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B.Ed. (1.

5 years)
Submitted By Wajahat Ali
Registration No. 0000241812
Submitted To
Safdar Rasheed
Assignment No. 2
Semester Autumn, 2022
Course Code 8611
Critical Thinking and Reflective
Course Name
Question#1: How action research is different from applied
research? When will action research be more practical?
Kurt Lewin- German-American social psychologist, which‘s taken into consideration
to be the founding father of "Action Research", first used this time period in 1940's.
Since then, the fundamental standards of action research are unchanged. (Hidden
Curriculum, 2014). Action Research is the method of locating the solution thru
trouble solving approach. The predicted final result of the motion research, which
addresses the problems, improves the practices. It is achieved in agencies, during the
pastime is in development. The action studies are unfastened from the theoretical
responses. It is an investigation of an ongoing technique. (Action Research, 2015).
Action Research is a process of inquiry or investigation executed by means of and for
those taking the action and is in realistic paintings. (Books and Publications, 2015).
Action research is a technique of systematic inquiry that seeks to enhance social
troubles affecting the lives of normal human beings. (Barone, 1996). Action studies
have a tendency to help the school room teachers to improve the instructional
practices and solve the educational problems. (Mills, 2011) As clear with the aid of
the various definitions, motion studies can have interaction an individual teacher, a
collaborative group of peers sharing a commonplace difficulty, or an entire college
college undoubtedly in the developmental process. These 3 specific methods to
arrange for research serve three well suited, yet wonderful, functions:

Action studies are useful, answer-oriented exploration this is achieved in group or
personally by a man or woman. It is characterized by way of spiraling cycles of
problem identification, systematic statistics series, mirrored image, evaluation, facts-
driven action taken, and, eventually, hassle redefinition. The relation and joining of
the terms "motion" and "studies" highlights the critical capabilities of this technique.
It allows in improving curriculum, teaching, and learning. (Kemmis, 1982)


1. Identification of Problem (Identify a hassle to be studied)
The first step inside the action studies to identity of the problem. What element(s) of
our practice or what factor of student mastering will we wish to research? What in
actual experience I want to enhance? What is the matter of problem that isn't always
up to my expectancies? Researcher has to determine approximately the above stated
questions first. Are the students gradual in greedy the concept? Why the scholars
aren't active? How can I expand interest in my coaching? What method could be
powerful? Researcher has to hit the precise concern first to carry on with the next
step. Confusion or non clarity at this degree could bring about ruining of the other
coming steps like collection of information. One must acquire the required data so as
to investigate and then interpret it to increase a plan for the implementation and
119further mirrored image and improvement within the required field of problem.
Although all of the steps are interlinked, but the first step is of principal importance
which will lay down the sturdy foundations for the whole procedure.

2. Collect information on the Problem

Once the trouble is identified, the subsequent crucial step is the collection of statistics.
This process may be executed in lots of approaches. It can be achieved via
commentary with test listing, via dad and mom comments at the questionnaire, with
the aid of recoding the lesson, by observing the kid's behavior, by seeing the
evaluation consequences, by counseling the students and so on. Right tool; valid and
reliable have to be used for the implementable findings.
3. Execution and Recording (Organize, examine and interpret the
Triangulation in studies makes it dependable and valid. So ones the records from the
assets has been accumulated, it is prepared and then analyzed with the help of
required facts. The consequences of the information and qualitative analysis will
display the intensity of the problem. Now in the light of the facts researcher will in
addition proceed to the following step.
4. Reflection on the accrued statistics
Now expand a plan to address the trouble in the light of the statistics and make a plan
to conquer the hassle. Taking the example of college, inside the light of the statistics
we can also need to re plan the college time table, enhance the teaching methodology,
exchange the assessment approach, and convey a few modifications
withintheenvironment and so forth. The facts may additionally monitor a few different
troubles. That will also be dealt therefore. Five Action Plan Now is the time to have
the action plan. Not simply to have a plan but to put into effect revise and repeat. By
repetition in Action Research we imply that now we can implement the plan which
become made inside the light of the accrued statistics. While enforcing we will once
more start staring at the method of implementation and report the carried out method
or whatsoever to bring further improvement within the technique of mastering. We can
also fail with the new learner with new approach so we can re plan, bear in mind the
data, do the analysis, put into effect the exchange and once more examine the applied
technique. Hence this cyclic approach is proposed by many theorists and researchers in
a single form or any other to move on and on for the improvement in the training
system. Action research is also being referred to as a cycle of action or cycle of
inquiry, because it usually follows a predefined technique this is repeated over time.
An easy illustrative example is following:
 Collect information on the problem
 Organize, analyze and interpret the records
 Develop a plan to cope with the trouble
 Implement the plan
 Evaluate the results of the action taken
 Identify a brand new trouble
 Repeat the method
Many research authors have cited the kinds of motion studies in exceptional manners.
Grundy (1982) discusses 3 modes of action studies:
1. Technical
2. Practical and
3. Emancipatory
On the basis go Grundy‘s modes of investigation McKernan (1991) also listing 3
kinds of motion research (Masters, 1999): Type 1: the medical-technical view of
trouble fixing;
Type 2: realistic-deliberative movement studies; and Type 3:
crucial-emancipatory motion research.
We will talk the McKernan Model in element.
1. The Scientific - Technical View of Problem Solving:
The intention of the researcher on this method is to test a selected intervention based
totally on a pre-targeted theoretical framework, the nature of the collaboration among
the researcher and the practitioner is technical and facilitator. The researcher identifies
the trouble and a specific intervention, then the practitioner is worried and they
comply with facilitate with the implementation of the intervention. The conversation
float within this kind of research is generally between the facilitator and the
institution, in order that the thoughts may be communicated to the group. Grundy has
evolved a model describing technical action research.
(Grundy, 1982)

Grundy discusses three types of understanding.

The first is techno or knowing-how, the supply of skillful action.
The second is episteme, the supply of medical movement or knowing that. The third
form of understanding is prognosis, the knowing-why, and the supply of moral
movement which is frequently referred to as practical judgment.
Techno, as takes place in Type 1 motion studies consequences in a making action, its
far product related. While prognosis effects in a doing motion or praxis, and is
therefore product focused as described in Type 2 underneath.

2. Practical - Deliberative Action Research

This layout of motion research permits for a greater bendy technique. According to
McKernan the realistic version of motion research trades off a few measurement and
control for human interpretation, interactive conversation, deliberation, negotiation
and specified description. "The intention of practical movement researchers is
understanding exercise and solving instant troubles". "Practical action research fosters
the improvement of professionalism via emphasizing the component performed with
the aid of personal judgement in decisions to behave for the good of the purchaser".
This mode of motion research "promotes self sustaining, deliberative movement
which become given the call of "Praxis". Model for this sort of motion research is
distinct below.

(Grundy, 1982) three: Enhancement approach/Critical-Emancipatory

Action studies/Critical Science perspective
In this type of action research there are desires for the researcher the usage of this
method, one is to increase the closeness among the actual troubles encountered by
means of practitioners in a particular setting and the idea used to give an explanation
for and remedy the problem. The 2d aim, which is going past the preceding two
methods, is to help practitioners in figuring out and making explicit fundamental
issues by using raising their collective focus.
This form of movement research requires a lot extra effort than mere school room
coaching, studying, gazing and reflecting. It requires more scientific technique to be
applied in study room and institutionalized researches. It isn't always within the
methodologies that the three modes of action studies vary, however alternatively in
the underlying assumptions and international views of the participants that motive the
variations in the software of the technique (Grundy 1982). Emancipatory action
studies "promotes emancipatory praxis‖ that is it promotes an essential recognition
which famous itself in political as well as realistic action to sell exchange. This is
precisely wherein motion studies push the researchers to come to be vital thinkers and
reflective practioners and bring the actual exchange no longer just in schools however
in society
(Grundy 1987)
Applied Research?
Applied research is a sort of studies design that seeks to remedy a particular trouble or
offer revolutionary solutions to issues affecting a character, organization or society. It
is frequently known as a scientific method of inquiry or contractual research because
it includes the realistic application of clinical techniques to ordinary issues.
When carrying out implemented research, the researcher takes extra care to identify a
problem, expand a studies speculation and goes in advance to check those hypotheses
through an experiment. In many cases, this studies technique employs empirical
methods with a purpose to resolve sensible problems.
Applied research is every now and then taken into consideration to be a non-
systematic inquiry due to the fact of its direct method in in search of a way to a
problem. It is normally a follow-up studies layout that in addition investigates the
findings of pure or fundamental studies which will validate those findings and follow
them to create progressive answers.
Types of Applied Research.
There are 3 types of carried out research. These are evaluation research, studies and
improvement, and action studies.
Evaluation Research.
Evaluation studies is a kind of applied studies that analyses present statistics about a
studies concern to arrive at goal research consequences or reach informed selections.
This kind of implemented research is on the whole carried out in commercial
enterprise contexts, for instance, a company may additionally undertake assessment
research to decide a way to cut down overhead charges.
Research and Development
Research and improvement is a form of carried out studies this is centered on growing
new products and services based totally at the wishes of goal markets. It focuses on
collecting facts approximately advertising desires and locating approaches to improve
on a present product or create new merchandise that satisfy the recognized needs.

Action Research.
Action research is a kind of carried out research this is set on offering practical
solutions to precise commercial enterprise problems through pointing the business in
the right guidelines. Typically, action research is a procedure of reflective inquiry that
is limited to precise contexts and situational in nature.
Action Research and Applied Research
Research is the application of clinical method within the observe of a problem issue.
Applied studies are socially useful – application of the know-how generated to social
issues. Action research is beneficial in solving an instantaneous, specific trouble.
Action studies could be very beneficial in solving school room issues. Click to look
full answer. Just so, what is an implemented researcher? Applied research is a
methodology used to solve a particular, practical trouble affecting a man or woman or
group. This scientific technique of look at and studies is utilized in business,
medicinal drug, and education that allows you to find answers that can improve
health, solve medical problems or increase new era. Subsequently, query is what's an
instance of motion research? For instance: Individual motion research involves
working independently on a venture, inclusive of an essential school teacher
conducting her own, inelegance research task with her college students. Also Know,
what type of studies is motion studies? Action Research. In schools, movement
research refers to a wide form of evaluative, investigative, and analytical studies
strategies designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses—whether organizational,
instructional, or educational—and assist educators expand realistic answers to deal
with them fast and successfully.

Question#2: Using Gibbs model, write a reflection report of

an interaction between a student who failed in exam and a

Reflection is a form of personal reaction to reports, conditions, events or new data. It
is a 'processing' segment where questioning and studying take place. There is neither a
proper nor an incorrect way of reflective questioning; there are just questions to
discover. Reflection offers you the possibility to remember how your private reports
and observations shape your questioning and your acceptance of latest thoughts. One
tentative definition of mirrored image is offered with the aid of Moon (1999): ‗... A
form of intellectual processing with a motive and/or predicted outcome that is applied
to enormously complicated or unstructured ideas for which there's not an apparent
solution‘. If one is unaware of one‘s personal thought and motion it's miles pretty hard
for that person to adjust his or her concept or behavior. It is through reflection that
new records are processed and connections to previous studying are made. Reflection
clarifies the ideas. By taking the time to keep in mind our own thoughts we gain
elevated know-how and manipulate of our self and the environment in which we stay.
Reflective writing permits you to enhance your analytical competencies because it
calls for you to express what you think, and more extensively, how and why you
suspect that manner. In addition, reflective analysis asks you to well known that your
thoughts are formed via your assumptions and preconceived thoughts; in doing so,
you could recognize the ideas of others, word how their assumptions and
preconceived thoughts can also have formed their thoughts, and possibly recognize
how your ideas help or oppose what you study.
1. Purpose of Reflection
We reflect on the way to:

• Consider the process of our personal learning – a system of metacognition

• Critically evaluation something - our very own behavior, that of others or the
manufactured from behavior (e.g. an essay, ebook, portray and many others.)

• Build theory from observations: we draw theory from generalizations - now and
again in realistic conditions, now and again in thoughts or an aggregate of the two.

• Engage in private or self improvement

• Make selections or resolve uncertainty...
Empower or emancipate ourselves as people (after which it is near self development)
or to empower/emancipate ourselves in the context of our social corporations.‘ So
reflective writing is writing which includes '… attention of the bigger context, the
means, and the implications of an enjoy or motion' (Branch & Paranjape, 2002, p.
1185). It is: • One‘s reaction to studies, reviews, events or new statistics
• One‘s reaction to thoughts and feelings
• a way of wondering to explore One‘s learning
• an opportunity to benefit self-knowledge
• a manner to gain clarity and higher expertise of what is learning
• a hazard to increase and reinforce writing capabilities
• a way of creating that means out of what One has studied
Reflective writing isn't always just conveying information, guidance or argument. It is
not natural description, though there can be descriptive elements. It does no longer
encompass clear-cut selection or judgment (e.g. Whether or not some thing is proper
or incorrect, good or horrific).
It is neither a summary of path notes nor a standard essay.
2. Types of Reflective Writing
There is no one set for reflective writing. It may additionally take the form of several
kinds. Some examples might include:
a. Learning Logs/Journals
Learning logs/journals may be used in distinct ways. Sometimes they'll be a proper
part of reflective writing, or occasionally they may form the idea of a later reflective
mission. The purpose of a learning log/journal is partially to mirror on activities and
your movements as they manifest, however also to chart your improvement as you
b. Presentations
If you have got taken element in a realistic exercising or a piece placement, either as a
part of a collection or as a character, you will be asked to offer a presentation on what
you have learnt in exercise. As a presentation is a lot more conversational, and
sometimes interactive, than an essay or a gaining knowledge of log, it might be
tempting to make this greater approximately illustrating what you've got executed in
your audience, rather than reflecting upon it. This is mainly authentic if you have been
on a long work placement, in a lot of factors will have happened! Nevertheless, your
audience nonetheless needs to peer how you have seriously reflected for your overall
performance and actions to clearly research from your stories.
c. Reflective Essays
Theoretically, this is probably the form of reflective writing that you are most used to.
Much of what's predicted of you in an ordinary academic essay is still expected of you
in a reflective essay. You will nonetheless be anticipated to investigate what you're
announcing, 142reference any assets which you have used (and you have to use
sources) and have a clean shape to the essay. Thinking about what you need to include
inside the essay, and how you'll structure it, is often key to getting the mirrored image
right. Think about all of the incidents or activities which have maximum contributed
to your getting to know.
Gibbs version
The Gibbs‘ Reflective model could be used as this is a popular version of reflection.
Reflection is related to gaining knowledge of from experience. It is regarded as a
critical technique for specialists who embody lifelong mastering (Jasper, 2013). In
general phrases, reflective practice is the manner of getting to know via and from a
revel in or interest to gain new understandings of self and/or practice (Bout et al.,
1985; Jasper, 2013). This technique is regarded as a manner of selling the private and
professional development of qualified and unbiased experts, sooner or later
stimulating each non-public and professional growth (Jasper, 2013). Dating returned
to 1988, the Gibbs‘ Reflective Cycle encompasses six ranges of mirrored image which
enable the reflector to think via all of the levels of an interest or experience (Gibbs,
1998). The model is particular as it consists of knowledge, actions, feelings and shows
that studies are repeated, which is different from Kolb‘s reflective model (Kolb, 1984)
and therefore, the model is wider and a greater flexible method in analyzing a
situation in a essential mild to enable destiny changes (Zeichner and Liston, 1996).
1. Description
The incident I can be reflecting on took place at the same time as I turned into located
on the oncology ward all through my first 12 months of qualified nursing. We had an
aged carrier consumer on the ward, who has been admitted due to stomach cancer.
Upon his arrival, we read his notes which highlighted that he had full-size learning
difficulties that mean that he additionally had problems with verbal communication.
The major areas of mirrored image are how each I and the opposite nurses used
communication to calm the patient and display compassion, in addition to how we
adapted our care to cope with their individual needs. A nurse got here onto the ward
with three members of the public, who were viewing the ward as a part of a job
advertising and marketing system. When the nurse entered the patient‘s bay, she
informed the members of the public that the provider users in that bay were currently
receiving radiotherapy treatment. Upon hearing the nurse‘s words, the provider
consumer have become brazenly distressed and began crying, shrieking and hitting his
head backwards towards his pillow –it took time; however, some other nurse managed
to calm him down through talking in a calming way.
2. Feelings
Prior to the incident taking place, I became aware that the nurse was showing the 3
participants of the public around the oncology ward, as part of an activity marketing
technique. At the time of the incident, I had simplest been running at the oncology
ward for 6 months so still felt barely unsure of my position in the team. Ultimately, I
did no longer experience assured or skilled enough to deal with this example
independently. I suppose that my extended stage of anxiety supposed that I struggled
to interfere, but it's far nonetheless clear that both my colleagues and I ought to have
intervened greater fast to ensure that the affected person became dealt with
successfully. Moreover, I turned into very amazed when the nurse did not take into
consideration the man or woman wishes of the provider consumer during the visit of
the ward, because the misery brought about to each the service consumer and the
participants of the general public changed into very needless.
3. Evaluation
In hindsight, the experience had each proper and bad factor that have brought about
accelerated information of the service consumer revel in and my function as a nurse
practitioner within the oncology crew. My role turned into to give physical
examinations and examine the carrier person‘s fitness, prescribe and administer
medicinal drug, recommend diagnostic and laboratory exams/read the consequences,
manage remedy facet outcomes, and provide support to patients – this consists of
performing of their best interests. I feel that I did now not fulfil the latter duty
absolutely. This obligation to defend carrier person‘s complete confidentiality and
making sure that the nurse who became showing the individuals of the public around
the ward was aware of the service consumer‘s communication difficulties and ensuing
anxiety was not fulfilled. Our failure to act as a team, via sharing data and stepping in
before a situation escalated, shows that there has been a low degree of institution
cohesiveness (Rutkowski, Gruder and Roomer, 1983).
4. Analysis
According to the Nursing Times Clinical (2004), humans with getting to know
difficulties frequently have a warfare with adapting to new conditions, which means
that there may be ability for elaborate behavior whilst dealing with some thing outside
of their comfort sector. Nevertheless, as suggested by using the Nursing Times
Clinical (2004), healthcare staff must be privy to the way to efficaciously interact with
people who have a gaining knowledge of disability and this could be aided through
regular and valuable mirrored image. Prior to admission into the health center, it's far
suggested that experts find out about the affected person's communication and their
likes and dislikes; address any capability fears either through discussion or through
allowing the patient to visit the ward to meet the nursing workforce (Nursing Times
Clinical, 2004). Moreover, the each day communique closer to patients with getting to
know problems ought to contain patient-concentrated/holistic care in addressing
patient desires, which includes both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication.
Therefore, experts ought to make eye contact, look and concentrate, allocate extra
time for the affected person, be interactive and communicative, continue to be patient
and in some cases, permit any experts who may additionally have had experience with
humans with a mastering trouble to care for the affected person (Nursing Times
Clinical, 2004).
MENCAP states that one of the most common issues while getting access to
healthcare for people with mastering disabilities is terrible communiqué (ND). This
may be aided via presenting the provider user an advice to communicate on their
behalf and by offering information in a spread of ways which includes visible. They
further this with the notion that healthcare specialists ought to equally price everyone,
adapt their carrier so that it meets unique wishes and keep in mind that every man or
woman could have specific wishes (MENCAP, ND). The Nursing and Midwifery
Council (NMC) (2015) similarly this in 'The Code', which states that each one
registered nurses and midwives, should abide by the professional standards which can
be to: priorities human beings, instruction efficaciously, preserve safety and sell
professionalism and believe. Therefore, the incident wherein any other nurse did no
longer take into consideration the man or woman wishes of the affected person does
no longer abide via the expert code of conduct; in the long run, they did not recognize
while the patient become hectic or in misery and reply compassionately, taking note
of selling the health of the service user and making use of a variety of verbal and non-
verbal conversation techniques (NMC, 2015). Compassion is one of the '6cs'
introduced in 2012 - which are the values and behaviors which are regarded as the
first-rate markers of a fitness and care service - those being: care, compassion,
competence, conversation, braveness and commitment (Department of Health, 2012).
The 6Cs carry same weight and must be part of all carrier transport - ensuring that
sufferers are usually placed at the coronary heart of the availability (DoH, 2012).
5. Conclusion.
From this experience, I am now extra aware of the significance of being assertive and
exert professionalism in exercise (and no longer experience as although I can't do
something due to my position within the group or period of revel in) if comparable
situations were to rise up inside the destiny. The perception I have won from this
enjoy way that I am now extra privy to the consequences of not acting right away and
the significance of performing within the exceptional hobbies of the affected person,
even when this could take courage. Strong running relationships among healthcare
professionals ought to also accept a greater emphasis within the oncology ward, so
that you could increase degrees of organization cohesiveness (Rutkowski, Gruder and
Romer, 1983).
Question # 3: Take English syllabus of grade four and
five. Critically analyze the continuity of concepts,
complexity of concepts and newness of concepts in both
Answer: Curriculum and Syllabus
The inquiry of ―curriculum‖ relies upon on the question ―What shall I educate?
‖ Because ―nobody trainer can educate the whole thing nor can one pupil
study the whole lot, choice is vital‖ (Hyman, 1973: three).
Likewise, syllabus is shaped as a solution of ―what to teach‖ query; but curriculum is
a far broader concept than syllabus. Curriculum ―has to do with institutional
in addition to classroom dreams and considers syllabus design, method, evaluation
and assessment inside the broadest phrases, the syllabus is a more daily, localized
manual for trainer; it's far a declaration of approach, an tool for tacking priorities,
selecting and sequencing linguistic records; it affords a focal point for what ought to
be taught and learnt, in addition to a rationale for how that content material ought to
be decided on and ordered‖(Pantaleoni, 1997:302). In quick, syllabus ―forms a small
a part of the total faculty program and prescribes the content material to be included
by way of a given path‖ (Rodgers, 1989:26 mentioned in Richards, 2003:39).
Actually, there isn't always a strict distinction between curriculum and syllabus.
Krahnke (1987) emphasizes that the distinction between curriculum and syllabus is
not clean. According to him, if curriculum requires any definition, it is able to be said
that curriculum includes syllabus however not vice versa. ―A syllabus is greater
unique and extra concrete than a curriculum, and a curriculum may additionally
include a number of syllabi. For example, a curriculum can also cowl an entire faculty
12 months, while a language teaching syllabus can also make up best one part of the
curriculum. Or the overall curriculum of a complete-time in depth language-teaching
software can also encompass 3 or more unique talent-region syllabi at someone time.
A curriculum may also specify most effective the goals (what the newcomers will be
able to do at the cease of the education), at the same time as the syllabus specifies the
content material of the classes used to move the learners in the direction of the
dreams‖ (Krahnke, 1987:2). In quick, curriculum covers syllabi.
English Language Curriculum for Primary Education.
English Language Curriculum for Primary Education (Grades 4, 5, ) became revised
in 2006 and implementation of this curriculum started out with the 4th grades in
number one schools in 2006-2007 instructional 12 months. According to this
curriculum it is planned that the implementation will maintain with the fifth grades of
primary schools in 2007-2008). The curriculum states the necessity for coaching
English at exclusive tiers; summarizes the exceptional techniques and strategies;
explains the brand new theories which are utilized in schooling. Besides these, the
brand new English Curriculum for Primary Education is likewise a source for the
syllabi that have been familiar, as to the way to compare and what materials to use. It
includes a ―thesaurus‖ element to assist instructors recognize the phrases which can
be generally used inside the curriculum. Lastly, it involves the syllabuses of 4th, 5th,
grades with pattern gadgets and reasons. Curriculum additionally emphasizes the
method tailored to course layout. According to this: ―Given the truth that in
latest years, the shift has moved from more teacher-centered strategies to more learner
and studying-centered procedures, manner-oriented techniques to curriculum design
should be adopted. The fundamental theoretical hypothesis in procedure-oriented
techniques is that underlying any language behavior are positive capabilities and
techniques which the freshmen use in an effort to understand or produce discourse.
The mastering scenario is vital due to the fact newcomer‘s end up privy to their
capabilities and capability in the getting to know scenario. Understanding how
studying takes location is likewise critical because it motivates rookies to address with
target language tasks on their own even after the give up of the path which results in
learner autonomy (independence). In most of the Turkish schools, English is taught as
a remote situation in the curriculum; as a result, a probable innovation is notion to be
teaching English move-curricular version. Cross-curricular studies may be a way of
coaching English through content material wherein the goal language is the car of
interaction and expertise, now not the challenge count. Cross curricular studies
facilitate getting to know, integrating all topics through using foreign language,
allowing learners to inquire and join revel in and know-how. By bringing collectively
numerous disciplines and making content connections across topics (subjects:
arithmetic, 50 science, arts, music, social research, and so on.) in the classroom, we
can show beginners that a subject is applicable, related to their real global and former
experience‖ (English Language Curriculum for Primary Education, 2006:21-22).
As can be visible, new English Curriculum for Primary Schools proposes the ideas of
leaner-centered strategies, method-oriented approaches, learner autonomy, topic
primarily based teaching, integrating of issue and cross-curricular version. As an
innovation, it is thought that, with cross curricular version, the disciplines will be
integrated and let the scholars inquire and join experience and knowledge.


After defining young learners and pointing out the characteristics in their L2
studying; explaining established thoughts inclusive of constructivism, cooperative
mastering and student centeredness with the present day carried out tactics that have
been advanced due to the fact of the communication want in the field of training –
along with content material-based totally training, subject matter-based version and a
pass curricular model whose most important emphasis is on topic examine – and
lastly, mentioning the followed method in new English Language Curriculum for
Primary Schools ( GRADE 4,5), the aim of this observe is to analyses how new
English Curriculum for Primary Education plays this advised technique, cross-
curricular / interdisciplinary coaching, inside the 4th grade of English Language
Syllabus. As its miles stated previously, in cross-curricular version, the integration is
made between specific topics at faculty. To view this integration, besides English
Language Syllabuses for GRADE four, five, Social Sciences and its syllabus for
GRADE 4, 5 have been selected. As formerly stated, this observes is based on these
studies questions:
1. To what extent do the English curriculum and Social Sciences curriculum for
the 4th grade conform to the standards of the move curricular /interdisciplinary
2. Is there any systematic similarity between the topics supplied in the English
Syllabus for 4th grade a three? Are the kinds of activities used in English for 4th
4. Are the studying skills and techniques utilized in English for 4th grade well
matched with the gaining knowledge of talents and strategies used in?
Social Sciences for 4th grade?
The English Syllabus and Course e-book for The 4th Grade
The English Syllabus for the 4th grade has been planned for 675,111 male and
630,998 female 4th grade students And the direction materials, which consist of a
student‘s e book, a workbook, a teacher‘s eBook and a CD for listening sports, had
been prepared in keeping with this syllabus. The course eBook turned into first
published in 2006-2007 instructional year for 1.306.109 4th grade students, that's
quite a large number. The syllabus and the course book have reportedly been designed
following the suggestions of constructivism, which is overtly universal and
recommended inside the new Turkish Primary Education Curriculum. The syllabus
makes some factors about the English lesson by using pointing out the direction
hours, targets and activities. According to the syllabus ―for the 4th grade,
students have 2 hours of obligatory and 2 hours of optional English language guides
per week. Each unit has sections:
That‘s why the call of the unit is equal but the names of subjects are exclusive. The
duration of the units is accelerated in case non-obligatory
2 hours. In spite of this example the course e book ―Time for English
GRADE 4, five‖ doesn‘t include Part B in it. There is not any cause of this however
it's far understood that the course e book is prepared for only compulsory 2 hours in
week. Consolidation Units are provided inside tables within the syllabus, too. The
gadgets and the topics prepared for compulsory 2 hours inside the course book
incorporate numbered activity sections with the call of the hobby. The syllabus
covers neither a list of activities used in direction eBook nor any rationalization about
software approach of the sports included inside the route book. There is just a unit at
the end of the syllabus that is brought as an instance unit designed in keeping with
this syllabus; apparently the name of the example unit is similar to the unit within the
route e-book, but the activities are exceptional from each different.
After defining younger newbies and pointing out the characteristics in their L2
mastering; explaining ordinary thoughts together with constructivism, cooperative
mastering and student centeredness with the brand new applied techniques which have
been developed due to the fact of the communication need inside the discipline of
schooling – along with content-based totally guidance, subject matter-primarily based
version and a cross-curricular model whose main emphasis is on topic observe – and
lastly, declaring the followed technique in new English Language Curriculum for
Primary Schools ( GRADE 4TH 5TH), the goal of this take a look at is to examine how
new English Curriculum for Primary Education performs this recommended
technique, go-curricular / interdisciplinary teaching, in the 4th grade of English
Language Syllabus. As its miles said formerly, in move-curricular version, the
integration is made between exclusive subjects at faculty. To view this integration,
except English Language Syllabuses for GRADE 4TH, 5TH
1. To what quantity do the English curriculum and Social Sciences curriculum
for the 4th grade conform to the principles of the cross curricular /interdisciplinary
2. Is there any systematic similarity between the topics provided in the English
Syllabus for 4th grade and the subjects provided inside the Social Sciences Syllabus
for 4th grade?
3. Are the types of activities used in English for 4th grade like minded with the
kinds activities utilized in Social Sciences for 4th grade? Four.
Are the getting to know talents and strategies utilized in English for 4th grade well
suited with the learning abilities and techniques used in Social Sciences for 4th grade?
55 he Introductory Information about English
The English Syllabus and Course e-book for The 4th Grade .The English Syllabus for
the 4th grade has been planned for 675,111male and 630,998 female 4th grade college
students in 33,645 public primary faculties in Turkey. And the course materials,
which include a scholar‘s book, a workbook, a trainer‘s eBook and a CD for listening
activities, were organized in step with this syllabus. The route e book changed into
first posted in 2006-2007 4th grade college students that is quite a big quantity. The
syllabus and the course book have reportedly been designed following the pointers of
constructivism, which is openly time-honored and advocated in the new Turkish
Primary Education Curriculum. The syllabus makes a few explanations approximately
the English lesson via pointing out the course hours, objectives and activities.
According to the syllabus ―for the 4th grade, college students have 2 hours of
obligatory and a pair of hours of elective English language publications consistent
with week... Each unit has two sections: Part A and Part B. Part A are designed for
folks who take 2 hours of obligatory English. Part B is designed for folks who take
four hours of English (2 + 2). Part B does no longer present any new data but
ambitions to enhance and improve what have already been studied in Part A. Each
part is to be covered in approximately two weeks. Consolidation units may be covered
in 2 hours in a single week (English Language Curriculum for Primary Education,
2006:61). In the2007-2008 educational 12 months, however, the hours of the route
have been modified. Students will have 3 hours of compulsory and 2 hours of
optionally available – if essential – in weekly course time table in this educational 12
months. The revised English syllabus consists of 14 separate devices and five
consolidation units that comply with the completion of 3 units. It indicates
explanation tables for every 56 unit however now not the consolidation units. These
tables are referred to as Part A and Part B wherein the call of the unit, subjects,
abilities, content, features and responsibilities are stated. Part A differs from Part B
inside the factor of the subjects names. Part is ready for the compulsory 2 hours and
Part B is prepared for optionally available 2 hours. That‘s why the name of the unit is
equal however the names of subjects are unique. The period of the gadgets is extended
in case non-compulsory 2 hours. In spite of this case the path e-book ―Time
for English GRADE 4, five‖ doesn‘t include Part B in it. There is not any reason
behind this however it's far understood that the direction eBook is ready for handiest
obligatory 2 hours in week. Consolidation Units are offered within tables inside the
syllabus, too. The devices and the subjects organized for compulsory 2 hours in the
course book include numbered interest sections with the call of the interest. The
syllabus covers neither a listing of sports utilized in path eBook nor any
rationalization approximately application approach of the activities covered inside the
direction eBook. There is only a unit at the end of the syllabus this is added as an
instance unit designed in keeping with this syllabus; apparently the call of the
example unit is the same as the unit within the direction e book, however the activities
are one-of-a-kind from every different.
The world adjustments and it becomes a larger and greater annoying worldwide
village day by day. The importance of verbal exchange between the nations and
countries increases and competence in at the least one foreign language turns into a
necessity for humans around the world. With globalization in complete pressure,
English has turn out to be the maximum widely spoken language. In fact, it has
become a lingua franca- a language of wider verbal exchange- that has brought about
a superb interest in its getting to know. Many countries around the sector today have
blanketed it as the most essential foreign language in their education systems. The
situation is not any distinctive in started to actively comply with the developments in
foreign language coaching, in particular English, at the end of 1960s, because of the
united states of America‘s choice to take region in the worldwide international. Since
then, foreign language teaching regulations have modified a variety of instances,
affecting real lecture room practices via modifications inside the curriculum, syllabus,
route material and strategies. Developments inside the discipline had been
contemplated onto practices and approaches, thereby making the complete exercise of
coaching English increasingly complex. At the number one stage, in particular, there
had been moving views. Following an 8-yr-obligatory training law in 1997, English
become integrated into the primary school schooling machine and young rookies
encountered English once they reached the 4th grade.
Question#4: Identify five activities from your daily life which
demand critical thinking.


Critical thinking is thinking that is aimed at deciding what to believe or what to do.
Deciding what to believe is a matter of deciding what the facts are, figuring out what
the world is like, or at least what some little corner of it is like. We make these kinds
of decisions when we decide whether it is raining out or sunny, whether the movie
was as good as its billing, whether the restaurant has gotten better over the years, or
whether we should trust what our teachers tell us. In deciding what to believe on some
matter we take a stand on it. If it is a decision on a factual matter, like the decision
about the weather then we take a stand on what the facts are. If it is a decision on an
evaluative matter, like the one about the movie or the restaurant, then in deciding
what to believe we are taking a stand on what is good or better. In either kind of case,
critical thinking is aimed at helping us to make those kinds of decisions about what to

Critical thinking as ability

Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze information and draw a rational
conclusion. It also involves gathering information on a subject and determining which
pieces of information apply to the subject and which do not, based on deductive
reasoning. The ability to think critically helps people in both their personal and
professional lives and is valued by most employers.
Employers value critical thinking
Critical thinking skills are a valuable asset for an employee, as employers typically
appreciate candidates who can correctly assess a situation and come up with a logical
resolution. Time is a valuable resource for most managers, and an employee able to
make correct decisions without supervision will save both that manager and the whole
company much valuable time. Critical thinking skills examples
There are six main skills you can develop to successfully analyze facts and situations
and come up with logical conclusions:
1. Analytical thinking
Being able to properly analyze information is the most important aspect of critical
thinking. This implies gathering information and interpreting it, but also skeptically
evaluating data. When researching a work topic, analytical thinking helps you
separate the information that applies to your situation from that which doesn‘t.
2. Good communication
Whether you use it for gathering information or convincing others that your
conclusions are correct, good communication is crucial in the critical thinking
process. Getting people to share their ideas and information with you and showing
your critical thinking are components of success. If you‘re making a work-related
decision, proper communication with your coworkers will help you gather the
information you need to make the right choice.
3. Creative thinking
Being able to discover certain patterns of information and make abstract connections
between seemingly unrelated data will improve your critical thinking. When
analyzing a work procedure or process, you can creatively come up with ways to
make it faster and more efficient. Creativity is a skill that can be strengthened over
time and is valuable in every position, experience level and industry.
4. Open-mindedness
Previous education and life experiences leave their mark on a person‘s ability to
objectively evaluate certain situations. By acknowledging these biases, you can
improve your critical thinking and overall decision process. For example, if you plan
to conduct a meeting in a certain way and your partner suggests using a different
strategy, you should let them speak and adjust your approach based on their input.
5. Ability to solve problems
The ability to correctly analyze a problem and work on implementing a solution is
another valuable skill. For example, if your restaurant‘s wait staff needs to improve
service speeds, you could consider reassigning some of their duties to bussers or other
kitchen personnel so the servers can deliver food more quickly.
6. Asking thoughtful questions:
In both private and professional situations, asking the right questions is a crucial step
in formulating correct conclusions.
Open-ended questions
Asking open-ended questions can help the person you‘re communicating with provide
you with relevant and necessary information. These are questions that don‘t allow a
simple ―yes‖ or ―no‖ answer, requiring the person who receives the question to
elaborate on the answer.
Outcome-based questions
When you feel like another person‘s experience and skills could help you work more
effectively, consider asking outcome-based questions. Asking someone how they
would act in a certain hypothetical situation will give you an insight into their own
critical thinking skills and help you see things you hadn‘t thought about before.
Reflective questions
You can gain insight by asking a person to reflect and evaluate an experience and
explain their thought processes during that time. This can help you develop your
critical thinking by providing you real-world examples.
Structural questions
An easy way to understand something is to ask how something works. Any working
system results from a long process of trial and error and properly understanding the
steps that needed to be taken for a positive result could help you be more efficient in
your own endeavors.
Are you looking for a job now?
Valuable critical thinking Examples
A company is a sum of the decisions taken by its management and employees.
Applying critical thinking in work situations will improve your performance and the
company‘s chances of succeeding.

1. Promoting a teamwork approach to problem-solving

Any department within a company is a team and effective collaboration is important
to its success. When developing a strategy, logically analyze all the team members‘
input and offer constructive criticism, while also presenting your own view on the
2. Self-evaluating your contributions to company goals
If your company is trying to reach a target, show critical thinking by evaluating your
contribution and discovering ways to improve your performance. For example, you
could list all the ways you are contributing and their impact on the overall progress.
After doing that, you can think of prioritizing certain current activities, but also
adding new ones that you think will help.
3. Practicing self-reflection
Analyzing your own thought process when making certain decisions should help you
improve how you process information. This can mean asking yourself why you acted
a certain way in a situation or evaluating a decision to find ways you can improve.
4. Making informed decisions
Through time and effort, you can improve your decision-making process by
evaluating all available information. It can be tempting to quickly judge a situation
and move on to something else, but applying critical thinking will usually result in a
more satisfactory outcome. Consider preparing lists of pros and cons, either mentally
or on paper, and critically evaluate things from someone else‘s perspective.
5. Using your time wisely
Deciding how you use your time is another example of critical thinking. Continually
evaluating how you spend your time can help you discover tasks and activities that
may change how you prioritize your duties. For example, if you‘re allocating a lot of
time to an activity that has a low return, such as administrative tasks or internal
reporting, you might consider re-prioritizing your schedule to spend more time on
high-return tasks.
Critical thinking as skills
Critical thinking skills are often mentioned as a key trait employers seek in potential
hires. But what exactly is critical thinking? Conversations with other professionals
show that not everyone is certain about the definition. Critical thinking can be
described as disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by
evidence. While that seems to describe the ability of many accounting professionals,
some leaders in organizations today have a strong feeling that this ability is fading.
Here are strategies that will help you and your team grows critical thinking skills:
1. Be a continuous learner.
Learners have a natural sense of curiosity about the world and their profession. They
read and talk to people. Basically, they educate themselves without being told to. This
can come from reading, talking to subject matter experts, listening to lectures online,
or attending conferences. The more workers know, the more evidence they have to
consider when making a decision.
2. Make the right decision for the majority.
Critical thinkers put their egos aside and think about what is best for the overall
organization, even if that is not the best solution for the individual. Their goal is
seeking to understand and then making a clear and rational decision that is best for the
3. Listen and consider unconventional opinions.
Critical thinkers have a tendency to seek out new solutions to old problems. They
don‘t like the phrase ―that is the way we have always done it.‖ They also see
that collaboration with their team, their profession, and sometimes their competitors
will bring about the best solutions, and they are OK with that.
4. Avoid analysis paralysis.
Critical thinkers will avoid the trap of too much information and getting stuck in the
decision-making process by looking at the big picture and the details. They recognize
they will never have 100% of the information they might be able to gather, but they
also know they can move forward and adjust a decision later if necessary.
5. Analyze yourself.
Critical thinkers develop a skill for explaining to others why they came to a specific
conclusion. Others can follow their reasoning and can understand their thinking. They
are willing to change their views when they are provided with more information that
allows greater understanding

Question#5: Describe principles of building communities of

knowledge and practice.
Answer: Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice as a concept is quite new within the NHS; however as a
gaining knowledge of approach is greater diagnosed within the company international.
You would possibly understand the term ‗Learning Network‘ that's used more
regularly for the equal sort of method. ―Communities of exercise are companies
of people who proportion a challenge or a passion for something they do and learn
how to do it higher as they have interaction often.‖ Wenger-Trayner 2015 There is
three key Characteristics of CoPs:
1. The Domain of Interest – wherein there is shared competence among peers, on the
subject of a selected practice. This isn't about method or different humans‘s paintings;
it's far approximately the granularity of the Cop member‘s paintings. Members are
obsessed on the problem; they arrive collectively because they care about it.
2. The Community – with individuals who assist each other in provider to their area
of interest, even though sharing know-how and experience. The key right here is
repeated interaction and supportive learning relationships. There is intensity to these
interactions that includes reflective capabilities.
3. The Practice – practice on this context way creating that means (why we do this
paintings collectively), developing coherence (how we do our paintings collectively),
and for gaining knowledge of (what works and why – and the way do new participants
study our paintings). Practice is the software of information, and in this technique this
exercise is shared, i.e. All members are growing their shared technique
Malby and Fischer 2006; Wenger-Trayner 2015
Critically therefore CoP member instigate and join a CoP due to the fact:
1. They care approximately the area
2. They have shared competence and exercise
3.They want to research collectively how to increase their exercise (at an in depth
competence level).Communities or Practice are information in search of, both from
the tacit knowledge inside the participants , and as all mastering networks, by using
looking for understanding approximately their shared area and exercise. (Looking for
great exercise, published evidence).
Principles of Communities of Practice
The primary concepts for communities of practice are:
1. Participation – all and sundry within the community has a voice, can be heard and
may make contributions to the exercise. Difference explored.
2. Commitment to practice – to uncovering what the paintings it, why we do it, how
it‘s achieved, and to reciprocity with others trying to research.
3...Understanding limitations and scale – what works right here and does it trade as
the size modifications as an instance if the boundary to the community changes.
4. Reflection the use of evidence- based totally conversations as a center exercise in
itself.Five.Creativity as a supply of strength for exercise – using imagination,
permission to explore, locating new methods of exploring work. So Communities of
Practice are networks of members committed to learning the way to do the nice they
could in their domain of hobby growing relationships for mastering and improvement,
and clarifying what data wishes to be generated and shared throughout the
community.(Malby and Fischer 2006) The CoP Process.
Communities of Practice like any networks need nurturing. There is normally a person
who takes the lead in placing one up – because they care about the difficulty
sufficient. They invite colleagues to examine collectively. There are types of
convening that take region:
1.The lead member inside the CoP who takes the role of a network chief – being an
amazing host, bringing members together, ensuring the conversations are including
value to everyone, helping individuals paintings well together. Here the network
leader allows the CoP manner 2.A facilitator. Where there are a number of CoPs
taking place, these might manifest inside the equal area, in which case a facilitator
may be useful in supporting the process of the mastering communique – bringing in
an detail of mirrored image and overview, and assisting the CoP preserve the ideas of
shared gaining knowledge of and the point of interest on exercise. Once hooked up
CoPs are often self-setting up. The getting to know conversations take an inquiry
approach – working collectively to deepen the members expertise of exercise,
searching out the fine proof to assist them improve their exercise (in terms of their
area of hobby).
They engage frequently. Once the primary meeting or has taken vicinity CoPs
commonly ‗take off‘ with individuals talking on-line in addition to head to head. CoP
individuals regularly go visit every differing‘s place of work to deepen their
knowledge of exercise; they might installation a expertise sharing platform (Trello,
Slack) or a area to chat collectively
E.g. a‘s App group or Linked In Group, as a way to speak among assembly up. They
might be sharing resources (e.g. Protocols; articles).
The Success of CoPs
One of the important thing principles in terms of the success of CoPs is:

‗You personal what you create‘ (Rodgers M (2016)) as with all

networks CoPs will thrive if:
 There is an apparent shared cause and identification
 They are innovative and modern
 They meet members‘ needs
 They are supported by means of adapted leadership
 They have strong relationship and ties
 They generate helpful outputs

(Malby and Anderson Wallace 2016)

Critical to this at the outset of a CoP is to decide how to track effect – what are
individuals gaining knowledge of, how are they applying that and what difference is it
making. In effect contributors want a good way to answer the question ‗So what‘?
Convening CoPs isn‘t tough; the biggest problem for the NHS is that that is a strange
conversational learning manner in an NHS ruled by hierarchy and assignment
management. The convener wishes the subsequent:
 The difference among CoPs and other institution studying techniques (e.g.
Action Learning Sets) or organization assignment delivery strategies (Task
and Finish agencies).
 What a CoP entails, the layout and trajectory of CoPs
 How to guide a community technique to studying

 Reflective and Reflexive Practice
 Facilitating companies to preserve onto the key ideas of a CoP. For instance
how to support CoP businesses as they shape to ensure everyone participates.
These are basic organizational development and group facilitation
competencies, however the paintings here understands which of this broader
set of abilities apply to CoPs.
 Securing impact – a way to acquire data on and exhibit CoP impact.
The satisfactory manner to learn about convening CoPs is to
1. Secure a terrific understanding of the manner (examines all approximately it,
speak to people who have finished it)
2. Start the paintings of convening a CoP and evaluation your exercise as a convener.

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