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Parent Letter

Welcome to your child’s English Progress Tracker for Unit 1 of Share It!
This letter tells you what your child is learning in this unit and gives
you some ideas for supporting your child at home.
Your child is starting Unit 1, pages 10–19. The topic is Family.

Share It! Vocabulary and Grammar

In Lessons 1 and 2 (pp. 10–11), your child will learn new vocabulary for family
members. Your child will learn how to ask and answer about family members using this
new language:

New words: Example language:

parents, grandparents, big brother, little Who’s he / she? Who are they?
sister, cousin, aunt, uncle He’s / She’s / They’re my …

  At home: Ask your child to say the new language using pictures in the Student Book.

In Lessons 4 and 5 (pp. 14–15), your child will learn new vocabulary for belongings.
Your child will learn how to ask and answer about belongings using this new grammar:

New words: Example language:

glasses, keys, cell phone, sandals, Whose … is this? It’s (mine).
e-reader, wallet, comic book Whose … are these? They’re (his).

  At home: Ask your child to say the new language using pictures in the Student Book.

Share It! Value

The Value focus in this unit is Be honest.
In Lesson 3 (pp. 12–13), your child will read the story Whose Camera Is It? and learn
about the importance of being honest.
 At home: Talk to your child about the story, have them read it to you aloud, and
talk about the value of being honest.

© Macmillan Education Limited 2020

Share It! CLIL
In Lessons 6 and 7 (pp. 16–17), your child will read a text about Social Studies and
learn vocabulary for different families.

New words: Example language:

city, busy, countryside, nature Josie has a big family. They live in the

 At home: Help your child do the Share at Home activity with your family. Ask
questions about the CLIL topic and encourage them to use the new vocabulary.

Share at Home
Talk about your
family tree.

Share It! Phonics

In Lesson 8, your child will learn to read and say words with l-blends. They will practice
saying words that begin with bl, cl, fl, and pl.
New words:
black, blue, clock, clap, flower, flag, plane, play

 At home: Ask your child to say the phonics rhyme on page 18 and point to the
things in the picture. Together, think of other words that start with these sounds.

Enjoy sharing Unit 1 – Family with your child!

© Macmillan Education Limited 2020

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