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“To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical

Remember that this is only a guide and that it may not include everything … but it is

You should be able to identity each of the following and describe its significance to
our study of the issue:

-Legacy -Indigenous People -Colonizing Motive

-Imperialism -First Contact -Aggressive Motive
-Colony -Residential Schools -Missionary Motive
-Sphere of Influence -White Man’s Burden -Economic Motive
-Protectorate -Leadership Motive
-Cultural Convergence -Strategic Motive

-Prince Henry The Navigator -Berlin Conference -Sepoy

-Vasco de Gama -The White Man’s Burden -Sepoy Rebellion
-Silk Road -Triangular Trade (The India Mutiny)
-Cortez -Slave Trade -Robert Clive
-Pizarro -Boers -How British rule affected India
-Depopulation -The Great Trek
-Cecil Rhodes
-Boer War

-Opium wars (1839-42) -Treaty of Kanagawa -Capitalism

-Treaty of Nanking -Meiji Period -Exchange of Goods
-Extraterritoriality -Mercantilism
-Open Door Policy -The Industrial Revolution
-Taiping Rebellion (1850-64)
-Boxer Rebellion (1899-1900)

See next page….

Consider the following questions during your review…

1. Where did the Aboriginal groups we studied live in North America?

2. Explain the differences between the Aboriginal and European views of the world

3. Which of the motives for imperialism was most responsible for historical

4. How far back does globalization date?

5. If the primary reason for branching past one's homeland was to obtain goods
unavailable at home, what else was exchanged in doing so?

6. What is an alternative word for depopulation as it applied to the Beothuk?

7. Has Canada always lived up to its current belief in multiculturalism?

8. Explain how the traders along the Silk Road gave way to mercantilism which then
gave way to capitalism.

9. Why was capitalism more motivating than mercantilism?

10. Which European countries were 'best' at imperialism?

11. What were the reasons for the Age of Decolonization?

12. Why was African not appealing during the early stages of imperialism?

13. What occurred at the Berlin Conference?

a. Were the borders that were created good or bad for African development?

14. What were the legacies of colonialism in most areas where it occurred?

15. Why is China changing its philosophy to embrace capitalism?

a. What have been the advantages of this move so far?
b. Have there been any drawbacks to this move so far?

16. How did the Europeans justify their treatment of Aboriginal people everywhere?

17. What is the legacy of Canada's residential school system?

18. What is an appropriate response to the negative legacy of residential schools?

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