, beginning with file
retrieval and concluding with programme execution. This is the most advanced
user interface implementation, in which robots and humans communicate
through voice commands. Examples include virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa,
text-to-speech applications, and GPS navigation devices.

Question 5

Operating System provides an execution environment for the applications that run on the computer
system. Research on the integration of hardware, operating systems and application software and
discuss how computer hardware, OS and application programs work together?
When we talk about application software, we mean a complete programme that can be run on a
computer and performs a certain function directly for the user. The term "hardware" refers to the
physical components of a computer, such as the CPU, memory modules, and display. The Operating
System is frequently referred to as a translator since it translates the hardware language (binary
integers) into the software language (written programmes) and then displays it in a human-readable
way (text, images, and sound). Application software first communicates with your operating system
(OS), which then communicates with your processor (CPU). From here, the processor may
communicate with other devices directly through traces on the motherboard.

Word, for example, is an application that is compatible with both Windows and macOS.
The operating system (OS), as seen in the picture above, is the software that runs on top of
the hardware and offers an interface to communicate with the hardware by using the kernel
and device drivers to send "commands" to the hardware to do a given job. On top of the
operating system, the application software runs.

Question 6

Analyse the given main memory and find out two ways of compacting it. Also, find out which scheme
requires the Minimum Data Movement.

The two ways of compacting it are:

1st Case
The free space is adjusted to the top.
We move the 2nd free space (3K) to the top
The total movement of free space (3K) segments 2,3,5
Therefore, total movement = 4K+8K+5k
2nd case
In this case, we move all free space to the bott
The total movement of free space is segmented as 7,0
Therefore, Total movement = 5K+4K
= 9K
Again, Now moving all blocks upward leaving the free space at the
The total movement of free space is segmented 5,3,2,7,0
Therefore, Total movement = 4K+8K+5K+5K+4K
= 26K
Therefore, Total movement in the 2nd case = 26K+9K
= 35K
The total movement in 1 case is 17K
The total movement in 2nd case is 35K
In conclusion, 1 scheme requires the Minimum Data Movement

Figure 1: memory diagram of computer system

Device Management and File Management (8+6+6= 20 marks)

Question 7

On a hard disk, the queue of track requests is as follows:

62 17 30 15 90 140 130 48 194

1. Assuming that the head starts at track 60, Draw the diagrams for the arm movement for
the seek strategies mentioned in the lecture. Calculate the total and the average number
of tracks travelled. Based on this calculation, a report on which one is the best strategy
with your justification.
0 15 17 30 48 60 62 90 130 140

Head Path Track travelled

60-62 2
62-17 45
17-30 13
30-15 15
15-90 75
90-140 50
140-130 10
130-48 82
48-194 146
Total 438

0 15 17 30 48 60 62 90 130 140

Head Path Track Travelled

60-62 2
62-48 14
48-30 18
30-17 13
17-15 2
15-90 75
90-130 40
130-140 10
140-194 54
Total 228

3. Scan and LOOK

0 15 17 30 48 60 62 90 130 140

Head Path Track travelled

60-62 2
62-90 28
90-130 40
130-140 10
140-194 54
194-48 146
48-30 18
30-17 13
17-15 2
Total 313
4. CScan
0 15 17 30 48 60 62 90 130 140

Head path Track travelled

60-62 2
62-90 28
90-130 40
130-140 10
140-194 54
194-0 194
0-15 15
15-17 2
17-30 13
30-48 18
Total 376

0 15 17 30 48 60 62 90 130 140

Head path Track travelled

60-62 2
62-90 28
90-130 40
130-140 10
140-194 54
194-15 179
15-17 2
17-30 13
30-48 18
Total 346

When we analyse the whole track travelled of all the strategies, Shortest Seek Time First
(SSTF) has the lowest total track travelled (228), making it the best strategy since it takes
less track to travel than other seek strategies.

Question 8
How does Keyboard interact with other operating systems to provide input? And how does the
operating system interact with the printer to provide output? Discuss in detail.
As we all know the operating system works as an interface between a user and computer
hardware. The basic task like sending inputs to the screen conjointly receiving inputs from
the keyboard is how the operating system works/performs. OS helps to run any application
as software and it is plethora ubiquitous.

Talking about how does keyboard interact with another operating system to provide input
is, first of all, the keyboard is self an input device which that helps us in input function to run
to do any process we are into it
For that:

- We should need a USB port for the keyboard

-We need a driver who is into the operating system

-through the interaction with each other the input will be provided

Talking about printers we know that it takes graphic output and texts from the computer
and turns them or transfer them as information to paper in the normal size of 8.5 sheets of

Now for a printer that provides output by interacting with h operating system :

-Specific commands are required by printers

-Outputs are converted into printer language like PDF, PCL and many more by the use of a
printing system

-For communication printers don't use codes but they do use serial or parallel

Question 9

Explore the three most common file systems in existing operating systems and discuss them in
The file system is a process or method of organising or naming the file with a hard disk and
placing them logically for retrieval. This system helps to store raw flies of data on hard disks
For this, the user has to write the procedures.

File system data consistency is pretty low in comparison to DBMS.

Even though the file system is enormous, use full and easy to use there is less security for
files to keep it safe.

As coming up there we modern people all know the most common file system that we
always have been using them.
Like: Linux, Microsoft Windows, apple file system etc

Let's start with Linux:

For Pc users all over the world, Linux is a popular operating system. The first version of Linus
was launched on Linux. This operating system is multi-tasking as well as it includes memory
management, share library, virtual memory etc. Linux was initially invented by LINUS TOR
world in 1991. Linux is very protective of the case of security of windows because Linux is
the open-source operating system. The files that Linux can support are EXT2, EXT3, EXT4,
and NTFS format. An open-source code operating system is the example of Linux, well
talking about some of the systems of it are cannot start their work until the user name and
password are entered into the operating system.

Talking about its features are:

a. It is a multitasking operating system

b. Linux usually provides android, Red hat, fedora etc.

c. Best thing about Linux is it is a highly secured operating system

d. The technique that virtual memory provides is swap in and swap out.
B) Microsoft Windows:

MS Windows is an operating system that was developed by Microsoft company.

MS Windows is a single user multi-tasking.

MS Windows also provides different types of facilities like installing new programs, adding
and removing printers, copying CDs etc.

Microsoft's 1st successfully version was Windows 3. O which was released in 1990.
Microsoft represented the Windows products 7 years earlier.

They released the first version in 1983.

Microsoft has 9 major versions.

They all have different features with wonderfully capacity and are capable to hold all the

Apple file system:

Today's new technology in macOS High Sierra is the Apple file system, it doesn't only live on
Macs, it lives on all apple devices.

It loads many new features as well as replaces HFS+. It is the next-generation file system for
Apple devices. Talking about HFS+ it is the file system default on Mac OS X up until macOS
High Sierra.

It has many benefits which help typical consumers to get a better life. This helps to increase
speed, it also saves the space and saves the power it will be more power in hardware, it also
fights against crashes and last but not least it helps to back up the data more efficiently.
APFS also has key features like snapshots, cloning, space sharing, and atomic safe save for
document bundles.

The benefits of APFS are:

- it works with RAID

-it can be used on an external disk

-it can be used in HDDs

-HFS+ disk can be converted via disk utility

Android and Unix Operating Systems (5+10 = 15 marks)

Question 10

Android is an open-source Operating System for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet
computers. Research on evolution and design goals of android. Cite your sources and the dates of

Android has the largest user base among all the desktop and mobile operating systems. The
GREEN ROBOT made its way only into smartphones and tablets but nowadays television,
smartwatches and even android cars have it. “It was more about how you take the android
and make it human,” Blok said in an interview. [1]

The evolution of android was started in 2008. Even in 2003 of this OS, some developers
predicted a great future for it.

a) Android 0.1

Talking about the first version of android was available on dream smart in 2008. In this
version, the OS included Google map, YouTube, browsers, Gmail, text messaging and more.
At that time the Google play store was called the Google market

b) Android 1.1

After the first version of android on February 09 2009 1.1 was launched. In this version the
user can save attachments and messages, even the reviews were available for businesses on
Google maps and it can show and hide the dial pad. It also has a longer in call screen time
out default when using speakerphone.

c) Android 1.5 cupcake

This was updated on android on April 27 2009 which was the first version to use Google

It has new features such as the ability to upload videos on YouTube, automatic screen
rotation, 3rd party keyboard support with text prediction and user dictionaries for custom
words. It has also the ability to support widget and miniature application views which can be
embedded in other applications in such as the home screen and also receives periodic

d) Android 1.6 Donut

In this version it supports any screen size and also provided the quick search box and the
quick switching function between the cameras and has a power controlling widget to
manage WIFI, Bluetooth etc.

It also has voice and text entry search to include bookmark history, contact and the web, it
has the great ability to include their content in search results.

e) Android 2.0 Eclair

It was launched on October 26 2009. In this one, it supports text speech, includes support
from multiple accounts, and it also has navigation bars and wallpaper and dragon drop
unlocking. This Android 2.0 fixes the bug and minor changes. It also expanded the account
sync, it allows the users to add multiple accounts to a device for synchronisation of contact
and emails. This Microsoft exchanges the email supports with ca combined inbox to
browsers email from multiple accounts on one page.

f) Android 2.2 froyo

It was launched on May 20 2010.

It has unique features such as a Mobile WiFi hotspot, push notifications and the ability to
lock the phone with a pin.

It also supports the android cloud device messaging service.

F) Android 2.3 Gingerbread

It was launched in 2010 on December 06.

In this, they Improve the keyboard and support multi-touch. It also enhanced copy paste
functionally and allow users to select the words by pressing hold and copy-paste. It
supported multiple cameras on the device including the front camera.

h) Android 3.0 honeycomb

It was launched I'm February 24 2011.

It was available on phones and tablets on larger screens. It supports multi-core processors.
It added the physical touch system bar button and provided quick access to notifications,
status and soft navigation buttons were available at the bottom of the screen.

q) Android 10

It was released in 2019. They are rebranding the operating system. They introduced a new
logo and colour skin for the new android. Android 10 removed the navigation buttons and
the dark mode is also available system-level and users have more control over the
permission of applications

r) Android 11

It was released on 2020 Son September 8. It brings the notifications system changes and
responds directly to the notifications. Google also introduces chat heads like Facebook. By
pressing the power button the phone will display the new control centre.

Question 11

Run any 10 UNIX commands and paste the screenshots in the answer. Also, give a brief description
of each command. (You can use any online platform if you don’t have an oracle virtual box)
V. Sudo Spctl --master -disable.
This is the command is a macOS command which also is an operating
system based on Unix. This command is used for disabling the

VI. Sudo Spctl – master-enable.

This command enables the gatekeeper of the macOS.
VII. ls
Lists all files and folders currently open at the specified location in the
terminal. Many times, used as ls -lah, which displays hidden files as well as
has the additional capability of converting file sizes to human-readable

Locate the location/name of the folder currently opening in your terminal
IX. cd.
Change directory. It allows you to move a directory of your hard drive
from one location to another.

X. clear.
This command will clear the entire screen.
XI. Sudo
Essentially, it will allow any user with the proper authorizations to
execute a command on behalf of another user, such as the superuser.
XII. cp
Copies a file from one location to another. 

XIII. Touch
Creates a file.
I. History
Displays the list of last run commands on the terminal.

[1] M. SMITH, “Developer Pitstop,” 31 Jan 2022. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 03 Jun 2022].
[2] I. Blok, “Business insider,” [Online]. Available:
the-green-android-robot-came-from-2015-5. [Accessed 3 Jun 2022].
[3] Y. Samolov, “Flickr,” 21 May 2020. [Online]. Available:
pY4egb-2j4mYP2-2j4hP4j-6X4eQw-6X4exA-VD. [Accessed 03 JUN 2022].

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