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B.Ed. (1.

5 years)
Submitted By Wajahat Ali
Registration No. 0000241812
Submitted To
Saleh Mohammad
Assignment No. 2
Semester Autumn, 2022
Course Code 8618
Course Name School Leadership
Question No.1: What do you understand by the term Decision
making discuss in detail?
1. What is Decision Making?
Decision making is the process of making choices based on data and analytics. It
is a key component of business and can be used to make strategic decisi ons about
the direction of the company, the allocation of resources, and the implementation
of new initiatives.

There are a variety of methods that can be used to make decisions, and the most
effective approach will vary depending on the situation. Data -driven decision
making is a popular and effective approach that relies on data and analytics to
inform choices. This approach can be used to make decisions about a wide range
of topics, from marketing strategies to product development.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using data to make decisions. First, it
is important to ensure that the data is of high quality and reliable. Second, the
data should be interpreted in the context of the business goals and objectives.
Finally, the decision-making process should be iterative, so that new data can be
incorporated as it becomes available.

Data-driven decision making is an effective approach for making choices in

business. By using data and analytics to inform choices, businesses can make
informed decisions that are aligned with their goals and objectives.

2. The Process of Decision Making

Decision making is a process of choosing the best option from a set of available
alternatives. The process of decision making involves several steps, which are as

1. Recognizing and defining the problem

The first step in the decision making process is to identify and define the problem.
This step involves understanding the situation and recognizing that a problem
2. Generating alternatives
Once the problem has been identified, the next step is to generate possible
solutions or alternatives. This step requires creative thinking and brainstorming to
come up with as many possible solutions as possible.

3. Evaluating alternatives
The next step is to evaluate each of the generated alternatives. This step involves
considering the pros and cons of each alternative and determining which option is
the best.

4. Making the decision

The final step in the decision making process is to make the decision. This s tep
involves choosing the best alternative and implementing it.

3. The Types of Decisions

Decision making is the process of making choices based on available information.
The type of decision made will be influenced by the type of problem faced and the
decision making style of the individual. The three main types of decisions are
programmed, non-programmed and semi-programmed.

Programmed decisions are those which are made in response to a well -defined
problem using a set of predetermined rules or criteria. Non-programmed decisions
are those which are made in response to an ill -defined problem for which there are
no set rules or criteria. Semi -programmed decisions are those which are made in
response to a well-defined problem using a set of predetermined rule s or criteria
but with some flexibility to allow for the consideration of new information.

The type of decision made will also be influenced by the decision making style of
the individual. The three main decision making styles are rational, intuitive and
emotional. Rational decision making is a logical process which takes into accounts
all of the relevant information and makes a choice based on what will produce the
best results. Intuitive decision making is a more instinctive process which relies
on gut feeling and experience rather than logic. Emotional decision making is a
process which is influenced by emotions such as fear, anger or desire.
Making the wrong type of decision can have serious consequences. Programmed
decisions which are based on inaccurate information or which fail to take into
account all of the relevant information can lead to sub -optimal results. Non-
programmed decisions which are made without due consideration can also lead to
sub-optimal results. Emotional decision making can lead to p oor decisions which
are based on irrational fears or desires.

It is therefore important to carefully consider the type of decision to be made and

the best decision making style to use in order to make the best possible decision.

4. The Importance of Decision Making

Decision making is an essential life skill that everyone must learn in order to
make the best choices possible. There are many factors to consider when making a
decision, and the ability to weigh all of the options and make a choice based on
logic and reason is a valuable asset.

There are many different types of decisions that people have to make on a daily
basis, and some of them are more difficult than others. Some decisions are made
based on instinct or gut feeling, while others require careful consideration. No
matter what type of decision it is, the ability to make good decisions is a valuable
life skill.

There are a few things to keep in mind when making a decision. The first is to
consider all of the options and weigh the pros and cons of ea ch one. It is also
important to consider the implications of each decision and what the consequences
could be. Sometimes, it is helpful to consult with others who may have more
experience or knowledge in the area before making a final choice.

Making good decisions is a key part of being successful in life. It is important to

be able to make choices that will lead to positive outcomes and to avoid making
decisions that could have negative consequences. The ability to make sound
decisions is something that can be learned and developed over time. With practice,
anyone can become better at making decisions that will lead to a successful and
fulfilling life .
5. The Challenges of Decision Making
Decision making is a process of making choices based on certain crite ria. It
involves the identification and assessment of alternatives, and the selection of the
most appropriate option.

There are many challenges associated with decision making. One of the most
significant is the issue of uncertainty. When making a decision , we are often
confronted with the fact that we do not have all the information we would like. We
may not know all the possible outcomes of our actions, or we may not be sure of
the best course of action to take. This can make decision making very difficul t.

Another challenge is the issue of time pressure. We may not have the luxury of
taking our time to make a decision, and may have to act quickly. This can lead to
us making decisions without fully considering all the options, or making impulsive
decisions that we later regret.

Another common challenge is the issue of conflicting objectives. We may have

multiple goals that we are trying to achieve, and these may conflict with each
other. For example, we may want to maximize our profits while also minimizing
our environmental impact. This can make it difficult to find a course of action that
meets all our objectives.

Making decisions can also be difficult when we are faced with a complex problem.
We may have to consider a large number of factors, and weigh up conflicting
information and opinions. This can make it hard to come to a clear and confident

Finally, we may sometimes find it difficult to make decisions because we are

afraid of making the wrong choice. We may worry about the consequences of o ur
actions, or we may simply not be confident in our ability to make the right
decision. This can lead to us feeling paralyzed and unable to act.

All of these challenges can make decision making a difficult and stressful process.
However, there are some things we can do to make it easier. We can try to reduce
the uncertainty by gathering more information and seeking advice from others. We
can try to give ourselves more time to make a decision by breaking the problem
down into smaller steps. And we can try t o identify our objectives and priorities,
so that we can focus on finding a course of action that meets them.
Question No.2: What mistakes we do while setting common goals?
Also discuss how a leader can craft a vision?
Answer: Setting goals is one of the most important things you can do as a leader. It not only
helps you accomplish your objectives, but it can also help you build a culture of success.
However, setting goals that are common across your organization can be challenging. You want
to make sure that everyone on your team understands and agrees with your vision, but at the
same time, you don’t want to alienate any stakeholder. In this blog post, we will discuss some
common mistakes that leaders make while setting goals and how to overcome them. We will also
discuss how a leader can craft a visionary goal for their company.

Goals vs. Plans

Many people make the same common goal mistakes. They don't clearly define what they want,
they don't set a deadline, and they don't break their goals down into smaller, more manageable

A leader needs to have a clear vision for the future in order to motivate others. Without a vision,
people will be unable to see where they're going or what success looks like. A good way to
create a vision is to start with your goals and then figure out how you can achieve them.

Once you have your vision, it's important to communicate it to your team. Make sure everyone
knows why you're doing this and what the end result will be. If everyone on your team is on the
same page, you'll be able to achieve great things!

The Vision
Vision is a key component of any successful organization. It is the sense of where you want to
take your business, and the motivating factor that drives your team to achieve success. However,
many people make common mistakes when crafting their visions.

First, they forget to define what success looks like. Without a clear goal in mind, it's easy to
wander off course and end up with an unrealistic vision.

Second, they don't focus on the big picture. A good vision should be broad enough to encompass
future goals but specific enough so that everyone involved knows exactly what needs to be done
to achieve it.

Finally, leaders need to create a climate of trust and commitment around the vision before
anyone can start working towards it. This requires both clarity in communication and a
consistent set of values and expectations throughout the organization.

Crafting a Goal-Setting Process

Goal setting is an important step in any successful endeavor. However, setting goals can be
difficult for many people. There are a few common mistakes that people make when setting
goals and a leader can use these mistakes to craft a vision that is not achievable.

One of the most common mistakes people make when setting goals is forgetting to define their
goal. Without a clear goal, it is hard to know where to start and how to achieve it. A good way to
avoid this problem is to create a personal goal statement. This statement should describe what
you want your life to be like and what steps you need to take to get there.

Another common mistake people make when setting goals is using vague words or phrases.
Instead of saying "I want to become an entrepreneur," say something like "I want my business to
succeed." This will help you focus on what steps you need to take in order for your goal to be

Lastly, it is important that your goals are achievable. If your goal is too difficult, it will be
difficult if not impossible for you to achieve it. Choose goals that are within reach, but also
challenge yourself enough so that you are motivated to work towards them.

A leader can use these same tips in order to craft a vision that is not only achievable, but also
inspiring and motivational. By defining their mission and creating inspiring goals, leaders can
help their team members reach their full potential.

Setting Specific and Measurable Goals

Vision setting is one of the most important steps in achieving success. It allows us to see beyond
the present, and focus on what we want to achieve in the future. However, setting specific and
measurable goals can be difficult.

One mistake that people make when setting goals is thinking too narrowly. They may focus on a
single aspect of their goal, instead of taking a holistic view. This can lead to inaction because it’s
difficult to measure progress when you’re only focusing on one part of your goal.

A better way to approach vision setting is to develop a big-picture perspective. This means
looking at the goal as a whole, rather than focusing on individual details. By doing this, you can
more easily recognize when you’re making progress and adjust your strategy accordingly.

In order to create a successful vision, a leader must first understand their audience. They need to
know what they want and how they want it delivered, both now and in the future. This
information should be distilled into a concise vision statement that sticks in people’s minds.

Once a leader has a clear vision for their organization, they can set specific goals that will help
them reach that vision. These goals should be achievable but challenging, with achievable
milestones leading up to the ultimate goal. By following these steps, leaders will be able to create
successful organizations.

Using Celebrations to Motivate Progress

Setting common goals can be a difficult task, but it is an important part of any leader's job. The
wrong goals can lead to stagnation, while the right ones can spur progress. In this article, we will
discuss some of the common mistakes that leaders make when setting common goals, and how to
craft a vision that motivates progress.

When setting common goals, it is important to keep in mind the mission and purpose of the
organization. This information should be included in the goal document or clarified during
discussion. Also, consider the resources that will be needed to achieve the goal. For example, if
the goal is to increase sales by 10%, it may be necessary to hire additional employees or take on
new marketing initiatives.

Creating a timeline for achieving the goal is also important. This allows everyone involved—
from leadership down to team members—to have a clear picture of what needs to be
accomplished and when it will be done. Deadlines are also helpful in motivating team members
since they know how long they have to work hard in order to reach the finish line.

Finally, make sure that everyone understands and agrees with the goal before committing
resources towards its achievement. This includes not only leadership but also team members who
may have different skills or knowledge that could be beneficial in completing the task. If
everyone involved knows and supports the goal, they are more likely to work together towards
its completion."

In today's business world, there are a lot of people vying for the same limited resources. This can
create tension and conflict among colleagues, as well as between competitors and customers.
When trying to decide what goals to set for your team or organization, it's important to consider
not only the short-term benefits but also the long-term consequences. Crafting a vision is one
way leaders can help facilitate cooperation and alignment among their team members.
Question No.3: Describe leadership characteristics and skills in
Answer : Leadership characteristics and skills
Leadership characteristics and skills are often described as a set of traits or behaviors
that allow a person to effectively lead others. While there is no definitive set of
leadership characteristics, there are some common skills and be haviors that are often
associated with successful leaders.
Some of the most important leadership skills and characteristics include:
• Communication:
Leaders need to be able to effectively communicate their vision and goals to their
team. They also need to be able to listen to feedback and input from their team
• Motivation
Leaders need to be able to motivate and inspire their team to work towards the
common goal.
• Delegation:
Leaders need to be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities to their team members.
This allows the leader to focus on the most important tasks and ensures that all team
members are contributing to the goal.
• Decisiveness:
Leaders need to be able to make decisions quickly and confidently. They also need to
be able to justify their decisions to their team.
• Problem-solving:
Leaders need to be able to identify and solve problems quickly. They also need to be
able to delegate tasks to their team members and provide support when needed.
• Adaptability:
Leaders need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances and environments. They
also need to be able to lead their team through change.
• Integrity:
Leaders need to be honest and have strong moral character. They also need to be able
to earn the trust and respect of their team.
Leadership is a complex and multi -faceted concept. There is no single set of
characteristics or skills that all leaders possess. However, th e skills and
characteristics listed above are commonly associated with successful leaders.
What makes a good leader?
A leader is someone who can influence others to achieve a common goal. There are
many different qualities that make a good leader, but som e of the most important
ones include being able to communicate effectively, being decisive, and being able to
motivate and inspire others.
One of the most important qualities of a good leader is the ability to communicate
effectively. A leader needs to be able to clearly articulate their vision and goals to
their team, and then help to guide them towards achieving those goals. It’s also
important for a leader to be able to listen to their team and to take their input and
feedback into account.
Another important quality of a good leader is decisiveness. A leader needs to be able
to make tough decisions, and they need to be able to do so quickly. They also need to
be able to justify their decisions to their team and to others.
Another important quality of a go od leader is the ability to motivate and inspire
others. A leader needs to be able to generate excitement and buy -in for their vision
from their team. They also need to be able to provide support and guidance to their
team when things get tough.
There are many other qualities that can make a leader successful, but these are some
of the most important ones. If you have these qualities, then you have the potential to
be a great leader.

The different types of leadership styles

There are many different types o f leadership styles that can be effective in different
situations. The type of leadership style that is most effective depends on the
situation, the team, and the goals. The four most common leadership styles are
autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and transformational.
Autocratic leadership is when the leader makes all the decisions and the team has no
input. This style can be effective when there is a clear vision and the team is not
Democratic leadership is when the leader consults with the team and takes their input
into account when making decisions. This style can be effective when the team is
motivated and there is no clear vision.
Laissez-faire leadership is when the leader lets the team make all the decisions. This
style can be effective when the team is very motivated and there is a clear vision.
Transformational leadership is when the leader inspires the team to achieve a
common goal. This style can be effective when the team is not motivated and there is
no clear vision.
The skills needed to be a successful leader
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what skills are needed to be a
successful leader. The skills that are needed will depend on the specific context and
situation in which the leader is operating. However, there are some skills that are
generally considered to be important for all leaders. These include:
1. Communication
Leaders need to be able to communicate their vision and ideas clearly and
persuasively. They also need to be good listeners, so that they can understand the
needs and concerns of their followers.
2. Emotional intelligence:
Leaders need to be able to unde rstand and manage their own emotions, as well as the
emotions of others. This includes being able to deal with difficult situations and
people in a constructive way.
3. Decision-making:
Leaders need to be able to make decisions quickly and confidently, ev en in the face
of uncertainty. They also need to be able to justify their decisions to others.
4. Strategic thinking:
Leaders need to be able to see the big picture and develop long -term plans that are
aligned with the goals of their organization. They al so need to be able to anticipate
and respond to changes in the external environment.
5. Problem-solving:
Leaders need to be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently. They
also need to be able to delegate effectively and empower others t o solve problems.
6. Creativity:
Leaders need to be able to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
They also need to be open to change and willing to take risks.
7. Integrity:
Leaders need to be honest and transparent in their dealings wi th others. They also
need to be consistent in their words and actions.
8. Passion:
Leaders need to be passionate about their work and their vision. They also need to be
able to inspire others to achieve their best.
9. Work ethic:
Leaders need to be hardworking and dedicated to their goals. They also need to set
the example for others to follow.
10. Courage:
Leaders need to be courageous in the face of adversity. They also need to be able to
stand up for what they believe in, even when it

How to develop leadership skills?

What are the characteristics of a leader?
A leader is someone who can motivate and inspire others to achieve a common goal.
A leader is also someone who is able to take charge in difficult situations and make
decisions that are in the bes t interests of the group.
Leadership is not about having all the answers or being the most popular person in
the room. It’s about being able to listen to others, communicate effectively, and make
decisions that are in the best interests of the group.
There are many different leadership styles, and the best leaders are able to adapt their
style to the situation and the people they are leading.
What are some leadership skills?
Some of the most important leadership skills include:
• Communication:
Leaders need to be able to communicate their vision and inspire others to achieve it.
• Decision making:
Leaders need to be able to make decisions quickly and effectively, even in difficult
• Problem solving:
Leaders need to be able to identify probl ems and come up with solutions that are in
the best interests of the group.
• Delegation:
Leaders need to be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities to others.
• Motivation
Leaders need to be able to motivate and inspire others to achieve a common go al.
• Conflict resolution:
Leaders need to be able to resolve conflicts effectively.
• Team building:
Leaders need to be able to build and manage effective teams.
Leadership skills can be learned and developed over time. The best leaders are those
who are constantly learning and growing. There are many books, articles, and
workshops that can help you develop your leadership skills.
The importance of leadership in businesses and
There are many different types of businesses and organizations, but one thing that
they all have in common is that they need leadership in order to be successful.
Leaders are the ones who set the direction for the company and make sure that
everyone is working towards the same goals. They also need to be able to motiv ate
and inspire their employees to do their best work.
There are a few different leadership styles that can be effective, depending on the
type of business and the people who are working there. The most important thing is
that the leader is able to get the best out of their team and help them to achieve their
One of the most important leadership skills is communication. Leaders need to be
able to communicate their vision and goals to their team, and they need to be able to
listen to their employees’ feedback. They also need to be able to give clear
instructions and provide support when needed.
Another important skill for leaders is problem -solving. Leaders need to be able to
identify problems and come up with solutions that will work for the company. They
also need to be able to delegate tasks and put together a plan of action.
Leadership is a very important part of any business or organization, and it is
something that takes time and practice to develop. If you are looking to improve your
leadership skills, there are many resources available, such as books, websites, and
even leadership courses.
Question#4: Discuss change management in detail and also
Elaborate the concept of changing a gentry in detail.
Answer: Let’s face it, change is hard. Whether it’s a personnel change, a new software
system rollout, or anything in between, making the switch can feel like an insurmountable
challenge. And while there are certainly plenty of resources available to help you through the
process, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where this blog post comes
in. In it, we’ll discuss change management in detail and also elaborately discuss the concept of
changing gentry. By doing so, you should be better equipped to manage any change effectively
and minimize its impact on your organization.
What is change management?
Change management is the process of ensuring that changes to an organization are made in a
controlled, orderly, and consistent manner. The goal of change management is to ensure that
changes are made efficiently, without disrupting the operations of the organization.

The concept of change management evolved from military doctrine and has been adopted by
organizations across a wide range of industries. Change management principles define how
information should be shared among participants in a change effort, how decisions about changes
should be made, and how changes should be executed.

There are four main phases of change: initiation, proposal, implementation, and post-
implementation. In initiation, stakeholders (users, managers, etc.) identify needs for change and
develop proposals. Proposals may include ideas for new processes or products. Implementation
involves designing new processes or implementing new software. Post-implementation ensures
that the changes have been successful and that any issues have been resolved.

To successfully complete a change initiative, it is essential to have a well-organized team with

skills in management consulting; communication; process improvement; software development;
Lean methodology; Six Sigma methodology; and other areas as needed. The team must also have
consensus building skills so that everyone can agree on what needs to be done and what steps
need to be taken to achieve success.

A key component of any successful change initiative is communication. It is vital that all
stakeholders are kept informed about progress throughout the process so they understand why
changes were made and what effects they will likely.
The 4 Ps of Change Management
1. Planning
The first step in any change is planning. The change team must come up with a plan that lays
out what they want to accomplish and when they want to accomplish it. They need to know who
will be responsible for each step of the process, and when they will be due back from their
respective tasks.

2. Implementing
Once the plan is created, implementing it begins. This involves making sure everyone
understands what’s being planned, getting approvals if necessary, and then actually putting it
into action. Everything from setting up meetings to printing documents can fall under this

3. Monitoring and Feedback

After everything has been implemented, it’s important to monitor it and get feedback on how
things are going. This can be done through regular reviews or surveys, depending on the
situation. Feedback helps teams make tweaks as needed while also providing valuable data on
how the change was received by those involved.

4. Reactionary Planning
It’s always possible that something will go wrong during implementation – no matter how well
plans are made – which is why reactionary planning is important too. This involves having a plan
for how to deal with unexpected situations as they arise so that disruptions don’t cause more
chaos than necessary.
Attributes of a Change Agent
When it comes to change management, there are a few things that need to be considered. The
first is the change agent themselves - what qualities do they have in order to be successful?
Secondly, the organization itself - what needs must it meet in order for a change to be
successful? Lastly, the change process itself - how will each aspect of it be executed?

In regards to the change agent themselves, they need to be able to take ownership of their
project. They also need to be passionate about it and have a good understanding of both their
subject matter and the changes they are attempting to make. Furthermore, they should have
strong communication and interpersonal skills. Lastly, they should be able to prioritize and
manage their time effectively.

When it comes to meeting organizational needs, the change agent needs to identify what those
needs are. They then need to work with stakeholders in order to gain their consent so that the
changes can be made. Once that is done, they need to create a plan for how the changes will be
implemented which takes into account any potential obstacles along the way. Finally, once
implementation has begun, they need to remain vigilant in order make sure that everything goes
as planned.

When it comes to executing the change process itself, there are a few key aspects that need
attention. First is creating a timeline which sets out when different stages of the project will take
place. Next is setting goals for each stage of the process and ensuring that targets are met.
The role of the Change Manager
The role of the change manager is to ensure that changes are made in a controlled, efficient and
effective manner. In order to be a successful change manager, it is important to understand the
concept of changing gentry. Changing gentry is the process of guiding and managing change
within an organization. It involves identifying stakeholders, gathering information, identifying
needs, creating or proposing solutions, and implementing solutions.

It is also important to understand the different types of change: incremental, radical and
transformative. Incremental changes are those that are designed to improve an existing situation
without altering the underlying structure or values of the organization. Radical changes are those
that involve a complete restructuring of the organization. Transformative changes are those that
have the potential to completely alter an organization's culture and way of doing business.

In order to be able to manage change effectively, it is essential to have a well-organized process

for managing information. Change management plans should be developed in consultation with
all key stakeholders involved in the change process. These plans should include timelines for
completing each stage of the change process as well as provisions for contingencies should any
stage fall short of schedule. Changes should also be tracked and monitored throughout the
process using appropriate tools such as Change Management Atlases (CMA).

Lastly, it is important to create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable

bringing up concerns about possible changes they should also be provided with training on how
to effectively participate in collective decision making processes and how to handle conflict
arising from conflicting
Tools for Change Management
Change management is a process that helps organizations manages the changes that affect their
operations. It encompasses all aspects of planning, implementing, assessing, and tracking
change. In order to successfully implement change, it is important to have a clear understanding
of the concept of change management.
A change management model defines the steps required to implement a proposed change. The
model should include who will be responsible for each step, when the steps will be completed,
and what resources will be needed. The model also identifies who will be accountable for
ensuring that the change is implemented correctly.

The concept of changing gentry can help organizations plan and manage changes more
effectively. A changing agent is an individual or group who is Primary responsible for initiating
or managing a change in an organization. Other key responsibilities include defining the goals of
the change, identifying potential stakeholders, and building consensus among stakeholders.
Changing gentry also involves developing and maintaining communication channels with
stakeholders and coordinating efforts among teams involved in the change process.
Good change management is essential to the success of any organization. It helps ensure that
changes are made in a controlled and risk-free manner, and that everyone knows their role in the
change process. In this article, we will discuss the concept of change management in detail, as
well as delve into the role of the changing a gentry. Finally, we will provide some tips for
effective change management.

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