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Portfolio Assignment

SUS1501 – Sustainability and Greed

Student Number: 66211999
Date: 15/7/21
Teaching Assistant Name: N ECCLES


By submitting this portfolio, I implicitly declare that this is my own work except for the
“Introduction” which was kindly written for me by my lecturer.

I am aware that if ANY unacknowledged copying is detected in ANY answer, I will get 0 (zero)
for the entire assignment.


• Please read the instructions on myUnisa carefully.

• Please download the most up to date version of this template from the additional resources tool
on myUnisa.
• Go through the MCQs again, and record your current choice in the template (we suggest that
you don’t look at your original choices before you have been through all questions)
• For each question, record your original choice in assignment 1. (If you have forgotten your
original choices, you can find these as in the Self Assessments tool. For Assignment 1 click on
“Feedback” and you will find your choices).
• Jot down AT LEAST 10 notes reflecting on your choices for any of the 20 questions.
• Each note must be AT LEAST 100 words long
• Write your conclusion of AT LEAST 500 words
• Your notes and conclusion should include references to the theory that we covered.
• Your notes and conclusion should also make reference to discussions with fellow students that
you found meaningful.
• Save the file as a Word document with a short name (myUnisa will reject files with long names).
• Submit this file into the Assignments tool on myUnisa.
• Take a screen grab of the final submission acknowledgement on myUnisa and save this
somewhere safe in case of any disputes.
• Check under the Assignments tool that there is a date in the “Processed” cell for the SUS1501

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST – i.e. if you do not fulfill ALL of these you will NOT pass this

1. Correct template version used

2. All 20 multiple choice question original answers captured
3. All 20 multiple choice question answers now captured
4. Notes for AT LEAST ten (10) questions
5. Each note AT LEAST 100 words long
6. Conclusion present
7. Conclusion AT LEAST 500 words long

My aim in compiling this portfolio was to reflect on the things that have struck me throughout
this crazy module.

My starting point for doing this was to revisit my opinions to the multiple choice questions
which were presented in the Crossroads assignment. I present these current opinions, together
with my original opinions, and some brief notes in the section entitled: “Back at the

Once I have done this, I draw some key conclusions about this crazy module and about the
things that did indeed strike me.

Back at the Crossroads!

1. “Greed is good” My personal opinion of what should be done, is most closely described by:
a. It’s not good or bad. It’s just how things are.
b. Absolutely! If it wasn’t for greed we would never achieve anything.
c. I’m not sure. Sometimes I think that it’s good. At other times I think that it’s bad.
d. It depends on how you define “greed”.
e. Absolutely not! Greed is bad. It leads to much pain and suffering.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: My choice regarding greed has most certainly changed and I was not sure when I was
answering assignment 1 and I will always have the perspective of greed is bad and mostly lead to pain
and suffering. But thinking back to the content of this module by relating to psychological egoism, I
recall a story about the man that tried to help the snake but got cached. This is the moment you have
to question the definition of greed because surely nobody wants to risk getting cached by the snake
no matter how bad a situation of the snake in.

<NB Note: If your inclination here is to say that having done this module you have decided that greed is
indeed good, then by all means go ahead and defend this. However, if you tell us that the course
material has told you that greed is good, then you are very likely to fail this module. The course material
quite explicitly states that greed is not good. If you think that the material says otherwise, then you
need to go and read the material again.>

2. “If arctic ice melting continues, we are likely to see the loss of two thirds of the world's polar bear
population within 50 years.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Who cares?
b. If it boils down to choosing between driving a luxury SUV and worrying about polar bears I’ll
take the car any day.
c. While this is sad, polar bears aren’t really very important to my personal welfare which is my
primary concern.
d. While this is sad, polar bears aren’t really very important to general human social welfare.
e. I don’t think polar bears are all that important to human welfare. However, their plight is a
symptom of climate change which is a big problem to future human welfare.
f. I think it is morally unacceptable for humans to put their interests ahead of the rights of
other species like polar bears.

Choice now: F

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: The lives of polar bears are just as important as the lives of humans. Human are contributing a
lot to global warming which is causing climate change and therefore causing the ice to melt. Polar
bears strive in icy environment, and they were created live in places that have very low temperatures.
Humans should not think for themselves only. Steps should be taken to tackle this issue and try to
reverse the global warming so that the polar bears can survive for many more years. They also play
their part in the environment and their lives are just as important as every other life.

3. “Of the top 10 wealthiest people (all men), seven are tech billionaires. Their net worth is US$ 847
billion or ZAR 13 trillion!” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:

a. I think that such wealth is utterly immoral when there is so much poverty and suffering in
the world and so active steps should be taken to correct this.
b. These billionaires are all tech visionaries and deserve every cent of their wealth because of
their brilliance.
c. Why would anyone want or need that amount of money?
d. These are my heroes. I aspire to be like them.
e. Bill Gates is one of them and look at how much money he is giving to the poor through the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Choice now: B

Choice in assignment 1: A


4. “60% of the world’s cobalt is mined in the DRC. Significant amounts of this is mined under appalling
conditions often by child labourers.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:
a. What’s cobalt got to do with to me?
b. The DRC is a long way from where I live so I don’t really care.
c. This is just a fact of global supply chains and necessary for global economic growth, which is
in everyone’s best interest.
d. I wonder who is profiting out of this?
e. It breaks my heart to see children exploited. This is morally wrong and must not be allowed.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E


5. “It is estimated that humans are consuming natural resource at a rate that is 30% above the renewal
rate. If we continue to consume in this way we are likely to suffer dire consequences which could
include extinction.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast, but I don’t think this is a problem as there
is plenty of time to find technological solutions to problems that emerge
b. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is to put the
brakes on human population growth.
c. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is for rich
people to reduce their consumption significantly.
d. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. And frankly I don’t see any solution
because increasing consumption is the basis of our economic growth.
e. I don’t believe this tale of doom.

Choice now: B

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: My choice now has changed based on my knowledge obtained from the course and further
investigation that I have found, I had always known that people consume a lot of natural resources

and some very unnecessarily taking into account that the technology for renewable sources of energy
is already available , the different is that I didn’t know the actual rate we are consuming these
resources by and how close we actually are to suffering dire consequences. Putting the brakes on
human population growth is a very sensitive topic that many would frown upon but if we can find a
way to stop human population and experience an expected population growth rare, we would be able
to forecast.

6. “Imagine you find out that some students get together, buy good assignments from previous years
and submit them as their own.” My personal opinion about this practice is most closely described
a. I have heard that Unisa might be using sophisticated plagiarism detecting software like
Turnitin and, if this is the case, the chances of getting caught are just too great. I don't want
to get into trouble.
b. Not only will I participate, I am going to be the one who sells assignments next year for cash.
c. I am not sure what the rules say but if this is against the rules I won’t do it.
d. I am not sure what is the right thing to do here or what is expected of me now that I know
e. The problem with cheating is that it undermines everyone's qualification, not just those who
are participating
f. Someone needs to report this because it is intellectual fraud, and that someone is going to
be me.

Choice now: C

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: My choice now has been changed due to some reason that I will show to my note because I am
well educated about the high-end software available as I used to work on my own work, this is totally
wrong to buy someone else work that has already been submitted by other students and I always
work in an environment that utilized similar detecting software and it proved to be extremely
accurate , but due to the fact I know very well about the rules and well informed about what is not
permitted so due to moral and ethical personal values, I just would not do it.

7. “Show me a great fortune and I’ll show you a great crime.” (a translation from Honoré de Balzac) My
personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Clearly Balzac had taken too much hashish when he wrote that!

b. It is completely possible to make a fortune by legal means – in fact this is what I intend to do
in my life.
c. I don't care - watch out Elon Musk, here I come!
d. I think that this is absolutely true.
e. Even if great fortunes are acquired in a technically legal way, they are always morally

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: E


8. “It’s a fact! You cannot expect to have economic growth when there is the threat of expropriation
without compensation.” (van der Merwe) My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:
a. Obviously!
b. I don’t know about economic growth, but those who wrote the Constitution of South Africa
knew what they were doing so private property is sacred and must be respected at all cost.
c. The notion of private property is a western individualist notion.
d. Hmmmm …. you have to admit that the economies of the north grew very handsomely on
the basis of expropriation without compensation? So this is not an immutable natural law.
It's just how the rules are currently structured right?

Choice now: C

Choice in assignment 1: A


9. “If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and
resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached
sometime within the next one hundred years. The most probable result will be a rather sudden and
uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.” My personal opinion on this
statement is most closely described by:
a. I don’t believe this tale of doom.
b. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast, but I don’t think this is a problem as there
is plenty of time to find technological solutions to problems that emerge

c. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is to put the
brakes on human population growth.
d. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority in solving this is for rich
people to reduce their consumption significantly.
e. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. The first priority is for poor people to not
have more kids than they can afford.
f. Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. And frankly I don’t see any solution
because increasing consumption is the basis of our economic growth.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E


10. "The wealth of the few depends upon the poverty of many." My personal opinion on this statement
is most closely described by:
a. So long as I am amongst the few I don't care.
b. This is just not true – the rich are simply more “diligent, intelligent, and above all frugal”.
c. This is just not true – if it were not for the generous wealthy, the poor would be even poorer
than they are.
d. This is absolutely true – there is only so much wealth in the world at any one moment so if
one person has more than their share someone else has to have less than their share.
e. This is absolutely true and given how much poverty there is we ought to do something
about it.

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: D


11. “Even before COVID, one out of every five South Africans lived below the food poverty line.” My
personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Who cares?
b. If population growth rates of the poor were not so high they wouldn’t be so poor.

c. If they worked harder, they wouldn't be so poor.
d. This is sad, but to be honest, it is not going to stop me from focusing on my own wellbeing
e. I think that we must all strive to eliminate poverty together.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: My choice haven’t changed as a whole country we must work together to eliminate poverty
even the economy grows but the people who are poor and unemployed are likely to get
employed but still we are living in the world of corruption where every one get employed by
paying such a huge money for mangers to reduce this there should be the high number of
people employed and let create more jobs opportunity because this this end with bad result
when people being involved a crime just because of poverty. Accelerating poverty and
inequality reduction will require a combination of polices that promote inclusive growth
through booting access to education and skilled jobs creation.

12. “Every day some 20,000 children die prematurely from poverty related causes, mostly treatable
diseases.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Who cares?
b. It’s hard to say it, but given the rising human population, perhaps this is a blessing in
disguise for the human species as a whole
c. It’s hard to say it, but this just means less people competing with me for scarce
opportunities and resources.
d. This is morally wrong, but practically, I think that it would cost too much money to solve
e. It is morally unacceptable for a single child to die of a preventable disease and we should
collectively fix this irrespective of the cost.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E

Notes: My personal choice has remained unchanged because it is totally wrong from every
perspective for any child to die because of poverty something that can be limited even by the
government by providing families with feeding skim for all of those children who are in need although
they are given social grant related causes and more so from diseases that are treatable taking into
account that there is a small population of people who have greater assets then the income of 160 of
the world poorest countries. the only restriction from the poverty related disease being treated is
resources which runs down to economy.

13. “In the 2018/2019 financial year, Bob van Dijk, the CEO of Naspers earned a total remuneration
(salary, incentives and options) of R 1.9 billion.” My personal opinion on this statement is most
closely described by:
a. Good for him – he worked hard to earn this.
b. The only problem I have with this is that this money is in van Dijk’s bank account and not in
c. No problem with this. I'm sure van Dijk donates huge amounts to charity.
d. I think that it is morally wrong for anyone to earn that much money.
e. I think that active steps should be taken to correct such immoral executive remuneration

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: A

Notes: My choice now has changed when it is compared to the first assignment 1 after studying the
whole cause content and assignment related to discussion. After discovering the amount of wealth
Bob van Dijk’s had accumulated and the amount of wealth he had, so I think it can be better if this
money was given/ donated to some of people who are in need so we can eliminate the poverty at
lastly my new opinion made it clear for me that I had no considered Kant’s categorical imperative
according the situation and I have then discovered new morally correct values.

14. “Unless fossil-fuel use slows dramatically, the earth’s average temperature could rise by six degrees
Celsius in the next 100 years.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Who cares?
b. I don’t believe this climate change nonsense
c. Six degrees will make winters much more bearable to me personally
d. I’m a bit concerned about this, but there is nothing that I can do about it
e. I’m a bit concerned about this, but why should I invest my personal time, effort or money in
solving a general social problem
f. I think that individually we can and should strive to solve this problem for the greater good

Choice now: F

Choice in assignment 1: F

Notes: My choice is still the same as assignment 1 and I believe that as individuals we can tackle this.
The change in the climate will affect all of us therefore we should all be concerned and try to change
our lifestyles to prevent that from happening. We all have the responsibility to take care of the
environment as we all live in it and we all benefit from it. If there is climate change it will affect us,
affect the animals, affect the production of food and the rise in temperatures will cause our water
sources to face evaporation which might lead to a shortage as time goes by.

15. "You won’t make the poor rich by making the rich poor." My personal opinion of what should be
done is most closely described by:
a. This is rubbish and we should attack extreme wealth wherever it arises.
b. This is the sort of trite rhetoric that the rich try and sell to the world in order to protect their
c. This is rubbish. If a few take a huge share, it leaves that much less for the rest. It’s simple
d. This is absolutely true. Without the money that the rich have, the poor would be that much
worse off and lefty socialists would do well to understand this fact.
e. Since my personal aim is to be rich, my opinion here is simple – just leave the rich alone.

Choice now: A

Choice in assignment 1: D


16. "Save the rhino!!" My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. Why?
b. Let the people who want to use this resource pay to protect it.
c. We have bigger problems than worrying about rhinos.
d. We must save the rhinos for our children.
e. We must save the rhinos because it is the right thing to do.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: D

Notes: My choice now has changed every living species has a right to life and is everyone’s
responsibility to protect and take care of animals that cannot protect themselves. Rhinos play a huge
role in the ecosystem and in the economy (tourist attraction as they are part of the big 5). If the

poaching continues, they will be extinct, and the future generation will only see them in history
books. We should save the rhinos because it is the right thing to do and because we will benefit from
it as humans, the economy will benefit from it and the country’s tourism will also benefit from it.

17. "With a shift of only 2 percent of global household income, all the great deprivations of the poorer
half of humankind could be avoided." My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:
a. Who cares?
b. Let the poorest work for their money like the rest of us.
c. So long as no one takes 2 percent of my income.
d. Just proves - if poverty was an issue for the rich we would solve it by throwing money at it.
e. Let's solve it then!

Choice now: B

Choice in assignment 1: B

Notes: my choice haven’t changed everybody should work for their money and those who rely on
getting handouts should stop. there are many programs that offer people free opportunities to
acquire skills that can help them generate income. There is no excuse for a person to not work and
make money unless if disabled in a way that makes it impossible for them to do any kind of work.
Teaching people skills that will help them now and in future is much more beneficial than offering
them money. The rich work hard for their money, they empower themselves by trying out new
investment opportunities, by saving and accumulating more wealth.

18. “In order to have the continued opportunity to express their ‘generosity,’ the oppressors must
perpetuate injustice as well.” (Paulo Freire) My personal opinion on this statement is most closely
described by:
a. This is crazy ‘commie’ nonsense from Freire – it’s a disgrace that Unisa allows this rubbish to
appear in its official study material.
b. This is rubbish - if it were not for the essential goodness of the wealthy, the lives of the poor
would be so much worse than they already are.
c. So let me get this straight – Freire is saying that in order for some to continue being
generous, wealth AND poverty need to be sustained? I’m going to have to think about this.
d. Freire is absolutely right - all this ‘generosity’ just makes rich people look like the heroes
when actually they are the villains.

e. How can you possibly say something as ungrateful as option d?

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: D


19. “In capitalism, profit happens when the capitalist pays labour x for their labour which is worth x+p. p
then is profit.” My personal opinion on this statement is most closely described by:
a. So what you are saying is that profit is the result of expropriation without compensation? I
can see the truth in this when I look at who gets rich and who gets poor.
b. That is a really interesting perspective which I hadn’t thought about before.
c. Rubbish.
d. Rubbish. Profit comes from innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit.
e. This is fine - without profit there is no capitalism and it is capitalism that bring wealth to
humanity as a whole.

Choice now: E

Choice in assignment 1: E


20. “I didn’t join the struggle to be poor.” (Smuts Ngonyama) My personal opinion on this statement is
most closely described by:
a. Me neither.
b. No one joins the struggle to be poor.
c. It is this sort of attitude that has led to widespread corruption.
d. This is counter-revolutionary – you don’t solve oppression by becoming an oppressor.

Choice now: D

Choice in assignment 1: D


Number unchanged: <10>
Number changed: <10>

To conclude, looking at the preceding sections of this portfolio, the most important things which I
learned in this module were:

In this module I learnt a lot of things, my judgment of things and life was changed on many things. The
following are some of the things I learnt I learnt that I need to make some adjustments and some
lifestyle changes as I am affecting the environment and the ecosystem negatively by consuming too
many resources, producing too much waste and emitting a lot of carbon dioxide which is not good for
the environment and the ecosystem.

I have learnt about rules of engagement by replying on students’ answers- this improved my
communication skills, I had to voice out my opinion on their choice of answers in a rational manner
without insulting or putting down other students. I also got to learn about doing what is right based on
Immanuel Kant’s theories, as an individual I should have morals and do what is right in whatever
situation. All lives are equal, and no life should be put above the other, this is one of the things I learnt-
all living species have a right to live. Many are dying because of poverty, and it is not sorely up to the
government to change this, everyone who is able to contribute and bring about change should do so in
which every way they can. And some animals are having their rights to live being taken away because of
superstitious beliefs, we can also change that by understanding that their lives matter just as the lives of
people’s matter, therefore we should try to protect and save them because it is the right thing to do.
Another important thing I gained knowledge on is inequality and unfairness. Some people are more
privileged and have easy access to a lot of opportunities and some people are discriminated against and
denied opportunities because of their gender, religion, race, background, financial status. This goes to
show that inequality is rife and will be for a very long time. One can go to school and study for years but
be refused employment because of their skin color or their gender while another can get hired with no
qualifications because of their background, skin-color or gender. This module has made me learn to
think deep on certain issues and to make the right choices that will not be of negative effect on another.
I also understand that I have to work hard to make it in life (even though this does not always workout
for everyone- some work hard with no benefits to reap) and not rely on handouts from other people or
the government, I am able to upgrade my skills and there are many free opportunities that assist me
with this.

Sus1501 has definitely proven me to be a crazy module that had me a question my career choice as well
but after careful consideration and long- hard thoughts. And this module was one of my modules that
gave me the challenge since from last year and I think it is one of the beneficial also life changing
module I have come across.

NB: This should be the most substantial comment in this portfolio and must give us a clear indication
whether you have thought deeply about this module. It should be at least 500 words long. >


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