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Secret Dawson – Educational Escape Story Template

-Hidden relics and ancient mysteries

Instructions for Instructor to read to begin the activity, and divide the class into groups of 4-5 students
(after bringing the class to order:)


Secret Dawson Story:

Deep beneath the site of this old building, long before the first cornerstone was set in 1904.
Under the Heart of what is now called Dawson College, was placed ….

What do you know about where you are right now?

Your group is tasked with unsealing the following mystery:

Long ago, the site of this amazing edifice was chosen.

For a reason.


Figure it out, learn the story, and find the treasure. It may not be what you expect.

Your search begins like this:

“Several years ago, when doing routine maintenance, crawling beneath a dark sub-basement of Dawson
College, an inspector noticed a loose rock in the original foundation and found six concealed
cobblestones. Deep deep deep below the classroom in which you now study, below the stones was
found a hidden metal case.

Hidden by whom? When? Why?

Easily opened, inside the box was a curious object. (cypher wheel)

What is it? How does it work? What hidden secrets will it reveal?

You are here now. So you will now be given access to part of this hidden knowledge: An initiate.

Did you know that the original building in which you study was created to house and educate a
community of young women?

When this community of women was first formed in 1663 by Marguerite Bourgeoys in what is now
called Montreal. These nuns were “uncloistered” – allowed to move freely to teach and travel in the
first days of this city. In 1694 the rules changed. They could no longer leave their convent to live in the
larger world. The women rebelled.
And in their efforts to remain free, developed a secret system of communication: A CYPHER WHEEL

This wheel was laid for future students to use, to remember the original mission of this building. In case
it might ever be needed again.

In the process you can use this wheel to unlock information that is connected to your studies – in this

Did you know? Sacred Doors at Dawson

Originally, this building was the location of a convent of nuns. The main door that faces Sherbrook was
considered a sacred portal: There were only two times in the life of a nun that she would pass through
those very special doors:

Once, entering the convent as a novice.

Once, leaving the convent in a casket.

(In final suitcase, with clues could give information: Ancient seat of Learning – Hochelaga, townsite of
first nations, leaders in knowledge gleaning. This site was renowned for inspiration. For creating
learning, and feeding knowledge. Nurturance. Etc)

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