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Slide Note for the Course:

Leadership and Change Management

Jemal M. (PhD)
Assistant Prof, AAU, department of Management
College of Business and Economics,
Chapter One:
Introduction to Leadership Basics

Leadership & Change Mgt Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
“An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an
army of lions led by a sheep” Alexander the

Reflect on the above quote

Leadership & Change Mgt Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
1.1. Definition of Leadership
• “There are almost as many definitions of Leadership as
there are persons who have attempted to define the
concept” (Stogdill, 1974).

• Traditional definitions of leadership emphasize

rational, cognitive processes, whereas the recent
views emphasize emotional aspects of influence.

Leadership & Cahange Mgt Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
Definition cont’d…
• Various perspectives are identified from the definitions given for
leadership by different scholars over the last decades.
• Some of these include:
– As the focus of group process – the leader is at the center of
group change and embodies the will of the group.
– Personality perspective- leadership as a combination of
special traits or characteristics that some individuals possess.
– As an act or behavior – the things leaders do to bring about
change in a group

Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt

Definition cont’d…
– Power relationship that exists between the followers and
– Transformational process – move followers to accomplish
more than is expected of them

• The following components can be identified as central

to leadership phenomenon:
– Leadership is a process
– Leadership involves influence
– Leadership occurs in group
– Leadership involves common goals

Leadership &Change mgt Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
Definition …
• Comprehensively, leadership can be defined as a
process whereby an individual influences a group of
individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse,

• Another comprehensive definition :

“… the process of influencing others to understand
and agree about what needs to be done and how to
do it, and the process of facilitating individual and
collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives”
(Gari Yukl, 2010).

Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt

1.2. Leadership Vs Management

• Although leadership and management are often

interchangeable and similar in many ways, they are not
the same thing or are always congruent in nature.
• Leadership entails working with people, which
management entails as well.
• But, the two are different in many aspects.

Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt

Leadership vs. Management Cont’d…
• According to Kotter (1990), the functions of the two are quite
• Kotter indicated that:
– The overriding function of management is to provide order
and consistency to organizations, whereas the primary
function of leadership is to produce change and movement.
– Management is about seeking order and stability, leadership
is seeking adaptive and constructive change .
• Another difference between the two terms is that leadership may
not be positional as the leaders may emerge without having a
formal position with a legitimate power. Managers on the other
hand are always positional and their power is derived from a
formal position that comes following legitimate authority.
Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
Leadership vs management cont’…
• "Management is the skill of getting people to do something that
you want them to do because you want them to do it and
leadership is the art of getting people to do something you want
them to do because they want to do it" Sal F. Marino.

• A manager (in title) may lack the inspirational and motivational

features of a leader and a leader may lack the planning,
coordinating and budget concerns of a manager.

• To Benis and Nanus (1985),

– “managers are people who do things right, and leaders are people who
do right things” (P, 221).
– to lead is to influence others and create vision for change, whereas to
manage means to accomplish activities and master routine.

Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt

Leadership vs. Management Cont’d…
• Simone and Tett (2012), found that
– leaders are distinguished by motivating intrinsically,
creative thinking, strategic planning, tolerance of
ambiguity, and being able to read people,
– management is distinguished by rule orientation, short
term planning, motivating extrinsically, orderliness,
safety concerns, and timeliness.

Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt

Functions of Management and Leadership
Management Leadership
Planning and Budgeting Establishing Direction
- Establishing Agendas - Create Vision
- Set Timetables - Clarify big picture
- Allocate Resources - Set strategies
Organizing and Staffing Aligning People
- Provide Structure - Communicate goals
- Make job Placement - Seek commitment
- Establish rules and procedures - Build teams and coalitions
Controlling and Problem Solving Motivating and Inspiring
- Develop incentives -Inspire and energize
- Generate Creative Solutions - Empower followers
- Take Corrective Measures - Satisfy unmet needs
Source; A force for change: how leadership differs from Management (pp3-8), J.P
Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press.
Leadership & change mgt Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
Leadership vs. Management Cont’d…
• In general, although they are different in scope, both are
essential if an organization is to prosper.
• If an organization has strong management without
leadership, the outcome can be a highly bureaucratic
• Conversely, if an organization has strong leadership
without management, the outcome will be meaningless
and misdirected change for the change’s sake.
• Therefore, the optimal state is to have people who, if in
a position of management or leadership, have the skills,
tools and techniques to be a great leader in any given
Leadership Slide Note– prepared by Jemal M (PhD), AAU- Mgt Deprt
Leadership & Power
Bases of Social Power
Power (French & Raven, 1959)

• Referent
• The capacity to influence.
– The ability to change others’ • Expert
beliefs, attitudes & actions
• Legitimate
• Reward
• Coercive

Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition © 2012 SAGE Publications, Inc.
Leadership & Power
• Position Power • Personal Power (emergent) is
(assigned): derived from influence derived from being
rank in an organization seen as likable & competent.

From Northouse - Leadership Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publications, Inc.

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